Autumn Harvest Pumpkin Waffles

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
Waffle… what is a waffle? Mitch Hedberg says, “A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap.” I don’t know the man, but I couldn’t agree more. :) Did you know there is a National Waffle Day? Am I the only one in the dark about such things?!
Created to celebrate the first waffle iron patent issued 1869, August 24 has long been known as National Waffle Day! Wouldn’t you know it, I missed it by a few months.
So, I missed that “holiday, ” BUT I am still safe and now consider myself ahead of the game because March 25 is International Waffle Day which originated in Sweden where it is called Våffeldagen. There are several types of waffles – American, Belgian, Scandinavian, Liège, Hong Kong, Dutch stroopwafels, and now Rawaffles!
I didn’t grow up eating waffles. I did have them every so often as a treat when we would eat out, but I bet I can count on one hand the times that ate them as a child.
In my early 30s, I did go through a phase of eating Eggo Waffles that I would throw in the toaster and then slather peanut butter on them, but that was short-lived.
I find that there is something comforting about waffles. Those golden honeycombed pockets are perfect for serving with syrup, fresh fruit, whipped cream, jam, honey, apple butter, peanut butter, chocolate, or anything you can think of.
If you don’t have a waffle maker, you can usually pick up an inexpensive one for around $12.00 at a department or household store, or better yet, check out the local second-hand stores. Who cares if it works or not, right? If you live in an area where you need to mail order, Amazon has some cheap ones. Well, I hope you enjoy this recipe. Many blessings and please comment below. amie sue
Dry Ingredients:
Wet Ingredients:
Add in at the end:
- Combine; buckwheat, oats, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, salt, and mix until everything is well coated.
- In a food processor, fitted with the “S” blade, combine; buckwheat, oats, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, salt, and process until everything is broken down into a powdery form.
- Add; pumpkin puree, water, maple syrup, and liquid stevia. Process until smooth and creamy. Transfer to a medium-sized bowl.
- Hand mix in the pecans, raisins, and coconut.
- Line the waffle maker with plastic wrap and with your fingers, press batter into the mold.
- The amount will differ from machine to machine, due to size, but you want to make sure there is enough batter, so the waffle maker imprints the waffle pattern on both sides.
- After evenly spreading the batter over the mold, cover the top of the batter with another piece of plastic wrap. Close the waffle maker, squeezing it shut.
- Open, remove the top plastic piece and lift the waffle out.
- Place it on the mesh sheet that comes with the dehydrator. Trim the excess batter if need be.
- Dehydrate at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour, decrease to 115 degrees (F) and continue to dry for 16 hours or until desired dryness is achieved.
- Remove from dehydrator and serve warm.
- Freeze in an airtight, freezer-proof container for up to 3 months. Will last in the fridge for up to 3 weeks.
The Institute of Culinary Ingredients™
- To learn more about maple syrup by clicking (here).
- Why do I specify Ceylon cinnamon? Click (here) to learn why.
- What is Himalayan pink salt and does it really matter? Click (here) to read more about it.
- Are oats gluten-free? Yes, read more about that (here).
- Are oats raw? Yes, they can be found. Click (here) to learn more.
- Do I need to soak and dehydrate oats? Not required but recommended. Click (here) to see why.
Culinary Explanations:
- Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)? Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
- When working with fresh ingredients, it is important to taste test as you build a recipe. Learn why (here).
- Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.

Don’t forget to unplug the waffle maker. haha So backwards.

Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, sugar free, Vegan
Hallo Amie-Sue.
Schön wieder so ein Suchtfaktor Rezept, ich werde es bald nachmachen!
Ich habe am Wochenende viele Rezepte von ihnen nachgemacht, die Gemüse Alphabet Soup (gluten-und raw), sooo gut, Teriyaki Kale Chips Ginger Pumpkin Spice Waffle Sandwich Cookies, man kann nicht aufhören zu essen auch super lecker und dann habe ich auch noch Flax Cracker – Zucchini basierte und ihre Mexican Flax Crackers. Schmatz alles ist sooo gut, wirklich!!!
Amie-Sue sie haben einen Stern von mir verliehen bekommen! Lächel
Viele Grüße,
Hi Amie-Sue.
Nice recipe again so addictive, I’ll copy soon!
I have many recipes on weekends imitation of them to eat the vegetables Alphabet Soup (gluten-free and raw), sooo good, Kale Chips Teriyaki Ginger Pumpkin Spice Waffle sandwich cookies, you can not stop and delicious and then I also have Flax Cracker – zucchini and Mexican-based Flax crackers. Schmatz everything is sooo good, really!
They Amie Sue have been awarded a star from me! Smile
Best regards,
Hello sweet Jesse. I am so glad that you are enjoying the recipes. I have way to much fun in the kitchen. My husband’s tummy never grumbles from hunger. hehe Thank you for the star! :) I wear it with pride. hehe hugs, amie sue
Hallo Amie-Sue.
Ich schon wieder.
Können sie vielleicht noch ein Rezept für nicht süße Kürbis Waffeln machen, dass wäre echt super!?!
Mit Mandelmehl, Leinsamen, Chia – Samen aber wenig Buchweizen und Hafer.
Haben sie Lust ein Rezept zu versuchen oder Idee?
Pikante Kürbiswaffeln und dazu ihre BBQ Sauce zum Dippen, dass ist mein Wünsch. Lächel
Viele Liebe Grüße,
Jesse Gabriel
P.S.: Amie-Sue ich bin männlich, sie haben oben in ihrer Nachricht geschrieben, liebe Jesse …
Bis bald!
Hi Amie-Sue.
I again.
Can you maybe not a recipe for making sweet pumpkin waffles that would be really great!?
With almond flour, flax seeds, chia – seeds but little buckwheat and oats.
Did they try to feel like a recipe or idea?
Spicy pumpkin waffles and to their BBQ sauce for dipping that is my Wish. Smile
Many Greetings,
Jesse Gabriel
PS: Amie Sue-I’m male, she wrote above in your message, love Jesse …
See you soon!
Hello Jesse…. these translations are a bit confusing from time to time. lol
Sweet Pumpkin Waffle in already on my radar. I will keep you posted. :)
Hallo Amie-Sue.
Google Hat nicht so gut übersetzt, schade.
Ich meine nicht süße Waffeln sondern herzhafte (englisch glaube ich hearty, ) oder pikant (englisch = spicy).
Hoffe Google übersetzt jetzt besser!
Viele Grüße,
Hi Amie-Sue.
Google has not translated so well, too bad.
I mean (I think English hearty,) but not sweet waffles savory or spicy (English = spicy).
Hope Google translated better now!
Best regards,
Well if nothing else Jesse, it gives a good giggle from time to time. haha I know what you mean though about the flavor. I shall see what I can do. :)
Hallo Amie-Sue.
Danke das sie zurück geschrieben haben!
Aber bitte ohne Bohnenkraut, Google wieder nicht so gut aber sie wissen was ich meine.
Spicy Kürbiswaffeln!
Viele Grüße,
Jesse Gabriel
Hi Amie-Sue. Thank you that you have written back! But please, no savory, Google not like that but you know what I mean. Spicy pumpkin waffles! Regards, Jesse Gabriel
Ok Jesse. No savory. :) I will see what I can come up with. Blessings. amie sue
Amie Sue…these recipes are soooo exciting. I can hardly wait to try them, they will be great for the holidays… Steve has been wanting me to return to a raw diet and these fun new way of fixing our old favorites like kale will be the bridge to make that happen….thank you so much Darlene
Hello Darlene,
So wonderful to hear from you! Bob told me that he tracked you down. We speak of you often. You made such a difference in my life. :)
Greetings Amy Sue,
Your website has been an inspiration and a valuable resource.
I am looking forward to making the waffles. I have a similar waffle recipe that uses buckwheat, pecans, and flax powder to make a dough base. However, I am eager to try your recipe in hopes of obtaining a less dense waffle. I have been impressed with many of your recipes I have tried.
May I ask with regard to the waffle recipe are the measurements for the buckwheat groats before or after the soak? Please let me know as I would like to make these this upcoming weekend for my family
I am going into the kitchen as soon as I send this comment to make your pumpkin bread. I pray I am successful.
Thank you for all that you are inspired to do for the “one good”.
Hi Rhondy,
I am thankful that you are finding some helpful information on my site. :)
This recipe is not light a fluffy. I wish but so far I can’t imagine getting that texture in the raw world. But who knows…time and experimentation, anything is possible! My measurement for the sprouted buckwheat was after it was soaked. I had soaked and sprouted tons at one time. Buckwheat swells but not a tremendous amount. 2/3 of a cup of dry buckwheat yields 1 cup sprouted.
Good luck and keep me posted!!
Hello Amie Sue,
It is always exciting to receive your emails in my inbox.
With respect to the waffles what might I substitute for the pumpkin puree? Pumpkin are not seasonal where I am now. However, I have seen butternut squash at Trader Joe’s. Please let me know what you think.
Again, as always thank you for sharing your culinary skills.
You bet Rhondy, use pumpkin puree, squash… any of those should be just fine. :) Have a great day, amie sue
Good morning Rhondy… you can use about any squash. :) I love butternut! Have a great day, amie sue
Can’t wait to try this recipe. However, the ice cream like scoops on top of the waffle is what really caught my eye but I don’t see it in the recipe. Will you please direct me amie-sue. I am so thankful for your website!
Good morning OSurius,
The ice cream is Pecan Cranberry Pumpkin Ice Cream. There is a link already to it within the write of the recipe. Tastes great together! Have a great day, amie sue
Man! I find this AFTER I get rid of the ole waffle iron? Bummer.
Isn’t that just how it goes sometimes… go to your local thrift store. I bet you can find one for a fraction of the price. That is what I did for a few of the different shaped ones that I have. :) Have a happy day. amie sue
Hi Amie-Sue:
So happy to be able to print your recipes again. Thank you for a raw waffle recipe. I’ve always loved them, but haven’t had any since becoming raw 15 years ago. Thanks to you for bringing back one of my favorite breakfast foods.
Regarding this recipe, I’m not a fan of pumpkin. Would it be okay if I substituted sweet potato puree, instead.
Because sweet potatoes have very little moisture, I make sweet potato puree by soaking shredded sweet potatoes in raw fresh squeezed apple juice with cinnamon and nutmeg overnight in the fridge to soften and moisturize, then I blend it.
P.S. Love your recipe website.
Good afternoon Yvonne,
I am glad my print button is working again too! :) And yes, by all means, sweet potato is a great sub for pumpkin. Thank you for sharing your technique with me and so others can read it. We all learn from one another!
Enjoy and let me know if you try the waffles, I hope they bring you joy. Blessings, amie sue
You are so ingenious Amie Sue!! Can hardly wait to try this… We have Oat Vegan waffles every Sunday Morning. Now I won’t be tempted to eat them and will be able to have my own raw ones…. Thank you, Thank you, hugs, jan
So good to hear from you Jan. Thanks for the feedback. I hope you enjoy the recipe! Keep me posted. hugs, amie sue