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Homemade Tomato Paste

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Homemade Tomato Paste displayed on a wooden table

There have been times where I need a good tomato paste. The deep rich, concentrated flavor of tomato that takes a recipe from zip to zing!  When one of my raw food dishes requires tomato, I use either fresh tomatoes and sometimes I rely on sun-dried tomatoes.  But even with those, sometimes I am missing that… zing, zip, tang, pow!

Until now, I just considered myself sort-of-out-of-luck.  I had used tomato powder many years ago when I stumbled upon it at a health food store but soon forgot about it because it wasn’t something that I could readily get my hands on.

On-line, I have found my answer for creating a rich tomato paste… tomato powder.  I provided a link below in the ingredient list on the one that I use.

Tomato powder contains a natural antioxidant called lycopene, which has been shown to be protective against several age-related diseases such as colorectal, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic cancers, as well as some cardiovascular diseases.

It is also an excellent source of dietary fiber, which has also been shown to reduce “bad” cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar levels.   These are good things to know as you go to make up a yummy batch of rich tomato paste!


Yields roughly 7 oz


  1. Place the tomato powder and water in a small bowl and whisk together with a fork making sure that you work out all lumps.
  2. Store in the fridge for up to 1 week.
  3. For an idea on how to use tomato paste, check out my Raw Russian Salad Dressing recipe.

a close up Homemade Tomato Paste displayed on a wooden table

12 thoughts on “Homemade Tomato Paste

  1. Christine says:

    Add some raw apple cider vinegar and raw honey and you’ve got raw ketchup! Thanks for the recipe!

  2. maralyn says:

    cant you dehydrate your own tomatoes and make powder

  3. Mary says:

    Would this still be raw? How’s is the powder different from the dried other than the obvious.
    Love your recipes. . Have made lots, hooked on your cheeses at the moment. Lol.. but looking for dressings.. you are a godsend For me, and I also do the dip (of the fork that is) he he
    thanks for sharing EVERYTHING. MARY

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Mary. If the tomato powder is raw… well then yes. :) You can make your own with dried tomatoes if you wanted to. Happy to hear that you are hooked on healthy foods! hehe Blessings, amie sue

  4. Mary says:

    You are fantastic! Thank you for sharing health and how to go about it. ;-)

  5. Frank Mickens says:

    Tomato marinara sauce ingredients
    1. Avocado as base instread of nuts. Nuts may offer added refrigerator shelf life.
    2. Dehydrated tomato for flavor:
    2a) Dehydrated tomato cheaper than sun dried especially if you buy soft, almost inedible tomatoes from farmer’s market or grocer. Make best of friends with your grocer Produce Manager” Get his cell phone number and call him to see what he is close to throwing away! These items usually can be dehydrated or frozen to be added to your raw recipes. What is no good (mostly appearance)for the average shopper and grocer, especially tomatoes and bananas, may be ok for raw foodies. Put soft tomatoes in deep freezer for 1/2 hour or fridge freezer for 3/4 hour to “firm them up for cutting and dehydrating.
    3. Tomato for flavor and liquid. Save your tomato ends in a bag in the freezer, Just cut out stem bases.
    4. Italian seasoning from grocer. (saves time)
    5. Beet for added color (very small amount)
    6. Add extra powdered garlic or onion to taste. Please remember the only way to effectively do anything “to taste” is to make the recipe many times. Add small amounts of anything you add so as not to ruin a batch by making it inedible.
    7. Lemon juice instead of vinegar for tartness and semi-preservative. Also vinegar interferes with (stops) digestion. Remember when your grandma gave you diluted vinegar for an upset stomach?
    8. Celery for saltiness.

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