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Caramel Apples

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raw vegan Caramel Apples displayed on a wooden board and wax paper

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~

Last week as I was browsing the produce department at the grocery store I stumbled upon the most adorable miniature apples!   I love taking my time and looking at all the different fruits and veggies, allowing my mind to wander.  When I have the time to do this, creations are born.

And these tiny apples became a great inspiration.  I absolutely love trial size items.  Not sure why but I have since I was a child.  I still laugh when I reflect back to a fond memory when I received a gift from my parents.  I gently opened the present, and when I removed the tissue paper, there were all sorts of tiny trial sized bottles; shampoos, lotions, q-tips, etc.  I was sooo excited.  I ooo’d and aaah’d over each bottle.  Holding them up one at a time so all could see them.

As I was about 3/4 of the way through my mom ran out of patience…”Would you just lift up the bottom piece of tissue paper!”  Gosh, her reaction startled me,  I was enjoying my tiny bottles!  So, I removed the tissue, and there was a plane ticket to visit my best friend, Angie, who had recently moved to another state.  I was overjoyed of course, but I still laugh as to how enthralled I was just to get trial sized bottles.

So that brings me back to the itsy-bitsy apples that I found in the produce section.  They were sweet crab apples.  Instantly, I knew I wanted to make miniature caramel apples!  That evening I made the delicious caramel and assembled my sweet tiny treats.  The next day I took them to the store to share with everyone.

As I passed them out, I explained that since they were apples,  they did, in fact, have seeds in them.  Everyone just looked at me, “Like Duh!”  So, I finally stopped telling people that.  It was then that someone took a huge bite and ended up with apple seeds in their mouth.  “Why didn’t you tell me there were seeds in them?”  haha  For Pete’s sake, I can’t win sometimes. :)

Anyway, they turned out scrumptious.  You will have to keep them stored in the fridge until you are ready to serve them though.  The caramel will soften and sag a little.  Enjoy!


Yields 1 1/2 cups 


  1. In a high-powered blender combine the almond butter, sweetener, date paste, vanilla, and salt.  Blend until creamy and well mixed. Place in a bowl for dipping apples into.
    • Stop occasionally to scrape the sides down.
    • If your caramel sauce seems too thin right after you make it,  set it in the fridge to firm up a bit before dipping your apple in it.
  2. Using sucker sticks (bought at Micheal’s Craft store) poke them down in the apple where the stem was.
  3. Dip your apple in the caramel sauce and then dip in crush pecans.
  4. Set on a plate and put in the fridge, so it sets up.
  5. You can set each one in a muffin paper cup to make them nice for serving to others.


12 thoughts on “Caramel Apples

  1. sara says:

    Hi, I was wondering if you make your own almond butter if you use soaked almonds or not? Thanks- love your recipes!!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Sara,

      You want to soak the almonds then dehydrate them, then make the almond butter. Don’t use wet almonds. Been there, done that and it didn’t work. :)

  2. Sharon says:

    Hello Amie can you use this recipe to make raw caramel for making homemade turtle candy. This looks tasty and I want to experiment in making turtles using the dates what do you recommend. Thank you for all you do God Bless you.

    • amie-sue says:

      Morning Sharon!

      You sure could use this recipe to make turtle candy but keep in mind that the caramel is on the softer side when left at room temp and you won’t want to stack your cookies. I would make them and then freeze them. Let me know if you try it! Sounds delish! Have a blessed day!

  3. Marilyn LaBrie says:

    Dear Amie-sue:

    Have you made your own almond butter? I have and am not able to get the same texture as the ones I have bought at the store. I would appreciate your comments. Thank You for your time.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Marilyn,
      I have made my own almond butter before. What type of machine/brand are you using? Do you process it long enough? It takes me about 15-20 minutes in my food processor. Also, to get a REALLY creamy texture, most people roast their almonds (nuts) which defeats the purpose if your goal is for them remain raw, but roasting makes all the difference in consistency. “Roast in a 350 degree oven about 10 to 12 minutes and then process in the food processor until creamy.” The roasting enhances the flavor as well. But if the goal is raw, be sure to soak ad dehydrate them first. You don’t want them to have any moisture when you process them. Also, adding a bit of coconut oil (melted) during the process helps. Good luck and have a great week! amie sue

  4. Melissa says:

    I am so doing this for Halloween. .. Thank u so much for sharing….

  5. Melissa says:

    So just made them and OMG I did change some things. I dont like almond butter so I decide to use cacao butter and whole vanilla bean instead of extract. You should try it! Mmmmm thank you again…

  6. Misty says:

    I have been craving caramel apples like you wouldn’t believe! Thanks so much for this recipe… I can’t wait to throw it together! :-)

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