Gingerbread Pumpkin Quinoa Porridge

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
I made this Gingerbread Pumpkin Breakfast Quinoa Porridge for my mom while I was visiting in Alaska this past summer. She is a lover of hearty breakfasts, so it brought me great joy to share this delicious dish with her.
Mom is always open to my experiments, which makes it so darn fun. The whole week that I stayed with Mom and Dad, I got on a quinoa kick. I made both savory and sweet dishes with it and wasn’t disappointed with any of them. We loved them all!
With the cooler weather upon us, this porridge satisfies your morning hunger and gives you those inner warm fuzzies!
Enjoy! Blessings, amie sue
Yields 1 serving

Quinoa :
- You can use either cooked or sprouted quinoa. Regardless of whichever method you choose, you need to soak your quinoa for approx. 30 minutes. Then rinse it thoroughly until the water runs clear.
- To cook: bring 1 1/2 cups of water to a boil, add 1/2 cup of quinoa, bring water back up to a boil, cover, reduce heat and allow to simmer on low for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let it sit for 5 minutes.
- To sprout: After the soak and rinse, place the quinoa in a bowl, cover with a dishcloth, let it sit it on the counter overnight, allowing the quinoa to sprout. In the morning you will notice tiny little tails on the quinoa, it is now ready.
- Combine all the ingredients and let it sit for 15 minutes. This will cause the chia seeds to expand, soaking up the extra liquid.
- Sprinkle the top with extra raisins and cinnamon.
- You can make this the night before, placing it in the fridge for the following morning’s breakfast!
- I find that the longer I allow raw food dishes to sit, the more the flavor of the ingredients meld together.
The Institute of Culinary Ingredients™
- To learn more about maple syrup by clicking (here).
- To learn more about Yacon syrup by clicking (here).
- Raw honey isn’t vegan, but I still use it now and again. Read (here) why I like to.
- Click (here) to learn why I use stevia.
- For easy directions on sprouting quinoa, check out these Sprouting Instructions from the Sproutpeople®.
- Why do I specify Ceylon cinnamon? Click (here) to learn why.
- What is Himalayan pink salt and does it really matter? Click (here) to read more about it.
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
In other recipes that I try to adopt to be raw, how do you convert an amount of pumpkin puree to an amount of fresh pumpkin? For example, how much of a sugar pie pumpkin would I need to make 1/2 cup of puree? Thanks!!!!
Hi Chris,
Let’s see if I can answer this question. :)
Q. For example, how much of a sugar pie pumpkin would I need to make 1/2 cup of puree?
A. When picking out a pumpkin, smaller is better. They tend to be more sweet, look for one with dark orange-colored flesh. A medium-sized (4-pound) sugar pumpkin should yield around 1½ cups of mashed pumpkin. This puree can be used in all your recipes calling for canned pumpkin. Don’t use field pumpkins, which are bred for perfect jack-o’-lanterns, tend to be too large and stringy for baking. So, as you can see, you will have left overs when making puree from a fresh pumpkin. This is great because you can do so many things with it.
TIP: If you’re in a pinch and can’t find a pie pumpkin, use: butternut squash taste almost the same! OR 3 cups of raw peeled carrots yield 2 about cups of carrot puree.
Did this answer your question Chris? Have a great day! amie sue
Hello – I see that you have cooked the quinoa – is this still considered a raw dish, or just mostly raw? I do eat quinoa (cooked) a time or two a week and I am not 100% raw – but just wondering about it!!
p.s. I love the pumpkin chia pudding recipe :)
Carolyn… Cooked quinoa is not raw, but it still has great nutritional value. I prefer the cooked version unless I am going to be using the quinoa in recipes that dehydrate, then I tend to just sprout it.
Have a blessed day! amie sue
geeeez – I see above that you say to use either cooked or sprouted! I have not sprouted quinoa yet. So sorry – never mind :)
This looks lovely. I really enjoy comforting recipes like this and I also prefer to use the cooked quinoa as I find it digests better for me.
Hi Mizhap,
That is what it is all about…finding out what is best for your body!!! Well, that and enjoying the taste! hehe
I love quinoa for breakfast. Can’t wait to try this. Tomorrow I’m making you ginger miso dressing :)
I love quinoa anytime of the day! Enjoy!
YEAH! i just found you through google and I am so excited to try this recipe. I actually have 2 cans of pumpkin puree in my cabinet from Thanksgiving I had no idea what to do with, and I just bought quinoa. AWESOME, glad I found your sight…..thank you!!!
I am so glad that you found my site to Lauren! :) I hope you enjoy the porridge! Keep in touch. Blessings, amie sue
I’m thinking about making the gingerbread quinoa porridge with the sprouted quinoa, but if I understand your instructions and put in in the fridge overnight, it will be cold? But is seems like porridge should be warm. Do you actually eat it cold? Would it be OK to warm it in the dehydrator , and for how long?
Hi Jan, Yes I do put it in the fridge overnight. I have eaten cold and I have warmed it up too. It’s up to you. You can easily place the bowl in your dehydrator at 145 degrees for up to an hour if need be. There is so much liquid/moisture in it that the high temp won’t effect it, but don’t forget about it and leave it in there all day… that will affect it. :) Just check it every once in a while till it reaches the temp you want. Have a great evening, amie sue