Coconut Mango Spring Rolls with Sticky Quinoa “Rice”

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~
I have long been a fan of a Thai dish called Sticky Rice and Mango. When I was living in Alaska, there was a tiny, itsy-bitsy Thai restaurant that made some of the most amazing food. It has been years since I have eaten there but that darn sticky rice dish has always stuck in my head ( no pun intended). And for quite a few years I have wanted to make this mostly raw version of it.
Instead of rice, I used quinoa which you can either cook or sprout. For “Sticky” part I added coconut milk to it along with a little sweetener. It would be preferred to use fresh Young Thai Coconuts, but I realize that for some of you, it can be a great challenge finding them. I have been in that position myself so as an alternative I listed a canned version that you can use.
I did my best at capturing step by step photos. A few didn’t come out so well, but I hope there are enough to help you. I used rice paper which isn’t a raw product. You can always make raw coconut wraps if you want the dish to remain completely raw. I have actually had quite a bit of fun making these, but I can see that I still need more experience in the wrapping end of things.
The flowers that I used in this dish are edible ones. Be careful in selecting your flowers. Make sure that they are edible and free of pesticides. These rolls were actually very easy to make, so I encourage you to give them a try. What a gorgeous dessert to surprise your loved ones with.
yields 6
Coconut quinoa:
- 1 cup uncooked quinoa (see below for cooked or raw versions)
- 14 oz raw coconut milk or canned (BPA free)
- 1/2 cup shredded coconut
- 1/4 tsp liquid stevia
- 1/4 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- 1 mango, sliced into strips
- 2 cups of coconut quinoa
- Edible flowers
Dipping Sauce: yields 1 cup
- 1 cup diced mango
- 1/4 cup raw coconut milk or canned (BPA free)
- 1 Tbsp maple syrup
- 2 tsp lemon juice
- Cook or Sprout quinoa:
- Cook ~ Rinse quinoa till water runs clear. Combine 1 cup quinoa and 2 cups of water in a medium-sized saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low; cover and simmer 15 minutes or until most of the liquid is absorbed. Turn off heat and let stand covered for 5 minutes.
- Sprout ~ to make approx. 4 cups finished product, put 2 1/2 cups of quinoa in a large bowl or jar. Add 2-3 times as much cool (60-70 degree) water. Mix quinoa well to assure even water contact throughout. Soak for 20-30 minutes. Then drain off the soak water, rinse well and drain. Place a mesh lid on the jar and set it anywhere out of direct sunlight and at room temperature (70° is optimal). Rinse and Drain again every 8-12 hours until tails are formed. Now it is ready to use.
- After cooking or sprouting the quinoa, add the coconut milk, shredded coconut, stevia, and salt. Mix well and set aside.
- For optimum flavor, use a ripe mango. Peel the outer skin off and cut the flesh off of the seed, in slabs. Then cut into matchstick slices. Set aside.
- Have the coconut quinoa ready in a bowl.
- Edible flowers are optional, but they sure do make a gorgeous presentation. Be sure that the flowers you use are indeed edible and pesticide-free.
Dipping Sauce:
- Place the mango, coconut milk, sweetener, and lemon juice in the blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Pour into a bowl for serving.
- The excess sauce should last 3-5 days in the fridge.
- Rice paper – Soak the rice paper for 10-15 seconds (you don’t want it too soft when taking it out of the water but pliable enough to roll.) Place rice paper on a cutting board and create a layer of edible flower (the good side of the flower facing down, so it shows through the rice paper) coconut rice, strips of mango, a dash of cinnamon if you want, and another layer of coconut rice.
- Fold in the sides, then the bottom, and then roll, tucking all the ingredients in. Rice paper can get sticky and tear easily, so be gentle and work quickly.
- Store in an airtight container in the fridge. These should last up to 3 days in the fridge. Serve chilled with dipping sauce.

Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Nut Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, sugar free
This looks amazing and I will try this week. Thanks
Please keep me posted Elaine if you try making them and if you have any questions, never hesitate to ask. Have a wonderful evening, amie sue
I lived in Alaska and ate at that same Thai restaurant…. Looking forward to this recipe! Thank you for sharing such wonderful alternatives as you have made raw food so enjoyable for me to share. I travel frequently and refer others to your site weekly!!
Good evening Donna… in Wasilla? Thank you for spreading the healthy word on my site. I appreciate it! :) Have a blessed evening, amie sue
Beautiful! You never cease at amazing me. God has given you a wonderful gift and has made this my favorite go to website. Please don’t ever stop sharing your wonderful talent from above. Now if you can work on those cheezy stuff jalapeno I requested about a year ago, I will love you forever:-) although i love you anyway for the many exciting recipes provided, but you know I like to request things that will challenge your skills and I’m confident that you can make it happen. Thank you, a friend forever Evye
Good evening Evye,
Thank you very much. Your so sweet! You have no idea how many times I have thought about making those cheesy jalapeno things but just never got around to it. Bad bad bad amie sue. hehe I am going to though because my husband would really enjoy those too! Have a blessed evening Evye :)
Thank you Yoda of all things Raw:-) I’m putting all your recipes on my Pintrest rock and this dish sounds amazing, my favorite so far.Thanks for sharing your hard work.xoxo Marci Allen
lol Marci….”Yoda of all things Raw”… I like that. :) I am happy to hear that you are enjoying my site. Do keep in touch and many blessings, amie sue
Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes. You are blessed with a beautiful talent. I love the look of the flowers behind the rice paper. It’s like a frosted window…so many design possibilities.
Have a fabulous week!
Your welcome MartieB…. you are right, they do look like flowers behind a frosted window. :) Blessings, amie sue
Ooo, this looks sooo good. I want to try in the next couple weeks. Not sure about edible flowers at this end.
Another great share, thanks Amie Sue
I hope you do get a chance to make it Nicole… keep me posted if you do! I know that edible flowers are not always easy to find. Let’s see, you could cut thin flat pieces of the mango and use a cookie cutter and make heart shapes, that would be pretty. hehe Have a wonderful weekend, amie sue
I love, love, love your recipes!!
also, thanks for making it so easy to print the recipes! I appreciate that so very much!
thanks again for your great work!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Shirlee hehe
Yum! Longing to make these asap! Do not have quinoa at hand tho, reckon it can be substituted? Chia?!
I wish I could get thai coconuts all year around, but hardly ever see them up here in Norway…bought them all the time when I lived in Australia and it was heaven on earth :)
Good morning Idapie,
I don’t think chia would be the best substitute due to the bulk / volume of the quinoa in this recipe. If you steamed rice, that would work. I know that young Thia coconuts can be a challenge. I run into that myself here in the US… just have to do the best we can. :) Have a blessed day, amie sue
Amy ,just made these last night for dessert. Every one woke up this morning and ate them for breakfast. So so delicious! Thank you so much.
That is wonderful Angela! So thrilled that you all enjoyed them for breakfast. hehe I appreciate that you shared this with me. Have a great evening, amie sue