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Chickpeas / Garbanzo Bean Sprouts

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Garbanzo beans, otherwise known as chickpeas, Bengal grams, and Egyptian peas, are a beige-colored legume. They have a delicious nutlike taste and a texture that is buttery, yet somewhat starchy and pasty… with a unique characteristic of earthiness to them.

In the nutrition department, they are rich in B vitamins, particularly folate, thiamin, and B6.  They’re also a good source of minerals like iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese.

Did you know that chickpeas have a “shell”?  It’s not noticeable as it is semi-transparent and requires some effort in removing. Many people recommend removing the papery skin that envelops the chickpea because it can make hummus or any other pate’ type form of chickpea to be gritty.  Others disagree.  What’s your experience?

But here’s the kicker…in the outer “shell” of the chickpea is a concentration of rich antioxidants such as quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin.

If you want to boost these antioxidants, select darker colored chickpeas…   they have a thicker coat (shell). The chickpea itself is high in the antioxidant compounds caffeic, vanillic, chlorogenic and ferulic acid, which are known to help combat free radicals and reduce inflammation.  For me, the shell stays so I can obtain as much of the goodness that they have to offer.

Are you a Sproutarian?

Many people believe that sprouting is the healthiest form of foods out there. Beans can be difficult to digest, but sprouting them can help to improve digestion.  If your digestion is weak, I would even go as far as suggesting to cook the chickpeas after sprouting them. Yes, I know, this site features raw recipes… in the end, it’s all about what works best for you body, not whether something is labeled raw or cooked.

So whether you continue to just sprout the chickpeas or cook them, the soaking process is vital. Through this process, there is a reduction of oligosaccharides, which should result in fewer problems with flatulence and bloating.  Another reason for soaking is that some of the phytase enzymes in the chickpeas may become activated and help to transform some of the phytic acid found in the beans. When phytic acid gets converted into other substances, it is less likely to bind together with other nutrients and reduce their absorption. (1) I read a pretty darn good article regarding the natural toxins and sprouting.  If interested, visit www.sproutnet.com.

Cooking raw sprouted chickpeas may seem counterintuitive, but again, you are preparing foods in ways that work best for you today. Let how you feel when you eat beans be your ultimate authority.  They say that you can still get some of the benefits from the sprouting process, plus a really short cooking time – like ten minutes instead of an hour and a half.   Raw sprouts are usually sweeter and once cooked they are meatier.  Blessings to you, amie sue


yield approximately 2:1



  1. Before washing the chickpeas, spread them out on a paper towel to check for small stones, debris or damaged beans. After this process, place them in a strainer and rinse them thoroughly under cool running water.
  2. Place in a quart-size jar or other sprouting container.
  3. Add 2-3 times as much cool (60-70 degree) water and salt. Stir the chickpeas to assure even water contact for all.
  4. Cover the mouth of the jar or bowl with a piece breathable fabric, such as cheesecloth.
  5. Soak for 8 – 24 hours.

Sprouting process:

  1. Skim off any skins or chickpeas that have floated to the surface. Toss them.
  2. Drain and rinse the beans thoroughly.
  3. You can sprout in a jar or even in a mesh strainer that is sitting over a bowl. (my favorite method since it gives more air circulation)
  4. Set your sprouting container anywhere out of direct sunlight and at room temperature (70° is optimal).
  5. If using a jar, invert the jar over a bowl at an angle so that the beans will drain and still allow air to circulate.
  6. Repeat rinsing and draining 2-3 times per day until sprouts are the desired length, usually 3-4 days.
  7. Drain beans for several hours before cooking or transferring to a covered container. Store sprouts in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.
  8. Food safety. Personally, I’ve never had any issues with mold or discoloration of my beans during sprouting, but if you ever feel that something is questionable or smells or looks off, please trust your gut and don’t eat it.

Gentle Cooking process: optional

  1. In a saucepan, add three cups of fresh water or for each cup of dried garbanzo beans.  The liquid should be about one to two inches above the top of the legumes.
  2. Bring them to a boil, and then reduce the heat to simmer, partially covering the pot.
  3. Cook for roughly 10 minutes or until soft but not mushy.
    • Add a little apple cider vinegar to the beans during the cooking process to aid in digestion.
  4. Store in fridge for up to a week.

10 thoughts on “Chickpeas / Garbanzo Bean Sprouts

  1. Elin says:

    I truly enjoy cooked chickpeas and never thought about sprouting them before cooking. My taste buds definitely have a preference for cooked chickpeas when it comes to hummus, with an abundance of flavours, the raw version has not yet made the same impression. So, thanks for posting a way to make the regular hummus in my opinion a tad better. I’m new on your site and I’m reading and reading all the things you have created. You are truly awesome and I am glad to have found your site. If you ever find the time, or maybe I haven’t found it yet. Kids’ meals would be great. My daughter is now 6 months old and she has just started her culinary journey with a lot of raw foods as well. Thank you for time. Have a nice day. Cheerio Elin

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you for the comment Elin. I think raw, sprouted chickpeas require certain taste buds, those of which are not found in my mouth. hehe Raw is wonderful but there are other methods that also help with our nutrient intake. :) So it’s nice to have options.

      I don’t have any children… I am not even sure what 6 month old babies eat. hehe Lots of soft, loving foods I imagine. :) I will keep that in my thought process. Blessings, amie sue

  2. Rawvie says:

    Hello Amy,
    I have a question, the chickpeas, after having them soaked, germinate, can they be frozen?
    Thank in advance and congratulations for your work I love your web page.


    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Rawvie,

      Good question. I know soaked, sprouted, cooked chickpeas are often frozen but I haven’t tried to with raw sprouted chickpeas. I am guessing you can though. Blessings, amie sue

  3. brendaalexander says:

    When you you use the 1 tsp himalayan salt listed in the “ingredients”? I could not find it in the instructions.

    Also, What brand of avocado oil do you use? What is the purest and most stable?

    Thanks, Brenda Alexander

    • amie-sue says:

      Sorry about that Brenda,

      I added it to #3 in the preparation list.

      Regarding avocado oil. I don’t use it a lot so I don’t have a favorite brand. Just make sure you are purchasing an avocado oil that is 100 percent pure. To select the healthiest and highest quality avocado oil, buy organic, extra virgin, unrefined and cold-pressed.

      Blessings, amie sue

  4. Lily says:

    Why does my chickpeas go mushy and don’t sprout?

    I soaked them overnight then rinse them 3x a day.
    After the 2nd or 3rd day, they go soft and mushy and skins float around and didn’t sprout.

    Please advise?

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Lily, I will do best to help. I will ask you a few questions so I can understand your set up and process.

      1. What type of container are you using to sprout in? Does it have continual drainage?
      2. Are they exposed to extreme temp changes in the space that you have sprouting in? For example: in front of window, next to the stove, etc.
      3. Are you using dried chickpeas, not canned?
      4. While sprouting do you have them out of direct light?

      Let’s start there. It can be challenging to diagnosis what is going wrong when I am not physically there to observe your technique, etc. blessings, amie sue

      • Lily says:

        Hello Amie-Sue
        1. I’m using a proper sprouting glass jar which has a lid with various size holes for drainage
        2. I place the jars sideways on a rack to allow drainage and it’s on top of my sink away from the window, covered with a cloth
        3. Dried, unpreserved peas
        4. Yes, out of direct sunlight, covered with a cloth

        When rinsing and draining, I shake the glass containers about 10x which causes the peas to break apart and the skin to fall off then eventually breaks apart.The water after rinsing is very very cloudy (starch).

        I have success with alfalfa, mung & brown lentils.
        But no luck with chick peas.

        • amie-sue says:

          Oh gosh Lily,

          I have been so caught up in life that I didn’t see that you had responded. I apologize.

          It sounds like you doing things correctly. Perhaps there is something wrong with the chickpeas you have on hand. They might have been irradiated. I would purchase new ones, making sure they are non-GMO (organic) and untreated.

          Have a wonderful holiday season, amie sue

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