Velvet Chocolate Mousse

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Ever have one of those days where you just can’t handle one more thing on your plate? Feeling overwhelmed? Stressed? Low energy? Is there a rain cloud over your head… if any of these symptoms speak out to you, this dessert is something that you must keep on hand. Just a few spoonfuls a day will surge your body with healthy endorphins, which are bound to pick up your spirits.
Studies have shown that fats and sugars are dietary triggers that directly lead to the release of endorphins. Desserts are perhaps the highest contributor to fat and sugar in a meal. So taking a few bites of this dessert will send an instant message to your brain for the release of endorphins, giving you that moment of euphoria and who doesn’t want that?!
Though desserts can definitely give you instant gratification, I am not really suggesting that eating high-fat desserts is the key to a healthy diet. It is all about moderation. I wrote an article and posted it in the
Reference Library called, “
Are Raw Desserts Healthy for You.” It’s a quick read and you might find it helpful.
This mousse is rich, creamy, and very thick (especially once chilled). I have served it alone, so one can marvel at its richness and I have served with fresh mash berries. Either way, you can’t go wrong. The main thing that I want to point out is to sever it in small individual portions. A little goes a long way. You can also freeze the mousse making it a great staple to have on hand for gatherings. I hope you enjoy the recipe. blessings, amie sue
yields 2 1/4 cups
- 3/4 cup (158 g) raw coconut milk or canned (BPA free)
- 1/2 cup (104 g) coconut oil, melted
- 1/4 cup (89 g) raw honey
- 10 drops liquid stevia
- 2 tsp (10 g) vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup (76 g) raw cashews, soaked 2+ hours
- 6 Tbsp (35 g) raw cacao powder
- dash Himalayan pink salt
- Place the ingredients into a high-powered blender in the following order; coconut milk, coconut oil, honey, stevia, vanilla, cashews, cacao powder, and salt. Blend until creamy. If you feel any grit, continue blending till completely smooth. By placing the wet ingredients into the blender first, it will help the blades move more freely.
- Taste test and see if you desire more sweetener.
- The mousse will be very runny after blending. Pour into serving bowls and place in the fridge to firm up; this will take 1+ hours.
- The mousse should keep for 3-4 days in a sealed container in the fridge and several weeks in the freezer.
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
Hi Amie Sue,
I made this this morning and thought 6 Tbspns of cacao sounded a bit rich. So I used 2 and then had to double the rest of the ingredients. It was very very chocolatey, otherwise and bitter. Just thought I’d let you know in case it was a typo. It looked more like your banana choc pudding you posted. Anyhoo, it is delicious now and the same colour. Can’t wait for it to set. Many thanks for your ongoing inspiration, your time and efforts are deeply appreciated. You are still and always be my favourite go to site. In fact your website is my homepage ;)
With love and appreciation
Good evening Sally… that was quick. hehe I love it. I really want to applaud you for taste testing as you were creating the recipe… I encourage people to do that all the time because we all have different likes and dislikes with food… well I suppose everything in life. :) Also different brands of ingredients can effect flavors. All that being said, I did use 6 Tbsp and loved it. I had made it specially for a girlfriend of mine who is a real chocolate lover and she asked for 3 additional batches. I hope that you enjoyed the end result of this. Keep me posted.
Many blessings, amie sue
Hi again :)
Just realised I only finished a 21 day juice feast a week ago and am still adjusting slowly. Also being from Australia, our food is alot blander than where you are. I’m always halving the sweetners, herbs etc. in recipes then adding to taste. I usually make half batches too if unsure. I hate to waste. Although I’ve learnt to make full batches of your recipes Amie Sue and double second time round ;)
Good evening Sally…. I sure appreciate that you shared that with me. You sure put a smile on my face. Thank you for trusting my culinary adventures. Many blessings Sally! amie sue
Trying to figure out a way to download all your fabulous recipes onto one place so that I can buy enough ingredients for several dishes with similar ingredientsat one time. Can you tell me how to do that? Thanks. I love your entire website. Plan to get the ebook too!!! Arleen
Hi Arleen,
The best I can offer you right now is to print each recipe. I don’t have any other functions on my site to download the recipes to somewhere. I am thankful that you are enjoying them. Have a blessed evening and keep in touch. :) amie sue
Wonderful recipe!!! Super easy and incredibly tasty!!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Thank Lorena for letting me know how the recipe went for you. I always love hearing. :) Have a glorious day, amie sue
Ok. I am a slow starter but I’m not a quitter!
Bought a dehydrater and the first thing I prepared was the cheese cracker recipe. Very tasty!….but not crispy enough to really call it a cracker. So, I have a new batch “cooking” now that I spread out ALOT thinner than my first try.( oh yes we ate the first batch too :)
Next, I made the Velvety chocolate mousse. Absolutely delicious. I can’t believe it doesn’t have butter, sugar and melted chocolate….like my old pudding recipe.
I am concentrating my efforts on crackers, desserts, cheeses, and salads. I figure co-ordinating my ingredients, learning what some of these new ingredients actually add in texture,taste, etc…..I’m on my way!
Thanks so much . I’m having a blast! Not sure hubby appreciates all this….but he’ll come around.
So proud of you Yvonne! It is so important to really learn how all the different ingredients work in a recipe. It helps in the future when you want to start designing your own recipes. Stay inspired, let passion guide your way and have patience with your hubby. :) You can’t force others to eat and have the same passion for healthier foods but you can lead by example, that with time… I am confident that he will come around. Have a blessed evening, amie sue