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Lentil Sprouts

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Sprouting Lentils

Sprouting lentils opens up the powerhouse of nutrients that are just waiting to be released.  Even if you prefer to cook lentils, sprouting them ahead of time comes with its rewards.  To increase the nutrients and help to decrease the gas-producing effects, add a 2-4” strip of kombu during the soaking process.

Sprouting neutralizes phytic acid, which, if present, will not allow as much calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc to be absorbed during digestion.

Sprouts are more comfortable to digest than the unsprouted version of the same food.  It breaks down the seed,  which may mean less work for your digestive system.   If you have digestive issues or find that the raw sprouted ones don’t settle well with you, you can gently cook the sprouted lentils to see if that makes a difference.  It is all about learning to listen to your body to learn what works best for you.

Once sprouted, they cook quickly, in as little as 15 minutes, or they can be rehydrated by soaking in warm water for 45 minutes (this leaves them with a delicious raw-food crunch and fresh vegetal taste).

Lentils come in different colors; brown, green, red, and many shades in between.  The brown lentils which range from khaki-brown to dark black, and generally have a mild earthy flavor.  The green ones range from pale green to brown.  They have a robust, somewhat peppery flavor.  And lastly, the red lentils range from gold to orange to actual red; these are the sweetest and nuttiest of the lentils.

As you can see, the photo to the right, I used the “greenish” lentils, which will have that peppery taste, so these will be perfect in this Raw Taco recipe.


yields 2 1/4 cups sprouted


Before you start:


  1. Inspect seeds and remove any that are broken or look a little strange.
  2. Place them in a colander and rinse them thoroughly.
  3. Put the lentils in a quart-sized jar.
  4. Fill the jar with water, about 3 inches over lentils and cover.
  5. Soak overnight on the counter or in the fridge, for about eight hours.
  6. After eight hours, drain water.

Rinsing and draining:

  1. Rinse the lentils and return them to the jar.  Cover with a screen or cheesecloth secured with a rubber band,
  2. Turn the jar upside down on a dish rack or in a bowl at a 45-degree angle so it can continue to drain and allow air to circulate.  Make sure the lentils are not covering the mouth of the jar as this will block the airflow and cause the seeds to spoil.  Cover with a towel.  They need their privacy to sprout. :)  This will ensure germination.
  3. Rinse and drain 3 times a day.  Return to the dish rack and cover after each rinse.
  4. Sprouts will begin to form within 24+ hours.  In about 2 days, they should sprout tails that are about 1/8 inch long.   You can use them as soon as the tails poke out, or if you wish, you can let them sprout further.


  1. After they sprout, rinse one last time and enjoy.
  2. Store in the fridge after they are fully sprouted to maintain freshness.
  3. They will last 5–7 days when refrigerated.

11 thoughts on “Lentil Sprouts

  1. Laurie says:

    My husband and I talk all the time about how amazing the seed is. (I use this word generically for all) This dry little compartment holds so much information in it, and even being dry it is ALIVE. It can sit for years dormant, then when the right conditions come along, it springs into action.

    Btw Amie Sue, I love sprouted lentils! Not only do they taste really good, with a nice crunch, but they are so easy to sprout. Great for beginners! =)

    Hope you’re having a beautiful day!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thanks for sharing that Laurie. I tend to forget just how easy sprouting is and how good it is for a person. Must sprout more! hehe I woke up to a blanket of white snow.. tis a grand day, thank you :) Blessings, amie sue

  2. Joanna says:

    Hello Amie-sue,

    I am very new to your website since this is the first time I visit it. Of course, I just spent a full hour clicking on your recipes, in awe at every time! How can raw food be so AMAZINGLY versatile?!

    I am a newbie in the raw world and all I’ve been eating is fruit smoothies, salads,…and uhh…shredded carrots. The most exciting thing I’ve made is an avocado/onion/garlic/spices/lemon salad dressing (tastes very good btw! I was so proud!)

    I am definitely going to try the lentils sprouting!

    Thank you VERY much Amie-sue! I am sending you warm hugs all the way from Burundi, East Africa :)

    P.s: after taking a look at your dessert section, one thing is now crystal clear…I need a dehydrator so bad!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Joanna,

      How wonderful to hear from you. I love how the Internet is bringing people together from all corners of the world! :)

      I so remember my first days of learning about raw foods and all the salads I ate due to lack of knowledge… so I understand. That is partly why I created this site… to share what I have learned and continue to learn on a daily basis. I do recommend a dehydrator for sure. It will really open your creative world with foods in the kitchen.

      Let me know how I can support you in your new journey Joanna and always feel free to leave comments and ask questions. I will do my best to help. Blessings! amie sue

  3. Rita says:

    What a wonderful website! Just came across it and enjoying reading about the sprouting and checking recipes.
    You motivate me to get a dehydrator and start enjoying the raw food.
    Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Rita,

      Thank you for commenting. I hope you do get a dehydrator… it will open a whole new door of creativity in your kitchen! Blessings, amie sue

  4. K says:

    Thank you so much for this website! I’m wondering if I can sprout the lentils (or other legumes and seeds) using the same method you used to sprout buckwheat on a mesh strainer?
    Thank you!

  5. Anne Marie says:

    Hi Amie Sue! Love your website!!! I’ve tried many of your amazing recipes. Question about the sprouted lentils. Can I now dry them again in the dehydrator and then make lentil flour? Wondering what recipes might work with lentil flour. Hmmmm. Something to think about! Thanks again.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Anne,

      Thank you so much, I am so glad that you are enjoying my site. :)

      After you have sprouted the lentils, spread them out on the dehydrator trays and dry at 115 degrees (F) for roughly 6 hours or so. Basically until dry. Once thoroughly cooled down, grind them in whatever vessel you have (blender, Bullet, etc). It’s about as easy as that.

      Keep me posted how it goes and if you have any further questions. Many blessings, amie sue

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