Clover Seed Sprouts

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Clover Seed Sprouts – Jar method
Sweet, crunchy clover sprouts are loaded with protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and zinc, as well as vitamins A, B, C, E. All of their many nutritional elements, are easily assimilated and readily available to your body.
When exposed to light they grow green and rich with chlorophyll and vitamins. Clover seeds aren’t difficult to sprout, and each new crop takes less than a week. The sprouts can be eaten raw as a snack, in salads, on raw sandwiches, in smoothies, and so forth. I personally think these little guys are pretty darn amazing!
Save Money
Learning how to sprout seeds will not only bring you great satisfaction it will also save on the pocketbook. One tablespoon of seeds will fill a quart jar with several ounces of sprouts. A 4-ounce package will yield several pounds.
Simple and Easy
It takes less than a minute per day to grow and prepare sprouts. Sprouts will grow nearly anywhere indoors, in any season. Sprouts require very little space and travel well. They are ideal to take along in your camper, boat, or RV. Have spouts, will travel! hehe
No Garden Required
No digging, planting, weeding, pests, or chemicals involved! You never need to take the weather into account as to it they will make it or not. In just 3 to 7 days you will have a bountiful, nutrition-packed harvest. When stored in your refrigerator, they will stay fresh for days- even weeks if rinsed properly.
- 3 Tbsp clover seeds
- Water
- 1/2 gallon sized canning jar with a mesh screen
- Measure 3 tablespoon clover seeds into a 1/2 gallon-sized, glass canning jar. Fill the jar with water.
- Cover the jar with a fine mesh screen and secure the screen tightly to the jar with the canning jar ring or a rubber band.
- Place the jar on your kitchen countertop or any place where the jar is at a normal room temperature and let the seeds soak overnight. (8-12 hrs)
- Drain the water and seeds through the mesh screen the following morning, rinse and drain again.
- Tip the jar upside down at an angle and set it in a bowl to allow the water to continue to drain.
- I like using a dish drying rack. See below. I use a stainless steel dish drying rack for this. It keeps the jars at a nice angle to help drain the water.
- Rinse and drain the clover seeds two to three times every day.
- Once you see the beginning of tiny leaves (sprouts), move the jar near a sunny spot.
- As the sprouts grow, start to taste test them to see when you want to stop the sprouting process.
- This can take 5-6 days. Remember to rinse and drain them several times a day up until harvesting them.
- When ready to harvest we will do one last step to release/remove some of the hulls.
- A salad spinner is a wonderful tool to use. Fill the container with water, place the sprouts in the container, and with your fingers swish them around. Pump the spinner a few times. This will cause the loose hulls to float to the top. Drain out the water and spin the sprouts dry.
- The hulls are the outer shell of the seeds that are removed in the natural process of sprouting the seed. You can eat them but oftentimes they can be more difficult to digest.
- Store the sprouts in the refrigerator. The sprouts can last up to six weeks, but the taste is better when the sprouts are fresh.
- Before moving your sprouts to the fridge, they should be dry to the touch. Let our sprouts sit for 8-12 hours after their final rinse to make sure they are dry! Again, using a salad spinner will speed up that process. To dry them, spread paper towels on your countertop and spread the sprouts out, so air can dance around them, helping them to dry.
- You can transfer them to a plastic bag, use a special green produce bag, or you can use a glass or plastic container.

Hello again amie sue!
Just checking…Do you really leave the seeds soaking during the night after the initial soaking, or is that a typo?
I have only used a hemp bag, and would like to try the jar method.
Good afternoon Annie,
Yes’em. I soak them for 8-12 hours, basically over night. Then drain them, continuing on with the remaining process. I haven’t ever used the hemp bag method. Maybe we can teach one another new tricks. hehe
Amie Sue,
First let me say: This is truly the best raw food web site ever. It has so much detail, tons of recipes and lots of heart. You are so very generous to put this much information out to the public at no cost. I have a pretty good grasp of raw food prep, but here I have still learned tons!
Second, I am just getting into regular sprouting and have a question about these clover sprouts you did. So you put them into the salad spinner with water and then spun them? Did that not just shoot the water everywhere? You must not have spun very long/hard. After which you still had to remove the seeds (floating on top) with a strainer or slotted spoon? Is that right? Just trying to get a feel for this method. Have only sprouted quinoa and buckwheat in a strainer sitting over a bowl with a towel draped over it (works great). Can’t get oats to sprout, but that’s a different monster all together.
Thanks again for the web site and all the wonderful information.
Good evening Melissa,
Thank you very much for your inspirational words. :) You are very kind! I feel there is always something new to learn daily! So I am right there with you. To answer your questions:
Q. So you put them into the salad spinner with water and then spun them?
A. Yes
Q. Did that not just shoot the water everywhere?
A. No, there are 3 parts to a salad spinner; the lid, the hard clear plastic bowl (the outer bowl) and then there is an inner bowl that sits inside that has holes/slots in it for the water to get out of. The outer bowl catches the water. Check out this site as to what it looks like,
Q. You must not have spun very long/hard. After which you still had to remove the seeds (floating on top) with a strainer or slotted spoon? Is that right?
A. The pictures I posted follow the sequence of what I did. I put the sprouts in the salad spinner and filled it with water, the hulls then floated up to the top. I used the mesh strainer that you see in the picture to scoop out the hulls that had floated to the top. I then poured the water out and gave the salad spinner a few pumps. This helps to get most of the water off of them.
I hope my answers helped you out. If they are confusing, keep asking! We will work it out. :)
Have a blessed day! amie sue
Hey, I am looking to plant red clover seeds. But you guys are talking about just sprouting them. Is it possible to plant them after you sprout them? I’m looking for the purple flowers, not the greens themselves. I make a tea out of the flower heads. Let me know what you think.
Hello Cayla… I am going to direct you to the Sproutpeople. They sell clover seeds and many others there. I haven’t ever planted them before, just sprout and eat. :) amie sue
Thank you very much. :) Have a good evening.
Hi Nouveau Raw,
Love your website. I’m wondering where you got your plastic sprout container? I’m on the hunt for them.
OH gosh Ainslee, I ordered those years ago through an on-line company that sold sprouting materials. If I come across them again, I will let you know. You can also use used berries containers from the grocery store. The hunt is on :) amie sue
Hello Ami-Sue,
I’m a new subscriber.
After the initial soaking overnight and rinsing the next day 2-3 times and draining domI soak it overnight again and rinse 2-3 times and drain ? How many overnight soaking is there?
Thank you.
Good afternoon and welcome Jessica,
#5 in the preparation reads, “Drain the sprouts a final time when all the seeds have sprouted, which usually takes about five or six days.” As the sprouts come out, start tasting them to see were the sweet spot it… you might like them with smaller tails. It’s up to you. :) Have a great evening, amie sue
Hello Amie-Sue,
Thank you for your response.
Still need clarification:
Step #4 says to soak the seeds each night.
So I’m soaking each night between 3-7 days, depending when I feel it’s ready?
Oh Jessica… I did some thorough reading the instructions and cleaned them up. I see why you were confused. I am sorry about that. Please read through them again and see if it reads better? I appreciate your patience. :) amie sue
Thank you for clarifying it. Yes, it reads better.
Oh good. Sorry again for any confusion. Have a wonderful up and coming week! amie sue