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Vanilla Bean Body Butter

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DYI Vanilla Bean Body Butter in an old mason jar

This body butter is light, fluffy, and glides onto the skin. As you rub it in, it initially feels a little more on the oily side than a lotion. However, I find that it soaks in nicely.

Before we get into the ingredients list, I must warn you… you will be tempted (heavily) to lick the spatula while you are scooping it into the jars. It looks so beautifully, silky creamy like it belongs on a cake and in your tummy! Hehe, Therapeutic wise I decided on the following ingredients…

Shea Butter

Shea butter is also known as “Vitamin A Cream.” This is a pretty powerful vitamin for the skin. It aids in the skin’s natural collagen production and helps to protect, as well as nourish the skin to prevent drying. It’s great to help with bug bites, skin allergies, and even frostbite. (source)

Cacao Butter

Cocoa butter is the best salvation for people who have sensitive skin. Cocoa butter moisturizers are good at protecting skin from heat, healing such diseases as eczema and other problems. A cocoa buttercream will definitely help you keep your skin soft and supple.

According to Dr. Axe, “Cocoa butter contains compounds called cocoa mass polyphenols. Research shows that its polyphenols have several positive indicators for skin health, including improved skin elasticity and skin tone, better collagen retention/production, and better hydration.”

Jojoba Oil

This oil works by creating an oily layer on the top of the skin that traps water in the skin. It works on your face, neck, hands, feet, and hair.  I have been using jojoba oil for years now as a face cleaner of all things. One wouldn’t think that washing your face oil makes sense, but it works.

It removes dirt, makeup, and bacteria from your face. It’s even safe for cleaning eye makeup, and it’s hypoallergenic. I just put some in the palm of my hands, rub them together and then rub it over my face. I then remove it with a warm washcloth.  It is rich in iodine, which fights harmful bacteria growth that leads to breakouts. The antioxidants present in jojoba oil also helps to soothe fine lines, wrinkles, and naturally slow down other signs of aging.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is rich in protein which helps keep the skin healthy and rejuvenated, both internally and externally. These proteins also contribute to cellular health and tissue repair. Coconut oil contains Vitamin E, which soothes eczema, sunburn, and psoriasis, and its antiviral and antifungal benefits even help to treat bug bites.

Look for the words “unrefined,” “cold-pressed” or “crude.” This means that the product was extracted with natural methods that don’t overheat the ingredient during the process, thus destroying some of its nutrients.

DYI Vanilla Bean Body Butter in an old mason jar with a close up on a knifeIngredients:

  • 1/4 cup shea butter
  • 1/4 cup cacao butter
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup organic jojoba oil
  • 10-20 drops lemon essential oil
  • 1/2 tsp almond extract
  • 1 vanilla bean, seeds only


Melting in a double boiler:

  1. Simmer a few inches of water in a saucepan and set a stainless steel bowl on top, making sure the bowl fits snugly.  Or use a double boiler if you have one) The water in the bottom pan shouldn’t be touching the top bowl.
  2. Combine the shea butter, cacao butter, and coconut oil in the top bowl.
  3. Gently melt and stir until the mixture is liquid.

Melting in the dehydrator: (this is what I do)

  1. You will need a dehydrator that has a large cavity such as an Excalibur.  A stackable tray dehydrator won’t work.
  2. Place the containers of the oils in the dehydrator and warm to liquid.
  3. I find this method much easier as I don’t have to scoop out hard butters/oils from their jars… I just melt it all, use what is needed, return the lid and let it set back up until I get another wild hair to make body butter.

Whipping the body butter:

  1. Once the oils have melted,  stir in the jojoba oil and allow the mixture to set up partially.
    • I placed mine in the freezer for a few minutes until it started to set up partially.
    • Be careful that you don’t let it stay in the freezer too long or it will totally harden.  Simple remelt it if it does.
  2. Once the mixture is partially set, add the lemon essential oil extract and vanilla bean seeds, whip with a hand mixer or stand mixer until the body butter is fluffy and stiff peaks have formed.
    • If it blends creamy but isn’t getting fluffy,  slide the bowl in the fridge or freezer for a few more minutes, then continue to whip it.
    • There shouldn’t be any lumps in the body butter.
    • Be sure to scrape the sides down during the mixing process.
    • You will notice that the mixture is more on the yellow side when you first start but after whipping it, it turns white.
  3. Spoon or pipe the creamy butter into a jar.
    • I like to pipe the body butter into the jars; this keeps everything clean.
    • I put a ziplock bag into a tall jar or glass and fold the opening of the bag over the edges of the jar.  I then put the butter in the bag, remove the bag, zip shut, and snip the bottom corner off of the bag.
    • Pipe into the jar, stop occasionally and tap the jar on the countertop to help settle the body butter into the jar.
  4. In an air-tight jar, you can expect this body butter to stay fresh at room temp between 3-6 months.
  5. Always use clean hands when scooping out the butter or use a plastic or wooden popsicle stick.
  6. It is best to store the body butter in amber or cobalt colored jars as they protect the contents from sunlight which promotes oxidation.  If you use a clear jar, keep it out of the sunlight.
  7. I am not 100% sure about the shelf life, but I guess if you use it on a regular basis it will keep just fine. :)

the supplies needed for DYI Vanilla Bean Body Butter

mixing the ingredients for DYI Vanilla Bean Body Butter with an antique funky painted mixer

mixing the ingredients for DYI Vanilla Bean Body Butter with an antique funky painted mixer, blending it creamy

looking in the bowl while mixing the ingredients for DYI Vanilla Bean Body Butter with an antique funky painted mixer, blending it creamy

a close up on a spatula DYI Vanilla Bean Body Butter

placing the DYI Vanilla Bean Body Butter in a plastic bag that is lining a mason jar

the Vanilla Bean Body Butter in a plastic bag to pipe into mason jars

the Vanilla Bean Body Butter piping into mason jars

a close up of the Vanilla Bean Body Butter

a close up of the Vanilla Bean Body Butter displayed on barn wood

24 thoughts on “Vanilla Bean Body Butter

  1. Julie Mahdi says:

    I am so glad to see the step by step instructions. I’ve been unsuccessful in whipping body butter in the past. I’m sure I didn’t preset it enough to start and was probably impatient, giving up too soon. I look forward to trying your combination of oils. I’m going to use lime essential oil with the vanilla bean. Thanks again for sharing all the knowledge you have!

    • amie-sue says:

      I hope that you have better success now. It’s a lot like making your own raw almond butter… people tend to give up before the process is over, thinking they messed up (raises hand, guilty party hehe). Please keep me posted with comments or questions. Blessings, amie sue

  2. Joie. says:

    I love this ! I am serving in the US. Peace Corps for 2 years in the Eastern Caribbean and been making body butter by hand, .. using all the ingredients you recommend except the jojoba…. I use a mixture of essential oils as I can get them. I do always add tea tree oil and citronella oil. (Trying to keep the ever present mosquitos at bay..haha)
    Your posts have given me so much inspiration even though because of my limited circumstances I cannot make many! (I brought a circular dehydrator but there was a power surge and it burned up) Oops!
    Soon I return home though and can’t wait to get back to creating raw delights!
    Thank you for being with me on my journey ! Sending joy and peace . .. Joie

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Joie,

      So wonderful to hear from you. You are on quite a journey. Sending you love, prayers and blessings in all that you are doing!

      There are so many wonderful combinations of oils that can be used. I love the idea of add tea tree oil too. Sorry to hear about your dehydrator. Shew.

      Please keep in touch as you can… know that I am with you in spirit. Blessings! amie sue

  3. Anne-Marie says:

    I am definitely going try this and I am in LOVE with your mixer! Can you tell me where I can get one?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Anne-Marie,

      I hope you do give the recipe a try. Keep me posted if you would.

      Here is the link to the artist who painted this mixer: http://candy-zine.com/hand%20painted%20items.htm

      My husband surprised me last year for my birthday with it. It is so colorful and makes me smile every day when I look at it.

      Blessings, amie sue

  4. MJ says:

    Awesome recipe, sounds luxurious! LOVE that mixer too!!! It is happy and fabulous, where did you get it from?

  5. V says:

    Great recipe but lemon eo is phototoxic. Steamed distilled is not. Love your recipes!

  6. Leila says:

    Thanks for the beautiful illustrations and explanation of making body butter. I feel much more confident now :-) BTW, cutest blender ever!

    • amie-sue says:

      You are welcome Leila and thank you for the kind words. I do hope that feel inspired to give the recipe a try, Please let me know what you think. Blessings! amie sue

  7. kate says:

    This looks great…there wasn’t mention of when to add the jojoba oil…can you just put all 4 of the oils together, and then melt it all at the same time….? thanks…k.

  8. Angie says:

    lovely !!! and the mixer is absolutely exquisite and has the look of love

  9. e says:

    Can you use a blender or food processor?
    I haven’t got a mixer…

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello E,

      I haven’t attempted it but anything is possible. If it were me, I would go with the food processor, using the small bowl attachment if it comes with one. You will have to stop the unit often to scrap the edges down into the blades, but it’s worth a shot. If I had to use a blender, I would use my Vitamix that comes with the tamper so I could keep pushing the mixture into the blades while it runs. Let me know if you give it a try. Blessings, amie sue

  10. Lisa says:

    Due to coconut oil content, does this melt and/or separate when it gets overly warm?

    • amie-sue says:

      Yes Lisa, it will melt if it gets too warm. Coconut oil has a melting point around 76 degrees (F)…. so you need to keep this below that to hold its structure. Thanks for asking, great question. Have a blessed day, amie sue

  11. Judy Groveman says:

    It’s good stuff!

    I have a container of it by the kitchen sink for applying a protective shield to my hands. I’ve just started wearing surgical gloves (sometimes) also to protect my hands and once in a while while I’m cuttin’ n’ choppin’ a bit of the vanilla fragrance wafts into the air and it is an emotional high. A little bit of it ends up on my hair also and that is an added plus because it absorbs into the hair shaft rapidly and functions as the best hair conditioner.

    At night time before closing my eyes I turn into a slatherer and go crazy applying it in large quantities. It has just the right drag for massage.

    I am going to make nothing less than a triple batch from now on.

    I am also going to use some to make a light weight lotion that will absorb right into the skin quickly; it will include pink grapefruit essential oil (for cellulite).

    • amie-sue says:

      Ok, I am ready for a massage now! lol I wear surgical non-latex gloves a lot when prepping food and doing dishes. I have jars of this recipe in many areas of our house and vehicles. I like to slather it on, put the surgical gloves on, then slip my hands into my garden gloves. Then off I go to do some yard work. When it’s all said and done my hands are clean and super soft. People always ask how I have such nice nails and hands since I like to play in the dirt… the secret is out. hehe

      Thanks again for sharing. I love reading your comments. blessings and hugs, amie sue

      • Judy Groveman says:

        Thanks for the feedback back, because it reinforces that I’m on the right track. The cream does make it easy to slide on the gloves. I made the Sweet Almond and Orange Body Butter too. I want to make it again though with stronger bitter orange oil before I comment on that one.

        I keep them in pretty containers so no one is going to confuse them with vanilla puddin’.

        I didn’t think much of body butters before but now, expecially with the cooler weather, these body butters are going to save the day.

        As an aside, I assumed that your nails are fake one that you put on just before taking the pictures!

        • amie-sue says:

          Again, so thrilled to hear that you are enjoying them. You could use so many different essential oils… it’s endless. :) And good idea about the containers. Bob taste tested one before. lol The beauty is, it wouldn’t hurt you if you did. hehe And NO, those are my real nails in that photo. :) Blessings, amie sue

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