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Walnut and Thyme Crackers

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an over view of Walnut and Thyme Crackers on a wooden barn wood table

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~

Simple, classic, and melt-in-your-mouth delicious crackers. That is what I am sharing with you today. They are perfect to serve on a raw cheese plate with grapes for an appetizer. These herb-infused crackers offer up a buttery flavor thanks to the walnuts.

This recipe presented me with a wonderful opportunity to use up some fresh thyme that had been hanging out in my fridge. This is my first year growing fresh herbs on my back porch and I can’t wait for them to become flush with goodness. Walking out into the fresh air to pinch off some fresh herbs as I needed…. makes me feel so… earthy… so connected to my food.

Do you have some spare time Thyme?

If so, give this recipe a try! Thyme (pronounced “time”) is a fragrant, small-leafed, woody-stemmed culinary herb that is used frequently in the Mediterranean, Italian and French cuisines.

Because of their tough, woody stems, the sprigs should be removed before serving.  The tiny leaves are easily removed from the stems by pulling the stems through your fingers from top to bottom, against the direction of the stems.  Six average sprigs will yield about a tablespoon of leaves.

They can be given a quick chop or simply added to the recipe, whole.  The leaves may also be lightly crushed before adding them, which releases the volatile, flavorful oils.  Fresh thyme should be kept refrigerated, where it will keep for about a week.  It can also be frozen on a baking sheet and then stored in zipper baggies in the freezer for up to six months.  In its dried form, thyme will keep for about six months in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Thyme retains much of its flavor when dried.

Although the thought of making crackers can be a little intimidating, this recipe is surprisingly simple and straightforward. I hope you enjoy these buttery seasoned crackers.  They were a hit in our home. Blessings, amie sue

a close up of a raw gluten free an over view of Walnut and Thyme CrackerIngredients:

Yields 50-60 (2 x 2″) crackers


  1. Put the walnuts, pecans, ground flax, salt, and pepper in the food processor and pulse until the nuts are finely ground.  Place in a large bowl and set aside.
  2. Place the zucchini, water, and thyme in the food processor and process until the zucchini is broken down.
    • To peel or not to peel…that is the question!  You can peel the zucchini or leave the skin on, that is up to you.  Should you decide to leave the skin on, make sure that you use ORGANIC zucchini!  The skin does hold nutrients.
    • If you don’t buy organic, I recommend that you peel the zucchini to remove as much of the pesticides as you can, not to mention the wax that they use to shine them up.
    • Also, if you are looking for a neutral colored cracker, peel it.  Otherwise, leave the peel and enjoy the green speckles throughout.
  3. Spread 1/2 of the batter onto the teflex (non-stick) sheet that comes with the dehydrator.
  4. Score the crackers into the desired size.
    • You can use a knife (be careful that you don’t press too hard and cut the teflex sheet) or you can use a pizza cutter.
    • I like to use his six wheel pastry cutter, which can be found (here).
    • Sprinkle the top with coarse sea salt.
  5. Dehydrate at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour, then reduce to 115 degrees (F) for approximately 12 hours.
    • Once dry enough (around the 4-6 hour marker), remove the teflex sheet, leaving the crackers on the mesh sheet, continue drying until desired dryness is reached.
  6. Store them in a tightly sealed container for several weeks.

Culinary Explanations:

  • Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)?  Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
  • When working with fresh ingredients it is important to taste test as you build a recipe.  Learn why (here).
  • Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.
The batter has been spread and scored... ready for the dehydrator. Below, they just came out. The magic of blogging. hehe

The batter has been spread and scored… ready for the dehydrator. Below, they just came out. The magic of blogging. hehe

Walnut and Thyme Crackers displayed on an Excalibur dehydrator tray

a close up of Walnut and Thyme Crackers

Look at all those yummy ingredients!


29 thoughts on “Walnut and Thyme Crackers

  1. Jana says:

    Dear Amie-Sue, thank you so much for another fab looking cracker recipe! And believe it or not, a friend of mine gave me some truly organic hand picked Walnuts yesterday! Wohoo! So I’ll be making a batch of these next week! And I love thyme!!

    lovely greetings, Jana

  2. samantha says:

    Thank you for posting so many great recipes. I get so excited every time I see a new post. I cannot wait to try this new cracker recipe.

  3. patty richards says:

    amie sue,
    I have been sharing crackers and granola with all my friends and getting very positive remarks. Thank you so much for getting me hooked on crackers and all the other recipes, you are awesome. Chia seeds were on the news today!! Personal trainers are recommending them for their clients. Yahoo!!
    I have a question for you. I am in the market for a new food processor. I have been trying my brother in laws Cuisinart (and older model) and it works fine, but I like to make a double batch of the cheese nips and the thing started bouncing across the cupboard. I have heard great things about the Breville, but do I need all the attachments. I don’t have the space to store all of that. It has some great features that keeps me going back to it such as the small bowl to make pestos and sauces, so I would like your thoughts on the Breville vs. the Elite Cuisinart. What have you heard about them? and what do you use?
    I am on my way into Portland tomorrow and I would like to get one or the other.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Patty,
      It is so awesome to hear that you are sharing healthy foods and getting good reviews!

      As far as food processors go I can’t really comment on the Breville model since I haven’t tried it. I have the Viking brand which is good but expensive. Last year at Costco I got a stellar deal on the Cuisinart PowerPrep Plus 14 cup and love it. It handles just about all my recipes in one swoop. This is the one I have but in silver: http://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-DLC-2014N-PowerPrep-Capacity-Processor/dp/B00004WKHT/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1329325433&sr=8-1.

      I recommend if you buy it from a store, know what their return policy is. If you don’t like it return it. I no longer settle for “OK” equipment to clutter up my limited space. All I know is this machine doesn’t dance on the counter top. :) Boy, I wish I could go shopping with you. haha I love kitchen equipment!! Keep me posted as to what you get and what you think. Have fun! amie sue

      • patty richards says:

        Hi amie sue,
        As I sit here in Trout Lake–new snow, sun shining beautifully, crisp blue sky and eating my green smoothie made with great vegies and frozen cantalope, I am sending you a big hug for providing me with wonderfully, healthful, great tasting recipes.
        I am getting ready to share another session of cracker making with some new friends from Trout lake. I love it! I am trying to meet women here that have the same interests as I do and are not afraid of diving into new and different eating experiences.
        Next time, I will write you my version of your Mexican flax cracker. It turned out great. I will be showing my new friends the Cheese Nips recipe and the Walnut/Pecan Thyme crackers. Also, I found a Pumpkin seed milk recipe on “Choosing Raw.com” that I will try with them. Fun morning—–Have a great day!!!

        • patty richards says:

          Oh—-I forgot to tell you that I bought the new Breville Food Processer and I made a double batch of Flax seed crackers in it and it purrrrrrrred like a kitten. Great machine!!! Thank you for your input and happy processing.

          • patty richards says:

            Hi Amie-sue,
            Me again—-I just wanted you to know that I shared my crackers with my picky- eater sister from Montana and she is coming to visit the end of March and told me that she wanted to make a lot of crackers to take home with her. Wow-that is a huge compliment to your recipes. Patty

            • amie-sue says:

              Patty, that is awesome! I love it when stuff like that happens. Getter’ hooked! Thank you for sharing that with me, made my day! amie sue

          • amie-sue says:

            Patty, I am so happy to hear that. Having the right kitchen tools, makes all the difference in the world! Keep that baby puuuurrrrring! :)

        • amie-sue says:

          What a great way to unite with others Patty. The more you share, the seeds that are planted for others to introduce healthier foods into their diet. Playing and creating in the kitchen can be a very bonding thing. I am so happy for you! Keep in touch please. :) amie sue

  4. Ginger says:

    These look absolutely delicious! Could you substitute almonds for the pecans, or do you think the almonds would mess with the consistency or flavor? Thank you for everything you do!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Ginger… well the almonds will change the flavor a bit. Pecans have a richer taste all together. The cracker can be made with almonds just know that it won’t taste just the one I created. :)

  5. Beth says:

    Really good tasting cracker recipe. I like that it includes lots of vegetables.

  6. Patricia says:

    Hi Amie Sue – I am posting to two different recipes. This one, Walnut and Thyme Crackers, and your Raw Chocolate and Cream Sandwich Cookie.

    I made the Walnut and Thyme Cracker recipe and thought it very good. But as I was mixing it up, the little bit of green from the zucchini made me think about using apple instead. The next time I made this recipe, I used apple instead of zucchini and cinnamon and nutmeg instead of thyme. I know you have an apple cinnamon cracker recipe that uses almond pulp, but I don’t have access to that much pulp. I am super pleased with the apple and cinnamon version and plan to make it again. Thank you so much for your great recipes.

    • amie-sue says:

      Oh that sounds delightful Patricia. Great job on using what you have available to you! I loved that you took the time to share this. I hope you are having a wonderful week so far. Blessings, amie sue

  7. Lejla says:

    Dear Amie-Sue, I just made this recipe, I didn’t have thyme but I substitute it with fresh rosemary. It is now in my dehydrator, and just by look I can say it will be devine! Thank you so much for sharing such great, innovative and tasty recipes with us, I am so far your biggest fan. Love and blessings…

    • amie-sue says:

      Your welcome Lejla… so happy to hear that you are enjoying the crackers. :) You are such a sweetheart! Have a great evening, amie sue

  8. Trish says:

    Hi Amie-Sue! I noticed this recipe I don’t see where the pecans come in? They just get processed with the walnuts? Thank you so much!

    • amie-sue says:

      Sorry Trish, yes add them at the same time as the walnuts. I amended the recipe instructions. Thank you for pointing that out. Many blessings, amie sue

  9. Blue Isotope says:

    Hi Amie Sue, these sound scrumptious. I’m making a birthday gift for a friend. Do you think these could be good subbing the pecans for more walnuts? I ask just cause I don’t have any pecans, but I have a ton of walnuts and almonds.
    Thank you,

  10. Blue Isotope says:

    Thank you. :). I’m in process of making your arugula crackers right now. I’m excite to try them. It’s incredible the scope of recipes you have on here. Many years of love.

    • amie-sue says:

      I look forward to your reviews Blue :)

      • Blue Isotope says:

        They were delicious. That said, I think next time I would skip the salt on top. Maybe I put too much, but they were a bit on the salty side.

        • Blue Isotope says:

          My last note was actually about the arugula crackers. These were also wonderful. I love the soft buttery texture. Thank you for all this wonderful variety Amie Sue.

          • amie-sue says:

            You bet Blue. I love coming up with a wide variety of recipes – flavors. Happy to hear that you are enjoying these too! blessings, amie sue

        • amie-sue says:

          Yes, at times, it is easy to over-salt. Next time, do as you said and hold off on that and see if they match your taste buds a bit better. Thanks for the feedback. blessings, amie sue

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