Carrot Cake Sandwich Cookies with Pumpkin Spice Frosting

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
I love, love, love carrot cake. My dear friend, Elaine, back in Alaska, used to make the most amazing carrot cake ever! Every once in a while I still get such a strong craving for that delightful dessert. I think one of the reasons why I love carrot cake so much is that it’s not overly sweet, nor is the frosting that is usually paired with it.
So in honor of my dear friend, I created these mini carrot cake sandwich cookies. With each little bite, I am embraced with the feeling of her love and hugs. I hope you enjoy them too!
Before I let you go, I would like to run over a few of the ingredients that I used in this recipe. For starters, I used raw coconut flour. This isn’t the type of raw coconut flour that you buy in the stores. It is made from fresh ground shredded coconut. I provided a link below for you as to how to make it yourself. I highly recommend that you don’t use the store-bought version because it is too drying on the cookie and it will suck all the moisture out.
I also used a small amount of liquid stevia. This is clearly optional on your behalf. I didn’t want to add any further sweetener to the cookie, I just wanted to “brighten” up the taste. I provided a link to the brand that I solely use. It doesn’t have a bitter after taste like most.
Lastly, I want to touch base on the psyllium husks and Irish moss. I have made the cookie using one or the other and they came out great. They both act as a binder and give the cookie that cake-like texture.
I should also mention that the frosting I created for this recipe doesn’t firm up hard. You will want to keep the cookies stored in the fridge when you are not eating them. Ok… off you go… enjoy!
Yields 26 cookies (2 1/2 Tbsp each) or 13 sandwich cookies
Cookie batter:
Frosting: yields 3 cups
- 2 cups raw cashews, soaked 2+ hours
- 1/2 cup maple syrup
- 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp liquid stevia
- 1 Tbsp pumpkin pie spice
- 1/8 tsp sea salt
- 3/4 cup raw cold-pressed coconut oil, melted
- 2 Tbsp sunflower lecithin, powdered or liquid
Cookie batter:
- In the food processor shred the carrots.
- Add the apple, coconut flour, cinnamon, nutmeg. salt, vanilla, stevia, dates, and psyllium. Process together until well mixed but don’t over-process.
- Hand mix in the raisins and walnuts.
- Using a 2 1/2 Tbsp cookie scoop, make cookie shapes and drop them on the mesh screen that comes along with your dehydrator.
- Dehydrate at 115 degrees (F) for 6 hrs. I recommend checking in on your cookies from time to time as different dehydrators work differently. You want the outside of the cookie to be firm but the inside a bit moister. If you over-dry them it will affect the texture making them really dry in your mouth.
- Once cooled, apply the frosting and store in an airtight container in the fridge. If possible wait to frost until ready to serve.
- Add to blender all ingredients except the coconut oil and lecithin. These will be added at the very end. Blend until the frosting is nice and creamy with no grittiness. You want to accomplish this prior to adding the coconut oil and lecithin.
- Now add in the coconut oil and lecithin, blend until smooth and creamy (3-5 minutes)
- While your blender is running, drizzle in the coconut oil and then slowly add the lecithin. Blend well but don’t over-process.
- Place in the fridge to firm up prior to frosting.
- Pipe the frosting on one cookie and place another cookie on top, gently press down. Roll the edges in shredded coconut.
- You will want to keep your frosted treat in the fridge up until serving.
- Frosting will last 5-7 days in the fridge. Do not freeze as it will change the consistency.

Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Vegan
I love these cookies! I especially like the fact that you can taste the coconut a bit since that’s a traditional ingredient in carrot cake. The one thing about the cookies that I might suggest is that you put some grated coconut on top of them rather than just the frosting. Again, it’s a common ingredient in carrot cake, and in addition, while the frosting tastes great, it’s a bit gray, and the white of the coconut would be a nice contrast to the orange of the cookies.
Awesome suggestion Jody, I will try that next time. Thank you so much for stopping in to share with me/us. Have a blessed day! amie sue
I think these are fantastic!! I was amazed at how they taste just like carrot cake. While I love all the raw treats I’ve had, I can usually tell it’s a raw/organic goodie. I would not have been able to tell the difference with these if it weren’t for the frosting. yummy!! Like Jody – I loved the coconut. But I love coconut with just about anything!
I made these last night. Had them in the dehydrator for only 7 hours & I think I may have ruined them. :( too dry. They tasted really good & smelled wonderful. I should have stopped them a few hours in… but was afraid they were Too moist.
I already want to start another batch & watch them even more closely. But out of supplies at the moment. About to go see if there are any I can salvage.
I Will be excited about these again, just wish the first batch didn’t get over done. Seriously… they smelled Wonderful & Tasted Really good (when tested at the halfway mark of my 7 hours.
Hi Lapeep,
I am sorry that they came out to dry. Each dehydrator is different and the water content in veggies, etc. can possibly make a difference too. I am happy to hear though that you are giving them a second chance! Don’t throw them away though….if they are to dry to eat as is…throw them in the food processor and add a little liquid, either water or sweetener…throw in some nuts or whatever….crumble the mixture on the dehydrator sheet and make a granola out of it. Just an idea!
Thanks… so glad I caught this before I dumped the ones I tore in half (to check dryness levels)… I bag those for attempting what you said… sounds like it will be tasty. Also, I don’t have pumpkin spice… so I will be making the buttercream topping with more nutmeg possibly.
Off to the kitchen.
In the past 4 yrs of preparing raw recipes, I have only discarded 2! Now, sometimes my plans change in what the outcome of that recipe was intended to be..but that is the beauty of raw! :) Keep me posted!
Yes Amie, It Was still from the first batch. I ended up with about 2 dozen, though I still thought they were too dry for my liking. I made a batch of the topping (only half a batch & still had a lot left over of that). Gave most of them to friends who I wanted to share my Raw Food experience with. Of the people who ate them, all liked them. Of the people who received a small platter of them, reports were they ate them all in one night.
I have a sneaky suspicion… that part of the dryness (other then dehydrator timing) may have occurred as a result of potential over processing of the carrots in the mix once the other ingredients were added in during the pulse stage. Which was why I think next time I make these, I will do for less time, and allow half the shredded carrots to be set aside while the rest is processed together so that I will have more whole shreds to mix in for texture.
Did you take a look at the pictures I took of the finished cookies? Placed a direct link to one of the pics (click my name). Also if you scroll ‘back’ you can see them without topping. The driest cookies are not in pics.
Anyway, thanks again for a great site with interesting recipes. When I make a recipe & post my pic results on fb, I always give a link back if I’ve used a recipe I’ve found online. Will let you know when I do others.
Good evening LaPeep,
I saw the pictures…awesome! Thank you for sharing. :)
Hi Amie Sue,
Did you use liquid sunflower lecithin? Thanks!
Morning Chris,
Yes… it was liquid for of sunflower lecithin. :)
These look scrumptious! I would like to make these this weekend, but after doing a search of every local store, I cannot find sunflower lecithin and do not wish to use soy. Is there anything that I can use as a substitute for it?
Hello RenB,
Yea, I have to order my sunflower lecithin on line… it is worth to have on hand, but for now, go ahead and just omit it. Be sure to chill the frosting until it firms up. You should be just fine. Keep me posted how it goes. Blessings, amie sue
Sadly, I created my first total flop, my fault. I had loads of carrot pulp from juicing in the freezer and attempted to use that instead of the shredded carrots. I also forgot to set the timer allowed dehydrator to go too long. Duh! Not enough moisture. Now I finally have the Sunflower lecithin and the ingredients for the frosting and nothing to put it on. Any suggestions for one of your bars that the buttercream frosting could go good on?
Oh fiddle, RenB… I am sorry to hear that. Can you crumble in on the dehydrator sheet and make the cereal out of it? You can put that frosting on just about anything… it just doesn’t set up hard so be aware of that. It will keep for at least a week so you have time to think about what you might want to make so you can use it. Don’t think of it as a flop RenB… I have been in your shoes. The frosting is good so no flop there. And the cake part… well so it isn’t a cake, you can now be creative with it. Can you tell me what the flavor and texture is like on the cake, maybe I can help create it into something new and exciting. :) hugs, amie sue
Oh. Forgot to add that I have a pumpkin in the house. Can I sub it for the carrots? Won’t go shopping until Saturday afternoon.
Hello RenB… did I miss something in between our messaging here? Are you wanting to make it again but with pumpkin instead? If so, the answer is yes. Carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkins are great to use in place of each other. If I misread your comment, please let me know. :)
The texture is coarse and crumbly. A few basically fell apart on the tray. The ones that did not, I placed in a glass container in the fridge. I tasted the crumbled ones and they have good flavor. I was aiming for a cakey cookie. Cereal! That’s a good idea. Maybe I will try that for breakfast with one of them. I am glad that the frosting will keep.
You know RenB… make sure to read those to the end of the post and see all the ideas on shared on what you can do with the cake batter. The cereal is one idea, the other is to create cake balls with it by taking the batter and mixing it with the frosting That will help to moisten it back up. Many possibilities. :)
Yes. Our messages are overlapping. LOL. I was thinking about making them again because I loved this recipe so much and wanted to try it before holiday entertaining.
Are we “instant commenting” lol Gotta love it. :)
Hi Sue
If i don t have irish Moss , how subtitute ?
Thank you so much
Hello Sylvie,
The Irish moss adds to the texture of the cookie, making it sort of cake-like. You can omit it or maybe try adding 1 Tbsp of ground psyllium husks. Have a great evening, amie sue
Dear Amie-Sue,
They are delicious!! Thank you very much!!!
I am expecting visitors in two weeks and would be happy to start my food prep sooner. I was wondering – for how long i can store these carrot cookies in the fridge?? I also would like to figure out what kind of raw food can be stored at least for 2 weeks in the fridge.
Thank you so much,
Good evening Eva…
You can make these and many of the cookie and bar recipes well in advance. I would store them in the freezer to ensure freshness. Frost them though a day or two in advance. You can also make the cheesecakes and freeze in single servings. I like to make them in 4oz freezer safe mason jars. I keep them in the freezer and take a few out at a time. Bob just loves that he doesn’t have to mess with slicing it or even getting a plate. haha
Savory crackers and kale chips can be made a week in advance too. Good luck with temptation. hehe If there is a particular recipe that you question, just shoot me a message and I will help you out. Have a great evening, amie sue
Dear Amie-Sue!
It is such a great happiness for me starting the day by opening your site with another new recipe that you kindly share with us. When I read your reply’s to all users I think that you are much better teacher on the “Personal Development” subject. You are giving an example how to be a REAL Human Being on this Earth! You are sharing-helping and doing that with such a passion! Thank you for being the way you are! Of course Thank you very much for taking time replying to my inquiry!!
Love & Light!
Eva !!!!!!!!!!! My goodness, this was my first comment that I read for the day and I must say that I was (am) deeply touched and humbled. Thank you so much for sharing from your heart and for taking the time to express this. It really means a lot to me. I am so happy to hear that my passion shines through in what I share. What a blessing. Have a glorious day, hugs! amie sue
Dear Amie-Sue!
I had to reply to your REPLY.. have been caring this huge load lightly and even making us smile:) For me even the event that is coming up in 2 weeks is already stressful time…It should not be since I want to make people happy and pay my respect to volunteers that teach us Tai Chi. So..I have been working on the lunch menu and ready to spend time to practice in order to let people know that their work is appreciated.I wonder whether you have a menu for a special occasion lunch? Do you offer e-books?
Thank you and big-big hug!!
Good evening Eva… I don’t have any menu planning ebooks. I have done some catering so I know they amount of work that goes on when trying to prepare for such events. You are honoring those who teach you… and in return you will be blessed. Everyone will be. How can they not when so much heart and love goes into it. :) I hope you can find it within yourself to relax and breathe through this process. I want you to enjoy the process.
I would love to help you with some ideas. How many people are serving? Are you doing all the foods or will there be other foods provided (if so, what). Will you have a fridge available? There will be more questions, but lets start there. :)
GM Amie-Sue!!
This is a Miracle-Amazing what is happening…It seems that you are turning the Light on in my heart…I want to express my inner self more and more which was hidden for years…Feels great and THANK YOU for touching the right button! I believe that Angels are Real.
If I had enough room – I would have invited more people then my place can fit in… Yes – I do have a good size fridge and planning to have 6 people in total. I’d like to introduce them to healthy Raw dishes. Except going to make a hot borscht on request of one person. All dishes are going to be vegetarian.
Many Thanks to you, my Angel!
*hugs* Eva… so happy that I have sparked your inner light. :) That really blessed me today in reading that. Keep that light burning Eva… you have much to offer to those around you!
Preparing a lunch / dinner for 6 will be perfect Eva. Here are a few ideas for a lunch menu…
These recipes have won the hearts of many main-stream eaters:
Not Tuna Spread on Raw Caraway & Dill Onion Crackers
The spread can be made 1-2 days in advance, goes together quickly – just have your nuts and seeds soaked
The crackers can be made a week in advance
Cheesy Kale Chips
These can be made 3-4 days in advance
Three Green Salad
The salad can be made 1-2 days in advance, add the avocado raisins and tomatoes the day of.
OR if you make a Mexican theme
5 layer Mexican Feista Dip – you don’t have to serve in cups like this… you could make them in individual sized containers for each guest that is more of a meal sized portion. Adding in the Taco “Meat” You could also serve up each component in separate bowls, make some wraps or have Boston lettuce leaves (for taco shells) and allow everyone to build their own.
Served with this Lime Cooler! I am making myself hungry here!
Dessert wise… gosh any of the desserts would be great. For large parties and catering I like to make raw cheesecakes in 3-5 oz cups. That way guests can just grab it and walk around eating a well contained dessert while they mingle. Plus it controls portion sizes. For people who are not use to raw desserts they tend to take more not knowing how rich they are and then part of it gets wasted. But for a party of 6 you can make one beautiful cheesecake and serve it in a beautiful presentation.
I need to stop here because my mind is getting flooded with far to many ideas and I don’t want to head your spinning. Let me know if any of this helps or if you have something in mind that I can better help with. Many blessings Eva! amie sue
Dear Amie Sue,
Thank you very much for being there for me/us and creating the place where we can solve problem! You are teaching us how to be KIND and HAPPY PERSON!
With Love,
Your welcome Eva… we all learn from one another. Many blessings and have a wonderful weekend. amie sue :)
I don’t see lecithin in the ingredients. How much do you use?
Hello Vanessa, 2 Tbsp! Sorry about that, I made the adjustment. :) Have a great day, amie sue
Hello. Thank u in advance. Another of the great gifts comes from reading the comments. Your readers are so geni and appreciative.
So question. Can I add pineapple to this recipe and if yes.. how and where in the recipe?
You bet Maureen… pineapple would add another layer of sweetness. If you want pockets of pineapple, dice them small and add them alongside the raisins. Keep me posted if you make them. blessings, amie sue