Chocolate covered Blueberry Leather Lollipops

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~
These Blueberry Leather lollipops have stepped up to the level of true sophistication. The generous coating of chocolate and the added layer of crushed almonds and shredded coconut really dresses up this treat making it ready for the Red Carpet.
This treat is so amazing; even I shocked myself. I had an idea that it would taste good but not THIS good.
OMGosh, golly, gee-wiz!!! I took a bite… my teeth melted right through the thick chocolate coating, instantly releasing a rich aroma of chocolate (intoxication started to set in), I paused for a nanosecond, fearful that the fruit leather would be tough and cause some resistance, but it didn’t… I completed my bite…aaaah, nirvana!
I pulled the sucker away from my lips, closed my eyes and I took my time, savoring the chewy delight. What amazed me the most was that every flavor complemented each other. The chocolate didn’t overpower the blueberry leather; the blueberry leather didn’t override the chocolate, the slight hint of coconut.
My eyes widened, and my body relaxed back into itself as I marveled at my creation of the flavors that were swirling about my mouth. As I swallowed, the sweet essence of blueberry and chocolate-coated my throat, it was warming, it was sensuous, it was… it was… it was….(them to the Sound of Music swells in the background)… it was heavenly. I can’t say any more; you MUST try this for yourself.
This recipe was requested by a young mother who asked if I could come up with a sucker recipe so her little one didn’t feel left out when other kids had suckers in their hands. Thank you for the challenge, Daniel!
Yields 3 cups
- In the blender combine all ingredients listed above. Blend until nice and smooth. The skins of the blueberries will somewhat remain.
- Allow the mixture to rest for 10 minutes. This is a good time to prepare the dehydrator sheets.
- Place the teflex sheet on the mesh sheet and spray a very light coat of coconut oil on the teflex sheet. This will help with the removal of the lollipops when they have completed their dry cycle.
- Using a Tbsp, drop a spoonful worth onto the teflex sheet. Be sure to stagger them, so there is room to put the sucker stick into them.
- Slide the sucker stick into each circle of puree.
- Dehydrate at 145 degrees for 1 hour. Then reduce the temp to 115 degrees (F) and continue to dry for approx. 8 hours.
Culinary Explanations:
- Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)? Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
- When working with fresh ingredients, it is important to taste test as you build a recipe. Learn why (here).
- Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.

Dip the sucker into chocolate and coat with crushed almonds or shredded coconut.
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Nut Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, sugar free, Vegan
Hi Amie- Sue, wow your fruit leather creations are amazing, really love the lolly pop idea. If fruit wasn’t so expensive here, (never mind finding organic blueberries or strawberries) I would go straight to the kitchen and try some of these scrumptious creations. I have previously made fruit leather to sell and they are very popular with children. Oh my, how much I would love to get my hands on some organic blueberries any berries…we have an abundant of blackberries here and I have already made some purple leather….but love blueberries, strawberries, raspberry…count yourself lucky to have such abundance of berries! Thanks Amie-Sue, always love your creations ♥ ♥ ♥ Btw, tried to subscribe to your blog but it’s not working :(….have a nice day…would love to hang out in your garden sometime :D
Good morning Vicky,
I do feel very blessed being surrounded by such fruit. It had always been a dream of mine. I lived in Alaska for 28 years and struggled finding good, organic fruit… it’s getting better up there but is still a challenge. Thank you for letting me know about the subscribe page…I goofed it up, accidentally and will get right on that. I tinker well in the kitchen, but not so much with wordpress HTML. lol Have a grand day, amie sue
Hi Amie Sue,
I tried making these lollies but replaced Irish moss with agar-agar gel and the blueberries with pear and melon, inspired by your fruit leather. (What a great flavor combo, btw, I love it!) I also made one batch where I added fresh spinach and a tad bit more sweetening and it tasted very good, a little “spritzy” if that makes any sense. 🙂
My lollies didn’t look half as good as yours though.. I think it was difficult to stagger them, so they ended up being a little too thin. And my chocolate coating was not as pretty as yours either. Tasted good though! 😃 I will make another go with your original recipe. I saw a lollipop mold today and I think I will buy it to see if I can make pretty lollies using that. (I love different molds. And jars! 😄)Thanks and have a lovely day, Amie Sue! I must ask; do you write your name with or without a hyphen? I never know if I write it correctly. :) -Veronica
Good evening Veronica…. I don’t use a hyphen in my name but even if you added it… I would still respond hehe.
I am very proud of you for giving the recipe a go. Sounds like you made some yummy revisions. That is what it is all about my friend. :)
And as long as they tasted good, well, you got the first step down. The esthetics of it all will come with a little practice and kitchen fairy dust. :P
Keep playing in that kitchen of yours. Many blessings and have a wonderful weekend. amie sue
Hi Amie Sue,
I managed to make the lollies look pretty this time! 🙂 My tip to those out there having the same problem as I did when it comes to staggering the puree is to let it rest a while in the fridge (I was invited to dinner in the middle of making them so I had to let the puree rest for 6h) and then use a round cookie cutter when pouring the puree onto the teflex sheet. Works like charm! 🙂
Thank you so much Veronica for sharing your tip. So happy that they turned out for you. Kind of fun, aren’t they? Have a blessed and happy day, amie sue