Mulberry Crunch Candy Bars

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Mulberry Crunch Candy Bars
If you’re like most people, you probably started off the year with a whole list of resolutions. More sleep! Less caffeine! More exercise! Less television! More vegetables! Less sugar! As commendable as that is… one cannot live on celery, broccoli, and treadmill-pounding alone. Can they? Besides, it’s been a whole three weeks now! You deserve a reward! Allow me to tempt you with these delicious raw, vegan, Mulberry Crunch Candy Bars.

These candy bars have a soft, chewy, slightly crunchy interior, with the perfect amount of chocolate wrapping them up in one sweet little package! The dried white mulberries add a pronounced sweet and tart flavor that can stand up against the caramel-like Medjool dates and crunchy peanuts. No flavor gets lost; they all complement one another, allowing their flavors to individually share the spotlight.
Dried White Mulberries
- Measure out 1 3/4 cups of dried mulberries and place them in the freezer overnight (if possible).
- Mulberries have a mildly sweet flavor that is similar in taste to dried goji berries and figs.
- They provide unusually high levels of protein and iron for being a fruit and are also a rich source of vitamin C, fiber, calcium, and antioxidants. In fact, with 190% of the daily recommended value for vitamin C per serving, dried mulberries contain even more of this immunity-boosting vitamin per ounce than oranges!
- Mulberries may be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator for up to 1 year. They should be kept in a sealed bag or container, away from heat and direct sunlight.
Shelled Peanuts
- If you have peanut allergies, you can easily use any other nut. Each nut will brings its own unique flavor to the table.
- If you are allergic to nuts, I highly recommend using sacha inchi seeds. They are one of the richest plant-based sources of Omega-3. Ounce for ounce, inchi seeds boast 17 times more Omega-3 than wild sockeye salmon. To me, they taste a bit like peanuts. You can learn more about them (here).

Maca Powder
- Maca powder has a distinct caramel or malt-like flavor, which pairs well with the mulberries and dates.
- Maca includes more than 20 amino acids, which your body uses to help grow and repair muscles — making it beneficial for people who work out regularly. It also contains vitamin C, B6, copper, iron, potassium, fiber, and manganese.
- The recipe calls for only one tablespoon, so if you don’t have any on hand, just omit it and don’t worry about replacing it with anything. I add it for the nutrients and the slight flavor profile that it offers.
Medjool Dates
- Rich with a caramel flavor, Medjool dates are almost the key ingredient in this candy bar. It acts as a binder, thickener, and as a whole food sweetener.
- You can add either 10 whole Medjool dates (pitted) or if you already have date paste on hand you can use 1/2 a cup of that instead. I have done it both ways, and they both turn out wonderfully.
- If you are eager to learn more about how they grow and how they are harvested, click (here). It’s always fascinating to learn where our food comes from.

Chocolate Coating
There are a few ways you can go about creating a chocolate coating for your candy bars. You can make a raw version, or you can melt store-bought vegan chocolate chips. For some raw milk chocolate recipe ideas, click (here) and (here). If you like darker chocolate, try this (one). Whichever route you go, make sure that the chocolate is thick enough to adhere to the candy bar, giving it a substantial coating. If your chocolate is on the thin side, you can always double dip the candy bar after the first coating has firmed up.
Tips and Techniques
- As I mentioned before, be sure to freeze the mulberries for at least several hours or overnight. This will help with the blending process.
- You can shape the candy bars to whatever your heart desires. Big or small, you will love them all. If you want perfectly squared-up candy bars, follow the instructions below. If you don’t have the time or energy to fuss with them, you can shape them by hand for a more rustic-I-don’t-care-what-anybody-thinks appearance.
- If you are using WHOLE Medjool dates and they are dry and hard, soak them in enough warm water to soften them. Once they are done soaking, drain and hand squeeze the excess water from them.
- You can skip the dehydrating process if you are short of time or perhaps don’t own a dehydrator. If you do skip this step, you will need to freeze them before covering them with chocolate, and they should be stored either in the fridge or freezer so they don’t get too soft.
Yields 8×8 pan
- 1 3/4 cups dried white mulberries, frozen
- 3/4 cup shelled peanuts
- 1 Tbsp maca powder
- 1 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- 10 Medjool dates, pitted or 1/2 cup date paste
- 3 Tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Chocolate coating or melted vegan chocolate chips
Candy Bar Batter
- Place the frozen mulberries, peanuts, maca powder, and salt in the food processor, fitted with the “S” blade.
- Process until broken down into a small crumble.
- The mixture should go from sounding like pebbles in the processor, down to a steady hum.
- Add dates, maple syrup, and vanilla. Process until the batter sticks together when pressed between your fingers.
- Line an 8″x 8″ baking pan with plastic wrap before adding the batter, for easier removal.
- Place the batter in clumps around the pan, then smooth it out evenly. Lift the batter out of the pan with the edges of the plastic wrap, place it in front of you, and cut into desired shapes and sizes. Place each candy bar on the mesh screen that comes with the dehydrator.
- Dry at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour, then reduce to 115 degrees and continue drying for 8-10 hours or until dry. The inside should be a little moist.
- Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)? Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
Dipping in Chocolate
- Make the hardening chocolate, as described in the link above. You can also use melted vegan chocolate chips if you don’t have the ingredients on hand to make your own.
- Dip each bar into the chocolate, making sure to cover the bar completely.
- Lift the bar out of the chocolate with a fork, let the excess chocolate drip back into the bowl, then slide the bottom of the fork across the edge of the bowl.
- Place the bar on a wire baking rack or on a sheet of parchment paper, allowing the chocolate to set up and harden.
- Option: I ground up some extra chilled mulberries and dusted the top of the bars while the chocolate was still wet.
- Wrap each candy bar in plastic wrap, or you can place them in an airtight container in single layers.
- They should stay fresh for 5 days on the countertop, 2 weeks in the fridge, and longer in the freezer.
This is what the dry ingredients (including the frozen dried mulberries) look like.
This is the batter once ALL the ingredients have been processed.
Texture shot. Don’t let the texture get too fine; you want crunchy nuggets in the candy bar.
Shape and dehydrate. Once dehydrated, they will remain chewy.
Get your work station ready for the chocolate party!
Give the candy bars a bath in chocolate.
Carefully lift the bars out with a fork, tap off the excess chocolate, and place on a parchment sheet of paper.
While the chocolate is still wet, sprinkle coarse salt and chopped peanuts on top.
If so desired, drizzle a thin line of chocolate back and forth over the top.
The chocolate will turn from glossy to a dull matte color… that’s when the chocolate has set.
Tags: Dehydrated, Gluten Free, Nut Free, Nut Free Option, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, sugar free, Vegan
Ok ,here we go! I’m just finishing up a batch of your”cheetos” cheese balls. (Yummmmmy) my favorite savory snack ever. So thanks for thinking of me! Also just finished a batch of”tootsie rolls”. There so close to the original it’s astounding. The kids can’t believe how much they taste like tootsie rolls. Having so much fun creating these recipes. Thank you for all your hard work, so
You my been busy Angela :) I love hearing that. Those cheese balls are so yummy… I must make those again! hehe Oh and the Tootsie Rollz… I know isn’t amazing how taste so close to the real thing and yet so easy to make?! So happy that the kiddos are enjoying them. I hope that you are enjoying the holiday season. Many blessings, amie sue
This is next on my list.
I adore mulberries, but they never get as far as recipes as I have a habit of snacking on them. They are fantastic. I don’t eat peanuts but will use shelled hemp seeds most probably and see how they turn out. Squidgy I imagine.
Presumably you mean 1 3/4 cups mulberries in the ingredients listing……sorry, but errors just jump our at me. It’s quite a handicap – as we have discussed.
Keep your recipes coming. You are very special and hugely talented.
Now for some more reading about ‘raw techniques’. I still can’t believe you were a hopeless chef until the fairly recent past. I’m 50 in a month. I still have time left! I like to think I’ll grow buds rather than develop wrinkles.
Thanks for pointing that our Helen, I fixed it. I bet tiger nuts would be better than hemp seeds… or both might be good… just have to play around. :)
You have all the time in the world… up until its your time to go to learn things. :) I have complete faith in you. Blessings, amie sue
Yes, hemp seeds tend to mash up don’t they and aren’t really hard enough. They make good chewy candies though. But I like things to snap!
I’ll try something more solid I think for bars. I’ve just order some tiger nuts strangely enough, after reading your post about them. I too had thought of trying those…..if I manage to keep my mulberries long enough.
Glad you think I still have time. I feel a sort of urgency…to get a move on….with 50 approaching.
How did it turn out Helen?
I love the idea of mulberry flour. Keep experimenting for us please and keep posting.
Off to freeze some mulberries…..before moving on with my reading.
I’m also waiting for some maca to arrive as I use this daily in drinks but am out of stock.
However, I do have baobab which has a similar consistency when it comes to soaking up water. etc. Although the taste is completely different, baobab often works really well as a substitute for maca in recipes as both go thick and stiff in water and have similar levels of dryness.Someone else tipped me off about that and I’ve used baobab many times as a maca substitute in recipes. Taste matters too of course, so if it’s the maca taste you are after then there’s no replacement.
I can’t help noticing that coconut flour (commercial) has a similar level of dryness and thickening ability. I’ve never used it in recipes but am currently adding it to smoothies and hot chocolate etc since my maca has finished. I’ve never dared use coconut flour as a ‘flour’ though. It’s more like a protein powder as far as I can tell.
Just some ideas….
Thanks for sharing Helen. I haven’t heard of baobab before. We learning something new every day. :) Where do you live, if I may ask? Have a glorious day, amie sue
I’m talking of baobab fruit powder. Baobab is an African tree. The flavour is amazing, you have to try it. It is fruity, sweet and tangy. It is regarded as something of a superfood. You absolutely must get some and start experimenting.
I live in South Wales (UK) right by the sea. Close by is the Gower Peninsular, crowned the UK’s first ‘area of outstanding natural beauty’.
I’m a lucky girl.
Good morning Helen,
Ah yes, I had to do some Googling to read about the baobab fruit. I love learning new things. I would love to get my hands on some one day for sure.
I haven’t been to your neck of the woods but I am sure it is beautiful. So many wonderful place of true paradise on this planet, isn’t there?! S happy that you have found yours. :) Have a splendid day and have fun being carefree in the kitchen. ;) amie sue
Do get some baobab. Here, it is easily found in wholefood stores. I use the brand ‘Minvita’.
Regarding the idea of ‘mulberry flour’ …..
Goji berries grind well too and I’ve seen these used as a ‘ flour’ in a number of recipes. Try it, especially if you find your gojis are very dry….as they often are. I find them too dry to eat without soaking to be honest. (The soaking water is delicious by the way….).
Try a goji flour sometime!
I’ve not yet done them as I’ve decided to order some tiger nuts and try them instead of shelled hemp, or half and half possibly as you suggest. I want something a snappier.
Above comments came out in the wrong order sorry.
No worries :)
Gotcha’ :) Hurry up mail man! hehe
Hi Amie Sue,
I just made these and I went with 10 smaller dates, omitted the agave and used almonds instead of peanuts, and I used 3 dr of Medicine Flower’s Vanilla extract. To describe the result I will have to resort to a (for me) very American expression; OMG!! 😃
The batter hasn’t even been turned into bars yet and it is soo difficult to not eat it all!! I am so happy you keep posting these delicious recipes! I know it is just food, but if I put something in my mouth I want it to be delicious and preferably healthy. Not always an easy combination! 🙂 And I want to be able to have dessert every day without wanting to kill myself afterwards! 😄 Your recipes make that a lot easier! Have a wonderful weekend!
I am happy to hear that I am prolonging your life Veronica. hehe No, seriously. hehe I want you strong, healthy and eating yummy foods every day too! I love how you play in the kitchen too… all the wonderful creations and so little time to make them all!!
Thank you for sharing as always, I just love hearing from you! Have a glorious and happy weekend. amie sue
Hello, these look fabulous! Mouth is watering. But I’m both nut and seed free, so what could I substitute for the peanuts?
Good evening Maria. I am sorry that I am late in responding. I just got my mom home from surgery so I am a tad behind. I would give Inchi seeds a try!
blessings, amie sue