Apple Cinnamon Spice Sauerkraut

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, cultured ~
After creating this sauerkraut, I ate some every day, right out of the jar, for over a month. I would find myself standing at the fridge, taking just a bite and putting it back on the shelf.
Update: I originally wrote this post seven months ago. Last week I found a small jar of the same batch in the back of the fridge… I know, I know. Anyway, it still tasted amazing! So, for the sake of science, I ate it all.
Truthfully, I love cultured foods and could have polished it off within just a few days. But, I am trying to not only savor and extend the enjoyment of this recipe, but I am also expressing some gentle love to my digestive system.
You see, I have a delicate system that can be easily thrown off track. And due to the powerful health benefits of cultured foods… I have to ease into them. The gut is home to both good and bad bacteria and if you flood it too soon with too much of the good stuff… you might experience some noticeable side effects.
If you start to notices changes in your body such as diarrhea, constipation, gas, or bloating, your body is telling you to back off for a while or reduce the amount you are consuming, then build back up slowly.
My approach is to have a spoonful before each meal or even before a snack if possible. Fermented foods don’t just lounge around your belly doing nothing, they’re active! Those bacterial armies get to work, helping to balance your gut bacteria and stomach acids. They also release enzymes to help ease and improve digestion.
Fermented, aka cultured foods, are known to help “heal and seal” your gut which will get you on your way towards optimal health. You can’t rely on cultured foods alone… but it can be a beneficial addition to your health care practices.
For this recipe, I decided to try a new product called Cutting Edge. I have made krauts without it, but I am always looking for ways to boost the foods that we eat. According to their packaging, “Cutting edge starter culture is a synergistic blend of carefully selected strains – each plays a vital role in optimizing the natural lacto fermentation process to ensure that you achieve healthy and delicious results. Optimize the natural lacto fermentation process. Supercharge your vegetables, enhance taste and crispness, and ensure that your cultured foods are rich in probiotics. It also helps to create tasty, consistent results and a quicker, more complete fermentation.“
I am always on the quest to learn. Always learning and always teaching… that is why I share all that I do with you. I hope you enjoy this refreshing kraut. Please comment below. Many blessings, amie sue
Cutting Edge Starter
Kraut base:
- 3 1/2 lbs organic green cabbage
- 1 1/2 lbs organic apples
- 1 Tbsp Himalayan pink salt
Decoration & flavoring:
- 4-6 slices apple, 1/4″ thick
- 4-6 cinnamon sticks
- 4 anise star
- In a small bowl stir together the culture, sugar, and water.
- Set aside while you prepare the ingredients.
- This will activate the culture and also help dissolve.
- Clean the jar that you are going to use for the kraut really well. Rinse with white vinegar and water.
- Using a sharp knife or food processor, shred the cabbage and apples.
- Place in a large bowl and sprinkle the salt over the top.
- Massage by hand and gently squeeze the vegetables until moist, creating the brine. This process can take anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes.
- Start to fill the jar with the kraut mixture.
- Slide the apple slices and cinnamon sticks around the edge of the jar, continuing to pack in more kraut to hold the apple pieces in place.
- Add the star anise here and there throughout the packing process.
- Continue this process as you fill-up the jar until the jar is full but leaving two inches at the top for expansion.
- Pour in the Cutting Edge Cultures and add more water, leaving 2″ at the top for expansion.
- Push down any tidbits on the inside of the jar that may remain above your packed ferment.
- For best results, it is important to weigh vegetables down under the brine securely. Make sure the weight is clean and appropriate for contact with food.
- Place a plastic lid on top and place the jar in an area that is warm (65° to 70°F is ideal) and out of direct sunlight for 5-6 days.
- I love using a pressure lock system as seen (here). It’s optional.
- Every day, check-in on the kraut to make sure they are fully submerged in the water. If they have risen above the water, simply push them down, so they are fully covered by the water. If any white spots formed because the veggies rose above the water, do not worry. Remember, this isn’t harmful. Just scoop out the vegetables that have the white spots on them and push the rest back under the water.
- Around 5 or 6 days, taste-test the kraut. If you like it stronger, let it go a bit longer. Otherwise, place the jar in the fridge to slow down the fermentation. If you want maximum probiotics in your sauerkraut, let your ferment go through the three stages of fermentation.
- You may see bubbles, foam, or white scum on the surface of the sauerkraut, but these are all signs of normal, healthy fermentation. A cloudy brine is a good sign that the vegetables are culturing well.
- The kraut should keep for MONTHS! Enjoy.
Things to be aware of:
White Layer on the Surface:
A white film that is not fuzzy or in round patches is called kahm yeast. It is common when culturing vegetables and quite safe. It can look scary and unpleasant and even smell a little strong, but it is not a harmful thing.
Excess amounts of Kahm can affect the flavor of what you are fermenting. There are many different factors as to what may cause this; insufficiently acidic, not enough salt in the brine, or culturing temperature is too warm.
- Remove as much Kahm yeast as you can from your ferment.
- Keep vegetables submerged in brine and container sealed.
- Use fresh vegetables.
- Ferment below 72 degrees.
Keep the fermented veggies submerged:
- You can tuck a cabbage leaf over the top of the prepared vegetables. Often this leaf alone will be enough to keep them in place under the brine.
- Place a small dish on top of the prepared vegetables and weigh it down with a rock or other heavy object.
- Many people fill plastic bags with water to use as a weight. I question the safety of this, worrying about chemicals leaching from the bag into the brine.
Tags: Cultured, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, No Dehydration Required, Nut Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, sugar free, Vegan
I made this last week, and it’s amazing! It tastes more like apple pie than sauerkraut, but since I love both those flavors, I absolutely love it. Will be making this again, thanks so much!
Awesome amcgrath815! So happy that you are enjoying the recipe. I love this one too… and I love the fact that you can keep stored in the fridge for months to come. Great raw food staple to have. Thanks so much for sharing. Blessings, amie sue
Hi Amie, please what are coconut crystals?
Good evening Patyreal,
Coconut crystals is similar to brown sugar in looks and taste. It is made from coconut sap.
Blessings, amie sue
Thank you!