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Marinaded Wilted Spinach Mushroom Salad

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raw vegan Marinaded Wilted Spinach Mushroom Salad served on a white plate

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~

Tonight’s dinner was created on the basis of a mishap.  Bob went to the grocery store with a list but missed reading the bottom portion, so only 1/2 of the ingredients came back for the Nori Rolls that I had in mind for us to make. So the Marinaded Wilted Spinach Mushroom Salad was born.

I realize that the spinach appears to be cooked in the photo, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. It has been wilted through the quick trick of gently massaging it with salt and lemon juice. These help to break down the cellular wall within the spinach.

Personally, I never liked cooked spinach because it felt slimy going down, but this way of preparing it doesn’t it. I hope you enjoy the fresh lightness of this salad. Blessings, amie sue


Wilting spinach:



Wilting spinach:

  1. In a large bowl, gently massage the spinach, salt and lemon juice until wilted.  The salt and lemon juice help to break the spinach down and give a cooked appearance.


  1. For the marinade – Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl and place veggies in sauce and stir until coated.
  2. Add in the wilted spinach and let stand for 15 to 30 minutes. Once ready…eat!
  3. Storage: Best to eat right away. We did store a portion of it in the fridge in a sealed container. We had to drain a little liquid off the next day and add a tad of salt, but outside of that, it was wonderful.

13 thoughts on “Marinaded Wilted Spinach Mushroom Salad

  1. Bridget says:

    This looks so wonderful. I am enjoying every bit of your site immensely. Thanks for posting this, I had no idea about the effect of lemon and salt on spinach. I will be making this asap!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Bridget,

      Lemon and salt have this wilting effect on all greens so keep that in your mind as you play around in the kitchen. Little miracle workers. :) Be well and happy! amie sue

  2. Marienka Homshaw says:

    Such a delicious salad that my husband wants it every night! I said “No” otherwise he will get sick of it and I want him to want it again each and every time he eats it.

  3. Joanne says:

    Delicious! I will be making this again, I added cucumber and capsicum to mine along with some spring onion and cashews. My daughter will love it too, so quick easy and tasty. Thank you (my new favourite site)

  4. kira says:

    This is so simple and delicious. I added some dried porcini just to take it over the edge. Thank You!

  5. Daniela says:

    Hello Amie-Sue,
    I am back to your inspirational site after a year of “not so delicious” food. I loove everything I tried from your recipes but about this spinach one I have some doubts: the wilted spinach would be okay the next day? I plan to have this for lunch tomorrow and I would like to prepare it form this evening. I am a bit worried that the spinach will be more like a paste after an overnight + couple of hours

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Daniela and welcome back! We have our slip ups or get distracted in life. The important thing is that you are back and are brining more live foods into your diet. hugs :)

      I am sorry that it took me a bit to respond to you. I have been on a “walk about” for the past 6 weeks (see blog posting). I am not fully integrating back into things but I wanted to start tackling some of the questions that have been collecting. :) All that to say, I appreciate your patience with me. :)

      I am not sure if you made this and found the answer out through trial. It is best to enjoy this salad the day you make it but I think giving it one day that it would still be fine. It’s possible that it might become watery due to the seasonings pulling moisture out from the spinach.

      Have a blessed day, amie sue

  6. GABI says:


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