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Creamy Kale Crackers

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, grain-free~raw gluten free Creamy Kale Crackers served with raw almond nut cheese

Do you ever find yourself mumbling… “Man, I just can’t get enough kale! I crave that stuff!” I occasionally have, but I can’t say that kale is something that I often crave. I do enjoy it, and I do work on finding ways getting into my (our) diet.

We enjoy massaged kale salads, which breaks down the cell walls of the leaf making it more edible and digestible but most of the time we end up steaming it for digestion purposes. Bob can take down a whole head of kale if it’s steamed, but just a small amount if raw.

If you struggle with eating an all raw diet, that’s ok. We don’t beat ourselves up here at the house of Nouveau Raw. My message on this site always has and always will remain the same; eat as many unprocessed foods as you can, eat organic when at all possible, prepare all food with love and most importantly eat according to your own health needs and ability.

We are all not cut out to eat exactly the same way. Some handle all raw, some can’t, some need cooked foods, some need animal protein. We should never judge how another person eats. Instead, use that same energy to help those around you in eating a better-balanced diet.

Some people can go balls-to-the-wall and change their diet overnight… most can’t. For many, it’s a gradual process, and I truly appreciate that. Because changing your diet isn’t just about what you physically put in your grocery buggy. You have to approach it mentally, emotionally, and socially. Without incorporating all aspects, you can easily set yourself up for failure, and that doesn’t do a darn toot’n thing in moving you towards loving yourself.

*steps off soapbox* Sorry about that little rant… wait… I am not sorry. Sometimes I just feel compelled to share my deep thoughts on this matter. I never want a single person to feel frustrated with their own efforts. Without effort, we can never achieve success. So be proud of every healthy morsel that lands in your mouth… whether it be one bite, two bites, or the whole plate full. I am here to help support, encourage, and inspire you every step chew of the way. :)

Before I let you go… these crackers turned out quite awesome if I may say so myself. They are super crunchy and sturdy. So they will hold up to any topping that you slather on top. I made a huge batch and froze about three-fourths of them. Then I just popped a few out as needed. No need to thaw them out, they are ready to go. I hope you enjoy this nutrient-rich cracker. Blessings, amie sue

close up of Creamy Kale CrackersIngredients: 

yields: 24-36 crackers (depending on size)

  • 1 large head (195 g) kale, shredded
  • 1/2 cup (70 g) diced red onion
  • 1 cup (225 g) water
  • 1/3 cup (70 g) fresh-squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 cups (134 g) raw cashews, soaked 2+ hours
  • 2 Tbsp (11 g) nutritional yeast
  • 2 – 4 (4-8 g) garlic cloves
  • 1/2 – 1 tsp (3-7 g) Himalayan pink salt
  • 1/4 cup (52 g) organic, cold-pressed olive oil
  • 3 cups (274 g) shredded, dried coconut


  1. Wash, remove the stems and chiffonade the kale into small pieces.
  2. In a food processor, fitted with the “S” blade, place the kale inside and pulse until it reaches a small shred.  Don’t pulse too much to where it turns into a paste. Set aside.
  3. Place the ingredients in the following order into the blender; water, lemon juice, cashews, nutritional yeast, garlic, and salt. Blend until smooth.
    • Depending on the blender, this can take 1-3 minutes.
    • Adding the liquid first will help the blades move more freely.
  4. While the blender is running, drizzle in the olive oil until well mixed.
  5. Add the sauce to the food processor along with kale, onion,  and coconut. Process until well mixed.
  6. Spread the mixture 1/4″ thick on the nonstick sheets that come with the dehydrator.
    • Make sure that you spread it evenly, so it dries evenly.
    • Wipe the edges clean.
    • Score the crackers into desired shapes and sizes.  You can use a pizza cutter or a long metal ruler to create the score marks.
    • Sprinkle salt on top.
  7. Dehydrate at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour, then reduce to 115 degrees (F) and continue drying for 10+ hours… until dry and crispy.
    • Halfway through the drying process, flip the crackers over onto the mesh sheet and peel off the nonstick sheet. Flipping will help the airflow circulate around the crackers and speed up the dry time.
    • Snap apart and let cool before storing in an airtight bag/container.
    • They should last several weeks in the pantry and can be frozen for 1-3 months.  If they start to soften due to humidity, throw them back in the dehydrator to crisp up.

Culinary Explanations:

  • Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)?  Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
  • When working with fresh ingredients, it is important to taste test as you build a recipe.  Learn why (here).
  • Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.

I have to apologize for the photos below, not my best work. The natural lighting for photo taking was not on my side. :)

11 thoughts on “Creamy Kale Crackers

  1. Glorianne says:

    These sound wonderful and our crop of kale is calling to be used! Funny I just told my husband that I was going to make something with all that kale. I even have a big bag of dried coconut in my freezer so this is perfect. Mahalo nui Amie Sue. I’ll report back on the results.

    • amie-sue says:

      Sounds like perfect timing to me Glorianne! :) Keep me posted how it turns out. Blessings and Mahalo nui to you too. amie sue

      • Glorianne says:

        They have the whole house smelling delicious. I was pleasantly surprised that they were pretty easy to put together too. I’ve been taste testing even though they are not quite done yet. But they are yummy. It’s another winner Amie Sue!Thanks again!

        • amie-sue says:

          The joys of a dehydrator… those rich aromas that dance throughout the house. :) I am so glad that you gave the recipe a try and it was a success. :) Enjoy and try not to eat them all at once. hehe Blessings, amie sue

  2. BellaNguyen says:

    Hi Amie, Im a bit confused. 1/3 cup of lemon juice cant equal to 200g lemon juice. i made decision to go with 1/3 cup and equal to 70g juice only.Also, when you used the word “one large head”, what that mean? Please help to understand clearly. Thanks Amie.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thanks for pointing that our Bella. You did it just right with 1/3 of a cup of liquid. For the recipe I used, “1 large head (195 g) kale, shredded” In the grocery stores kale typically comes bundled together as a “head.” So I used one of those. It weighed 195 g.

      I hope this helps, blessings, amie sue

  3. Blue Isotope says:

    Hi Amie Sue,
    Do you have any substitution suggestions for nutritional yeast in this recipe? I’m sure its for flavor, so maybe you have a recommendation of something else to try.
    Thanks so much,

    • Blue Isotope says:

      Also, I just realized there are no flax seeds in this and nothing that looks like a binder. Is that correct?

    • amie-sue says:

      The nutritional yeast is for flavor and nutrition… you can omit but the flavor of the recipe I created will change. In its place, you could add 2 Tbsp almond flour or any neutral flour-like texter to maintain the structure of the overall cracker. blessings, amie sue

  4. Blue Isotope says:

    Thank you Amie Sue. I appreciate it.

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