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Almond Milk, “Homogenized”

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, Paleo ~

Often I get emails or comments regarding almond/nut milk asking if it is normal for the milk to separate after it sits in the fridge for a few hours.  The answer is yes.  I know it doesn’t look appealing, but it is just a nut milk characteristic.

raw vegan

Anyway, my thought process got me wondering how I might get the milk to homogenize, thus making it look much more appealing.   To me, I don’t care that it separates, you just have to give it a shake, and all is right in the universe again.  BUT, if you are trying to entice your family into switching over to non-dairy kinds of milk, it can make or break the deal.

 I can envision a little one opening the fridge door; she sees a jug of milk and thinks… “Mmmm, milk, that looks good.”  Then she closes the door and opens it up again, only to find almond milk sitting there as the new replacement.  It is separated and looks spoiled.  She slams the door shut and spreads her arms across it as though the almond milk were trying to escape the fridge.  Her face is wrinkled as her lips form the words, “Gross! I am not drinking that stuff!”.

Even after hours of pleading with her, telling her, it tastes good, and there is nothing wrong it… she stands her ground.  You shake the jar in front of her, and the nut milk looks excellent, but she still has that memory stuck in her head, and there isn’t a chance that she is even going to try it.  What to do? Well, my dear readers, I have a solution for you.

raw vegan nut milk

Use this recipe as a blueprint.  You don’t have to add any sweetener, or if you like the idea of doing so, you can use any desired sweetener other than more dates.  The critical ingredient in homogenizing the milk is the lecithin.  Many people have soy allergies, and most soy is genetically modified.  Thankfully we have fantastic alternative sunflower lecithin. You can use sunflower or soy-based, and you can use it in powder or liquid form.  Use the same measurement across the board.

Lecithin is a fat emulsifier, so it brings the water and the fat from the nuts together, holding them in suspension.  It gives foods a creamy, moist, and smooth texture.   On top of those favorable side effects, sunflower lecithin has many amazing health benefits, as well.

Ready for some big words? Sunflower Lecithin is a phospholipid based dietary supplement abundant in Phosphatidylcholine (PC), Phosphatidylinositol (PI), Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and Omega-6 (Linoleic Acid), which are considered beneficial to the brain and nervous system.  Those words about taxed my brain out… it looks like I need some more lecithin in my diet. :)   The effects can vary from person to person, but there is numerous health uses for lecithin, so feel free to do some investigating of your own.


Yields 2 3/4 cups milk & 1/2 cup almond pulp


Soaking process:

  1. Place the almonds in a glass bowl or stainless steel bowl and cover with two cups of water.
    • Do not use plastic bowls for soaking.
    • Always make sure you add enough water to keep the nuts covered.  They will swell over time as they plump up.
    • Keep the bowl at room temperature and cover with a breathable cloth.  If something comes up and you won’t be able to use the nuts within the 24 hours, store them in the fridge, changing the water 2x a day.
    • If there are any floating nuts, toss them.  That can be an indicator of them being rancid. Better to be safe than sorry.  Think of them as “floaters are bloaters.”
  2. Add 1/4 tsp of Himalayan pink salt; this helps activate enzymes that de-activate the enzyme inhibitors.
  3. Soak for 8-24 hours.
    • The soaking process is excellent not only for reducing phytic acid but also softens the nuts, making them blend easier and smoother.
    • Skipping the soaking process will result in less creamy milk.
    • If you already have soaked/dehydrated nuts in your freezer or fridge, I suggest soaking them again to soften them.

Blending process:

  1. Once the nuts are done soaking, drain, rinse, and discard the soak water.
    • Do not reuse the soak water for the milk-making process as it is full of the phytic acid/enzyme inhibitors that were drawn out during the soaking process.
  2. Place the nuts in a high-powered blender along with the water.
  3. Start the blender on low and work up to high, then blend for 30-60 seconds or until the nuts have pulverized.
    • A high-powered blender will accomplish the job much easier.
    • If you don’t own one such as a Vitamix or Blendtec, you might have to blend for 1-2 minutes.
    • Do not sweeten or add flavorings until you have strained the milk.

Straining the milk:

  1. Turn the bag inside out and keep seams on the outside for easier straining, cleaning, and faster drying.
  2. Place the nut milk bag in the center of a large bowl.
    • Instead of a nut bag, you can drape cheesecloth over the edges of the bowl and pour the milk through it.  I find this process messier, and it doesn’t seem to filter it as well.
    • Desperate?  Don’t have a nut bag or nut milk while you are vacationing in France?  Take off one of those silky-French knee-high nylons, wash it, and pour the liquid through it.  I am here, always thinking for you. :)
  3. With one hand holding the nut bag, pour the milk into the container.  Lift the bag, and the milk will start to flow through the mesh holes in the bag.  The finer the mesh, the more filtered the milk will be.
  4. Gather the nut bag (or cheesecloth) around the almond meal and twist close.
  5. Squeeze the nut pulp with your hand to extract as much milk as possible.
  6. Do not toss the nut pulp.  Freeze and dehydrate it, which can be used in other recipes such as smoothies, crusts, cookies, crackers, cakes, or raw loaves of bread.


  1. I recommend flavoring your milk after the pulp has been removed.  That way, the pulp remains neutral in flavor for other recipes.
  2. Add the dates or sweetener of choice, lecithin, vanilla, and salt.  Blend for 30 seconds on high.

Thickeners and Emulsifiers:

  1. Lecithin – thickener and emulsifier
    • Add up to 1 tsp per every 2-3 cups of water used.
    • I highly recommend sunflower or soy lecithin.
  2. Coconut butter/manna
    • Add up to 1 Tbsp per every 2-3 cups of water used.
    • Do not use coconut oil.  It hardens when chilled and may create small gritty pieces in the milk
  3. Nut butter:
    • Add up to 1 Tbsp per every 2-3 cups of water used
    • If using store-bought, watch for added ingredients such as salt.

 Storing and expiration:

  1. Store the milk in an airtight glass container such as a mason jar.
    • Always label the contents and the date that it was made.
    • If, for some reason, separation still does occur, shake the jar before serving, and the milk will come back together.
  2. Fridge – The milk can last anywhere from 3-5 days in the refrigerator.
    • If the nut milk prematurely sours, it may be from an unclean blender, nut milk bag, or poor quality nuts.
  3. Freezer – There are several ways to store nut milks in the freezer.  Freeze for up to 3 months.
    • Pour the milk into ice cubes trays and freeze.  This is great for plopping into smoothies.
    • Freeze in 1 1/2 pint freezer-safe jars.
    • It is crucial that you only freeze glass jars that are made for freezing.  I have tested this, and sure enough, I have had jars crack on me, resulting in throwing everything in the trash — sad day.
    • You can use smaller jars for better portion control if you don’t plan on using a full 1 1/2 pints worth.
    • Pay attention to the “maximum freeze line” indicated on the jar.  If you don’t see that, then it’s another indicator that the jar isn’t safe to place in the freezer.

Nut bag maintenance:

  1. It is essential to keep the nut milk bag clean!
  2. Wash with organic, scent-free soap, such as Dr. Bronners.  Do not use laundry soap. (always refer to the manufactures cleaning method as well)
  3. Rinse well air dry. Ideally, in the direct sun to receive free sterilizing from the warm rays.  Nylon nut milk bags should not be placed in the sun as the ultraviolet rays can damage the nylon.
  4. Do not hang the bags outside on the clothesline to dry.  We don’t want an air-raid of bird poop coming down on it.
  5. Proper bag storage –
    • I like to roll mine up and store in a glass jar, which will help keep it clean, protect it from dust, and accidental hole damage. A holy bag has no purpose when it comes to nut milk making.
    • Also, if you use nut bags for multiple reasons, it would be a good idea to store them in separate jars, labeling them for their purpose, such as; nut kinds of milk, juicing, sprouting.

93 thoughts on “Almond Milk, “Homogenized”

  1. Ela says:

    Oops! I think you left out the word “lecithin” in your ingredients list. But yes, lecithin is awesome for making nut milks that don’t separate. I really appreciate you sharing these important tips as well as your beautiful recipes.

    • amie-sue says:

      I did… thanks for letting me know. My silly fingers can’t type as fast as my brain thinks. hehe Have a great evening Ela! amie sue

  2. Lakisha Cleveland says:

    That’s awesome. You make checking my email at 2am so enjoyable! I’ll be looking forward to that brownie recipie. Have a great day!

    • amie-sue says:

      Well I am happy knowing that I am making someone’s 2am waking, more enjoyable hehe… all while I am snuggled in bed sleeping. :) Enjoy and have a wonderful evening, amie sue

  3. Diana says:

    Amie Sue, hello and thank you for all your life-saving work! I’ll post my thoughts on the almond bread page, but had to mention this before talking about my own experiences with almond mylk as it’s different from yours and perhaps it has to do with how I make mine … ???

    I tried about 4-5 years ago to make almond mylk the most straightfoward way – with the blender and straining. Boy, never again! It was a huge mess!

    I then bought a SoyQuick machine and I’ve never looked back and it’s seen continuous use since then. My SoyQuick has buttons on it, of course, but by pressing them in a certain sequence, one bypasses the heating process and gets straight to the grinding so it’s made for making nut mylks!

    I put one cup of peeled almonds (I started doing that after reading your site and deciding I would go that route again now that I’d discovered your croutons and I got such lovely results with the white, peeled almonds!!) into the special cup and twist it onto the blades. I add the water to the body of the machine and then drop the motor unit with blades and the screwed-on almond-filled “cup”, press the button sequence and walk away. About 3 minutes later after some intermittent grinding noises, I come back and pour out the almond mylk into my NutriShake and unscrew the cup with the now pulverized-into-pulp almonds and put that in the freezer.

    But the miracle is that this almond mylk never separates. In fact, I didn’t know it could because except for the one time before this machine, I’ve always made it with the SoyQuick. Sunny mylk, yes! Not only does sunflower seed mylk separates but it oxydizes almost immediately and becomes an unappealing muddy colour. That doesn’t affect the taste at all, but I just know I’d never get any non-vegans to drink anything with it if they saw the original state of the mylk. I’d have to hide it in a mylk-shake!

    But the almond mylk stays solidly white without separation and now I’m really wondering why … it’s all good, it can’t be bad, but I’m really curious now!!

    Thanks once again. I’ve been trying to go 100% raw for 24 years and no luck! The wheatgrass juice Hippocrates taught me about in 2010 and having “fast foods” were what was missing. I now have bread again that is raw and not the Nature’s Path manna bread which I can’t afford on a regular basis.

    Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!!

    Diana, Canada.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Diana…

      You know, I was just doing some research on a similar machine. I had another reader ask about using one for nut milk. From the videos that I saw, the pulp remained really wet when removed from the strainer. Is that the case with yours? If so, I didn’t find it easier than just blending the nuts with water and straining through the nut bag. I like to freeze my almond pulps for later use but I like them fairly dry from liquid before doing so.

      Does the machine heat the milk at all? Is the non-seperating nut milk consistent when any brand of almonds you use? I once got a hold of some amazing raw almonds that has such a gorgeous rich aroma of almonds when I blended them for the milk. I did it my traditional way, blender, water… strain with nut bag… and it didn’t separate. It was the only time that ever happened to me. Strange.

      Anyway, would love to hear more back if you would. It’s all so interesting.. all the possibilities in life. :) I do like using the lecithin due to the health benefits….options option options. hehe

      I so appreciate you sharing all of this Diana! Have a great evening, amie sue

    • Davilyn Eversz says:

      Thought I might mention about soy milk machines. All of them heat the milk to at least 180 degrees. I now make all my milks the old-fashioned way – raw for nuts – and on the stove for soy. I read a Research study – a well done one I might add, where they found out that soy milk loses all it’s nutrient value if heated past 110. That was a hmmmm moment for me because we hear all about how soy milk will make use sick unless its heated to a high degree.

      So I tried it out, and no it didn’t make me sick – LOL. Sometimes technology isn’t all its cracked up to be.

  4. Mário R. says:

    What a genius recipe! Now, raw almond milk is much more appealing. Thousand thanks, Amie Sue!
    Have a beautiful week
    Mário R. (from Portugal)

  5. Ludia says:

    Amie Sue, you are a genius!!! There is no other way to say it. We have that very problem in the house here. Hubby prefers store bought almond milk precisely because of the separating problem…..little does he know…..ha! His life as he knows it, is about to change, LOL. Thank you, Ms. Genius. What an awesome discovery.

    • amie-sue says:

      mahahah I sense an “evil” plan taking place. :) This will be our little secret. Let me know what hubby thinks… hehe enjoy! amie sue

  6. Ludia says:

    PS. Can’t wait for the brownie sheet cake recipe!! Thank you in advance.

  7. Lisa Evers says:

    You are brilliant! I can’t wait to try this one. I so enjoy your recipes/pictures/stories and your kindness to share all. Wishing you a beautiful day!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Lisa, I appreciate that. I had a wonderful day… must have been your doing. hehe Enjoy and keep me posted if you give it a try. amie sue

  8. Lisa says:

    Juststopping by to say I ‘LOVE’ your label :)

  9. Joyce Barron says:

    Hi Amie,
    I love this idea because my grandkids think I drink rotten milk ;-) If I pour it on their organic cereal before they see what I have done, they are fine, but if like you say they see the “milk” they are like “I am NOT drinking that” ;-) I will give this a try and also make them chocolate milk this way. My question to you is where did you get that amazing nut milk bottle? I LOVE it and want a few for myself if possible. Thanks so much

    • amie-sue says:

      It’s as if I created this recipe just for you Joyce. hehe You will have to keep me posted if you can slide this by the grandkids. :) Good luck and I hope it is a win! Blessings, amie sue

  10. Ghaniya says:

    Hi Sue,
    Thank you ever so much. Great.
    Can one use raw suflower seeds say 2 tablespoons to get some lecitine ground together with the almonds if one doesnt get sunflower lecitine?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Ghaniya.

      No, that won’t work the same way. I have made sunflower seed milk before it separates the same way as almond milk. Sunflower lecithin is obtained via mechanical extraction from organic sunflower seeds. Have a great evening, amie sue

  11. Can soy granules be powdered down& used?

  12. Lana says:

    Is there anything else I can use to substitute for the sunflower lecithin? Agar, irish moss, etc…?

    • amie-sue says:

      You can use soy lecithin if you wish… Irish moss will work too. I haven’t tried agar but by adding a small amount, I don’t see why not. amie sue

  13. Manuela says:

    Dear Amie-Sue,
    wonderful, wonderful, wonderful…I LOVE YOU WEBSITE! Its my favourite Website for healthy food and raw recipie. Where you bought this awesome nut milk bottle???…it is so nice! Wishing you a great time! Manuela

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you thank you thank you Manuela. hehe I bought that bottle at a antique show and added the words “nut milk” to it. hehe Have a blessed weekend and keep in touch Manuela. amie sue

  14. mari says:

    Amie-sue, Thanks for the recipes of alomond milk I made it and taste good and looks good too! I have been waiting since you post this of wanting the “Chocolate Browine Sheet Cake” are you about ready?? Let me know have a good day busy lady.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Mari… oh, let me check on that. I think it might be ready. I need more hours in the day to keep up with myself. lol So happy you enjoyed the milk recipe. any blessings and watch your inbox! amie sue

  15. Glorianne says:

    I finally got some sunflower lecithin and just made some pumpkin seed milk with it. I am out of almonds at the moment and it’s a tasty alternative. Can you direct me to other recipes on your site that use the lecithin. I tried the search with no luck. As always, thank you for the most beautiful pictures, fantastic recipes and the kindness you share with all of us at Nouveau Raw! You are the BEST!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Glorianne for such kind words. I woke up to them so my day ought to start out great. :) I use lecithin in quite a few recipes… you can look within the cheesecake recipes for starters. It is great to use in puddings and ice creams as well. I hope that you enjoy working with the product. Have a great day, amie sue

  16. Ella Fausz says:

    I had sunflowerlecithin I capsules,like a dietary suppsupplement. Can I open the capsules and use this for my almond milk?

  17. Joy says:

    I use an Angel juicer. It eliminates the need for the nut bag or cheesecloth. The milk comes out super creamy. I run the pulp through a few times with some water. The pulp comes out tasteless by the time I am done. It makes making nut milk painless and super fast.

    • amie-sue says:

      Yes, that is another technique. I have used my Omega juice too…. but it can void a warranty, so always double check that if that is a concern for you and others who read these comments. :) Thanks for sharing Joy! amie sue

  18. Karen says:

    Thanks for this golden tip Aime-sue, the milk is delicious and tasty! Definitely a keeper :)

  19. Florentina says:

    Thanks a lot! I am just curious about it and find this helpful website



  20. Tania says:

    My almond milk still separated after using soy lecithin powdered. I was surprised and wonder why it separated??

    • amie-sue says:

      I am not really sure Tania. So far, every time I made the milk this way, it stays together. Sorry that I don’t have an answer. amie sue

  21. Veronica says:

    Mmmm…lovely!! I have made almond milk a few times but now even my 14 y old son wanted a full glass and that has never happened before! :)

    I have said it before but it cannot be said enough; your site is absolutely wonderful! It makes me happy to read your recipes, they are all so easy to follow and you explain everything so thoroughly!

    Earlier I always looked forward to your emails but I had to opt out to not be tempted by dessert recipes.. :( I have to be careful with sweets since they trigger my sweet tooth (even rawfood desserts) and I have stayed away from them, except fruit, berries and rawfood chocolate, for a while now and it works. (It is no fun though, I love a cup of tea and cake on the patio on a sunny Saturday! There must be a less sweet raw cake I can make but I haven’t dared to look at that section yet! Any suggestions would be so appreciated! :) )
    Maybe I will take a sneak peek on your ice cream recipes, Summer is just around the corner for us here in Sweden! Maybe I can sweet the ice cream with strawberries and vanilla.

    Oh, another thing; what happened to the Donate button? I found the blog post but no button..

    Have a lovely weekend!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Veronica,

      That is so awesome to hear about your son. :) Nice to see younger ones enjoying such things.

      I appreciate your kind words about the site Veronica. I do my best to convey just what the heck I am doing in the kitchen. hehe

      I understand about obtaining from food temptations. Breaking sugar addictions can be tough. I wish you the best. In your case, I would blend young Thai coconut meat and enjoy as a pudding! Put a few berries on top. DELISH. Can you enjoy that?

      Well, I am tuckered out this evening but I wanted to respond to your comment. Have a blessed day, amie sue

  22. roxy says:

    I hope you are enjoying your walk about, hehe. I just made this today. I added the sunflower lecithin after removing the pulp. It has a beautiful light almond nut flavor. I didn’t add any sweetener, it didn’t need it. Thank you amie sue. I love your recipies and make many of them :-)

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Roxy,

      I am sorry that it took me a bit to respond to you. I have been on a “walk about” for the past 6 weeks (see blog posting). I am not fully integrating back into things but I wanted to start tackling some of the questions that have been collecting. :) All that to say, I appreciate your patience with me. :)

      Thank you so much. So happy that you enjoyed this process in making almond milk. Have a blessed and wonderful week, amie sue

  23. Cous Cous says:

    Where on earth did you get that nut milk bottle in the pictures?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good day Cous Cous,

      I am sorry that it took me a bit to respond to you. I have been on a “walk about” for the past 6 weeks (see blog posting). I am not fully integrating back into things but I wanted to start tackling some of the questions that have been collecting. :) All that to say, I appreciate your patience with me. :)

      The bottle is an antique that I found many many years ago. I LOVE milk bottles! Have a great day, amie sue

  24. Leda says:

    I realize this is a raw site but just wanted th share that this recipe got me off half&half in my coffee & the almond milk does not separate.

  25. Leslie says:

    Do you have a recommended source for raw organic almonds? I ordered a large quantity to share with some friends, but they were not consistent…some being so bitter I had to spit out…yikes!!! I didn’t dare make mylk with them as one would have ruined an entire batch, so I cautiously ate them raw.
    I do honestly believe that one can not receive too much “deserved” flattery, so I, also, wish to tell you how wonderful and inspirational is your site. And I do hope your walkabout was everything you hoped it to be.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Leslie,

      Right now I have been purchasing my almonds through two places; Azurestandard.com and wildernessfamily.com. I have been happy with theirs as of late.

      Sorry to hear that you have getting some bad batches. It can be tough to find really good nuts and seeds. I would check those two resources out and see what you think.

      And thank you Leslie for the kind and warming words. It encourages me in knowing that my love and passion for this way of eating is being appreciated. :) Have a blessed and happy day, amie sue

  26. Davilyn Eversz says:

    Please be aware that non-organic almonds have the largest amount of pesticides used on almost any crop. Also, all almonds are required by law to be pasteurized, essentially rendering them useless nutritionally. Bitterness often comes from the pesticides. You can buy “so-called” raw almonds in the U.S. but there is no guarantee they truly are raw and unpasteurized. No government entity monitors that sector.

    I buy all my nuts on Ebay (organic) most of the nuts come from Greece, Vietnam or Thailand – where pesticide use is either non-existent or minimal. It is a common myth that America is the place to get. nutritious food stables. Only the U.S. pasteurizes nuts. I could go into a long story about myths of food in America but suffice it to say – a lot of other countries look down on the U.S., not up.

    If you do not want to buy fresh organic nuts then blanch your almonds – that will help a lot.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thanks for the input Davilyn. It’s a tough day and age when it comes to our food supply. I always do my best in selecting the healthiest foods I can… but I can’t allow stress and fear to enter with each bite. That kind of counter acts the whole thing. Many blessings, amie sue

      • Davilyn Eversz says:

        Well (smiles) engaging in doubt, fear or stress is a conscious decision that I do not give power to either. But as you always sign off with “many blessings”, I assume you Love God. And it is in that spirit I say that it is our Responsibility to Nourish the body temple of God in the Highest Manner we can. For me, that means choosing the best available food I can to put into this Glorious body of God. Many Blessings to you also Dear.

        • amie-sue says:

          You said it beautifully Davilyn :) Thank you. I couldn’t agree more. Enjoy your day. Blessings, amie sue

  27. John Andrick says:

    I cannot believe how delicious this almond milk is and with no separation. Thank you!

    Since I have become instantly hooked, I now need to figure out how to bring the cost down on raw almonds. Costco has a great price on almonds but they are treated with PPO. I read EPA study that says the PPO completely evaporates and is safe, despite many contrary opinions on the web.

    Can you tell me your thoughts on steam vs PPO?

    Also, as both Steam processing and PPO are “Surface” treatments, can the readily available “raw” almonds (Steam or PPO treated) still be sprouted, or are imported (expensive) almonds the only way?

    Thank you for an incredible website!


    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening John,

      So happy to hear that you are enjoying the “Homogenized” Almond Milk. :) I make 1-2 batches a week. I am sorry to say but I can’t comment much regarding the steam vs PPO. I haven’t dug that deep into that. I get my raw almonds from a distributor that gets them from Spain. I hope to get some extra time so I can do more research on your question. In the meantime, if you gather more information, please share. Blessings, amie sue

  28. Gabby says:

    Hi, great recipe!
    Do you know if its possible to “dehydrate” the homemade almond milk? I’m traveling and I would like to use homemade milk for my daughters on our trip instead of using a store bought “shelf-stable product”.
    thank you!

    • amie-sue says:

      Been there… done that… failed. I tried to do this a few years back and it didn’t work as I had hoped. You can always make almond milk from almond butter when traveling. Just an idea. Have a fabulous day. amie sue :)

  29. Pardita says:

    Dear amie- sue

    Life reading through all your wonderful recepies and hoping to make some of them atleast. 😊 My question is about almond milk which I have been making with great success !! I use only almonds, water and sea salt. I want to know how to make it so that it can be used in coffee or tea or when making hot porridge. I tried heating the milk and it split.


    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Pardita,

      For a coffee creamer, try adding some coconut oil to the almond milk making process. By emulsifying a bit of coconut oil into your almond milk it will give you have a thick, creamy coffee creamer. Also, what ratio of water to almonds are you using? For a nice thick creamer, I would use 1 cup water to 1 cup of almonds. We have used almond milk in lattes (Bob likes to make up fancy drinks for company) and it froths and mixes well. There have been times, where I even put the coffee and almond creamer in the blender. Let me know your thoughts. Blessings, amie sue

      • Pardita says:

        Dear amie-sue,
        Good morning 😊Thanks so much for the reply. Well right now I’m making just almond milk and I have been giving it to a few friends too on order. My proportions are 1 cup almonds to 3 cups water and a pinch of sea salt. That’s all I’m using. The milk turns out really good. But this same milk if boiled into chai or coffee or boiled with oats for porridge would split ? Any advice ?? I use the almond milk I make for smoothies , over my oats or drink it just like that and it’s yummm


        Ps – I love your kitchen

        • amie-sue says:

          Good morning Pardita,

          I would test the suggestions that I had shared. You can also try adding some sunflower lecithin to the milk as it is an emulsifier. Personally, I wouldn’t boil the almond milk if possible, not because of the separating but due to the loss of nutrients. I would make the oats with water and then once done, add the almond milk. Same when making a tea or coffee. Make it with a little water, like a concentrate, and then add the almond milk (warm it but don’t boil it). Those are my thoughts and suggestions. Blessings, amie sue

          • Pardita says:

            Good morning Amie,

            Thank you so much for your suggestions. 😊 Have. A great day !!!


            • amie-sue says:

              You bet. Keep me posted, Blessings. amie sue

              • Pardita says:

                Dear amie- sue,

                I needed some guidance on the nutritional values in a glass of plain almond milk, and in that of a sweetened one. How do I go about getting those values ?


                • amie-sue says:

                  Good evening Pardita,

                  There really isn’t a way of knowing when you make your own almond milk without sending it off to be analyzed. Are you just trying to track your calories, fats, etc for dietary reasons? Anytime, I have wanted to get a basic idea of how many calories, etc are in almond milk is looking at the back of unsweetened almond milk that you purchase at the store. It’s just a guess, roundabout idea.

                  When you make your own milk, some of the fats are in the milk, some may linger in the pulp which is basically fiber. And then it would depend on how much of the liquid you are able to squeeze out of the pulp… so as you can see, there really isn’t a way without it being tested. Sorry, I wish there was. Blessings, amie sue

                  • Pardita says:

                    Thank you sooo much for taking time out and guiding me amie. I needed the nutritional values for a nutritionist who wants to prescribe this in a diet to people who are lactose intolerant and may buy the almond milk from me. Hence I needed to give her some figures regarding proteins and fats and calories etc.


                    • amie-sue says:

                      You bet Pardita. How exciting that you get to make almond milk for others. You will get a nice stash of almond pulp. :) Again, I am sorry that I couldn’t give you a straight up answer. Good luck with your adventures. Blessings, amie sue

                    • Pardita says:

                      Dear amie ,

                      Thank you soooo much for the good wishes !!! 😊 Yes loads of almond meal – any suggestions on how to use ?


                    • amie-sue says:

                      There are so many wonderful things that you can do with almond pulp… creating raw breads is one of them. Please visit the Bread category. :) I also use it to make croutons and crackers. It freezes really well.

                      Enjoy and have fun, Blessings, amie sue

      • Pardita says:

        Dear Amie,

        If I didnt want to use coconut oil, can i just soak it longer, to get a creamier version ? Also to swweetened it can I once again use dates ? Or is it better to keep the creamer natural ?? Also have u ever made hazelnut creamer ?? Recepie suggestions if any :)


        • amie-sue says:

          To make it creamier, just reduce the water added… it will get creamier and thicker. And yes, you can use dates to sweeten the cream… you can easily tailor it to your taste buds. I haven’t made hazelnut creamer but use the same approach to it as you do with the almond cream. Vanilla would be great to add to these as well. Umm, sounds so yummy. hehe

          Blessings, amie sue

          • Pardita says:

            Dear Amie,

            Thanks a ton for taking so much time out to help me with all my questions. I’m just starting out small from my kitchen and it is such a blessing to have your guidance. I’ve got great feedback for the almond milk and I have regular deliveries every morning now. It’s tough as its me alone in the kitchen, and i wake up at crazy hours to make fresh milk, but i am loving it. I intend to slowly introduce the almond creamer :) There goes all my travelling :)


            • amie-sue says:

              No problem Pardita. I know the level of time and commitment it takes to make food for other people, especially as a business. Keep your love, heart, and joy in it. :) Just make sure that you take care of yourself during this time too. It’s easy to lose yourself in it. Sending you kitchen blessings, amie sue

              • Pardita says:

                Dear amie,

                Thank you so so much. I wanted some guidance on hemp milk. Could you help me? I’ve made it and plan to introduce it because of its health benefits. But I would love to pick your mind about it.



                • amie-sue says:

                  Hello Pardita,

                  What exactly do you want to know about it? :) amie sue

                  • Pardita says:

                    Dear amie,

                    Any ideal recepie and flavourings ?? I made mine with dates alone. also the shelf life.

                    Love pardita

                    • amie-sue says:

                      Hello Pardita,

                      Hemp milk making is just like any other nut or seed milk. You can strain it don’t have too. People make it both ways. It lasts roughly 3 days in the fridge. Would you like me to do a recipe posting for it?

                      Blessings amie sue

  30. Pardita says:

    Dear Amie,

    I would love a recepie !! That would be fantastic and help me a great deal 😊😊

    Love pardita

  31. NEWu says:

    Hello Amie Sue,
    I just made my first nut milk ever and used this recipe.
    This is great tasting and I enjoyed the process. At the end I put a freezer bag inside the nut bag (vertically) and pushed the bottom of the nut bag and the pulp released into the freezer bag easily. NO MESS.
    Thanks so much.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you so much for sharing your experience NEWu. :) I make nut or seed milks ALL the time. Right now, Bob has been enjoying hemp milk daily. It changes and it’s so fun to create new flavors. Enjoy and have a happy day, amie sue

  32. Hi, quick question….in one recipe it calls for 1 tsp sunflower lecithin for 3 cups water and in another recipe it calls for 1 Tbsp for every 4 cups of water. I typically use 3 cups of water or even a little less sometimes. I’d like it to emulsify, does the amount matter that much? Since the lecithin has excellent health advantages I was thinking 1 Tbsp for 3 cups – can you add too much (within reason of course).
    Thank you in advance……

    Warmly Penny

    • amie-sue says:

      Hey Penny,

      Great question… you can use either measurement, at some point it all becomes about the flavor and when too much can be detected. It is wonderful for health benefits (sunflower lecithin) Which lecithin will you be using? Blessings, amie sue

      • Hi, how wonderful that you’ve responded SO quickly 😘. I’m going to use Sunflower Lecithin Powder.

        • amie-sue says:

          I do my best to respond as soon as possible. :) Great, that’s my favorite to use. It doesn’t have as much taste as the liquid version. You can always start with 1/2 the amount, taste test, and keep adding until you detect it. Let me know how it goes. blessings, amie sue

  33. Tanner says:

    Hi Amie – I have a question about the amount of lecithin. In the recipe, it says 1 tsp. but then further down you say to add up to 1 Tbsp. per 2-3 cups of water. If I’m making nut milk with 3 cups of water, should I add 1 tsp. or 1 Tbsp. of lecithin? Thank you.

  34. rawchene says:

    I have been making almond milk with soaked almonds without straining them. I use 1 gram of MCT oil for 100 grams of milk. I blend the soaked nuts with the MCT oil, just enough cold water to go over the almonds and blend at high speed. The almonds break up, then it becomes very thick. I keep blending until it begins warming up, then I add some more water. The Vitamix will run for about 2 to 2 and half minutes. The milk is smoother but does separate.
    When straining, the milk is left with little calcium.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thanks for sharing your method Rawchene. That’s the beauty of plant-based milks… the methods are endless. I love straining almond milk so I get the pulp for other food applications. I hope you are doing well and staying healthy. blessings, amie sue

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