Chunky Macadamia Blueberry Cookie

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
I forgot how much I enjoy macadamia nuts in cookies. This has to be one of my all-time favorite cookies. They don’t crisp up but they do have a firm exterior and chewy center. The macadamia nuts give the cookie a delicate buttery flavor along with a crunchy texture that makes them such a delight to consume.
When comparing nuts, ounce for ounce macadamia nuts are one of the most calorie-dense nuts, but they do also contain the greatest amount of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat per serving of any nut. This ‘good fat’ is known to lower LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Macadamia nuts do grow on trees but did you know that they are hand-harvested after they fall to the ground? Does this fascinate you as much as it does me? :) The more I learn about food the more I realize that I don’t know much when it comes to food! How is it we can spend our lives eating thousands of varieties of food, yet we have no idea where it comes from or how it is grown?!
Yields 15 (3 Tbsp) cookies
- In the food processor, fitted with the “S” blade, grind the pecans down to a fine of a texture as possible.
- Add the coconut, lucuma powder, and salt. Pulse together.
- Add the agave, coconut butter, and vanilla. Process until the batter sticks together when pressed.
- Hand mix in the chopped macadamia nuts and dried blueberries.
- Drop dough by rounded tablespoon onto dehydrator screen. I used my small cookie scoop.
- Dehydrate for 1 hour at 145 degrees, then decrease to 115 degrees (F) for 10- 16 hours.
- Store in air-tight containers. These will freeze well for those last-minute engagements.
Culinary Explanations:
- Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)? Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
- When working with fresh ingredients it is important to taste test as you build a recipe. Learn why (here).
- Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.
Tags: Dairy Free, Dehydrated, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, sugar free, Vegan
can frozen or fresh blueberries be used?
Good morning Renee,
You can but keep in mind that the blueberry juices may run and cause for a “muddy” looking cookie. Be sure to drain them well if frozen/thawed really well and dab with a paper towel. Being fresh, it will shorten their expiration date… but that may not be an issue since they taste so good and disappear quickly. hehe I would store them in the fridge with fresh berries. Have a blessed day, amie sue
Oh Amie sue I can just imagine how delicious these will be. These flavors go so well together. I am so grateful to get this recipe for these beautiful grommet cookies, I completely agree with you when it comes to trying to comprehend all the wonders that surround our food and universe.Father God is infinite in His wisdom and so truly amazing… like you said so brilliantly… the more we learn the less we realize we know. I guess that’s what keeps life so interesting! Big hugs and many thanks.
Hugs, right back at you Kathy :) I really enjoy cookies but this one makes me crave for it… Macadamia nuts are always a real treat for me since I don’t buy them often due to their cost so when I do…. mmmm! Stay inspired in kitchen! amie sue
Wow, that is a lot of agave. What else could I use instead? I have sugar issues and I’m afraid that will throw me over the edge. Thanks.
P.S. Love your site. Beautiful pictures and delicious food-you are so talented. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Rebecca,
If you have problems with sugar, what sugars do you use? There are quite a few different sweeteners. Raw coconut nectar, Yacon syrup, maple syrup (not raw), raw honey… each one will effect it a bit differently if not in taste… texture. You could always test whichever one you feel comfortable with in the quantity level that works for you. Thank you for your kind words. Have a blessed weekend! amie sue
Greetings Amie-Sue,
Those cookies are sooooo delicious! Could not stop eating the batter. Did however get them into the dehydrator! I used coconut nectar instead of agave which is too sweet for me. YUMMY!! Thank you!
Good job for at least getting a few cookies in the dehydrator Margie. hehe I know how that goes sometimes. :) I hope you enjoy the end result! Have a blessed evening, amie sue
Good Morning Amie-Sue,
Yes, I am enjoying the end result. This is the best raw food cookie recipe. The texture is perfect. Coconut butter made the difference! Delicious!! Thank you, Margie
Awesome Margie… I appreciate the follow up. :) There is something special about macadamia nut chunks in cookies. mmmm hehe Have a blessed day, amie sue
I’m in the midst of making this yummy looking cookie and have a (probably) silly question – are the macadamias measured before or after chopping?
Love your website Down Under in Australia! Kristi
Just caught as I was heading out to do some weeding :) The measurement is before. Just a quick tip on recipe reading…
When a recipe reads:
3/4 cup macadamia nuts, chopped – it means that the macadamia nuts are whole when measured, then chopped
If it read:
3/4 cup chopped macadamia nuts – then it means that the measurement is done with chopped nuts
I hope that helps. :) But truly, either way, you couldn’t have gone wrong. hehe Blessings, now on to my weeds! amie sue
Thank you; I’m not very savvy in the kitchen but I’m trying! ;-) Happy weeding. Kristi
It’s a journey… enjoy the process. :) amie sue