Juicing Greens (recipe ideas)

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The juice of organic vegetables will not only speed up the process of detoxification, but it will also flood your body with enzymes, vitamins, and minerals for quick absorption and will significantly benefit the immune system.
The juice of organic vegetables is rich in nutrients. As the cells of your body are bathed in these fresh, alkaline vegetable juices, they begin to release acids, which are toxins that can then be removed through the elimination channels of the body, i.e., the lungs, kidneys, skin, etc.

Juicing provides a rich source of live enzymes essential to the digestive process. Enzymes are proteins that break down foods into nutrients your body can readily digest. When you eat, digestive enzymes are released from your saliva glands sending signals to the stomach and small intestine in preparation for digestion. If you are new to juicing, start slow and gradually introduce vegetable juice to your body.
Cautions… Concentrated Nutrients
Fresh vegetable juice is more concentrated than the vegetables you eat. Also, the nutrition and benefits of the vegetables are released and made available to the body much faster than if your body were digesting a whole vegetable.
If you are new to juicing, you will want to begin with more basic vegetables such as carrots, celery, parsnips, cucumber, etc. Then with time, gradually introduce vegetables such as dandelion leaves, parsley, beet greens, etc. Purslane and wheat grass are more powerful juices and should be added after juicing for a while.
You need to be more careful when using green juices such as broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, dandelion, spinach, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, and all other greens.
These juices tend to be more powerful and so you will want to start slow and gradually increase. Ultimately, you never want more than a quarter of your juice to be green juice.
Eat Your Veggies Too
Fresh vegetable juice is great, but you are still going to need to eat your veggies too!
Your body is a natural juicer. As an example, when you eat a carrot, your body begins to digest it. Essentially, your body extracts the juice from the carrot and then gathers the nutrition from the juice for its bodily functions. Then, the fiber passes through the colon and helps keep you regular.
The benefit of juicing is that you help your body by removing the step required to extract the juice from the vegetable. But in doing so, you also lose the all-important fiber. So continue eating your veggies to get the fiber you need to help maintain regularity.

Juice Responsibly
We’ve all heard that saying, “Drink Responsibly.” Well, today I am going to advise you to juice responsibly. As I mentioned above, green juices, in particular, are very potent! How much you can drink will depend on where you are coming from in your health journey.
Ultimately, it is important that we are consciously aware of the power that the vegetables and fruits can and do have on our body. Certain vegetables can have profound effects. For example, celery and parsley juice is a natural diuretic. Dandelion leaves stimulate the liver. Beets can move your bowels. By introducing too much of these powerful juices at once, your body can experience negative symptoms.
Juicing Foundation
- Drink juice on an empty stomach so your body can fully absorb all the nutrients flooding it.
- Drink the juice right away. Enzymes begin to degrade, therefore decreasing the nutritional content.
- Be aware of how many sweet fruits you are adding to your juices. Too much can lead to adverse effects and cravings.
- If possible, keep your juices as green as possible. The fewer fruits, the better.
- Chew your juice. Saliva in the mouth contains important digestive enzymes.
- Rotate the greens you use (kale, chard, spinach, mustard greens, collards, dandelion, arugula, etc.) in your juice each day to prevent a build-up of oxalic acid. By doing so, you will provide a more balanced amount of different vitamins and minerals for your body.
- Adding fresh lemon to your green juice will decrease the bitterness of the greens.
Simple Recipes
- Cleansing Carrot – 6-7 carrots / 1 handful parsley
- Lime Love – 1 tomato / 1 stalk celery / 1/2 cucumber / 1 thin slice of lime
- Pineapple Punch – 2 stalks celery / 2-inch thick slice of pineapple
- Primal Beet – 4 apples / 1/2 beet with greens
- Sweet Mixer – 5-6 carrots / 1 apple / 1 handful of parsley
- Veggie Love – 4 carrots / 2 kale leaves / 1/2 cucumber / 1/4 green pepper
- Wake Up – 2 tomatoes / 1 stalk of celery
- Zinger Love – 1 bunch kale / 2 cucumbers / 1/2 bunch of herbs like parsley, cilantro, or mint / 1 lemon with peel removed / 1 lime with peel removed / 1 green apple

Alfalfa Sprouts
Traditionally Used For:
- Anemia / Eyes / Fatigue / Hair Loss / Impotence / Liver / Kidneys / Thyroid / Weight Loss
A Good Source Of:
- Calcium / Choline / Magnesium / Phosphorus / Potassium / Silicon
- Sodium / Zinc / Vitamin A / B Complex / Vitamin C / Vitamin E
- Vitamin K / Chlorophyll / Amino Acids
Freshness Test:
- Alfalfa sprouts should have small green leaves. Once harvested, keep in the refrigerator.
Basil Juice
Traditionally Used For:
- Appetite Stimulant / Headaches / Stomach
A Good Source Of:
- Chlorophyll / Magnesium / Potassium / Vitamin A
Freshness Test:
- Basil can be bought from your local grocery store or you can also grow it yourself.
- Look for fresh bright green leaves, avoid those that have turned yellow.
Celery Juice
Traditionally Used For:
- Asthma / Constipation / Fluid Retention / Insomnia / Kidney Problems / Liver Problems
A Good Source Of:
Freshness Test:
- Choose celery stalks that are firm and as dark as possible.
- Avoid limp celery stalks.
Dandelion Leaves
Traditionally Used For:
- Anemia / Constipation / Eye Problems / Kidney / Liver / Skin Problems / Weight Loss
A Good Source Of:
- Calcium / Vitamin B–1 / Magnesium / Potassium / Chlorophyll
Freshness Test:
- Dandelions grow like weeds in your yard, literally.
- Look for small dandelion leaves, so they taste less bitter.
- They are best picked in the spring, but you can pick them all summer too.
- Avoid picking leaves in the areas where chemical fertilizers or pesticides have been used.
Traditionally Used For:
- Anemia / Asthma / Arthritis / Circulation / Eye Problems / Hair Loss / Hay Fever / Impotence / Liver / Skin Problems / Ulcers / Weight Loss
A Good Source Of:
- Calcium / Iron / Vitamin A / Chlorophyll
Freshness Test:
- Kale is best in the spring or fall. Look for firm kale leaves.
- Because kale is a green juice, you will find it beneficial to have no more than about ¼ of your juice consisting of green juice.
- Kale can have a powerful taste, although it’s definitely a vegetable worth juicing for its high chlorophyll content.
- You can grow kale quite easily yourself.
- Kale is very high in calcium and makes an excellent calcium alternative.
Mustard Greens
Traditionally Used For:
- Asthma / Bone Health / Menopause / Muscle Relaxant
A Good Source Of:
- Magnesium / Vitamin A, C, and E
Freshness Test:
- Look for leaves that are free of yellow or brown spots.
- Select crisp green colored leaves.
Traditionally Used For:
- Anemia / Arthritis / Bladder Problems / Circulation / Endocrine System / Eye Problems / Kidneys / Liver / Prostate / Skin / Urinary Tract / Weight Loss
A Good Source Of:
- Calcium / Magnesium / Phosphorus / Potassium / Sodium / Sulfur / Vitamin A / Vitamin C / Chlorophyll
Freshness Test:
- Parsley is easily grown by yourself. It grows without any special care or attention. If you have a garden, simply throw some seed down and parsley will magically grow.
- Look for dark green leaves. The darker the leaves, the more chlorophyll there is.
- Because parsley is a green juice, you will find it beneficial to have no more than about ¼ of your juice consisting of green juice.
- Parsley is also a natural diuretic and should never be drunk by itself as it is simply too powerful.
- Parsley is very concentrated, and so I try not to use any more than 1 ounce in every 8-ounce glass.
- Parsley is high in oxalic acid and should be avoided by those who suffer from or are at risk for kidney stones, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and those whose stomach is easily irritated.
- Since parsley is high in oxalic acid, you should also avoid combining parsley with other vegetables that are high in calcium, such as broccoli. Oxalic acid combines with calcium to create an indigestible compound. You should also avoid eating calcium-rich food immediately after eating or juicing parsley or any food high in oxalic acid.
Cilantro Juice
Traditionally Used For:
- Appetite Stimulant / Arthritis / Digestive System / Muscle Stiffness
A Good Source Of:
Freshness Test:
- Cilantro is easily grown by yourself.
- Look for dark green leaves. The darker the leaves, the more chlorophyll there is.
- Because cilantro is a green juice, you will find it beneficial to have no more than about ¼ of your juice consisting of green juice.
- Cilantro should never be drunk by itself as it can be powerful.
- Cilantro is very concentrated, and so I try not to use any more than 1 ounce in every 8-ounce glass.
- Information gathered from www.juicingbook.com.
There are SOOO many different greens and veggies that you can juice. The possibilities are truly endless.
This website is not intended to provide medical advice. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information available on this site is for general informational, entertainment, and educational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional diagnosis or treatment. The author of this site is not responsible for any adverse effects that may occur from the application of the information on this site. You are encouraged to make your own healthcare decisions, based on your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.
© AmieSue.com
First…I LOVE the Print this Recipe feature!! I will end up with my own Nouveau Raw recipe book! :)
Thanks for all this info…it’s funny that after hours and hours of online research on juicers, it was the new vertical Omega that I thought I needed! :)
Jami, you do know how to make me smile. :) The vertical Omega juicer is a lovely one, I stand by it! Best of all, it’s not hard to clean which can often be the case with juicers. I will bring you mine so you can test drive it. :)
I love the recipes and the thought of juicing and drinking it…. also the health benefits with juicing and drinking. I am a female with high blood pressure.what veges and fruits would you recommend or would be good for me to drink?. I am also having trouble being regular….please help me. Tasmania
Good morning Suzie,
Juicing can be so healing for the body. I am not a doctor so please take my advice and/or thoughts as a suggestion. It is always a good idea to consult with your doctor when making dietary changes, specially with health issues in place.
I found a site that might be really helpful for you, please click on the following link: https://juicerecipes.com/health/
Let me know if you find this helpful. Blessings, amie sue
Good morning one of the reasons for my being….. {{ HUGS}}
So, Here is the only Recipe I have been making in the last three weeks since I got my juicer. I’m concerned if these ingredients maybe too hard on the system and if their portion ratio and volume is too much… ( I do belch a lot ). Also, concerned about the acid content you speak about in this article. Also, my hubby is diabetic should I have any considerations when juicing. Also, I have a hiatlel hernia and on ant acid meds..
Each of these ingredients weigh 2.5 ounces except the greens they weigh 5 ounces combined.
Greens: baby kale, baby spinach, baby chard Mix. 5 ounces total.
One small Granny Smith green apple.
What are your thoughts?
I eating a huge green salad ( Mixing Bowl Size for dinner ) with about 16 ingredients. I am using Dr. Fuhrman’s GBOMS guide (green, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds) plus adding super seeds.
Throughout the day I will have a fermented yogurt bowl and other things…. Though since I have been juicing I have been skipping my oatmeal scoop into my yogurt bow.
So…… Why am I struggling to eliminate. I do eliminate daily and I am allowing a 15 hour fast but I am surprised of the struggle.
Also, do you have your celery juice recipe on your site? Sorry I haven’t looked yet…. thank you in advance for your reply,
Good afternoon Maureen,
Thanks for reaching out and sharing your experience/struggles. Let me see if I can offer any help.
“I’m concerned if these ingredients maybe too hard on the system and if their portion ratio and volume is too much… ( I do belch a lot ).”
Addressing the belching. Here are a few ideas that can lead to belching with juicing.
#1 If you down a lot of juice too fast, you’ll swallow extra air along the way. Most of this won’t go to your stomach. It will stay in your esophagus, which links your throat to your stomach until you burp it back up. Slow down, chew your juice, and try smaller portions, so you burp less.
#2 Have you tried reducing the amount you drink to see if you get a different result?
#3 Indigestion can lead to burping (along with other symptoms). While vegetables can actually aid in digestive health, eating them in the concentrated form, such as when juicing, may be too much for your digestive system. You might also have an underlying digestive disorder that is being exacerbated by consuming juiced vegetables.
#4 Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and asparagus have a sugar in them called raffinose that can cause gas and indigestion-like symptoms.
#5 Have you been tested for an underlying gastrointestinal disorder?
#6 Adding acidic foods to your meals can make matters worse.
Things to Try
—Try drinking a half-juice and half-water mix. If this relieves your symptoms, gradually decrease the amount of water, you are adding.
—Another solution is to take out one vegetable at a time to see if they are causing the problem.
With your hubby having diabetes , I would just watch the sugars, even in carrots as they are high in sugars.
Why am I struggling to eliminate?
“What are your thoughts? I eating a huge green salad ( Mixing Bowl Size for dinner ) with about 16 ingredients. I am using Dr. Fuhrman’s GBOMS guide (green, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and seeds) plus adding super seeds.
WOW, girl, you pack a lot of different veggies into your day! This ontop of juicing and whatever you take in.
— Is this way of eating new to you – volume-wise?
— Did you recently ramp up the amount of veggies you eat?
— Outside of elimination issues, do you burp a lot with these meals, or is that just with juicing?
— Do you suffer from bloating? Stomach pain?
— Cooking vegetables before eating them breaks down fiber, which makes vegetables more digestible. I found that I had to reduce my intake of raw veggies. My digestion and
elimination works better when I eat them steamed. Of course, I eat raw lettuce/greens, but I reduce the amount and toss it with the cooked veggies.
— Do you drink enough water?
— Do you drink caffeinated drinks? Caffeine can be drying to the bowels.
— Do you exercise daily?
Elimination issues are tricky to figure out. I have suffered from them for most of my adult life. I have done darn near every treatment or therapy known to mankind. Lol For me, I had to work on the following to get my bowels moving; eat more cooked veggies than raw, cut out oils, drink 16 oz of fresh, pure celery juice first thing in the more followed by a warm breakfast, increase starches (starchy veggies, beans, rice, legumes), get daily exercise, and do emotional work (this made a HUGE difference for me). But that’s for me… everyone is different.
Celery Juice Recipe
No post on the site. It is nothing but pure organic celery, juiced. I drink 16 oz first thing in the mornings. Been doing this for 14 months now.
I hope something I shared might help. blessings, amie sue