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Lemonberry Coconut Bar with Lemon Frosting

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Raw Lemonberry Coconut Bar with Lemon Frosting Recipe

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~

I am not sure if I should be embarrassed or not, but the inspiration for this sweet treat evolved from leftovers in the fridge.  I think I am often guilty of that.

I wish I could say that it came to me in a dream, or was inspired by some recipe that I watched unfold on the Food Network, nope, just leftovers.   I can’t handle wasting food, and I am always short on space.  Besides, I needed to use up the frosting before I lost all control and crawled into the fridge, cuddling the bowl as I ate it spoonful by spoonful. :)  The flavor profile in this little bar, Lemonberry Coconut Bar with Lemon Frosting, is just divine!


yields 9 x 9 pan


Strawberry Date Jam:




  1. Lightly dust the pan with some extra almond flour.  I used a 9 x 9 Springform pan in this recipe.
  2. To make almond flour, in your food processor, add the almonds and process until the nuts resemble a fine powder.  It won’t be light and airy like regular flour, but you shouldn’t see any chunks.  Be careful to not over-process, or you will be on your way to making almond butter.
  3. Add remaining ingredients and process some more until well mixed. This mixture should stick together after you press it between your
  4. Press into the baking pan evenly.
  5. Set aside while you make the Strawberry Date Jam

Strawberry date jam:

  1. In your food processor or blender, combine the two ingredients and blend till nice and creamy.
  2. Spread the jam over the Lemon Coconut Bars, cover with plastic wrap, and set in the freezer for about 30 minutes.  Just enough to make the jam firm so it will be easier to spread the frosting on top.

Lemon frosting

  1. Add to blender all ingredients except the coconut oil and lecithin, which will be added at the very end.
  2. Blend until smooth and creamy (3-5 minutes)
  3. While your blender is running, drizzle in the coconut oil and then slowly add the lecithin.  Blend well, but don’t over-process.
  4. Remove the bars from the freezer and pour the frosting over the Strawberry Date Jam layer.  Spread evening.
  5. Place in freezer or fridge till set up nice and firm.
  6. Slice and serve! Keep leftovers (if there are any, in the fridge)

The Institute of Culinary Ingredients™

Raw Gluten-Free Lemonberry Coconut Bar Dough in baking pan

Raw Gluten-Free Lemonberry Coconut Bar with Lemon Frosting in Baking Pan

Raw Gluten-Free Lemonberry Coconut Bar with Lemon Frosting in Baking Pan after freezing

Raw Gluten-Free Lemonberry Coconut Bar with Lemon Frosting Pieces ready to eat


23 thoughts on “Lemonberry Coconut Bar with Lemon Frosting

  1. susana says:

    so beautiful, congratulations on your skills,…the lemon frosting sounds delish….mmmmmmmmm

  2. Barri says:

    Made these last night and they are so delicious! It’s hard to put them away. My fiance thought it tasted like cheesecake, which is a huge compliment!

  3. Wendy says:

    What nut could be used in place of almonds? I’m highly allergic to almonds and would like to know what a good substitute would be for almonds.

  4. Liz says:

    Hi Amie-Sue
    Thanks for all the wonderful recipes. Your website makes me feel like could possibly succeed this time in going raw. I tried this one today, got it out of the fridge with great excitement, and discovered I hadn’t taken the pips out of the dates. So apart from picking them out as we eat our way through it, it’s delicious.
    I have been feeling intimidated by the dehydrator, but have my first batch of cookies in there. It’s strange, but I felt scared when I read to soak things – seemed a strange thing to do, but I did it for the first time today.
    I put the cookies in the dehydrator and said to my husband, well, another 9 hours and they’ll be ready. We burst out laughing. Usually with the oven, 10 minutes seems a long time to wait for cookies.
    Thanks again. I really appreciate you sharing your expertise.

    • amie-sue says:

      Dear Liz…. I know exactly what you mean about, “well in 9 hours they will be ready!” lol Kale chips are the one thing that I always laugh over because after hours of drying, they are usually gone in one sitting!

      Thank you for your sweet words. I am touched that you have found inspiration here. Anything new can seem odd and overwhelming but like anything else… you do it a few times and it becomes second nature. I am very excited for you though…. first time dehydrating….now soaking nuts! Awesome. :) I got into the habit years ago to immediately throw my nuts in to soak overnight the day I brought them home. Then pop them in the dehydrator… place in jars and they are ready to go whenever I get the bug to create something… which is – ah daily! lol My husband is a grazer, loves to snack all day, and nuts are a easy thing for him to grab… so having the nuts all ready saves him tummy trouble down the road. Again, it’s all about creating habits and routines in the kitchen. That goes for cooked or raw. Anyway, I am rambling. Please let me know how the cookies turned out for you!

      ooooh and those darn pits! They are sneaky, happy to hear though that you could still enjoy your treat. Happy New Year and many blessings, amie sue

  5. Steph says:

    This looks so good! Just one question. What is the purpose of cashews in the frosting? Can it be made without them? Thanks!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Steph,

      Cashew blend to an amazing creamy texture. The best I ever see in the raw world. It also gives nice body to the frosting. Are you not wanting to use nuts? amie sue

  6. Steph says:

    I can’t get raw cashews only ones from the store and even those I have to keep to a minimum because of my son. I really want to make this for my kids so that’s why I was wondering if I could leave the cashew out. Thank you!

    • amie-sue says:

      I see Steph, for this recipe, you can’t leave it out. It is the base for the recipe. You can try macadamia nuts or skinned almonds, but the texture won’t be like this one that I created. You could try using the recipe of the topping for the Key Lime Pie… that should work nicely on top of it. https://nouveauraw.com/raw-recipies/desserts/key-lime-pie/

      Have a great evening, amie sue

  7. Ana says:

    Hi Amie-Sue, this recipe is amazing, you are amazing! I have my version in the fridge and just but I had a quick look and it looks so nice! I have used coconut flour instead of cashews (raw nuts are quite dear here in the UK and the raw coconut flour is quite affordable) the base smelled heavenly like a cheese cake base!
    I am so grateful for having found your website!
    (I’ve left a message on another recipe regarding coconut flour but I can’t remember which one so thank you if you have replied!)

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Ana,

      You will have to keep me posted on how the coconut flour worked in place of the nuts. :) I so understand that some ingredients can be either be hard or expensive to get, so good job on finding a sub for them. Thank you for your sweet words Ana. Please keep in touch! amie sue

  8. Danielle says:

    Shove over Amie-Sue. Make some room in that fridge. I’m coming in there with you, girlfriend, to help you finish off that frosting!!!

    Looks fantastic. Getting lots of amazing ideas from you for christmas festivities this year.

    • amie-sue says:

      LOL You elbowed me in the ribs!!! :P We are so silly. Grab your parka and we will just camp out in there. haha

      I have thinking about a lot of different Christmas ideas too. I got an early jump on things this year because I know my days are going to be (and already have been) busy making all the foods that I am now selling locally. I LOVE this time of year and didn’t want to be stressed. So, I put up my tree (gulp) never done it this early but I am enjoying it. So peaceful. I also have most of my Christmas gifts made and wrapped and tucked under the tree. Anyway, I am rambling… Have a blessed nights sleep! amie sue

  9. Danielle says:

    LOL. Why not, I say. It’s the silly season (almost but I like to get in early).

    Wow you are so organised.

  10. Audrey says:

    Hello Ms Amie-Sue!! Im loving this and neeeeed to make these NOW!! I also absolutely LOVE medjool dates and that is precisely why I have none in the house….Who could have possibly eaten all of them?!!!
    I was wondering if I can substitute with dried figs? Audrey

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Audrey,

      lol I am guessing you ate all the dates. :) I have been in that situation a time or two myself. haha Dried figs would work just fine. Be sure to rehydrate if they are too dry which I usually find them to be. Enjoy and keep me posted if you make them. amie sue

      • Audrey says:

        I made them and…..YUM! I thought I better not mess with the genius that is Amie-Sue so I went out and bought the dates!! My whole family is freaking out….this runs in my family! My 13 yr old said, ‘I cannot believe how something this healthy can be this delicious!’ My brood has been sneaking in the freezer all day! Yay for you and Yay for me! I Adore these….I may have possibly put a smidge too much turmeric….the top layer looks like mustard! Haha! ooops! But the flavor is a WINNER! Thank you!

        • amie-sue says:

          A good freak out is good… just so happy it is a good one. hehe You made my morning Audrey. Thank you so much for sharing this experience with me. I felt like I was right there with you and your family, freaking out. lol Many blessings! amie sue

  11. Gabrielle says:

    Hi, was just wondering if it’s possible to omit the lecithin. Just that I don’t have any and would love to make it today. Or are they necessary for the firmness of it? Could ground chia seeds maybe do the same? Thankyou. I’ve made your yoghurt too, it’s currently fermenting in the oven so we shall see in the morning how it turns out!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Gabrielle, Personally, I would omit the lecithin. I find that with it my recipes come out perfect. You can proceed to make it without and I wouldn’t add any chia seeds into it. I hope you enjoy the yogurt. Have a blessed weekend, amie sue

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