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Honey – Not Vegan


On every post you read about sweeteners please keep this thought in mind… Just because the dessert recipes on my site  (or any other raw site) are raw, created on the foundation of whole foods, and are healthier than the typical SAD (Standard American Diet) desserts…  they are still desserts and should be consumed… read more »

Kelp Noodles

Kelp Noodles by Sea Tangle can sometimes be hard to find in your local grocery stores.  It depends on where you live, but you never know, I have seen an increase of these popping up.  I often find mine at WholeFoods, online, and in nutrition stores. Sea Vegetable Kelp Noodles are… read more »

Queso Blanco Mexican Cheese Dip

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ One can never have enough “cheese” recipes in their arsenal.   My husband is a snacker, more like a grazer, so I like to keep the kitchen stocked with raw treats that he can indulge in whenever the mood strikes. This dip can be used… read more »

Chinese Mid-Autumn Mooncake

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Mooncakes are not to be confused with Moon Pies. That was what I at first thought when asked to create a raw mooncake.  I had no clue what these little packages of joy were… thank goodness for Google. I remember as a little girl visiting… read more »

Winter’s Blend Granola

While many conventional granolas are sweetened with refined sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, this granola gets its sweetness from a small amount of maple syrup.

Washing Fruits and Vegetables


Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables is one of the keys to leading a healthy life. However, to make the most of these nutrient-filled foods, it’s equally important to make sure that the produce we consume is safe to eat. One way to do that is to make sure any of the fruits or vegetables you enjoy have been washed well before you peel, cut, eat, or cook with them. Pesticides, herbicides, and disease-causing bacteria may be naked to the human eye, but they are there.

Watermelon and Basil Salsa

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ There isn’t one ingredient in this recipe that isn’t refreshing and perfect for a warm day. This salsa is pure summer freshness in a bowl. Well, I suppose the jalapeño could really warm things up if mishandled but let’s stay on the positive side… read more »

Coconut Jicama Rice and Jackfruit Spring Rolls

vegan Coconut Jicama Rice and Jackfruit Wraps served with avocado flowers

Coconut Jicama Rice and Jackfruit Wraps just so happens to be vegan, dairy-free, grain-free as well as gluten-free.

Tropical Island Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Come with me and let’s take a trip to the Islands mate, where we will explore the mighty pineapple! A pineapple is ripe if one of its top leaves can easily be pulled out. I have tried and tested this, and it works. Unripe… read more »

Shredded Jicama and Apple Salad with Citrus Dressing

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I never quite understood New Years Resolutions. I understand that they can be beneficial when they are used as a “reset button”…. but why do we knowingly sabotage our own well-being, waiting for some future date to be our saving grace? You know what… read more »

Agar (thickener)

Agar is a gelling agent extracted from red algae. It is commonly used to stabilize foams (talking culinary gastronomy here) and to thicken or gel liquids. It doesn’t mirror gelatin 100%, but it’s a great vegan substitution if you are looking for one.  And interestingly enough, it is derived from… read more »

Teriyaki Kale Chips

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Snacks… we ALL love SNACKS!  When our goal is to eat a healthy, clean, whole diet… snacks can sometimes turn into a scary four-letter word.  If you don’t (or try not to) eat processed foods, that means that you don’t have a pantry full of… read more »

Please Vote – Should Cooked Plant Based Recipes be a part of Nouveauraw

Over the weekend I put a poll in the Private Nouveauraw Facebook Group, as well as on your member’s homepage. I would love to see what you all have to say about the possible idea of me adding cooked plant-based dishes to the site. It is something that has been… read more »

Mexican Cheese Kale Chips

Mexican Cheese Kale Chips (raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free)

Mexican Cheese Kale Chips ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ After reading through the ingredient list here, you might think that I might have fallen off my rocker.  Five lines down in the list you will find quinoa! Yep, it’s true; I used quinoa as my base to create this… read more »

Gingerbread Kale Chips

Gingerbread Kale Chips (raw, vegan, gluten-free)

Gingerbread Kale Chips ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Kale chips to me are what Twinkies are to kids, what Gatoraid is to athletes, what a bone is to a dog, what an acorn is to a squirrel, what catnip is to a cat…  you get the picture. To me, for… read more »

Italian Seasoned Croutons – using almond pulp

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ The base of these crackers is made from almond pulp, which is the by-product of making almond milk.  You can do a lot with this stuff so never throw it away after making almond milk, or any nut milk actually. I never really knew how… read more »

“Seafood” Bites

Use this dish for everyday snacking or present it beautifully as a precursor to dinner.

Cracked Pepper, Sour Cream and Onion Kale Chips

raw, vegan, gluten-free Cracked Pepper Sour Cream and Onion Kale Chips

Cracked Pepper, Sour Cream and Onion Kale Chips ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Cracked Pepper, Sour Cream, and Onion Kale Chips havec some amazing flavors that really fool your taste buds.  You first get this incredible hint of sour cream, then you get a hit of onion, but then just… read more »

Coconut Flour – made from coconut milk pulp

In several of my raw recipes, you will see coconut flour being used.  Even as you travel the web of raw recipes, you will see other chefs using it as well.  But before you run to the cabinet and measure out the flour, stop and make sure that you know… read more »

Homemade Strawberry Banana Crepes

Banana Wraps used as Crepes

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ For those of you have been following me throughout the years, you have come to learn that I love learning how foods grow and how they are harvested.  There really isn’t a better way to be connected to the foods that we love and… read more »

Malted Hot Chocolate

Few beverages are as deeply-rooted in childhood memories as hot chocolate. It’s rich, thick, creamy, amazingly warming and comforting, like a big hug in a mug!  And why not take an ordinary wintery drink and turn it into a super-food hot chocolate?! This hot chocolate is not your ordinary hot… read more »

Dried Skin Flakes

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I know the title sounds a bit gross… change it up as you see fit.. but this is for you Halloween food presenters who like to create a goolish table setting.  I don’t mean to offend anyone by the title.  Remember, this is just… read more »

Winter’s Blend Granola Bar


These bars are raw, vegan, grain-free, salty sweet, have the perfect hint of warming spices in them, they are chewy, they are mildly sweetened with a fiber-packed Medjool dates, and they are just flat out yummy.

Maureen’s Pistachio Ice Cream Sandwich

raw vegan

raw vegan and gluten-free – The cookies are slightly chewy with little pockets of crunch. The ice cream is rich and creamy, feels like velvet on the tongue.

Russian Salad Dressing

Russian-Salad-Dressing on a wooden table with a fresh salad

– raw, vegan, gluten-free – I am a digestion-geek.  For years, I bet a day hasn’t slipped by that I haven’t done some sort of reading and researching about the digestive system.  And what I have learned, is that without a healthy digestive system, we can’t have a healthy body. To… read more »