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Christmas Storybook Tradition

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I don’t know if you feel the same way, but I love traditions. I am not referring to routines which are totally different. We all have daily routines in some form or fashion. Your alarm clock may go off routinely; you may make a smoothie every morning, you check the mailbox every afternoon at 3:00 pm or you may look at Nouveauraw for daily inspiration.  Routines come and go based on life ‘s necessities.

Traditions, on the other hand, are long-established customs that get passed on through the years and tend to stay with you no matter where you are in life. Traditions give us a shared identity. Not only do they strengthen our bond as a family unit, but they also create structure, stability, a sense of familiarity, safety, and they help us to nourish one another.

Traditions can be big or small, but they differ from routines and habits in that they are done with a specific purpose in mind and require thought and intention. I am always seeking ways to bond with my husband and traditions lend a certain magic, spirit, and texture to our everyday lives. For instance, years ago, Bob and I created a ritual of enjoying a cup of coffee (or whatever)  together every morning. Even when we have company in the house, we wake up early so we can snuggle on the couch and enjoy a cozy beverage together.  As we yawn and become wide-eyed for the day, we check in with one other, “How did you sleep? How are you feeling? What are the goals for the day?” and so forth.


We try to do this very same thing roughly between one and three pm as well. Even though we live and work together 24/7, we still find that sitting down together and connecting keeps us on track or helps us redirect the direction of the day. We rarely miss these little traditions.  For it’s moments like these that manifest an antidote to the harried feeling that comes from our fast-paced and ever-changing world. They bring grounding, comfort, and the feeling of being present.   This one little practice may seem silly to you, but researchers have found that families (couples) that engage in such traditions report stronger connection and unity than families that haven’t established rituals together.

Married Seventy-eight Years

This past November, we celebrated Thanksmas. You can read about that (link) if you missed it. Both of my grandparents joined us for the first time and what an honor that was. One day grandma was talking about how long they have been married with a big smile shining in her eyes… seventy-eight years! I find it difficult to wrap my head around that number and it got me to thinking – when a person spends that many years with a spouse you inevitably create traditions especially when you have kids and grandkids.

Then I thought about Bob and me. We have been married for over ten years, and we don’t have any children, so the traditions we create are between just the two of us. We won’t have the luxury of being married as long as my grandparents so if we want to enhance this type of special bond between us, it is up to us to create those magical moments that will continue with each blessed year that we have together.

So, I decided to create another heartwarming, inner-child approved tradition with Bob.  I purchased ten children’s Christmas storybooks for us to read to each other, starting ten days before Christmas. We will get the fire going in the fireplace, pour us a warm tea/coffee/hot chocolate, dim the lightening (but not too low so we can still read hehe), wrap ourselves up in a fluffy blanket on the couch, and get lost in the innocent wonderment of a child.

Next year for our 11th Anniversary, I will add another Christmas book to our collection and then we will start reading them 11 days for Christmas. Catching the trend of where this is heading?

I wrapped each book in paper and numbered them. They will all reside in the living room, piled on the coffee table.  They will be waiting for us to unwrap one each night as Christmas grows closer. Don’t forget to take a moment to close your eyes, draw in a few deep belly breaths, and savor these moments. Have a blessed and wonderful holiday, amie sue

4 thoughts on “Christmas Storybook Tradition

  1. Penny says:

    Dear Amie Sue,
    The new tradition which you & Bob have started is a wonderful idea of
    sharing your story books daily, before Christmas. Thank you & 🎁MERRY 🎁CHRISTMAS & HAPPY, HEALTHY 2019 to you both❤️

  2. cjan7 says:

    Love your Traditions!! John and I, since we have the “Empty Nest”; are on the same page as you and Bob. I’m up early and then John; for he works pretty hard during the day… 50 years together, this year! Praising God for all the memories throughout our years together…Went to church school together..But after we’re done with our personal devotions … We head to our couch in the bedroom and have a devotion and prayer together. John makes my herbal tea for me.. Afraid it’s not that tasty as your’s and Bob’s…LOL Turmeric, cayenne, N.A Ginseng, Reichi Mushroom, Cedar berries, and whatever else we put in there, Apple cidar vinegar… But it wakes us up..LOL… And ofcourse during this time of the season… We read the first chapters of the Desire Of Ages… All on the life of Christ… Love the traditions and what it does for our marriage and our walk with God. The bond is amazing and it keeps us on the same path together… Thank you for sharing this special part of your lives with us!!

    And your grandparents coming to be with you was a treasure!! What a blessing!! You and Bob and Milo…. enjoy to the fullest this special time of the season. hugs, jan

    • amie-sue says:

      Oh Jan, this was soooo beautiful to read! You painted the picture so well and I could feel the love and warmth between the two of you. I really appreciate that you shared this with me… us. :) And you tea sounds AMAZING and healing for the body! Your words will always be in my heart. hugs! amie sue

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