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American Cheese Singles

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Do you remember Kraft Singles American Cheese? It is sold as individually wrapped “slices” that are not really sliced off a block, but instead, formed separately during manufacturing. It is a processed cheese product made with: milk, whey, milk protein concentrate, milkfat, sodium citrate, contains less than 2% of calcium… read more »

Mise en Place (everything ready)

Mise en Place Mise en place, pronounced MEEZ ahn plahs, is a French culinary phrase which means having all your ingredients prepared and ready to go before you start cooking. Translated to English, it means “put in place.” You may already apply this technique in your life. For instance, when… read more »

Almonds | Soaking and Drying

Raw Food Diet

Almonds, Soaking and Drying Soaked almonds are often referred to as; soaked almonds sprouted almonds or activated almonds.   There is an important reason why we go through this process… Nuts have enzyme inhibitors that prevent them from germinating in dry conditions. They also contain phytic acid, which can make… read more »

Almond Pulp (white, without almond skins)

Almond pulp is the by-product from making nut milk.  It is a wonderful ingredient for making raw crackers, cookies, breads, tart crusts, and so on. Never throw this stuff away! If you make small amounts of the almond milk, place the pulp in a freezer-safe ziplock bag and pop it… read more »

Cherry Chip Layer Cake

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Below in the ingredient list, you will be directed to another post that instructs you on how to make the Cherry Chip cake batter.  There you can read my little story behind my love for cherry chip cakes. I am pretty sure that I… read more »

Almond Pulp

How to Make Raw Almond Pulp

Almond Pulp Almond pulp is the by-product from making nut milk.  It is a wonderful ingredient for making raw crackers, cookies, breads, tart crusts, and so on.  Never throw this stuff away!  If you make small amounts of the almond milk, place the pulp in a freezer-safe ziplock bag and… read more »

Medjool Dates (sweetener / binder)

Raw Food Diet

Just because the dessert recipes on my site  (or any other raw site) are raw, created on the foundation of whole foods, and are healthier than the typical SAD (Standard American Diet) desserts…  they are still desserts and should be consumed with the same sensibilities.  I am not here to debate which sweetener… read more »

Espresso Infused Chocolate Doughnut

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Are you looking for a little dose of happiness? This is a recipe for thick, chocolate, delicious doughnuts that just happen to have a kiss of coffee in every bite. As tasty as they are and certainly more nutritious than store-bought doughnuts, we tend to feel guilty when… read more »

Butterscotch Tootsie Chews

I love the flavor of butterscotch with its rich taste of butter and brown sugar. But we won’t be dealing with butter or brown sugar, instead, I opted for Medjool dates to fill the post for the brown sugar and then used a combination of organic butterscotch flavoring, along with lucuma to find that deep richness.

Peanut Butter & Jam Sandwiches

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Peanut Butter & Jam Sandwiches are one of the all-time favorite comfort foods!  They offer up a delicious pairing of salt and sweet that will leave your mouth-watering for more.  Be sure to have yourself an ice-cold nut milk handy because these dunk beautifully!… read more »

Gingerbread Tea Brownies

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, Paleo ~ It’s going to be a sad day when the holiday season passes us by… Thank goodness they make cookie cutters for every occasion, though!  Shew, I almost thought I was going to go through withdrawals.  haha For this recipe, I used Gingerbread Chai Tea… read more »

Oat Groat Flour – made from oat groat pulp

The other day I processed my dehydrated oat groat pulp into flour.  I labeled the jar and left it on the counter.  My mom later picked up the jar and looked at me… “Did you mean to write groat?  What’s a groat?  I thought you made flour?”   She thought… read more »

Psyllium (thickener)

Are you looking for a way to thicken your recipes plus have the added benefits of nutrition? Psyllium is a wonderful option that delivers both. What is psyllium? It is available as coarse “husks” or finely ground. Psyllium seed husks contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber dissolves… read more »

Lime Cooler

~ vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ This is one of my favorite drinks to make when we have house parties.  It is so refreshing and so easy to make. But I also have alternative motives when serving this to my guests. For starters, mint is a great appetizer and palate cleanser. I want to… read more »

Peanut Butter Banana Split on a Stick

raw, vegan, gluten-free Desserts - peanut butter banana split on a stick

Peanut Butter Banana Split on a Stick ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ What a treat, peanut butter cookies, banana ice cream, chocolate – individually each is amazing all on its own… together they are like a finely tuned orchestra, and the taste buds are the backup choir singing its praises.… read more »

#9 – Kombucha SCOBY HOTEL

Every time fresh sweet tea is added to a batch of kombucha, a new SCOBY is be born. Break out the streamers! This new growth can be peeled off and shared with a friend, or it can book a room at the prestigious SCOBY HOTEL. :)

Taco “Walnut-Meat”

Raw Food Diet

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Go ahead, wrinkle your nose, turn your head in disbelief, slam your laptop cover closed in disgust (carefully), sigh and say, “Eeeewww!”…. ok good, now that you got that out of your system… we can get down to business :) Trust me, I used to… read more »

Shredded Rainbow Salad

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Today, I wanted to share with you my amazing, incredible, powerhouse salad.  For the healthiest salad foundation,  I started with a dense dark leafy green… kale! From there, I tried to add in every color of the rainbow because, in the end, I knew I… read more »

Golden Turmeric Paste

Where turmeric has been used as a spice in Indian recipes and as an Ayurvedic medicine for many thousands of years, it only became a known spice to me roughly three years ago. So, I am a little slow to the culinary boat. Before that, the darn stuff scared me. I mean… read more »

Our Thanksmas Celebration

Good morning! I hope this email finds you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I have been so busy this past month and I wanted to share with you just what the heck I have been up to. By the time you get this email, we will be in the midst of a week-long “Thanksmas” Celebration with some of our family and friends. As much as I wish YOU were joining us, I thought that by sharing some of my creations, decor, and ideas, it would bring you into our world a little bit more.

Have a blessed and happy weekend, hugs. amie sue

Spider Mites | Plant Pest

Spiders, in general, are enough to make a person’s skin crawl. I often find that if I don’t make eye contact with them, I will survive the encounter. The problem with spider mites is that they are nearly invisible to the naked eye. You usually need a magnifying lens to… read more »

Southern Creamed Corn

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Southern Creamed Corn… is an old-time favorite that was introduced to me back in my 20’s.  I friend of mine, who was from the South, used to make her version of creamed corn by melting a stick of cream cheese in a saucepan with fresh… read more »

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Sandwich Cookies

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ As I was rolling out the dough for these cookies, my great-grandmother came to mind.  We spent countless hours in the kitchen rolling out dough… whether it be for bread or for cookies. She played a very important role in my life as I was… read more »

Fruity Flax Snack’n Crackers

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I really should have named these, “Fruit Flexible Flax Snack’n Cracker.” They are not your typical crunchy cracker… they are chewy. A new wonderful mouth sensation when it comes to cracker eating. A simple snack that brings you complex nutrition. With each bite, you… read more »

Jicama Noodles

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, alkaline ~ What is round, bulbous, firm, juicy, and tan in color?  Yep, you guessed it! A jicama!  It is a root vegetable and believe it or not it is part of the legume family and grows on vines (its vine can grow up to… read more »