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Best of Raw: Time to Vote for all Your Raw Favorites

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This year I was nominated for The Best of Raw Awards, if you want to go and vote for me, please do.  Even if you don’t vote for me, be sure to check out the other raw sites that were nominated. I am sure that you will find some great resources!

To vote, visit the following link and it will take you to the voting page, or just click on the button below,  BestofRawFoods.com. It takes a second or two for the their page to fully load.  Once it does, click on the “online blog” category,  then scroll down a bit and look for my picture.  I realized when I had to fill out their form that Nouveau Raw doesn’t have a logo!  Tisk, risk.  I need to work on that. :)

The creator and founder of Best of Raw, Laura Fox, says, “We have created the Best of Raw Awards to honor and celebrate those who are educating humanity about adding more raw organic plant foods to the diet to increase health, decrease our eco-footprint and raise our spirits”.

The winners of the Best of Raw Awards are going to be announced at the Raw Living Expo.

I appreciate your vote and your time.  Many blessings, Amie Sue

45 thoughts on “Best of Raw: Time to Vote for all Your Raw Favorites

  1. Melissa Miller says:


  2. Jesse Gabriel says:

    Hallo Amie Sue.
    Ich habe gerade versucht sie zu nominieren, aber das kann ich leider nicht, weil ich nicht bei facebook bin. Oder gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit sie zu nominieren?

    Viele Grüße,

    • amie-sue says:

      Google translate:

      Hi Amie Sue.
      I’ve just tried to nominate, but unfortunately I can not because I’m not on facebook. Or is there another way to nominate them?

      Best regards,

      Oh no really Jesse? Let me contact them and see what they say… amie sue

  3. Jesse Gabriel says:

    Ja leider, aber vielleicht finde sie ja noch eine andere Möglichkeit!


    • amie-sue says:

      Ok Jesse, underneath the facebook login, is a line that reads “New to wizehive? click here to sign up with WizeHive” you can sign in through there. But you have to create an account with them which I don’t understand why. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, don’t worry about it. :) Have a wonderfulday Jesse!

  4. Gwendolyn says:

    Dear Amie Sue, I’d love to vote for you and your wonderful Nouveau raw, but my PC can’t make a conenction to BestofRawFoods.com. What to do. I did like you on FB aready! best of luck! Stay Raw, Gwendolyn

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi there Gwendolyn…. nice to hear from you. When you say that you can’t make a connection, what do you mean? The link doesn’t take you to their site? I hope you have a peaceful Sunday evening.. amie sue :)

  5. Maureen says:

    Hi Amie, voted for you . Good luck!

    • amie-sue says:

      Oh thank you Maureen… No luck needed, I am blessed whether I win or not… it’s all good! :) Thank you for you time in doing it. Have a warm and cozy evening. amie sue

  6. Katrien De Graef says:

    Done ! :-) I didn’t had to go to facebook to vote. I just clicked on the link of the website like you said so and then to the category ‘blog on line’ and then i had to register me and voted. As simply as that.
    I sincereley hope you win it. If I compare your blog with the other blogs, you have by far the best documentated and best looking and working blog and website! for me you are the winner.

  7. Jesse Gabriel says:

    Danke Amie Sue.
    Wenn ich besser Englisch könnte dann würde ich mich nicht so doof anstellen, bitte entschuldigen sie!

    So ich habe es so gemacht wie sie mir gesagt haben und meine Stimme haben sie.

    Viele Grüße,

    • amie-sue says:

      Google translate…

      Thanks Amie Sue.
      If I could speak better then I would not hire me as dumb, please excuse!

      So I have it made ​​like they told me and my voice they have.

      Best regards,

      Jesse, it is all good! Don’t apologize for not speaking well!! You speak beautifully in your own language… I understand you through google translate, though sometimes Google makes us laugh in how they transform the words to English. hehe Have a blessed week Jesse! amie sue

  8. Sam says:

    Hi i was also going to vote for you, but i don’t have a Facebook account.

    PS. I really love your website

    All the best :)

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Sam…. You can vote without a FB account. There is another way to vote, underneath the facebook login, is a line that reads “New to wizehive? click here to sign up with WizeHive” you can sign in through there. But no worries if you don’t want to go through all that. I wish they had made it easier to vote for people. Either way, all is good! Have a splendid day, amie sue

  9. Sonia says:

    It’s my pleasure to vote for you after all the great recipes, fantastic info, and excellent website you provide. I wish I could do more for all you’ve given me. Thank you.

  10. Barbara Powers says:

    I always view your email posts andwebsite links via smart phone and having trouble finding you (of 11 nominations 2 were not availableto view) will try later. Best to you!


  11. Elaine Barnes says:

    Just voted. My best to you and your awesome blog!

  12. Barbara says:

    Hi,Amie I want to vote for you as well but I cant remember face book
    login. my computer is old. will try to vote for you.

    Thx Barb

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Barbara… I appreciate the effort. I am sorry that they made it so difficult. I had no idea. Have a great evening, amie sue

  13. MartieB says:

    Sorry I’m not on FB and don’t feel comfortable signing with with wizehive. I have to tell you though that you have the best Raw food site. The best looking and the most creative ideas and of course absolutely delicious recipies. You explanation of the raw ingredients and techniques is fabulous. I have pretty much unsubscribed to most other raw blogs.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello MartieB…. Your kind words are far better than any vote. :) Don’t worry at all. Whether I win or not… either way… it won’t change a thing for my love of raw foods, sharing and moving forward with Nouveau Raw. Thank you for trying! Have a blessed day, amie sue

  14. Gina says:

    Hi Amie Sue,
    So glad that I can vote for my favorite raw website. I do hope that you win so that more people can find out about your wonderful recipes.
    Best wishes,

  15. suzie blair says:

    No 1, I voted for you. I did as you asked and looked at some of the other sites. NO one holds a candle to you, your recipes are fantastic and your personality shines through.

    Thank-you for all your work!!!

  16. Abby says:

    I will happily do so…you have given me soooo much more confidence in trying a high-raw diet. I tried one of your breakfasts this morning – almond butter morning porridge – I did not have any almond milk, so I used water and I used a date as my sweetner…very good!

    I just got a dehydrator and I am going to make one of your breads soon…thank you!

    • amie-sue says:

      That is wonderful Abby! I am thrilled that you are enjoying it all. Keep me posted how you like the breads. Have a blessed day, amie sue

  17. Stephanie S. says:

    Done! You have the very best recipes for Raw cuisine; I recommend you to all clients (I’m a holistic health coach). This week am loving your raw burgers sandwiches (those buns are amazing!). Thank you for making raw fun and tasty!

  18. suzie blair says:

    In a number of your recipes, you call for almond or cashew butter. Would you mind posting how to make nut butters? I am concerned that if I don’t do it right, whatever recipe I put the nut butter in, such as cookies, will become greasy as I dehydrate them.

    Thank-you, I am having so much fun with your recipes as I learn.


    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Suzie.. believe it or not, I don’t have a post on how to make nut butters. But I will work on one soon! I have been meaning to, so thank you for the reminder. amie sue

  19. suzie blair says:

    Hi amie-sue, Thank-you, I would like that. I also realized that I was not clear with my question last night. I know how to make peanut butter, but making it as raw is a whole new ball game. I have searched the web and found that most want you to soak the nuts over night and then dehydrate them before grinding them into nut butter. They also add one or more of water, oil, agave and/or salt. I was trying to ask what is your method and recipe. If I am going to be using said nut butter in your recipes I want it to be the consistency and taste that you use, so it will react in the recipe as you expect it to. Along these same lines, when you ask for a half of a cup of freshly ground nut butter, do you mean that grinding some nut butter is part of preparing the recipe or I can use one half cup of a nut butter that I made earlier in the week.
    Thank-you, I hope my question don’t sound to silly, I just want to learn to do it correctly.

    • amie-sue says:

      I will work on a post for nut butters Suzie. But to answer your other question…when a recipe calls for nut butter, it means using a 1/2 cup of actual nut butter that is made. :) I am glad that you asked. We are all learning and that should be 1/2 of the fun! Have a great day, amie sue

  20. suzie blair says:

    Thank-you, I am afraid sometimes that my questions sound silly, but you are my guru to learn.

    Thank-you for helping

  21. Ludia says:

    So, my dear Amie-Sue, didn’t we won?
    The results of the contest are finally online and if I am reading it correctly nouveauraw came up as the best blog?
    If I am reading it correctly, and nouveauraw is one of the winners, I want you to shout it from the treetops, haha!


    • amie-sue says:

      Ludia… WE did WIN!!! I just found out for sure last night. I had someone mention that we had on the night of the ceremonies but I didn’t know for sure if it was true because nothing was posted regarding it. I would have thought that they would at least send the winners an email. :P I will make an announcement to the site really soon. I think I am still in shock. :) Thank you for your support, blessings amie sue

  22. Ludia says:


    Yes, one would have thought so, about sending emails to inform the winners.

    I am sooo happy for you!!

  23. Diana says:

    Amie-Sue, I missed this thread about voting as I hadn’t found your blog yet, but when another raw food blogger told us to nominate them at a best food blogger at Saveur, I actually voted for your because yours is my favourite raw food blog! Don’t know if this has been mentioned anywhere before, but here is the link because I feel your continued and tremendous effort with such beautiful results that work so well should be rewarded!

    I nominated you for best special diets blog and photography and best original recipes! Because I feel that out of all the raw food blogs done by a single person, yours is the best.

    Nominations being taken now and then on Mar.31.2014 we can go back to vote:

    Thank you so much, Amie-Sue for all your hard, delicious work!


    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Diana,

      Thank you soooo much. I haven’t heard much about Saveur so I am excited to check it out. I really appreciate your kindness and support. I will do a posting to let others know. Regardless of who they vote for… they need to vote. It is exciting to see healthier sites get involved! Have a blessed day and thank you for all your sweet and loving words. Much appreciated. :) amie sue

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