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Psyllium (thickener)

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Are you looking for a way to thicken your recipes plus have the added benefits of nutrition? Psyllium is a wonderful option that delivers both.

What is psyllium?

Health Benefits:

High-Quality Brands

How do I use psyllium?


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6 thoughts on “Psyllium (thickener)

  1. Gudula says:

    Hi Sue,
    Why does the recipe need to be chilled? Does the psyllium expand better in the cold?
    I am playing around with a biscuit recipe and am trying to replace the egg and baking soda with the psyllium.

    Thank you for your insights,

    • amie-sue says:

      What recipe Gudula?

      • Gudula says:

        Hi Amie-Sue
        Under “how do I use psyllium”, third paragraph you mentioned to at least let the recipe (I am assuming any recipe using psyllium) chill for 2 hours.
        Thank you!

        • amie-sue says:

          Gotcha Gudula…. it will always depend on what you are incorporating it into. The psyllium is a great thickener and sometimes need to time to set up. I am going to remove that from the paragraph because it sounds confusing with out detailed information. Just take it recipe by recipe, once it reach the right texture you are good to go. :) amie sue

  2. Amie Sue,

    I am allergic to psyllium husk. Do you have a recommendation for an alternate thickener? Will additional flax seed work?

    I made your Blackberry “Cheese”cake for my daughter’s bridal shower and many had no idea it wasn’t cheese! I received many compliments. Two years later, she’s requesting it for her birthday cake.

    Thank you!


    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Linda,

      Sorry to hear about your allergy. Ground flax or chia seeds can be a good option, it would depend on the recipe.

      Raw cheesecakes are amazing, aren’t they!? Happy to hear that it was a hit. I appreciate you sharing. :) Blessings, amie sue

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