Italian Seasoned Croutons – using almond pulp

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
The base of these crackers is made from almond pulp, which is the by-product of making almond milk. You can do a lot with this stuff so never throw it away after making almond milk, or any nut milk actually.
I never really knew how much I had missed the flavor and texture of a crouton until one accidentally found its way into a salad that I ordered at the restaurant. It has been years since I last had gluten, so this recipe is a real treat! Be warned, once they are done, get them into a container and lock them up! They are addicting to just nibble on!
I went ahead and worked up the nutritional data but I have to say that it might not be 100% accurate. Getting the nutritional value of almond pulp isn’t so easy. When you make almond milk and strain it, some of the fat goes into the milk and I am sure some stays behind.
Same thoughts with all the other nutrients. So use the numbers below as a guideline. I also just did it for the whole recipe. Just divide your quantity into the whole number to get your serving size.
I found the nutritional info for the almond pulp on three different sites that all match, not sure how they figured it out but again, use it as a base guideline.
Nutritional Data
Whole recipe: Calories 2,326 / Fat 192 g / Carb 139 g / Fiber 71 g / Protein – unknown
Yields: 1 dehydrator tray
- In a large bowl combine all of the almond pulp, nutritional yeast, Bragg’s, and seasonings. Mix well. I used my hands to make sure it was well incorporated.
- Dehydrator method:
- Place batter on the teflex sheet that comes with your dehydrator, press it out with your hands.
- Place a second teflex sheet over the top of the batter and using a rolling pin, roll out nice and evenly. The thickness is whatever you desire.
- Remove the top teflex sheet after rolling it out and using a pizza cutter or off-set spatula, create small squares.
- Dehydrate at 145 degrees for 45 mins, then reduce to 115 degrees and dehydrate until dry.
- Oven method:
- Lightly grease a cookie sheet and set aside.
- Sandwich the dough between two pieces of parchment paper and roll the batter to about 1/4-1/2″ thick. Score into shapes and sizes that you want.
- Remove the top layer of parchment and place the inside of the cookie sheet on top of the croutons, grab the edges and flip it all over. The croutons should be on the pan, now peel off the parchment paper.
- Sprinkle coarse sea salt on top and bake at 325 degrees (F) for about 90 minutes. Check on them often to see how your oven bakes them. Could take more or less time.
- Store in a glass container.

Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
I love the way you use pulp from milk and juice making. When I make almond milk I often dehydrate the pulp for later use. Is the recipe here using fresh (moist) or dehydrated pulp? Thanks a bunch for all the savory munchables recipes! That’s what I miss the most.
Hi Naomi,
The Lemon Poppyseed cake uses wet nut pulp…most of raw bread recipes it as well. You can use it in cookies or even make savory spreads with it. I wish I had a freezer full of nut pulp because I have so many recipes that I want to try with it but I can’t drink or use enough nut milks to get that by-product. :) Have a wonderful holiday season. amie sue
Amie Sue, I’m sorry but I am still not clear on whether or not I should use my dehydrated pulp for these croutons? If fresh pulp is required i will need to plan ahead, or just save it in the freezer after a milk session. I find the planning ahead is so important with making raw recipes. I hope with more practice it will become second nature. Practicing and being patient. All the best! Naomi
Sorry for the confusion Naomi, use it wet in this recipe. It will add nice texture, more on the fluffy side of things. We are all learning daily! :) Merry Christmas, amie sue
Hi Amie Sue,
I’m making a lot of almond milk in the morning so will use the pulp for these croutons. I’m really looking forward to having something toast like to add to my salads. Do you recall how long it takes to dehydrate to get a crouton texture? How will I know when they are ready? Will they have a snap or be more sturdy? And am I imagining things or is there a golden toasted color to the surface? I ‘ve never gotten that when dehydrating.
All the best,
Oh I am jealous at your stock of pulp! hehe I LOVE these croutons…. so lets see…
Q ~ Do you recall how long it takes to dehydrate to get a crouton texture?
A ~ It takes about 10 hours, give or take. It will depend on thick you spread the mix and how much moisture was left in your nut pulp.
Q ~ How will I know when they are ready?
A ~ You will know by testing it…. your batter will be scored during the drying process. SO, you will be able to snap off a section nice and clean when dry enough. Start
testing it at 6 hours. You want it to feel like a cracker. It shouldn’t be bendable.
Q ~ Will they have a snap or be more sturdy?
A ~ They will be very sturdy and crunchy! :)
Q ~ And am I imagining things or is there a golden toasted color to the surface? I ‘ve never gotten that when dehydrating.
A ~ Your imagining things! haha Ok just teasing. :) They are sort of tan colored over-all.
Yum, now I will be dreaming of these tonight. I guess there are worse things to dream about. haha Night Naomi!