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Antique Apple Blossoms

– raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free – I have wanted to do this “apple art” for at least a year now. I am not sure why it took me so long getting around to it.  I lost track of how many times I bought the apples… and how many times, I… read more »

How and Why to Temper Cacao (Chocolate)

Learning how to temper chocolate so it will produce a smooth, glossy finish and that familiar firm snap after it sets.

Apricot Hazelnut and Sage Coastal Crackers

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Our local grocery store has a nice line-up in the produce section of fresh organic herbs.  I tend to find myself standing in front of them, thumbing through as if they were a deck of cards. Like a magician, the words…  “Pick a card, any… read more »

Nutty Raisin Bran Flakes

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ How do you wake up in the morning?  Do you roll out of bed so slow that you flop onto the floor, jolting yourself awake?  Do you hit snooze three times?  Do you bounce out of bed ready to take on the day?  I have… read more »

Glazed Cinnamon Pecans

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Whoever said you can’t guarantee happiness clearly has never tried this recipe. Glazed Cinnamon Pecans taste just like gourmet candied nuts. They are gently tossed in a lightly salted sweet glaze that is crunchy and addicting! Whenever we have a salad in a restaurant Bob always enjoys… read more »

Sherbet-Berry Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I named this recipe Sherbet-Berry Fruit Leather because it reminded me of sherbet the moment I dipped my spoon in the blender craft to take a taste test!  It was so heavenly that I wasn’t sure whether to continue making a leather out of it,… read more »

Dried Fig, Almond and Oregano Coastal Cracker

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Coastal crackers are a line of crackers that I have developing over time.  I have really been enjoying the whole pairing and matching of ingredients… creating new flavors, at least new to me. Crackers come in a large array of flavors. We have the plain-Janes that provide… read more »

Rubbing Alcohol Pest Treatment

I always have a spray bottle ready and waiting for the next houseplant pest attack! Rubbing alcohol is the kind of alcohol most often recommended as an insecticide, and it usually is sold as a mixture of 70 percent isopropyl alcohol and 30 percent water.  Luckily, I haven’t had to… read more »

Apple Pie Crackers

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I am not going to tell you that this is my new favorite cracker. Nope, not gonna do it. I refuse! I mean really… how many crackers can become my favorite?  You will start to lose faith in me… sheesh…. to claim that this… read more »

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Cookies with Honey Cream Icing


– raw, gluten-free, grain-free – This cookie has become one of my all-time favorites.  Not only in texture but also in flavor.  With one tiny taste test, the first word that roared from my lips was, “Heaven”! They have a buttery, rich brown sugar taste in every single bite with… read more »

Tropical Flax Crackers

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ The other night as I was tossing and turning in bed I got to thinking about flax crackers.  Why at that particular time and hour, who knows.  I am sure many great creations were thought of in the twilight hours of the day. So… read more »

Chocolate Orange Tootsie Chews

I always knew that the two flavor, chocolate, and orange paired well…. but I still have to ask…. “Who’d have thought that dark chocolate and orange would make such a perfect match?!”

Rosemary Coastal Bread

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ This here bread is sweet, savory, and hardy… not only is it a solid textured loaf that is appropriate for sandwiches and spreads, but it is utterly delicious all on its own.   I purposely left larger nuggets of sunflower seeds in the bread to… read more »

Italian Pizza Pockets

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ If you want to take a quick trip to Italy but are low on funds… these Italian Pizza Pockets will take you there instantly, and you won’t suffer from jet lag! There is something very therapeutic and rewarding when making your food from fresh, living… read more »

Cajun Bread

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, paleo ~ This recipe was inspired by a 20+ pound bag of carrots that carried into the house, plopped on the table, fell into the chair, and sat staring at it in pure exhaustion. With my hair matted to my face, dirt under my nails…… read more »

Blueberry Coconut Cauliflower Porridge

Purple cauliflower gets its beautiful hue, which can vary from pale to jewel-toned, from the presence of the antioxidant anthocyanin, which is also found in red cabbage and red wine. They are not genetically engineered, instead, they are a mixture of heirloom varieties

Sweet Georgian Pecan Homogenized Milk

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Sweet Georgia pecans make for an excellent nut milk.  If you think all pecans taste the same or close “enough”… think again.  That goes for all nuts. It is very very important to taste test the nuts you buy. Keep a particular note of the brand… read more »

Rosemary Cranberry Carrot Cake

 ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Rosemary Cranberry Carrot Cake is an incredibly moist cake that uses a blend of ground activated almonds, oats, and for the “flour” base almond pulp.  The almond flour gives the cake a beautiful lofty texture which is exactly what I was aiming for. This delicious… read more »

Soft Brown Sugar Ginger Cookies

Raw, Vegan, Gluten free Soft Brown Sugar Ginger Cookies

Soft Brown Sugar Ginger Cookies ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Sweet potatoes are commonly paired with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and other warming spices, along with brown sugar or maple syrup.  They were a perfect complement to the ginger cookie that I was making this past week. These cookies turned… read more »

Coconut Date Butter

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ After pulling my beautiful loaf of Raw Banana Walnut Bread out of the dehydrator, I wanted a neutral-flavored “butter” to slather on top of a slice of warm bread.   The neat thing about this “butter”  is that once it is chilled, it firms… read more »

Blackberry Banana Lavender Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Blackberries contain an extremely dark pigment which allows them to be used as a colorant and gives them one of the highest antioxidant ratings in common fruits and berries. Rich in ellagic acid, anthocyanins, and antioxidants, they have been called the “king of berries”… read more »

Peppermint “Sugar” Cookies

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ While I was creating raw cookies for the holiday season,  I found that I was craving… color!  I LOVE all the raw cookies but in the end, they tend to all look alike.  I do love all the beautiful earthy colors of browns and tans… read more »

Cardamom Laced Apricot Blush Cream Pie

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ For this dessert, I used one of my favorite pans… an 8″ deep dish tart pan.  I have never hidden the fact that I LOVE kitchenware.  Dishes, measuring spoons, measuring cups, baking pans, molds, ooooh the list goes on and on.  I am a fan… read more »

Delectable Dark Rich Chocolate Pudding

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Let’s talk puddin’ (pooodin as I would say).  Have you ever had a pudding before where you took one bite, and you got that O-M-G-I-Have-Died-And-Gone-To-Heaven, response?  This is exactly the experience I had this afternoon when I made this dessert for a friend of… read more »

Cinnamon Apple Raisin Buckwheat Crisps

raw vegan Cinnamon-Apple-Raisin-Buckwheat-Crisps with fresh green apple

Cinnamon Apple Raisin Buckwheat Crisps ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ I receive emails on a regular basis from readers who ask for advice on what raw food staples would be quick and easy.  Two words that we all love when it comes to food prep, huh?  So, presenting on the… read more »