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Rosewater Sugar Cookies

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a heart shaped Rosewater Sugar Cookie displayed on wood

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~

We all make food to eat.  The tummy growls and we honor it with food.   But we don’t just eat to fill that empty void… Food provides energy that is necessary for life.  There are six classes of nutrients that we need to stay alive and well.

Proteins give your body amino acids — the building blocks that help your body’s cells do all of their everyday activities. Carbohydrates give you quick energy — they quickly go into your blood as glucose (blood sugar), which your body uses for fuel first, before turning the leftovers into fat.

Fats give your body the fatty acids it needs to grow and to produce new cells and hormones. Vitamins keep your bones strong, your vision clear and sharp, and your skin, nails, and hair healthy and glowing. Minerals are chemical elements that help regulate your body’s processes.

Water is necessary for life, which makes it vital for good health. Water makes up about 50% to 66% of your total body weight. It regulates your temperature, moves nutrients through your body, and gets rid of waste.

My goal is to incorporate all of these vital components when I create a recipe.  But sometimes, I create food as an act of meditation.   Meditation is a simple technique that can help you control stress, decrease anxiety, improve cardiovascular health, and achieve a greater capacity for relaxation.  Who here doesn’t need that?

One morning I woke up and looked out the window.  The fog was so thick that my eyes couldn’t find the horizon.  The silhouettes of the trees were steadfast black against the fog that surrounded them.  It was quite mystical.  Everything seemed so still and quiet, a perfect day to “meditate”.  Once in the living room I looked out at the orchard, the air was so thick and cold looking.  Every good meditation session requires warmth, so soon after there was a roaring fire in the fireplace.  I cleared the kitchen island, grabbed my cookie dough, brought out my tote of piping tips and supplies, sat on the stool, and just lost myself in creation.

many differently decorated Rosewater Sugar Cookie displayed on woodAs I piped the frosting around on the heart-shaped cookies, I couldn’t help but smile… my heart was filled with love.  I started thinking to myself about all the ways we share and experience love.  I am mightily blessed with the most amazing husband, with family, and with friends.  And, let me not forget, with each and every one of you.

Every day, I am touched by how many people from all over the world, reach out to me.  Yes, I get tons of questions and get asked for advice on a daily basis… but the bottom line is… you all have become a support team for me, you cause me to grow, to stretch out beyond my comfort zones, you challenge me,  friendships have and are being formed… the list goes on and on.  This recipe comes to you with love.

Now, about these cookies.  Everyone has a different idea of what makes the perfect sugar cookie.  Some like them hard and crispy, others like them soft and chewy. I am in the soft and chewy group.  :)  These are moist on the inside and have a firm exterior (but not crunchy).  How long you dehydrate them, will determine that. Bob said that they almost tasted buttery.  In fact, if you wanted to replace the cashews with macadamia nuts, they would for sure elevate that buttery flavor.  I have had macadamia nuts on my shopping list for at least 3 months now and every time I am at the grocery store, I reach for them but I can’t bring myself to pay $20 an lb. so opt for cashews.

When it comes to finishing, this frosting is great to work with for piping and spreading.  You can color and flavor it any way you wish.  For decoration, I used organic culinary grade rosebuds.  I have posted a LOT of pictures on this post.  I show some simple steps about how I piped some of them so you understand how to get the look that I did.  If you wanted to, you could frost the cookie with a base layer and then chill.  Once the frosting is very firm, you can smooth it to a streak-free base, sort of like fondant.  Anyway, I hope that you give this recipe a try and enjoy your time of “mediation”.

L'amour Rosewater Sugar Cookie displayed on woodIngredients:

Yields 24+ cookies

Cookie dough:

 Frosting: yields 2 1/2 cups (divided)



Sugar cookies:

  1. In a food processor, fitted with the “S” blade, break down the cashews, and coconut into a flour – individually.
  2. Now combine the flours, coconut, salt, agave, beet juice, psyllium, rose water, and vanilla.  Process until it starts sticking together and forms a ball.
  3. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and place in the freezer for approx. 40 minutes or until chilled through.
    • This step is very important. If you attempt to skip it you will find the dough too sticky to deal with.
    • You could also place the dough in the fridge overnight if you wanted to do this in phases.
  4. Once chilled, line your surface with plastic wrap and place the chilled dough ball in the center.
    • Cover with another piece of plastic, then start to roll the dough out to about 1/4″ thick.
    • Remove the top plastic piece and using cookie cutters, cut out your shape(s) and transfer them to the mesh sheet that comes along with your dehydrator.
  5. Dry at 115 degrees in the dehydrator for approximately 10-16 hours or until desired dryness is reached.
  6. Frost, decorate, and eat!


  1. After soaking the cashews, drain and rinse them well.  Set aside.
  2. In a high-speed blender combine in order; coconut milk, maple syrup, vanilla, salt, and cashews.   By placing the liquids in first, it helps the blades spin more easily.  Blend until creamy and don’t feel any grit in the frosting.  Depending on the blender, this may take anywhere from 1-5 minutes.
  3. While the blender is running and a vortex is in motion, drizzle in the coconut oil.  Make sure that it gets well incorporated.
  4. Now add the lecithin and process just until mixed in.
  5. Divide the frosting into two batches.  Leave 1/2 as a white frosting and add 2 Tbsp of raw cacao to the other half, blend together, to make a milk chocolate frosting.
  6. Place the frosting in an airtight container and place in the fridge for 2-4 hours to firm.
  7. This will keep for 3-5 days.

side view of Rosewater Sugar Cookie displayed on wood       raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie displayed on wood

French ~ L’amour (la-more)

raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie decorated with chocolate frosting

German ~ Liebe (lee-buh)

raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie decorated with dried roses

Slovak ~ Laska (lah-ska)

raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie decorated with dried roses on a wooden table

Slovenian ~ Ljubezen (loo-beh-zen)

raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie decorated with white raw frosting

Galician ~ Amor (ah-more)

raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie decorated with raw frosting and dried roses

Welsh ~ Cariad (cah-ree-ah)

raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie decorated with frosting piped along the edges

Swedish ~ Karlek (shar-lay-ek)

raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie decorated with frosting

English ~ Love (luh-vuh) 

raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie decorated with frosting on a wooden table

Danish ~ Kaerlighed (care-lah-did)

raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie decorated dried roses

Filipino ~ Pag-ibig (pag-ee-big)

raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie with the word love piped on it

Swahili ~ Upendo (oo-pend-doh)

raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie shaped in two pieces     getting ready to pipe frosting on a raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie   piping frosting on a raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookie   piping frosting on a raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies   decorating raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies   decorating raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies with raw frosting   decorating raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies with raw frosting   delicious raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies with raw frosting   delicious raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies with raw white frosting   demonstrating piping frosting on raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies   demonstrating piping frosting on raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies   demonstrating piping frosting on raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies and adding dried flowers    raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies and adding dried flowers          piping an outline of frosting on raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies and adding dried flowers


adding frosting on raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies and adding dried flowers   adding frosting on raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies   L'amour raw vegan Rosewater Sugar Cookies

39 thoughts on “Rosewater Sugar Cookies

  1. Lyn :] says:

    You are SO talented Amie Sue – you amaze me !!! Thank you for the recipe, but also thank you for the beautiful pictures. They walk us through how to create the same beautiful cookies for our loved ones!!!

    Amazing…. just Amazing, Lyn :]

    • amie-sue says:

      Your welcome Lyn… one of those cookies has your name on it. The one that says “love”. hehe They were soooo much fun to make. Have a sweet evening, amie sue

      • Lyn :] says:

        Thank you Amie Sue-
        Your so sweet!! I went to the health food store to find some rosewater, but came back empty handed. She didn’t have a kind that said it was for consumption. Could you tell me please what brand do you use? Thank you in advance!!! Hugs, Lyn :]

  2. Helene Tremblay says:

    This is so well done, so particular. Wow, you are amazing, lots of presence in what you do. I feel it so much in all your creative art.

  3. Binny says:

    I never write and contribute comments, but I was compelled to do so – yours is my favorite raw food site. You share so much, and not just the recipes but the how-to’s and important tips and background info.
    I have been following you for a long time, thinking one day, she’ll stop doing this- oh no! It’s just gotten better over time. I so much appreciate you. There’s no one quite like you out there. Many thanks!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Binny…. First of all… thank you solo much for reaching out and leaving a comment. I appreciate that you took the time in doing so. It means a lot. Secondly, your kind words made my night. It is so nice to know that through my recipes, through sharing my passion, I can effect others… in a positive way. :) Thank you again and I do hope to hear more from you in the future. I hope to never stop… so hang in there with me. :) amie sue

  4. Jesse Gabriel says:

    Hallo Amie-Sue.
    Oh was für berührende Worte, wunder schön geschrieben man muss sich zusammen reißen, auch als Mann nicht eine Träne kullern zu lassen.
    Sie geben mir so viel Kraft immer wieder an mich zu glauben, dass mein Leben vielleicht doch etwas wert ist, ich nicht aufgeben darf jeden Tag dafür zu kämpfen, DANKE Amie-Sue.
    Vielen, vielen Dank für das geniale Rezept, da macht man nicht nur Kinder mit Glücklich.
    Ihre schritt für schritt Anleitung ist immer wieder klasse, ich liebe es es!
    Die Photography, ich kann nicht genug davon bekommen und freue mich immer wieder.

    Ganz viele liebe Grüße, auch an Bob,
    Jesse Gabriel

    • amie-sue says:

      Google translate…

      “Hi Amie Sue.
      Oh what touching words, beautifully written you have to pull together, even as a man not to let a tear roll down.
      You give me so much strength to believe in myself again and again that my life maybe something is worth, I am not allowed to give up every day to fight for it, THANK YOU Amie Sue.
      Thank you so much for the brilliant recipe, because not only do you make children happy with.
      Your step by step instructions are always great, I love it!
      The Photography, I can not get enough of it and am always happy.

      All the best, also to Bob,
      Jesse Gabriel”

      Aaah shoot Jesse, you brought tears to my eyes. Never give up Jesse, never! You are needed in this world and you bless those who come in contact with you. How do I know this? Because for a few years now, you have touched me just through getting to know you through my site. What a blessing. You have all the strength right inside of you… more than you are even aware of. :)

      Thank you for your sincere and precious words Jesse. amie sue :)

  5. ben says:

    For the millionth time: the best, most creative & inspiring & generous raw chef. Thanks.

    • amie-sue says:

      I am humbled Ben… thank you kindly. :) amie sue

      • ben says:

        Quick question, Amie-Sue: why the psyllium husk? To bind the batter–or to give it a spongy texture?

        I’d love to try these this weekend. I’ll likely skip the frosting–I haven’t your boundless energy. And I might also add cardamom powder in addition to the rosewater, to give the cookies an Indian feel.

        • amie-sue says:

          Good evening Ben,

          I used the psyllium for both reasons actually. I love the idea of adding the cardamom… so many options and flavors… so little time! hehe Have a great weekend and I hope you have fun making them. Blessings, amie sue

  6. Kanti Pike says:

    You are just an angel…that’s all there is to it! Thank you!

  7. Ronel says:

    Hello Amie Sue, I am writing from Phoenix, and by the way, we love shopping at Bookman’s. Here is a raw macadamia nut farmer who dehydrates them and sells them for a great price. John Kohler mentioned this company in a YouTube video that he made a while back, and this is who he buys his mac nuts from. I have not made my own purchase of them, but plan to in the near future-maybe even to make this cookie recipe. Thanks for all you do, and congrats on the Best of Raw win!!!!


    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Ronel :)

      So nice to hear from you :) I hope you are having a nice winter. Bob was just in Tucson and said it was pretty darn warm for this time of year. If you find that your source for macs is a good one, please let me know. I would appreciate that.

      Did I win? Did they say what I won in? I haven’t heard anything lol. But last year it was a reader of mine on FB who told me I had won and it took weeks for Best of Raw to even notify me. I hope that you have a wonderful evening. Oh… and I am happy to hear that Bookmans is treating you well. :)

  8. Lisa C says:

    OH…..MY…..GOD !

  9. Steph says:

    These are the most beautiful cookies I have ever seen. In my life. Keep channeling your brilliance.

  10. Mary says:

    ditto ditto ditto

  11. Gayle says:

    Oh my word Amie Sue! These are beautiful and so appropriate for this month! I am looking forward to surprising my husband and daughter with them! Thank you once again. The Lord surely has blessed you with fantastic talent. Not only looks good but tastes good recipes. Good combo there!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Gayle :) Thank you so much. I just know that your husband and daughter will love them specially when you “Spread” your love upon them. Can’t go wrong there! Have a blessed and glorious day. amie sue

  12. Laura says:

    You are a special lady! Thank you so much for this beautiful post and for including your piping techniques. That is so helpful. I am looking forward to making these for my honey!
    Xoxoxo, Laura

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Laura. I really appreciate that. :) You honey will love them, specially coming from you! Have a blessed weekend, amie sue

  13. Eva says:

    Dear Amie-Sue!
    You are sending to us much Love and beautiful messages by using your creative nature and kind personality.
    No word..only EMOTIONS…Thank you!!!

    May I ask you one practical question? Is there a good brand for piping the cream you would recommend? Any places to purchase from?


    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you so much Eva… I am gratful that you could feel me love. :) That made my day!

      For piping supplies, please click on this link to see what I use. https://nouveauraw.com/equipment/pastry-decorating-supplies/. I recommend all of them, not that you need all… but just know that I have those very things in my own kitchen and use them on a regular basis. :) I hope this helps. Have a glorious day! amie sue

      • Eva says:

        Dear Amie Sue,
        Thank you!!
        I will carefully look at the products that available on your site-I trust that they must be the best quality!!!
        Warm hug,

  14. Kathy says:

    Thank you soooo much for the pictures . They truly help and encourage me to try the creative part in me. Well, little creative part anyway! And , just in time for Valentines!

    • amie-sue says:

      Your welcome Kathy… that is why I share so many pictures… it’s all about inspiration and it seems to be working. hehe Have fun and enjoy! amie sue

  15. renee says:

    Hi there. Curious where I might purchase some beet juice. Can’t seem to locate at Publix or Walmart. Also tried herb.com but only see the powdered form. Maybe that is ok? Thanks!!!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Renee,

      I don’t buy beet juice, I make it myself. I just released a post on that this evening. If you are a subscriber you will get an email about it. :) amie sue

  16. I wanted to let you know that I have been able to buy Macadamia nuts on Amazon for $53 for 10 pounds! I know 10 pounds sounds like a lot but it seems you would use them! I was buying mac nuts from a local farmer for $16/lb but Amazon beats his prices by a longshot! Thank you for your amazing website! I can’t wait to try some of your recipes. You are an amazing raw food chef!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Denise, not only for the tip on mac nuts but for your kind words. I appreciate them both. :) I love macs but don’t use them too often due to pricing so I will look into that for sure. Blessings and have a great weekend! amie sue

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