Ruby Red Strawberry Rhubarb Cream Pie

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
Oh boy, strawberry and rhubarb season is upon us! One of my very favorite combos. And goodness, when paired with the creamy vanilla bean filling… well shoot, I just might need to invest in some pants with an elastic band.
Pie, plus more!
This recipe makes extra vanilla cream batter. So use this as an opportunity to make several different desserts for the week. Make this pie, and then with the leftover filling, pour it into small cups to eat like a custard. You can also layer the vanilla bean filling with granola, creating parfaits. Or if you don’t want the extra, you can cut the filling recipe in half. I prefer to prepare foods once and enjoy them many times. :)
Before diving into this recipe, we need to start by making the Marinated Rhubarb and Strawberry. If you really want to develop the flavors, it will require at least 24 hours to marinate. You can speed up the process by placing the mixture in a glass bowl and then slide it into the dehydrator set at 115 degrees (F) for 6-8 hours, or until the rhubarb starts to soften and the flavors infuse the fruit. You will need a dehydrator that has an open cavity, such as the Excalibur.
Why I add sunflower lecithin:
This ingredient is optional, but I wanted to share why I think it is great to add. Sunflower lecithin is made up of essential fatty acids and B vitamins. It helps to support healthy function of the brain, nervous system, and cell membranes. It also lubricates joints and helps break up cholesterol.
It comes in two forms, powder and liquid. I prefer the raw sunflower lecithin., it has a thick, dark, and sticky consistency with a nutty-seedy rich aroma and surprisingly pleasant flavor. Setting aside all the nutritional benefits, it is a natural emulsifier that binds the fats from nuts with water creating a creamy consistency.
I think this pie is just stunning in color. A sure sign of Spring. I hope that you are able to make it. I would love to hear from you. Many blessings, amie sue
Yields 9 1/2” deep crust tart pan
- 1 cups raw oat flour, homemade
- 3 1/3 cup shredded coconut
- 1/2 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/2 cup coconut oil, melted
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Marinated Rhubarb and Strawberry Pie filling:
Vanilla bean filling:
- 3 cups raw cashews, soaked 2+ hours
- 1 cup water
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 3/4 cup maple syrup
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- 3/4 cup coconut oil, melted
- 3 Tbsp sunflower powder lecithin
- Combine the oats flour, shredded coconut, and salt in the food processor, fitted with the “S” blade. Process until it is well broken down and mixed.
- Add water, coconut oil, sweetener, and vanilla. Process until the batter is well mixed and sticks together when pinched.
- Line the removable bottom of the pan with plastic wrap. If you are using a solid baking dish, lightly grease with coconut oil.
- Place the crust mix in the center of the pan, then loosely move it around, covering the bottom. Start pressing the crust into the sides of the pan, then do the bottom of the pan. Press the crust firmly and evenly. Set aside.
Marinated Rhubarb and Strawberry Pie filling:
- After making the Marinated Rhubarb and Strawberry, pour it into a mesh strainer to separate the juice of the marinade from the fruit. Set the juice aside. Place the fruit in a medium bowl. Set aside.
- In the blender combine the strawberries, 2 Tbsp of marinating juice from the rhubarb and strawberry recipe, maple syrup and psyllium powder. Blend until creamy smooth.
- Pour the slurry into the bowl with the fruit, stir and place in the fridge for several hours or overnight to thicken.
Vanilla bean filling:
- Drain the soaked cashews and discard the soak water.
- In a high-powered blender combine the; cashews, water, lemon juice, sweetener, and vanilla.
- Due to the volume and the creamy texture that we are going after, it is important to use a high-powered blender. It could be too taxing on a lower-end model.
- Blend until the filling is creamy smooth. You shouldn’t detect any grit. If you do, keep blending.
- This process can take 2-4 minutes, depending on the strength of the blender. Keep your hand cupped around the base of the blender carafe to feel for warmth. If the batter is getting too warm. Stop the machine and let it cool. Then proceed once cooled.
- You can use a different liquid sweetener if you are not comfortable with maple syrup. Just be aware of the different flavors and colors that the sweetener might impart to the cake.
- With a vortex going in the blender, drizzle in the coconut oil, and then add the lecithin. Blend just long enough to incorporate everything together. Don’t over-process. The batter will start to thicken.
- What is a vortex? Look into the container from the top and slowly increase the speed from low to high, the batter will form a small vortex (or hole) in the center. High-powered machines have containers that are designed to create a controlled vortex, systematically folding ingredients back to the blades for smoother blends and faster processing… instead of just spinning ingredients around, hoping they find their way to the blades.
- If your machine isn’t powerful enough or built to do this, you may need to stop the unit often to scrape the sides down.
- Pour 1/2 – 3/4 of the filling in one crust pan and the remaining in custard cups for another night dessert.
- Gently tap the pan on the counter to remove any air bubbles.
- Chill in the freezer for 4-6 hours, then add the fruit slurry. Place in the fridge for 12 hours or overnight.
- You can skip freezing the vanilla bean layer, but if you don’t, the fruit slurry will dent into the vanilla bean layer. There isn’t anything wrong with this, just depends if you want nice clean lines.
- Pour the Marinated Rhubarb and Strawberry Pie filling on top and gently spread evenly across the surface of the pie.
- If you made little custard cups, it isn’t necessary to put those in the freezer, just chill overnight in the fridge.
- Store the cheesecake in the fridge for 3-5 days or up to 3 months in the freezer. Be sure that they are well sealed to avoid fridge odors.

I made this pie again but instead of using my fluted pan, I used a Springform pan.
I also changed up how I decorated the top. I love how one dessert can be made
in so many different ways.
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, No Dehydration Required, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
Hi, I am grain free, what can I use instead of oats please? X
Hello Lisen,
You could use almonds, cashews, or more coconut. :) Enjoy and let me know if you give the pie a try. Blessings, amie sue
Hi Amie Sue, This looks sooo yummy!! But one question-What extra vanilla cream batter? Not at our house , if it’s your recipe, it just magically seems to disappear……. :]
lol Lyn… I understand, it is often difficult to keep the spoons out of the batter during preparation. hehe Have a blessed day my friend. amie sue
Hi Amie Sue, what a gorgeous pie. Just for this time that strawberries and rhubarbs are in the market. yesterday i bought 4 stalks of rhubarb to juice with apples! it tastes wonderful, kind of sour that i love. now i have seen your pie, i will go for the pie..:)) it is preparation time…i am going to start with making bowls of rhubarb and strawberries and put them in dehydrator… i really wanted to know how to use rhubarb in raw ways..Thank you for great ideas how we can enjoy all living food and make the best desserts ever! Much love and Blessings
Thank you so much Afsaneh. The ingredients themselves speak volumes and create a magic presentation. I am anxious for you to try this recipe. Keep me posted and have a wonderful day. I am off to pick some lemon balm from my flower garden to make a pesto. amie sue :)
Hi Amie Sue, finally i am there to create this beautiful pie! yesterday we went to an organic farm and picked our strawberries from the ground! it was fun and nice to fill the small boxes!total of ~1500 grams. i started as soon as we came back home, washed them all and made the Marinated Rhubarb and Strawberry, put it in dehydrator. i did not peel the rhubarbs as they were very thin and small. actually my peeler could not peel any layer..:)today i checked them and they are kind of crunchy and very tasteful. so i made the slurry with 2tbsp of the juice and put it in refrigerator. i kept the fruit marinade still in juice till i am ready with de rest. now i have 2 questions! will you please clear me on these?
1- how/when use slurry? mix it with strained fruit? or is it the first layer on vanilla bean filling?
2- do i need first to freeze the vanilla bean filling for few hours and then add the fruit/slurry?
Many Thanks and Blessings, XO
Don’t you just LOVE picking your own food Afsaneh?! I love picking berries. Because they are so small, it is sort of meditative for me. :) Let me see if I can answer your questions for you.
Q ~ how/when use slurry? mix it with strained fruit? or is it the first layer on vanilla bean filling?
A ~ The fruit slurry doesn’t get mixed in with the vanilla bean layer. You want to keep the two layers of colors separate. Once the vanilla bean layer is firm, you will pour the slurry on top and gently spread evenly across the surface of the pie. The slurry is added to the marinated fruit: “Slurry: In the blender combine the strawberries, 2 Tbsp of marinating juice from the rhubarb and strawberry recipe, agave and psyllium powder. Blend until creamy smooth. Pour the slurry into the bowl with the fruit, stir and place in the fridge for several hours or overnight to thicken.” Did this clear it up? I might be responding far to early in the morning for me to be thinking straight. lol
Q ~ Do i need first to freeze the vanilla bean filling for few hours and then add the fruit/slurry?
A ~ Chill the vanilla bean filling in the freezer for 4-6 hours, then add the fruit slurry. Once the slurry is added, place in the fridge for 12 hours or over night to fully set up. You can skip freezing the vanilla bean layer but if you don’t, the fruit slurry will dent into the vanilla bean layer, muddling the two colors a bit. There isn’t anything wrong with this, just depends if you want nice clean lines between the red and white. Does that make sense?
I hope this cleared things up, let me know. amie sue :)
oh i see the first question is already answered… i had to mix it with strained fruit to thicken… now the slurry is well thicken, but without the fruit mix..;) ha…i am going to mix it now and leave it for a few hours maybe it works..and to see what happens…:)
..ha,Amie Sue,Thank you so much it is clear now!! You Raw Chef Goddess!! Thank You !
now i can manage better, and just on time. i made the crust and put it aside now i am going to make the vanilla bean cream and let it frost first. and in between mix slurry with fruit…oh i am so excited to see what happens..:))) Much Love early bird XX
…and YES, We loved picking our food from the ground…so natural and we felt so alive being on a ground treated with care and respect… we also picked broccoli, cauliflower, courgette with flowers,…you see how You affect our lives with your recipes…!!! :)XX
Oh that sounds so delightful!! My favorite veggies to pick is potatoes, carrots… well any root veggie where you have to sort of dig for it. It’s always such a great surprise in what you might find! hehe You are a true gem. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, amie sue
lol oh you are quick this morning, I am still working through all the comments and you already responded to the one I just answered for you. :) I am glad that I was able to clear things up for you. I am so excited for your creation! Can’t wait to hear about it. Sending you cream pie blessings! hehe amie sue
Exactly. The pectins in the blended slurry will thicken up some… that is why we want it to chill and meld a little bit. Enjoy! amie sue
P.S. you have some vanilla bean filling on the tip of your nose… I saw you licking the bowl. :P haha
How did you see it???!!! :))) So delish.. Unbelievable , Magic?!XX
Actually, I am able to “see” such things because I am forever guilty of being found with my head in a bowl. haha Blessings,amie sue
..and Yes the pie is ready…it was a good learning how to do time and great result in taste,color,..everything!next time it is going to be faster…i hope:)) Thank you for giving us Ruby times with your ideas and recipes, Much Love, and Blessings
There is always a learning curve the first time you do something so I am confident that it will go much quicker next time. :) Blessed ruby times! hehe amie sue
I hope you have made a wonderful lemon balm pesto!!it sounds delicious! much Love, XX
I sure did Afsaneh. I will soon be sharing the recipe. I have lemon balm coming out of my ears. lol Blessings my friend, amie sue
these photos are truly SPECTACULAR, Amie Sue (by the way, although I adore all your photos, the photo for your book is truly outstanding, love)
Well you know how to make a girls day Angie. Thank you so much. Every once in a while when the planets line up, I can catch a good shot. hehe You are always so encouraging… hugs. Have a happy day. amie sue
thank YOU, love … have a wonderful day and blessed weekend
I noticed that a lot of raw desserts use coconut or nuts for the cream part. Is this just how it is or is there another option?
Hello Sherri,
Those are the two common ingredients used to create dairy-free cakes, pies, puddings, creams, frostings, etc that come close to taste and texture as the dairy counterparts. Just like in the cooked world of things, cakes, pies, and so forth, typically always contain eggs, flour, and milk. Just a different set of ingredients for a different way of preparing foods.
I hope that explains it a little. Blessings, amie sue
hello amie sue
i can’t understand english sorry,
but marinated rhubarb and strawberry is only for ‘juice from soking’ or
do i have to fill on the vanallibean filling?
, and fill the slurry on ‘marinated rhubarb and strawberry’?
Good morning Kkysjh,
Layer the pie in this order starting from the bottom up…
Vanilla bean filling
Marinated Rhubarb and Strawberry Pie filling
Freezing each time in between layers so they don’t sag into one another. That is optional but it makes for a pretty cheesecake.
Does this help? amie sue