Flax-tastic Almond Milk

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, Paleo ~
This Flax-tastic Almond Milk is smooth, light, creamy, and refreshing. That’s a tall drink of water milk! And it’s composed of healthy fats, protein, and dietary fiber. Do flax seeds cause bloating and gas in your tum tum? Don’t necessarily blame the flax seeds; it’s possible that you increased your fiber intake too fast.
Grace and Ease.
I created this combination of almond milk and flax seeds for several reasons. For starters, it gives the milk a velvety texture. BUT through MANY trials and errors, I discovered that there a fine line of how much flax to use.
We all know that a unique feature of flax-seed is the mucilage (gum) content. “Mucilage” refers to water-soluble, gel-forming fiber that can provide specialized support to the intestinal tract.
For example, it can help prevent the too rapid emptying of the stomach contents into the small intestine, thereby improving the absorption of certain nutrients in the small intestine. Arabinoxylans and galactoxylans are included within the mucilage found in flaxseeds.
It might be beneficial for some of you to make friends with this mucilage. This milk does separate as it chills out in the fridge, which can be off-putting for those of you new to making nut milks. Just stir it or shake, and all will be well again. Enjoy. amie sue
yields 3 cups
- 1 cup raw almonds, soaked
- 3 cups water
- 2 1/2 Tbsp flax seeds
- Sweetener of choice
Soaking process:
- Place the almonds in a glass or stainless steel bowl and cover with two cups of water.
- Do not use plastic bowls for soaking.
- Always make sure you add enough water to keep the nuts covered, as they absorb water, they plump up.
- Keep the bowl at room temperature and cover with a breathable cloth. If something comes up and you won’t be able to use the nuts within the 24 hours, store them in the fridge, changing the water 2x a day.
- If there are any floating nuts, toss them. That can be an indicator of the nuts beginning to go rancid. Better to be safe than sorry. Think of them as “floaters are bloaters.”
- Add 1/4 tsp of Himalayan pink salt; this helps activate enzymes that de-activate the enzyme inhibitors. Shew that is a tongue-twister
- Soak for 8-24 hours.
- This process is excellent not only for reducing phytic acid but also softens the nuts, making them easier to blend into a smooth, silky texture.
- Skipping the soaking process will result in a less creamy milk.
- If you already have soaked/dehydrated nuts in the freezer or fridge, I suggest soaking them again to soften them.
Blending process:
- Once the nuts are done soaking, drain, rinse, and discard the soak water.
- Do not reuse the soak water in the milk-making process since it is full of the phytic acid/enzyme inhibitors that were drawn out during the soaking process.
- Place the almonds and flax seeds in a high-powered blender along with 3 cups of water.
- Start the blender on low and work up to high, then blend for 30-60 seconds or until the almonds and flax have been pulverized.
- A high-powered blender will accomplish the job much easier.
- If you don’t own one such as a Vitamix or Blendtec, you might have to blend for 1-2 minutes.
- Do not sweeten or add flavorings until you have strained the milk from the pulp.
Straining the milk:
- Strain this milk asap due to the thickening of the flax. No dancing in the kitchen… just yet.
- Turn the bag inside out and keep seams on the outside for easier straining, cleaning, and faster drying.
- Place the nut milk bag in the center of a large bowl.
- Instead of a nut bag, you can drape cheesecloth over the edges of the bowl and pour the milk through it. I find this process messier, and it doesn’t seem to filter it as well.
- Desperate? Don’t have a nut bag or cheesecloth while you are vacationing in France? Take off one of those silky-French knee-high nylons, wash it, and then pour the milk through. I am here, always thinking of you. :)
- With one hand holding the nut bag, pour the liquid into the bag. Lift the bag, and the milk will start to flow through the mesh holes in the bag. The finer the mesh, the more filtered the milk will be.
- Gather the nut bag (or cheesecloth) around the almond meal and twist close.
- Squeeze the nut pulp with your hand to extract as much milk as possible.
- Do not toss the nut pulp. Freeze and dehydrate it, which can be used in other recipes such as smoothies, crusts, cookies, crackers, cakes, or raw loaves of bread.
- I recommend flavoring your milk after the pulp has been removed. That way, the pulp remains neutral in flavor for other recipes.
- Liquid sweeteners: you can sweeten nuts milks with the sweetener of your choice. Start with 1 tsp and build up. For a sugar-free option, use NuNaturals liquid stevia.
- Dried fruit: Medjool dates add a wonderful caramel-like flavor to nut milks. You might want to run it back through to the nut bag to filter any small bits out. You can use all sorts of fresh or dried fruits for this.
- Spices: To liven things us, add cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, pumpkin spice… you name it.
- Extracts: vanilla or any other flavoring.
- Raw cacao powder
Storing and expiration:
- Store the milk in an airtight glass container such as a mason jar.
- Always label the contents and the date that it was made.
- If, for some reason, separation still does occur, shake the jar before serving, and the milk will come back together.
- Fridge – The milk can last anywhere from 3-5 days in the refrigerator.
- If the nut milk prematurely sours, it may be from an unclean blender, nut milk bag, or poor quality nuts.
- Freezer – There are several ways to store nut milks in the freezer. Freeze for up to 3 months.
- Pour the milk into ice cubes trays and freeze, which is perfect for plopping into smoothies.
- Freeze in 1 1/2 pint freezer-safe jars.
- It is vital that you only freeze glass jars that are made for freezing. I have tested this, and sure enough, I have had jars crack on me, resulting in throwing everything in the trash — sad day.
- You can use smaller jars for better portion control if you don’t plan on using a full 1 1/2 pints worth.
- Pay attention to the “maximum freeze line” indicated on the jar. If you don’t see that, then it’s another indicator that the jar isn’t safe to place in the freezer.
Nut bag maintenance:
- It is essential to keep the nut milk bag clean!
- Wash with organic, scent-free soap, such as Dr. Bronners. Do not use laundry soap. (always refer to the manufacturer’s cleaning method as well)
- Rinse well air dry. Ideally, in the direct sun to receive free sterilizing from the warm rays. Nylon nut milk bags should not be placed in the sun as the ultraviolet rays can damage the nylon.
- Do not hang the bags outside on the clothesline to dry. We don’t want an air-raid of bird poop coming down on it.
- Proper bag storage –
- I like to roll mine up and store in a glass jar to help keep it clean, protect it from dust, and accidental hole damage. A holy bag has no purpose when it comes to nut milk making.
- Also, if you use nut bags for multiple reasons, it would be a good idea to store them in separate jars, labeling them for their purpose, such as; nut milks, juicing, sprouting.
© AmieSue.com
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Paleo, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
Can I add lecithin to stop the separation? Or would that interfere with the flax, flavor, composition in any way?
Thank you for the recipe!
Hello there. You should be able to add it without interfering with the flavor. I recommend powdered lecithin for the least amount of flavor. Keep me posted if you give a try. Blessings, amie sue
Thanks Amie Sue. I used 1 tbsp sunflower lecithin powder in the recipe and it turned out great. It even holds together in hot black tea! (Usually my almond milk looks like it has curdled in hot tea.)
That’s wonderful. Thank you for sharing that bit of info. Those who drink hot liquids will be happy to know that. :) We don’t want any curdles floating around hehe. I hope that you are staying warm and cozy. Blessings, amie sue
Hi Amie –
Do you think this would work with homemade coconut milk as well?
Michele Goot
I haven’t tested it Michele, but I don’t see why not. It’s worth making a small batch to see. :) If you do, keep me posted. Blessings, amie sue
Hi Amie…Where did you get the bottle with the black cap in the first picture? I love that bottle!
Lori Anderson
Good afternoon Lori,
I picked it up at an antique store. I love old bottles, milk bottles, jar. :) Have a great evening, amie sue
Just tried this and boy, does it thicken up FAST as you said! I added some medjool dates to my mix (after I strained – I do what I’m told!) and it is lovely. I can see how this would make a lovely milk for ‘hot’ chocolate or porridge. Thanks. :)
:) I am glad that you tried the recipe Sarah. Thanks for sharing. And yes, it would be great for hot chocolate and porridge. :) Enjoy and have a blessed day, amie sue