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Marinated Mushroom Green Salad

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~

All things sweet set aside, I thought it was time to share a savory recipe with you.  I enjoy making salads but I never really think of sharing them on Nouveau Raw because they are so random and I figure that nobody wants a recipe for making a salad.

But then I got to thinking… “Who am I to assume?”  So here I am sharing this vibrant, vitamin and mineral packed, disease-fighting phytochemical, green leafy salad with you.

I will get to the mushrooms in a few minutes; I wanted to talk about the microgreens that I added to the salad. I have always been a lover of all things trial size and that is just what these greens are… Tiny adorable mini-sized greens that are prized for their tenderness and cuteness. And microgreens are rumored to pack even more nutrients than their adult versions. In fact, they say that they have four to six times more nutrients than the mature leaves of the same plant.

Are Microgreens Sprouts?

Microgreens are sometimes confused with sprouts, so we need to clear up the fact that they’re not the same thing. Sprouts are seeds germinated in water just long enough (usually 48 hours) to grow roots, a stem, and pale, underdeveloped leaves. Microgreens, on the other hand, need soil and sunlight and at least seven days to grow before you can harvest them.

As refreshing as a salad can be, it can sometimes cause a person to walk away from the table not quite satiated.  That’s why I brought in the Portobello mushrooms.  They have a sense of “meatiness” to them that give the overall salad that sixth sense of umami. Personally, I don’t care too much for raw mushrooms but once marinated, they take on a whole new “life” for me.   I recommend that you marinate them overnight so that they absorb the wonderful flavors from the liquid that they bathed in.

To round out the dish, I used the leftover marinade sauce to create a salad dressing.  This really brought everything thing together, giving it a hardy overall flavor, taking it from a side dish to a meal. I hope that you enjoy the recipe. Please comment below and have a blessed day! amie sue


Yields 2-4 servings

Marinated Mushrooms:

Salad Dressing:



Marinated Mushrooms:

  1. Wash, dry and remove the underneath gills of the mushroom.  Then slice about 1/2″ thick.
  2. In a medium-sized bowl mix the: coconut amino, olive oil, sweetener, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning.
  3. Add the mushrooms and gently toss, making sure that they are well coated.
  4. Cover the bowl with plastic and place in the fridge overnight to soak.  The longer, the better.  Throughout the soak time, toss the mushrooms around making sure that every piece gets saturated with liquid.
  5. Once ready to use, drain the mushrooms from the liquid, keeping the liquid for part of the salad dressing.

Salad & Dressing:

  1. In the blender combine the marinade liquid, Tahini, cashews, and dill.  Blend until creamy.
  2. In a large bowl,  mix the lettuce, carrots, leeks, and peas.  Add dressing and toss everything together, so the lettuce is well coated.  If you don’t plan on eating the whole salad in one sitting, apply the dressing as needed, so the lettuce doesn’t wilt.
  3. Place the salad mix on the plate and sprinkle the micro greens on top of the salad. Add the sliced, marinated mushrooms in the center, and enjoy!

20 thoughts on “Marinated Mushroom Green Salad

  1. Barbara says:

    Sitting in my garden on a balmy summer evening wondering what to do with a bag of mushrooms in my fridge . Checked my emails and there you are with the answer. Thank you

    • amie-sue says:

      I love it when stuff like that happens. :) Enjoy your warm weather. I am snuggled up in from of the fireplace right now… just love it. Have a wonderful day, amie sue

  2. Kathryn says:

    Delightful! Looks very inviting. Yes, please feel free to share savory dishes, salads, whatever. Whether it’s technique, presentation or flavor paring–even on a simple dish–there’s so much to be gained from your wonderful posts.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thanks Kathryn… part of my problem is that I have TOO many recipes to share that I can’t get them all out. Well, not without bomb-barding people with emails. hehe Thank you for the encouragement though. Have a happy day, amie sue

  3. Diana says:

    Hi, thank you for posting a salad recipe. It is most welcome! I often struggle with making new salads that my kids will like. My older son just discovered that he likes mushrooms so maybe he will like this salad. Also, I am looking for ideas about what to serve for Christmas dinner as this year my omnivore, junk food eating mother and brother are joining us and I know that they will be missing their meat, bread, cheese and alcohol. Lol. I will be making some cooked dishes for them too but they will have to be vegan as ours is a vegan household and mostly raw! It’s easy to find raw dessert recipes that would satisfy anyone bit trickier for dinner dishes. What main dishes would you recommend for Christmas dinner??? Thanks for sharing your recipes and blog–you are amazingly creative! I’m always awed by your posts.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Diana… I do understand the need to add variety to salad making. My salads end of being a hodge podge of ingredients, based on what I have rolling around in my frig and pantry. Salads don’t have boundaries to me. hehe Let me see if I can put together a compilation of holiday dinner ideas in the next few days. I will send it out in an email like I did the salad. Have a glorious day, amie sue

  4. Lori says:

    Thank you for sharing this and all the others you do. This one looks very tasty…will be making..Thank you again! :)

  5. Erin says:

    This looks delicious. Thanks for deciding to share a salad recipe!

  6. Shirley says:

    Thank you so much for this recipe Amie Sue. I LOVE eating salads and have at least ONE everyday….so I’m always on the lookout for a variation to try!! I love your blog…but can’t use 99% of the recipes because of the sugars used as my hubby and I are working to heal his colon cancer the natural way. But this recipe I can use with a couple of minor tweakings!! THANKS!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Shirley. You are so welcome. Glad that it looks good to you. :) I am sorry to hear about your husbands battles and do understand the need to keep away from sugars. I will state though that 99% of my recipes don’t have sugars in them. :) I will be sharing more savory dishes after the holidays. I am getting so many emails/request for sweet treats for the holidays…. but I will squeak in some savory ones too.

      Blessings, amie sue

  7. STARR says:

    Great recipe! I love the idea of adding the mushrooms. Question. Why do you remove the gills? Also, what is raw coconut aminos? Thank you AmI Sue. I really enjoy all your recipes not to mention the beautiful photographs. You are a true artist!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Starr, It’s truly your preference but I prefer to remove the gills. They discolor anything you cook or marinate them with making for a black murky color. The gills also have a strong, musty flavor that some find unpalatable. You can leave them on if you wish.

      Raw coconut amigos is a soy sauce substitute. You can also use Tamari (get wheat free if gluten intolerant. This product isn’t way) there are a few others to pick from. Please read this posting on the different soy sauce substitutes if interested. https://nouveauraw.com/members-only/soy-sauce-salt-substitutions/

      Thank you for the sweet words. Sending you a virtual hug :) Blessings, amie sue

  8. Fran Gannon says:

    Love your savory recipes. I also enjoy mushrooms as a meat alternative. Appreciate your information about micro greens. The marinade sounds delicious and easy to make. Making a dressing from the marinate adding cashews will be so yummy! Thank you so much!.

  9. florencia says:

    Hello Amie-Sue, it’s has been a long time since a see your recipes, and I might have never made one but i really enjoy seen your emails,and I always think that your information is the most complete one, and I learn a lot of english words! its amazing how internet can connect people from one part of the world to another one, and your creations are the best! thanks for sharing your soul out.

    • amie-sue says:

      I am so glad that you are here Florencia. But I have to encourage you to try some of the recipes. :) I think you would really like them. hehe I too love how the Internet brings all corners of the earth together. What a true blessing. Have a glorious day and thank you for commenting. I love hearing from you. Blessings, amie sue

  10. Mary says:

    Hi Annie-Sue… love your recipes. I will try this one too but will use a drop or 2 of Young Living Essential Oil Dill in place of the raw Dill as here in Darwin NT it is very Tropical at present and it’s not easy to find really fresh herbs – I so love the YLEO range for that reason!. Many thanks & keep the recipes coming!
    Have a wonderful Christmas and a terrific New Year! Best regards, Mary.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Mary. I love using essential oils like that too. I know some ingredients are difficult to find in all corners of the world. :) Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. Blessings, amie sue

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