Apple Butter Oatmeal

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
This is surefire, stick to the ribs kind of breakfast! Not as in an unhealthy stick to the ribs, but as in a breakfast that will help fuel you throughout the morning.
You can eat this cold, at room temperature or even warm it in the dehydrator if you wish. Slide the bowl into the dehydrator, turn it up to 145 degrees (F) and let it warm up while you get ready for the morning. I wouldn’t let it go more than an hour, so don’t fuss too long over your hair. :)
I bet you are concerned about it not being raw if we turn the machine up to 145 degrees. If you are, please read the following post that I did, explaining why it is ok. Dehydrating at 145 Degrees. Keep this info lodged in your memory banks as it will help you when you are seeking a warm, raw breakfast in the future.
- 1 cup almond nut milk
- 1/2 cup rolled, gluten-free oats
- 3 Tbsp apple butter
- 1-2 tsp raw agave nectar or maple syrup
- 1 Tbsp chopped raw walnuts
- 1/2 apple diced for topping along with 6 whole walnuts for garnish.
- In a medium-sized bowl whisk together all the ingredients except for the chopped nuts and diced apple (those are for the topping).
- Allow mixture to rest overnight in the fridge or allow it to sit on the counter for 1 hour. If the porridge is too thick feel free to add a tad more nut milk.
- When you are ready to eat, sprinkle the top with cinnamon, diced apple, and chopped nuts. Raisins would be excellent in this as well. But then I love raisins in everything!!
- Note ~ if you are sensitive to phytic acid that is found in oats, soak the oats in a bowl with 1 1/2 cups of water and a dash of salt overnight. Come morning, rinse the oats well and add the remaining ingredients. You can read more here, about the importance of soaking oats. You could also blend this recipe in a blender or food processor if you want it to be creamy.

Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
YUM!!! Can’t wait to try this :) Great idea :)
I can’t get to your apple butter recipe. Could you please re-post it or check your link. Thank you.
Hello Patricia. Thank you! I forgot to release it at the same time. It should work now. Have a wonderful weekend. amie sue
I am making this tomorrow!! Love your bowl! God bless!
Thank you Erica… second-hand store find. Score! :) I hope you enjoy it, keep me posted if you would. Have a great evening, amie sue
oh yum! now this looks like my kinda brekkie!
This website is the best!
I love your “rose” apple. Can you share how that is created? I think the presentation is beautiful and would love to do this for my husband.
Good day YHeyne,
I have a post that tells you all about here:
Enjoy! And what a lovely thing to do for your husband. amie sue
Wow! I had totally overlooked the incredible techniques section – thank you for guiding me there!!!
I followed your very clear steps and successfully made the roses as well as the oatmeal. My beloved husband loves all of it and we both are so grateful to you for your incredible recipes and beautiful presentation!
Oh gosh you are more than welcome :) It’s a big site and things get overlooked. I am hoping I can change that because there is so much info to share! Thank you for your kind words. Such a blessing to have you here with us. hugs, amie sue