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Cultured Young Thai Coconut Yogurt | Using Probiotics

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Cultured Young Thai Coconut Yogurt – with probiotics –

Do you eat a dairy-free diet?  Do you miss the creamy mouthfeel of yogurt?  Do you enjoy coconut? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will love this raw, nut-free, dairy-free, yogurt that has just a hint of coconut.  There are so many wonderful ways to enjoy yogurt…as-is, or topped with granola, but it can also be used in cheesecakes, frostings, or even frozen creamy popsicles.

raw, gluten-free, nut-free, vegan Young Thai Coconut Yogurt

I have made a lot of raw yogurt over the years but never did a recipe post. Why?  Because I always ate the end result before I could get a photo,  and I just don’t believe in posting a recipe without a photo! That is one of my pet peeves with recipe sites and recipe books… I want a picture or two or five of each and every recipe!  Food photos fire up our digestive juices and get our creative juices flowing.  I need to know what the end result should look like.  I want to know what flavors and smells I should expect.

If you are new to young Thai coconuts, I would really love for you to give them a try. There is nothing quite like them. Caution… young Thai coconuts taste like coconut. So, if you don’t like the flavor of coconut, this recipe is not for you.

raw, gluten-free, nut-free, vegan Young Thai Coconut YogurtWhen making this recipe, you will want to use the best-quality probiotics. They are responsible for the fermentation, which will give that “tangy-yogurt” taste.  The longer it sits during the fermentation process the stronger the tang.

Once it reaches the level of fermentation that you like, you will put it in the fridge, which will then slow that fermentation to a crawl.

There are tons of different probiotics on the market, so please don’t get overwhelmed or stressed about it.  That is counterproductive when we are trying to feed our bodies and keep ourselves healthy.  Probiotics come in a wide range of prices, and you may find many of them to be expensive, but it is a small price to pay when we are trying to stay healthy.

The preparation is just as important as the ingredients.  Make sure all of your equipment is clean and dry before starting.  Some people go as far as boiling all of the utensils. Don’t use wooden spoons or bowls; bacteria can be hidden in them.  You also want to store your yogurt in glass containers.

The blending process, to me, will make or break the final outcome, but then I am all about texture.   I was one of those little girls who LOVED to play in the mud, but not just ANY mud.  My great-grandmother sectioned off a part of her garden for me that consisted of pure, wonderful black soil, and when I made mud pies, I borrowed her flour sifter (shhh, don’t tell her that) just so I could make creamy mud pies. So when blending, make sure you do it long enough to get a creamy texture because it won’t get any smoother as it sits.

This yogurt is nothing short of amazing.  It is silky and thick, which you can see in the photos that I took. The taste is also a bit tangy and sour, with a hint of coconut in the background.  As I mentioned above, enjoy it plain, top it with fresh or dried fruit, drizzle honey on it (Bob’s favorite way), use it as a base in a creamy sauce, or sprinkle it with granola!     Today, I served this yogurt with my Raw Nut House Granola. 

raw, gluten-free, nut-free, vegan Young Thai Coconut YogurtIngredients:

Yields 2 cups


  1. First and foremost, make sure all of the utensils and pieces of equipment you use for culturing are sterilized to avoid growing bad bacteria.
    • If at any time mold forms–fuzzy, black, or pink–it will need to be tossed.
  2. Place the coconut meat, water, probiotic powder, and stevia in the blender and blend until smooth.
  3. Ferment in a glass container with a loose lid, or rubber band a paper towel over the top,  for 24-48 hours.
    • Keep in a dark, dry, cool place for 24 hours. I put mine in the kitchen cupboard.
    • Make sure that all your utensils, and the bowl you ferment in, are extremely clean.
    • Taste test as it ferments.  You might like it strong tasting, or not.
    • The fermenting process speeds up in warmer temps.
  4. Store your yogurt in the fridge with a tight lid.  It should last for 5 days.





79 thoughts on “Cultured Young Thai Coconut Yogurt | Using Probiotics

  1. Lisa Rose says:

    Thanks for your great recipes. I am just now trying some raw foods and have found your website to be so great and easy to understand. I haven’t tried much yet but I have started on almond milk, which is a big move for a milk loving girl like me! Thank you.

  2. Christine says:

    Can I leave out the stevia and just add fresh fruit for flavor/sweetener after it is ready to eat?

  3. Chris says:

    This looks so good. I have made coconut yogurt before and really liked it.
    Just curious, how do you calculate the nutrition information for this? I am always puzzled about coconut meat because I cannot seem to get reliable information.
    Also, why use mature coconut, not young Thai coconut?

    Is there a way to make this with coconut milk or dried coconut instead of the meat?


    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Chris…. I did you young Thai coconuts, it is listed in the ingredient list. :) I haven’t tried making the yogurt any other way so I am not sure how it wuld turn out using coconut milk or dried coconut. Have a great day, amie sue

  4. JK says:

    Thanks for this delicious recipe.
    I do not have access to coconuts except dried shredded ones from the supermarket. How do we sub for this?
    Further, can we use sugar or maple syrup instead of stevia? If so, how much?

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello JK… this recipe is geared around young Thai coconuts, so if you can’t find them I would suggest finding another “yogurt” recipe. At this point I don’t know of a sub yet because this is the only way I have made it. In time I want to try making it with cashews for starters. Have a great weekend, amie sue

  5. Leslely says:

    How warm should the water be for the yogurt? I ask because in making bread, it could be 105 -115 degrees. I don’t want to kill anything. It sounds delicious and very easy.

    • amie-sue says:

      I used room temperature water. I didn’t worry about getting a temp reading on it… it came out wonderful! I hope you give it a try. amie sue

  6. Leslely says:

    I forgot to ask, can rejuvelac be used as a probiotic? If so, would you know how much? Should the warm water be bottled or can I use tap? Too many questions, but I want to get it right the first time. Your recipes are awesome.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Leslely, I have heard of others using rejuvelac but to be honest I don’t have experience with it so I can’t really say. Use the best quality water that you can. Here in Tucson, we don’t drink the tap water but back home in Oregon, we do…. but if you are in question, I would use a good filtered water. Have a great weekend! amie sue

  7. Mamabird says:

    What do you think about using the dry yogurt cultures from the health Food Stores? I’m hoping theyd have dairy free as well.

  8. Helen says:

    Hi Amie-Sue, I recently bought some coconut mango yogurt at my local store and was shocked at the price I had to pay. It cost me $12 (Aus) for 400g. And then, to my surprise, I spotted your recipe. Alleluia! Just one question, hope it’s not a silly one, but can you use the coconut water from the young thai coconut in lieu of the water? Thanks so much.
    Helen :)

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Helen… yes by all means, you can use the coconut water. I had already drank mine before I got the bright idea to make the yogurt. lol I hope it tastes as good as what you were buying, or even better?! hehe Keep me posted. amie sue

      • Elli says:

        Hi Amie-Sue, I can’t wait to try your yogurt recipe,,, also I think that Helen was referring to the COYO yogurt purchased product http://www.coyo.com.au/
        it is an Australian brand and it taste amazing, so smooth and velvety… I have contacted the company asking them if COYO yogurt is raw and the answer was that it is not,,, so disappointed I went and made few attempts to mimic or trying to get close to the COYO flavour while keeping mine as raw its possible i have only had to boil the tapioca in water and mixed it with the raw baby coconut flesh but could not get near in a taste manner. The COYO yogurt is made from coconut milk, Stevia, probiotics and thickened with tapioca.

        • amie-sue says:

          Ah I see Elli, thanks for explaining that. :) There is a Greek yogurt here called FAGE that I use to eat… it was soooo smooth and creamy. I just loved it, but dairy doesn’t respond well in my body. So thankful to have the raw versions. :) Have a great day, amie sue

        • Daryl says:

          Gosh I didn’t know that Coyo wasn’t raw. I have bought it a couple of times but it is very expensive. i am in NZ. A very good reason to make my own. I just need some more practice opening the coconuts although it wasn’t as hard as I thought. I have only done it once.
          Thanks for the recipe.

          • amie-sue says:

            Hello Daryl,

            Opening those coconuts can be intimidating for some but you are right, it really isn’t that hard. The key is finding a way that you feel comfortable with, creating a system and have plenty of wet rags for clean up. This may sound odd but I don’t enjoy opening 1 or 2… I would much rather do a case or two at a time. hehe Then it becomes an event rather than a chore. But then, maybe I am just strange. hehe Blessings, amie sue

        • tarengil says:

          Coconut water to yogurt is a great idea!

          Thanks Amie-Sue for the wonderful experiences with reading Your fascinating recipes. :) My eyes are always eating. :D

          I use almond cream for yogurt making. Or cashew. But… my most most favorite yogurt (milk too, off course) is of apricots. Add pulp and you’ll (or I am) in heaven, assuming You like apricots. :)

          Have a sweet day with any yoghurt!

  9. kate says:

    I went straight to my case of young coconuts, and used 3 of them, followed the recipe, but used warmed up coconut water instead of plain water. Kept it in my cupboard for 24 hours, and wow, was it amazing. Just finished incubating today, so I have a nice fat jar of it in the fridge. It’s very rich, so be prepared. Thank you …..k

  10. Libia says:

    What kind of probiotics do you use for this yogurt? I live in Ireland and here I can only find the ones that come in capsules and you take before your meals to help with digestion, I know these capsules can be opened and the probiotic powder is inside, can these be used? If not, can you let me know the name of the ones you use so I can see if I can find them here (or something similar)? Thank you!

  11. Vidoje says:

    Hi amie-sue,
    Thank you for posting this recipe, what do you think went wrong if we get only a tiny layer of yogurt on the top and all water bellow it? I used good probiotices so I know it is not the probiotics (There were chunks in the yogurt so it wasn’t clear milk, would that be a problem) Thank you,

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Vidoje,

      Chunks? Clear milk? I am a bit confused. Did you follow the directions and use the products listed? I haven’t ever experience such a problem, nor did I ever have chunks in it, so I need a bit more info in order to trouble shoot this with you. :) amie sue

      • Vidoje says:

        Hi amie-sue,
        Thanks for the response. I used almond milk I made, but I had some fiber from the almonds in the milk (chunks). Today I strained it well but same thing happened, only a thin layer of yogurt at top and water bellow it.

        • amie-sue says:

          Ok Vidoje, now I see, your not even following my recipe. haha I was so confused before. I am not sure where you went wrong and why it is reacting the way it is. I only make coconut or cashew based yogurt. amie sue

  12. Erin says:

    Hi Amie-Sue, thank you for creating this website with so many decadent recipes. I am wondering what it is that you’ve paired with the coconut yogurt in the pic, and if you have the recipe for it :) Thanks!

  13. Carmen says:

    I sure have been busy on your site ! Instead of stevia, my i use honey, agave etc.. and about how much ?


    • amie-sue says:

      I see that Carmen, I love it! hehe Well, you have the basic control as to how sweet you like it actually. I would maybe use anywhere from 2-4 Tbsp. You can always add more sweetener to each bowl you eat so that is good. :) Have a wonderful weekend, amie sue

  14. Akibah says:

    Hi, I cannot find any vegan probiotics at my health food store. I however am finding vegetarian probiotics. These are in tablet form and not in capsule form. Will these still work?

    P.S. I LOVE YOUR WEBSITE!! this is awesome!!!

  15. Michelle says:

    Dearest Amie-Sue,
    I would love to try this yogurt, but young Thai coconuts are sooo… expensive at our local health food store up here in the high mountain desert in Taos, NM, and sometimes have hardly any meat in them!
    Where can I order them from in-expensively by the case (if that is possible?)
    Kate mentioned above, that she had a case of them.
    Maybe she lives in some exotic tropical place?
    Then also, I find it really hard to de-husk them and just about cause severe injuries trying to open them! Do you have any tips on how to get the meat out without having to wrestle with the coconut for 15 minutes, and breaking a sweat, and without causing injury to myself?
    Once open, how do you scrape out the flesh without getting some of the brown skin on the inside of the shell with the beautiful pure white flesh, to make snow white yogurt?
    Your site is astounding, the best I have come across!
    And I must say, your pictures are just beautiful. I am a visual person too, so I so appreciate ALL the gorgeous pictures you post with all your amazing recipes, Amie-Sue. You are my Sister! Thank you so much for sharing.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Michelle,

      I understand that young Thai coconuts can be expensive and a gamble to buy. I have purchased them in many different places and states and I have seen the price range from $1.50 – $4.99 a piece. When I do find a good deal, I buy cases of them and process them right away. I freeze the meat and water separately. I use a long, thin rubber spatula to scoop the coconut meat out. It all takes a little practice. Sometimes, a little brown is left on the meat but that pulls off while I run it under water to clean the meat off. I don’t have a video on how to open them but there are TONS of YouTube videos out there that show you.

      Right now, I purchase frozen young Thai coconut meat through Exotic Superfoods. http://www.exoticsuperfoods.com I have thrilled with their product. It is organic and comes to my door step frozen in 1 lb bags. I will be getting my coconut meat from them from this point on.

      I am glad that you are enjoying my site. I have tons of fun with it! Have a wonderful day! amie sue

      • Michelle says:

        Thanks, so much Amie-Sue, for sharing with us this great link! I am going to look into ordering these by the pound right away. Don’t mind spending more if I know what I am getting is worth it. Better than wrestling with the tough husks!

        One can see that you love your site and are having fun doing it, because it is so beautiful and personal. And your recipes are also just the best! Just had a slice or two or three… of your Seed of Life Bread.
        Yay, I am singing and dancing ‘cos I have rediscovered amazing bread, since giving up gluten and doing mostly raw. I thought I was never going to sink my teeth into amazing bread again, and I am so happy I was wrong, I found your amazing bread recipes…. thank you so much…Blessings

        • amie-sue says:

          Good evening Michelle,

          I was so pleased with the coconut meat that I got. Knowing that I was going to get exactly 1 lb of meat made it so easy to prepare for recipes. Buying the coconut itself, like I said was always a gamble. If I needed 1 cup of meat, I always had to buy more than I thought because they all lend different amounts of meat. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. :)

          I am so happy to bring bread back into your life. I was in the same place as you once… giving up breads and gluten is no easy thing. I hope you try some of the other flavors as well. I love them all…personally. hehe

          Have a great nights sleep Michelle and keep in touch. amie sue

  16. Victoria says:

    I have actually 2 questions
    1. Can I use meat of mature coconuts?
    2. Which probiotic you usually use? I have one with 3 billions active cultures do you think it can work?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Victoria,

      I use PB 8 Pro-Biotic capsules. There is a link to it in the ingredient list. I haven’t tried making it with the mature coconuts. I don’t use them so I am not sure how they work. I might worry that they wouldn’t get creamy enough. But it might be worth a try. :) Have a great day, amie sue

  17. Michelle says:

    Dear Amie Sue,
    Just got my frozen 1 lb coconut meat packages delivered! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful product with me/us!
    Can’t wait to make Thai coconut noodle soup with these, Yumm! And also your Tiramisu, and yogurt and, and, and….
    I cannot go a day without checking out your site, it is my daily staple now! I go through withdrawals if I don’t visit every day! Ha Ha!
    I am learning so much and am SO GRATEFUL for you and your passion.
    Many Blessings to you,

    • amie-sue says:

      *Extends a hand* Will you have this coconut dance with me? hehe I am so excited for you because I know how excited I was when I got my shipment. hehe. One recipe at a time… one recipe at a time. :) Your a sweetheart Michelle. Have a blessed time in the kitchen and keep me posted how it goes. Blessings, amie sue

      • Michelle says:

        Hi Amie-Sue,
        I made the young Thai coconut milk and just drank it all right away. Then had to make some more, which I made into kefir, yum!!! It was really good, and effervescent. Next , I will be making this yogurt. Have been making a lot of almond milk ( which is so delicious too, ) to get the pulp, to make your wonderful breads, so have had plenty of breakfast foods to enjoy. Been having breakfast for dinner lately, too!
        Thank you so much for your wonderful site and recipes.
        Voted for you. Best of luck!
        I think you are by far the best Raw Food Chef and Raw Food Photographer!
        Love & Blessings,

        • amie-sue says:

          Thank you Michelle. You are so sweet. :)

          I know that every time I make or do anything with young Thai coconuts, that I too find it hard to resist it in its pure form. It is so delicious! It sounds like you are having fun making all the neat components and using the by-products. I really appreciate that you took the time to leave this comment. It was a blessing to wake up to. Have a glorious weekend! amie sue

  18. Marria says:

    I just thought I would mention you can ferment dairy, nuts or coconut using the tops of chillies. It tastes the same as using capsules and costs a whole lot less. Also using rejuvilac works great as well. The web site wild fermentation is a great place to start.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Marrian

      Never heard of using the tops of chilies to ferment yogurts with. Hard to wrap my head about that one. But something to look into. I am familiar with rejuvilac which is another great alternative. I have the book of Wild Fermentation… thanks for reminding me of it, I need to revisit it again. Thanks for your input and have a wonderful weekend! amie sue

  19. Aurore says:

    Hi Amie Sue!
    I have baby probiotics in powder form. Do you think they would work? I think the brand is Jarro Dophilus. If so, since they are not in capsule, how much should I use? Do you know how many tsp 2 capsules make? Thanks in advance!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Aurore,

      I looked that brand up and if I found the correct one, it shows having 5 Billion Organisms. The one I use has 14 billion. With the ones I use, I have to open about 7 capsules to get 1 tsp worth of powder. I haven’t tried it with a probiotic with that low of a number but if it were me, I would 1/2 tsp and see how it goes (since it is so low). Let me know if you try it. Blessings, amie sue

  20. Lee says:

    Mine separated….is it still ok or did i do something wrong?

    • amie-sue says:

      At what point did it separate Lee?

      • Lee says:

        When I came back after 24 hours I saw that it had separated. I think it may have been because I accidentally put in the young coconut water with the meat. I just shook it and came back together and it tasted fine. We didn’t have capsules of probiotics so I just guessed the amount of probiotic powder to put in…seems I may have put a bit too much powder in haha. But still tasty. Thanks for the recipe :)

        • amie-sue says:

          Some separation may happen. Just like most dairy yogurts do too. As long as it all came back together and you enjoyed, is really what matters the most. Enjoy your weekend and I hope you get plenty of rest. :) amie sue

  21. Lori says:

    Hello there…I just made this recipe. I blended till smooth but it was really thick. Just wondered if it is supposed to be. I wondered if maybe it needed a little bit more water? I also chose to leave out the stevia. I don’t care for it. Can’t wait to see if this turns out!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Lori,

      Yes, it is suppose to be thick, but it should have enough liquid in it to where it moved around in the blender just fine, getting it to a really smooth texture. Each batch of young thai coconut meat will vary, so sometimes you have to add a little liquid and other times you won’t have too. Keep me posted how it turns out. Enjoy and have a great evening, amie sue

  22. dibster says:

    Love your site !

    I would appreciate clarification on the probiotic for the coconut yogurt – is it 2 capsules, each 80 billion ?

    I currently use Jarro-Dophilus EPS (Enhanced Probiotic System), 5 billion

    Are these ok ? Guess I would use 1.5 capsules ?

    Thanks !

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Dibster,

      The link provided for you in the ingredient list tells you what I used. I used 2 capsules which equal = Proprietary Vegetarian Probiotic Blend – 14 Billion CFU’s Maltodextrin, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus salivarius, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium longum.

      So since your brand has 5 Billion viable cells per capsule, you could 3 of them for this recipe. Have a great evening, amie sue

  23. Dibster says:

    I made this yogurt several times since my post/question – excellent , wonderful ! Creamy texture, great flavor …

    However, when I made it a couple of days ago the texture came out gritty – I didn’t change anything other than using a newer better blender (ninja).

    Any ideas/thoughts on what may have caused this to happen ? Also I would appreciate any thought on what I can try , would like to try and salvage the yogurt .

    Thanks !

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Dibster, it is so hard to say since I can’t see it and didn’t see how you made it. Did you test the mixture after blending it, prior to the culturing stage? That is the only thing I can even imagine is that it wasn’t blended enough. If is was completely smooth, I see no reason as to how it could get gritty there after… unless you added an ingredient and just lightly mixed it in. Have a great day, amie sue

  24. terry woods says:

    I really enjoyed the yogurt from your recipe and made it last week. Every day I had some and kept the rest in fridge and it kept getting more tart every day. I was worried I would not be able to finish it before it got really sour so I decided to turn the rest into frozen yogurt. I mixed it with frozen bananas in my Vitamix, added some raw cacao powder and voila had a wonder frozen chocolate yogurt treat! The taste and texture were awesome so I will definitely do this again.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Terry,

      So nice to hear from you and so happy to know that you are enjoying the yogurt recipe. It is one of my favorites. I have done that very same thing… well, different ingredients but used left-over yogurt to make ice cream with it. I find nothing goes to waste! Have a wonderful and happy weekend, amie sue

  25. Martine says:


    I am such a fan of your recipes! According to me you’re one of the best raw food artists/designers of this time. Thanx for sharing your beautiful creations with us! Also love the fantastic photo’s and the small stories you write.

    Keep up the good work and greetings with love from a small country on the other side of the planet (Netherlands)


    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Martine,

      Thank you so much. *blushes* :) I really appreciate that you took time out of your day to share this. We all need encouragement and support, don’t we? :) Sending a big hug to the Netherlands! amie sue

  26. […] probiotics and healthy fats. I have been seeing homemade yogurts for a while now. First at Nouveau Raw, if you have never checked this woman’s blog yet and you are in to raw foods, you MUST go […]

  27. Gwen says:

    Dear Amie Sue,

    Thank you so much for your wonderful website! It is so very informative! I was very excited to try the coconut yogurt, and I tried it today. I will be making a lot of this. I love it!


    • amie-sue says:

      You are so welcome Gwen, I appreciate that you took the time from your busy day to share this with me. Means a lot. :) Enjoy and have a great evening, amie sue

  28. Leda says:

    Can you use warm coconut water in place of warm water. I am going to try making chia yogurt which will thicken it a bit more.

  29. Julie says:

    Hello, I’ve heard that you are not supposed to put the probiotic in the blender when you blend it because of the metal blade. I guess metal and probiotics don’t react well together. I’ve always put the probiotic in the blender but have you heard anything about this?

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Julie,

      I have heard controversial things about this too, but for the short amount of time that it is blended, I don’t find it an issue. My yogurts still ferment beautifully. If you feel that this is an issue, simply mix it in after you have transferred it to a jar or bowl. :) Blessings, amie sue

  30. Hana says:

    Hi! Would it be ok to add honey for sweetener? Not sure how it would react in the recipe. So excited to try this! Thank you for posting 🙏

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