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Spicy Not Tuna Wraps

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raw vegan gluten-free Spicy Not Tuna Wraps

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~

This creation came about when I had some leftover ingredients in the fridge.  I had some corn wraps already made up along with some leftover Not Tuna and presto!

In the picture above I took the wraps and softened them but passing them under the faucet real quick like.  I then wrapped it around a metal cone and placed it in the dehydrator for a few hours to create the cone shape.  See the picture below.

These were so fun to make.  You could easily make this wrap without forming it into a cone.  You could just roll it up as well.  Use your touch of creativity!


Yield: 12 tortillas


Not Tuna Salad:



  1. Place the yellow bell pepper and zucchini in a high-speed blender, and process until smooth.
  2. Add the corn kernels, nutritional yeast, lemon juice, and salt, and process until smooth.
  3. Add the avocado and puree again. While the blender is still running, add the psyllium powder and blend well for a few seconds.
  4. Using 1/2 cup of the mixture for each tortilla, use a small offset spatula to quickly form 4 flat disks on the dehydrator tray lined with a nonstick sheet.  Each disk should be about 6 inches in diameter, and they should not quite touch each other.
  5. Spread the tortillas into round disks quickly, or the mixture will thicken and become difficult to spread.
  6. Dehydrate at 115 degrees (F) for 4 hours, or until you can easily remove them from the nonstick sheets.
    • Turn the tortillas over onto mesh dehydrator screens.
    • Place an additional mesh screen on top of each tray. This makes them flatter and easier to store.
    • Continue dehydrating another three to four hours, until dry but still flexible.
      Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two weeks, or in the freezer for up to two months.
  7. Can be moistened with water to soften.

Not Tuna Salad:

  1. In the food processor, fitted with the “S” blade, combine; almonds, sunflower seeds, water, celery, onion, lemon juice, kelp powder, salt, and dill.  Process to a paste.
    • Kelp powder – you can find this at a health food store.  I looked at our local grocery stores and couldn’t find it.  You could use Dulse Flakes instead if you can’t find the kelp powder or if you want a stronger flavor.  We ended up using both.
  2. Hand mix in parsley, so you don’t end up with a green paste.
  3. Serve with crudités, crackers, or as a filling in tortillas and wraps.
    • Crudités basically means veggie tray. Crudités are traditional French appetizers comprising sliced or whole raw vegetables which are dipped in a vinaigrette or another dipping sauce. Crudités often include celery sticks, carrot sticks, bell pepper strips, broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus spears.  I had never heard that word before school.  I figure I can’t be the only person out there who is unfamiliar with that word … am I?

creating the wraps for the raw vegan gluten-free Spicy Not Tuna Wraps

creating cones shaped raw vegan gluten-free Spicy Not Tuna Wraps

24 thoughts on “Spicy Not Tuna Wraps

  1. Annie says:

    Tonite I made Nori Rolls using your recipe for Not Salmon, without the dill. Ohhh so good and easy. I spread it over the nori sheet pretty thin, then did strips of red pepper, cukes, carrot and avocado strips, and finally some spinach leaves. Then I rolled the roll in sesame seeds. Very tasty and filling, and I think the Not Salmon really added to the overall flavor. Thanks again for a wonderful recipe.

    • amie-sue says:

      Wow Annie! You have been busy in the kitchen. hehe I LOVE it! I absolutely love the Not Tuna / Salmon spread. You know what would make an awesome treat? Make a cracker…take a nori sheet and lay it on the counter, spread a layer of Not Tuna / Salmon on it, all the way to the edges, maybe about 1/4″ thick, place another nori sheet on top and dehydrate till dry. Also, give the Thai Nori Cracker recipe a try. They are amazing!! Let me know if you try either of these. I think you will be pleased.

  2. frances says:

    You have some of my favorite recipes. Thanks for sharing. Beautiful presentation too!

  3. I’ve moved to Canada from Australia and waiting for my dehydrator on a very slow ship. I just can’t wait to try this recipe. I’m loving your blog.

  4. shireen says:

    hi, amie-sue! i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog!! i can (and do) spend hours here and alternate between laughing and drooling.

    would you please tell me where to find metal cones?

    thanks so much…

  5. Giselle says:

    Is there a substitute for psyllium powder?

  6. Chris says:

    Is there a replacement for corm in the tortilla?

    • amie-sue says:

      Chris, you could use zucchini, just remember that the flavor will be altered. You can either peel the zucchini or not, rough chop it and then shred it in your food rpcoessor. Don’t process to mush though, you might want to add a flax meal to absorb some of the released water in the zucchini. amie sue

  7. Robyn says:

    Hi Amie-Sue,

    Would you please explain the homogenizing process with the almonds in the vitamix? What do I want the final outcome to look like? Thanks!

    • amie-sue says:

      Morning Robyn,
      The outcome is creating a pate’ texture. It won’t be creamy smooth but will have small bits in it. Basically, you put some water in the craft, then the almonds and blend till it brakes down. I don’t recommend it for non-high powered blender. It can be taxing on the motor. Start with less water and add small amounts until you can get the mixture to move. you will have to stop and scrap the sides down from time to time. As I mentioned above, don’t double this recipe. It’s to much for a blender. You can use a food processor using the same basic technique. You can control how chunky or semi-smooth you want the outcome to be. If you have the tamper with your vitamix, use that to help move things around to as well. Making sure that you soak the nuts (for many reasons) will help soften them as well for this step. Does that help? amie sue

  8. Nikki Rowland says:

    Where did you get cone shape item use to make the cones shape out of the wraps. I just love the presentation. I am a big fan of your recipes. I wish I had more time to try them all. I am an always inspired finding such good things to make.

  9. rhonda says:

    hi Amy I have not tried this wrap as yet… but the not tuna pate was divine!! I added some organic pickle relish to the recipe wow tastes just like tuna!!! can you give me the recipe for the bread the tuna is on?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Rhonda. :) I am so glad that you gave this recipe a try and enjoyed it. I am not sure that I understand your question… help. hehe In the photos I used the wrap recipe that is on there… what bread are you referring to? amie sue

  10. TAW says:

    Hi Amie-sue, unfortunately I am unable to use corn ( my clients is on a strict cancer diet ) what can I substitute in it’s place?

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