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Almond Hooter Cookies

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Almond Hooter Cookies displayed on an old white door

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~

This Almond Hooter Cookie was inspired by and for my sweet little sister who is going crazy over owls these days.  I love her to death and can’t wait to surprise her with these fun little gems.

She lives thousands of miles away but in 2 days I will be able to see her as I am visiting my hometown.  I hope they survive the airplane ride. They will travel on my lap if they have to just to ensure their safety.   The picture above was taken this last summer.

Recipe update 5/21/15  I made this recipe today and made a few modifications to the recipe… taking new photos and simplifying things.  The ingredient list and measurements didn’t change.

Since my original posting of this recipe back in January of 2011, my sister has lost her love-affair for all-things-hooting. lol, She still loves them but doesn’t want anymore owl gifts. It’s funny how that happens.  You mention to someone that you like something and all of a sudden you are a collector. :)

This happened my aunt many years ago when she remarked how she just loved ducks.  I kid you not, soon her house was filled with ducks… towels with ducks, mugs with ducks, little ceramic ducks… you name it, she had it.  People just kept buying her duck stuff based on that ONE sentence. lol,  The only ducks that she likes now are the ones that she feeds down at the park. :)

These cookies are as adorable in person as they are in the photo. You just can’t help but smile when you make them.  They go together very easily and would be a great “project” for you and young ones. I hope you enjoy this recipe and please let me know how it goes.  Blessings, amie sue

raw vegan Almond Hooter Cookies Ingredients:

Yields 22 hooters


  1. In a food processor, fitted with the “S” blade, combine the oats and salt.  Process until the oats are broken down to a small crumble / flour-like texture.
  2. Remove the lid and add the cashew butter, agave, honey, coconut oil, and vanilla.  Process until the dough collects into a ball as it spins.
  3. If the dough remains crumbly, add a tablespoon of water.
  4. Create 28 cookies with a 2 Tbsp cookie measuring scoop.  Place them on a non-stick sheet and flatten them.
  5. Take 6 of the cookies and cut them into 8 equal, pie shape pieces.
  6. For the eyes, roll each one into a ball and place two on each cookie for eyes.  I have photos to below to help.  Do not flatten them.
  7. For the feet, take a small fork and make two indentions where the feet are.
  8. For the nose, press a whole almond into the center of the cookie with the pointy end facing downward (see photo)
  9. Transfer the owls to the mesh sheet that comes with the dehydrator tray and dehydrate at 145 degrees for 1 hour, then reduce to 115 degrees (F) and continue drying for about 8 hours.
  10. After they are dry, press the chocolate chips into the two small dough balls, pointy end of the chocolate chips facing downward.
    • Have fun and place them in different spots as though they are looking around.
    • If you use store-bought chocolate chips you add them before they go into the dehydrator.
    • If the chips are raw, they will melt while you are dehydrating the cookies.
  11. Store in a single layer in an airtight container.

I wanted to give you a visual on what the dough looked like.

over view of the texture of the cookie dough for raw vegan Almond Hooter Cookies

Create all the cookie balls first.

creating the base for the for raw vegan Almond Hooter Cookies

Then lightly flatten all of them.

flattening the dough for raw vegan Almond Hooter Cookies

Create the eyes.

creating eyes for the raw vegan Almond Hooter Cookies

Place two balls on each cookie but don’t flatten or press down

on them.  Then create the feet marking with the tip of the fork prongs.

creating feet for the raw vegan Almond Hooter Cookies

Add the whole almond making sure the pointy end is pointing

downward.  Nestle them right up between the eyes.

using an almond to create the beak of the raw vegan Almond Hooter Cookies

This is after I took them out of the dehydrator… they look like they

are sleeping.

raw vegan Almond Hooter Cookies ready for the dehydrator

Now it’s time for them to open their eyes… Wake up lil Hooter.

adding chocolate chips to create eyes for the raw vegan Almond Hooter Cookies

24 thoughts on “Almond Hooter Cookies

  1. Sandra says:

    Amie Sue, these are the cutest ever. I might have to try making these sometime.

  2. Sasha Adkinson says:

    I’m trying these tonight. wish me luck :)

  3. Jo-anne says:

    Hi Amie-Sue, I was wondering if there was a substitute for the oats and oat flour, as we are gluten intolerant? These look so cute and I would love to make them for my boys!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Jo-anne,
      I am so sorry for the delay in getting back to you! Oats do not have gluten in them. I have researched this (https://nouveauraw.com/?p=7673) but if it is a known fact that your boys respond negatively to oats, then by all means, we must find a substitute for oats because these are fun to make. :) I haven’t tried this but why not use almonds perhaps? Soak and dehydrate the almonds to remove the enzyme inhibitors first. Grind 1 cup to a flour consistency and they other 2 cups, grind in the food processor in small bits. The consistency of the cookie might be a tad different but I don’t think enough to really matter. Or perhaps use buckwheat as a replacement. Let me know what you think and again, I apologize for taking so long to respond! amie sue

    • amie-sue says:

      Just had another thought, how about almond pulp…the left overs from making almond milk? You got my thinking cap going!

  4. Jo-anne says:

    Hi Amie-Sue,
    Thanks so much for the suggestion, I will give the almond flour and the almond pulp a try and let you know how it goes! If the almond pulp works, that will be so wonderful as I don’t always know what to do with it. Although lately I have been using it as a face and body scrub, amazing stuff!

    • Jo-anne says:

      By the way, no worries about delay in replying, your comments are much appreciated!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Jo-anne,

      OH man, I wish I had an abundance of almond pulp. I have so many recipes that I want to experiment with but never have enough almond pulp on hand. If only there was a cafe that made nut milks in-house and needed to find a home for almond pulp…aaaah one can dream. hehe Have a blessed weekend. amie sue

  5. Heidi says:

    I just found your site and I am planning on trying to incorporate some RAW into my diet slowly. Can you recommend the top 10 or so ingredients to get started: This can get wuite expensive trying to get it all at once! Another question, after all the finding on the high fructose content in agave, do you still use it or recommend something else in its place? Thanks!!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Heidi,
      Welcome to Nouveauraw :) Introducing raw foods slowly is wise. It can take time for a person’s digestive system to catch up. Top 10 ingredients? hmmm, chia seeds (learn how to use them in smoothies, crackers, puddings, etc) or flax seeds (able to use like chia seeds), fresh fruits and veggies (I am sure that is a given), coconut oil and or coconut butter, gosh Heidi, it really depends on how you are approaching raw. Are you into smoothies, super foods, what is your end goal? Do you have a dehydrator? Regarding agave, there is a lot of controversy out there on it, my advice is to use it in moderation, test it out and see how your body feels when you consume it and try other sweeteners as well.

    • Heidi says:

      Wow! What a fast reply :) This may sound horrible, lol, but I am a lover of junk food! That is where I am going to start, replacing things like cookies with healthy, raw cookies, cakes, brownies, chips, etc. Maybe even breads and crackers.I do love smoothies and already do make those(I have a Blendtec). I figure if I can just replace that stuff I will do myself a world of good! I honestly will probably never be 100% raw. My friend had a demo a couple weeks back and had made some delicious pudding made with avocadoes! Delicious! I do have a dehydrator, but it isn’t a nice fancy one, lol. It is a round stackable with the fan on top. This site has me amazed at all the wonderful things you can make! It is very motivating!!

      • amie-sue says:

        Good morning Heidi,
        Ok, this helps me a bit to know where you are and what you plans are. :) As a lover of junk food I recommend kale chips! They help to satisfy the crunch, salty and snack cravings and trust me, I think you will find them addictive! There are tons of recipes on this site that should easily help you in the journey of “crowding” out the less then healthy foods that currently may be in your diet. You have the right process already as you talked about the smoothies you drink (starting to replace unhealthy ingredients with healthier ones). If you can keep that thought process in ALL foods you make and eat you will find it much easier than you think. Before long, your body will naturally gravitate towards more nutrient packed ingredients. Don’t think about “giving up” junk food, refrain from that thinking, that will only set you up for failure. The more healthy foods you add the more naturally the other foods will fall away. I don’t eat 100% raw myself, but I incorporate more raw than not.

        As far as a dehydrator goes, in time I recommend investing in an Excalibur dehydrator. It will make you life much easier. Having the right tools in the kitchen will help you out greatly. I am here if you have more specific questions. It’s my hearts passion to share any knowledge that I may have regarding health eating and living. Keep in touch and have a wonderful weekend!

  6. lyn says:

    i was wondering if there was a way of baking them in the oven since i do not have a dehydrator? i’m not sure of the temp though as i’ve tried 160 degrees (fan oven) for 12 mins then at 180 degrees for 12-15mins but i find that it doesnt go rock hard like and have that crunch that a regular cookie does. just wondering if you’d know what a good time/temp would be to make these.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Lyn, gosh I am not sure. I don’t bake any of my raw recipes. I would recommend just what you are doing… keep testing temps and times. Sorry that I am not much help in that area. amie sue

  7. Evelyn says:

    I absolutely LOVE your site! It’s just sooooo amazing. You have a wonderful in everything…sight, taste and just the look of things! Your recipes are great and I love the fact that they are healthy but still look wonderful and taste great!

    Thank you for all your care and love and all the joy you give to raw fooders!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you so much Evelyn. I do my best to express my passion through the foods I create. :) Nice to hear from you and please keep in touch. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend, amie sue

  8. toncheva svetlana says:

    i love you, you make me happy, i don t anymore be sick

  9. Alexandra says:

    Hi Amie,
    thank you so much for your site, I absolute love it!!
    You are an artist, and I’m so happy that you share every recipe with us!!
    I will try to make this cookies today….I’m sure kids would love them….let you know soon!

    Have a great day!!


    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Alexandra. These are so much fun to make, a real hoot. Sorry, couldn’t resist. lol Keep me posted and have a great day, amie sue

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