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Are you ready to dive into AmieSue.com and see everything that I have to offer?   Although my site is filled with delicious and nutritious plant-based recipes, it is a site concerned first and foremost with principles and techniques: the principles of why it is important to eat whole food,… read more »

Tomato Herbed Crackers

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free  ~ Making homemade crackers is a project that sounds intimidating to most, but in general, it is one of the easiest things to throw together and then let the dehydrator do its magic.  Coconut, tomato, and herbs… all dehydrated to a light, crispy perfection! What we can expect…… read more »

Sweet Cauliflower Porridge

Cauliflower for breakfast? Oh, how we limit ourselves to all the wonderful possibilities that food can present to us. We just have to be open-minded… allowing the never heard of’s to be explored. And that my friends is exactly what I did with this recipe.

Pumpkin Spice Banana Ice Cream

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I was going to jump right into this recipe, but I first wanted to share a few tips with you. Always start off with frozen RIPE bananas.  You know, the ones that have brown polka-dots on them.   Ripe bananas are sweeter and easier… read more »

Plum-Berry Balsamic and Pink Peppercorn Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I had no idea how the flavors of plums, strawberries, balsamic vinegar, and peppercorns were going to taste,  but I thought that I really couldn’t go wrong. The balsamic vinegar that we use in our house is like a thick syrup and is very… read more »

Tropical “Beet” Granola

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I can see you wrinkling your nose… yes, you! I see you!  Can I ask for a favor?  Can you just trust me on this and give it a try? Even if you don’t care for beets, please try it.  I don’t ask for… read more »

Tomato & “Cheese” on Sunflower Bread

~ raw, gluten-free, vegan, nut-free ~ I love tomato and cheese sandwiches.  It’s been a coon’s age since I last had one, but I can still remember it vividly.  I use to eat them on plain white bagels, though. You know it’s funny… when I ate bread back in the… read more »

Vegetable Alphabet Soup

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Today, I had entirely too much fun in the kitchen!   And as you scroll through this recipe you will be bombarded with pictures to prove it.  What can I say, I am a proud soup-momma!  As I was busy playing working in the kitchen, creating… read more »

Pizza Ravioli

Vegan Pizza Ravioli

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I am speechless as I sit here trying to put into words as to how amazing this recipe turned out… hold on, give me a few minutes… I am sure I will find my voice. Ok, thanks for your patience… :) To create this pizza… read more »

Nectarine Orange Coconut Crackers

raw vegan gluten free crackers at Nouveau Raw. Nectarine and orange coconut crackers

By keeping the ingredients simple,  you can hone in on all the wonderful flavors that you are putting together.

The Seed of Life Bread

~ raw, vegan, nut, gluten-free ~ Making raw loaves of bread is one of my greatest joys in the kitchen.  You must understand the power behind those words because I LOVE working in the kitchen, making anything and everything.  Perhaps it stems from my all-time love of bread. I have… read more »

Gingerbread and Hazelnut Fudge Truffles

Raw Food Diet - vegan fudge truffles

  ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ The gingerbread spice in these little truffles comes from a gingerbread tea.  I didn’t use the traditional array of spices, I literally cut open the tea bags, and dumped in the contents.  And what a beautiful compliment it would be to serve these alongside a… read more »

Turkish Tahini Granola Tart

Raw Food Diet

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ One of the mainstays of Middle Eastern cuisine is tahini, a paste (butter) made from ground sesame seeds.  It is found in hummus, baba ghanouj, and halvah.  In the Nouveau Raw Kitchen, it can be found in granola! Unopened tahini can be kept at room temperature,… read more »

Chocolate Spider Pots

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ This dessert was “spooktacular”, and it turned out to be a group favorite.  Rich, velvety smooth, deep, dark chocolate pudding. Nobody will catch on that it is raw, vegan, gluten-free, or nut-free.  With each indulgent bite, you will be filling their bellies with nutrients… read more »

Lemon and English Lavender Ice Cream

Lemon and English Lavender Ice Cream ~ raw, gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free ~ The flavor combination of lemon and lavender in this ice cream may sound a bit unusual, but they are incredibly delicate yet delicious when paired together.  Lavender has a sweet, floral flavor, with citrus notes, so it seemed only… read more »

Caramelized Onion Bread

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ When making this bread… the aroma alone will send you over the edge.  I am hereby reclaiming my love and passion for bread.  I use to feel deprived and sad when I would think of how I had given up bread so many years ago.… read more »

Sweet Onion Sesame Crackers

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ These Sweet Onion Sesame Crackers are seriously addicting.  I will point out that they are powerfully pungent with onion… you know, the type of power that just might stick with you the rest of the day… constantly reminding you that you enjoyed some really amazing crackers… read more »

Sacha Inchi Seed Butter

The butter recipe that I created here has a unique, mild, nutty taste that can be compared to that of a dark roasted peanut.

Salt & Pepper Pistachio Olive Oil Granola

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ As some of you are aware the whole purpose of this site is to encourage you to add healthier foods into your diet, helping you to crowd out the junk food. I hope through this site that you find inspiration and guidance on how to… read more »

Sourdough Bread / Buns

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ I think sourdough is an acquired taste, you either like it, or you don’t.  There really never seems to be a middle ground. If you are one of those who are unsure about sourdough, allow me to encourage you to give this recipe a try.… read more »

Chili Corn Chips

Raw Recipe Ideas to Make Ahead. Nouveau Raw Recipes

  ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I know that I didn’t physically put any addictive chemicals in these chili corn chips, but I could fool myself into thinking I did because they are downright addictive! If you have a hard time moderating your chip intake, these might not be the chip for… read more »

Caraway and Dill Bread

– raw, vegan, gluten-free – Caraway seeds are about 2 mm long,  have five pale ridges, and are also known as meridian fennel, Persian fennel, wild cumin, and Roman cumin.  Oh, that gets confusing, caraway, fennel, cumin. It is true when they say that good things come in small packages.… read more »

Sweet Grain Granola

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Sweet Grain Granola is crunchy, full of flavor, and loaded with nutrients.  Throw some in a Zip-lock bag and hit the road knowing that you have some extra “fuel” along,  should your energy batteries need recharging! Whenever Bob and I travel, I pack a… read more »

Orange Cinnamon Granola Cereal

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ My goal for this recipe was to make a “cereal.”   And I accomplished just that!  This is not like my typical granola that can be carried around as a snack as well, this one is looser and needs to be eaten in a bowl… read more »

Multi-seed Fig Bread with Coconut Fig Spread

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Multi-seed Fig Bread is a soft, seedy, raw, gluten-free bread with sweet, chewy pockets of dried figs.  This bread isn’t overly sweet; instead, it has just the right amount to give your morning breakfast that indulgent feeling without the guilt. Sweet pockets of dried Figs! Dried… read more »