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Storing Prepared Raw Foods and Shelf Life

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Besides ingredient substitutions, I am often asked, “How long will this last?” I am going to do my best to address this question as the answer isn’t black and white. Keep in mind, we are dealing with fresh whole foods, and the point of eating these foods is to eat it when it is at its freshest state so we can receive the most nutrients and enzymes available.

We need to let go of comparing raw foods with cooked, processed, packaged, and canned foods, especially when it comes to storing. The idea behind those foods is convenience and shelf life. The idea behind raw foods is freshness and nutrients! So, please don’t expect raw foods to have a shelf life like processed foods.

Unlike most cooks, we can’t rely on high temperatures to kill harmful bacteria. The time and temperature rules of food safety still apply. If anything, proper storage, refrigeration, and timely preparation of raw food becomes even more essential. It is important to remember that raw food is just food; it is preservative-free and should be treated the same way you would with any other fresh food.

Below I will be sharing some shelf life suggestions. Along with those suggestions, you will also want to engage your senses. Use your eyes, nose, touch, and taste to determine how fresh something is or isn’t.

How does it look, smell, taste, feel?

I get a lot of questions through the recipe comment section or email, asking me, “How long will “…….” last?” “I left my “…..” on the counter, is it still good?” “My coconut yogurt is strong-smelling, is it ok to eat?” Whereas these are great questions, it is difficult for me to determine the answers when I am not in your kitchen. I can’t see your preparation methods, and I don’t know how fresh the ingredients were, how long you dehydrated something or if moisture was left in it, and so on. With all that said, it is up to you to determine if your ingredient or dish is still fresh enough to enjoy. You will need to rely on your senses and the more you use these as food safety tools, the easier it will become in determining the shelf life of what sits before you.

Fine-tune your senses





Dehydrated Foods

It is a little different when dehydration comes into play. If you dehydrate ALL of the moisture out of a food, it will keep for a long time in an airtight container. But this isn’t always our goal; sometimes we want to keep some moisture in the food for textural reasons.

In general, to prolong the shelf life:

Bread (raw & dehydrated)

Shelf Life

Storage Tips

Cheesecakes (raw)

Shelf Life

Storage Tips for the Fridge

Storage Tips to freeze WHOLE Cheesecake

Freezing Cheesecake By the Slice

Crackers, Croutons, and Kale Chips (raw and dehydrated)

Shelf Life

Storage Tips

Cookies and Bars (raw and dehydrated)

Shelf Life

Storage Tips

Ice Cream and Frozen Treats (raw)

Shelf Life

  • The shelf life of raw ice cream seems to be anywhere from one to three months. How and where you store the treats can help prolong the expiration date.

Storage Ideas

Non-Dairy Milks

Shelf Life

Storage Tips for the Fridge

Storage Tips for Freezing

Spreads, Dips, Dressings, Soups, and Condiments (raw)

Shelf Life

Storage Tips

Rule of Thumb

A good rule of thumb to consider is, if there are ingredients in the raw food recipe that usually need refrigeration, then refrigerate your creation. If nothing in the raw food recipe requires refrigeration, most likely you won’t have to refrigerate it because there isn’t anything in it that will spoil. Use your senses along with common sense. If I missed something, please leave a comment below. blessings, amie sue

3 thoughts on “Storing Prepared Raw Foods and Shelf Life

  1. […] vegan dessert needs its own storage method. Raw food storage techniques are especially important for keeping your creations […]

  2. […] is a great way to keep your snacks fresh for a long time. Check out these expert tips for keeping your vegan cookies […]

  3. […] is key. Use airtight containers and keep it away from strong smells. It can pick up odors quickly18. You can store it in the fridge for up to a week or freeze it for 3 […]

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