Home » Bars » ABC’s of How to Shape the Perfect Bar
I enjoy making healthy, whole food bars. But often they can be hard to shape into a nice compact bar.
After experimenting with several techniques, I came across one that I now use regularly. I have talked about using this bar press (the actual name for it is the “spam musubi sushi rice press) in several of my posts, but I thought I would take some time to show you how wonderful of a tool it is.
So to make the bars, I used three tools; the bar press, a pastry scraper, and a 1/4 cup measuring scoop. With these three tools, I can create compact bars that are all the same size. Often, bar batters can be loose and hard to make compact… this simple mold will help you make pressed bars the foolproof way. I hope the step-by-step pictorial helps.
Items Needed:
Prepare the bar dough/batter.
Place the bar press on a hard surface. I usually do this on the teflex sheet
that comes with the dehydrator. You can also use a cutting board.
Load the measuring scoop with batter. Level off the surface each time.
Place the dough in the bar press and insert the top piece.
With even, steady pressure, push the insert down, flattening the dough.
Lift the bar press casing off. DO NOT LIFT THE HANDLE OUT FIRST.
Slide the pastry scraper under the bar, removing it from the surface.
The bar is now stuck to the bottom of the bar press handle.
Slide the pastry scraper in between the handle and the bar.
The bar then transfers to the scraper.
Slide off the bar onto the mesh sheet that comes with the dehydrator.
Wah-lah! It may seem time-consuming, but trust me,
soon you will have a rhythm, and then it goes quickly.
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That’s pretty cool! Thanks for sharing. This is what I use: https://www.google.com/search?q=tupperware+granola+bar+maker&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=609&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNraqb5LTNAhVCGlIKHe1eCZ8QsAQIPQ&dpr=1#imgrc=O4TtsT4XWvez1M%3A
Good morning Holly,
Thanks so much for sharing. Good ole’ Tupperware. I use to love that stuff growing up. I don’t see it too often anymore but I love their bar cases that I saw on the link you sent me. I use eye glass cases in my purse to hold bars so they don’t get crumbled. Have a wonderful day, amie sue
Amie Sue, What a nice way of using sushi press to make bars, Very Smart! well as Amazon cannot ship this to Amsterdam,:( i am going to find it somewhere around in EU.
This is a very handy and fun idea box!Thank you for all you share with us, Much Love and Blessings
I hope you can find one Afsaneh. They are not required to make a bar, they just make the job easier for more compact, uniformed-sized bars. :) Let me know if you can get one. Have a happy day, amie sue
Hi Amie Sue and Afsaneh,
Here comes a tip from a fellow European, Afsaneh; 🙂 Try Ebay, they ship worldwide. I will place an order for this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/282056280357
I thought a bigger handle might make the job even easier but they also have the exact same type as Amie Sue uses.
The bars look lovely, Amie Sue! I was able to find organic cherries today, and those are not easy to find over here! I have longed to make your nut filled, chocolate covered cherries (Relleno..?) since I first read the recipe so I will make those first, while I wait for the sushi press. 😊
Hello Veronica. Thank you so much for giving Afsaneh an idea on where to get a press! You are awesome.
So excited for you to make the nut stuffed cherries. I plan on making some more too since our cherries are perfectly ripe. :) Keep me posted how it goes. Blessings and joy, amie sue
Hi Veronica, Thank you so much for the link! Yes that is definitely a good one! i can order one for sure :)I really want to start making my own raw bars and Amie’s recipes are the best!
Many Thanks and Blessings
awesome tip … thank you Amie Sue♥
Oh, I just saw in the pics that you use the one with a bigger handle, that means I made a good choice then! 😀
Yes, you made a great choice. Can’t wait for you to get it and hear what you think. :) amie sue
Sooooooo exciting! Thanks Amie Sue!
Put these in deli stores!!!!
hehe you so cute Sue. I hope that you make some wonderful bars and enjoy this technique. Blessings, amie sue
Hi again! When I click the link to the press, I don’t find it. Is it still there? Thanks! :)
Good morning Cheynnedeboer, it’s on that page that the link sends you too, but I made it more direct so you can go straight to it. https://nouveauraw.com/equipment/pans-forms-molds/spam-musubi-sushi-rice-press-k5sps/
Blessings, amie sue