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Peach Fruit Leather infused with Chai Coconut Tea

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ One of my all-time favorite teas is Chai Coconut Tea.  I drink it almost daily over ice with a little stevia.  So as I was pureeing peaches to make some fruit leather, I decided to get brave and introduce them to one another. At… read more »

Chili Corn Crackers

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ My love for corn chips and crackers, sort of morphed into one with this recipe.  These crackers have a hearty corn flavor with a lingering chili spice that leaves you wanting more.  I made them with almond pulp which made the cracker strong, crunchy and airy.  How… read more »

Apple Raisin Cranberry Bars

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, Paleo ~ Have you ever woke up expecting to accomplish a particular task, but the winds shift in your day, and you end up doing something different?  Or you go to the store on a mission to purchase just one item, and you come home with bags of… read more »

Warm Green Bean Casserole with Buttery Walnut Crumble

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ You know, it is too bad that I had to get well into my adult years to appreciate casseroles.  As a child, they scared me.   Too many UFO’s (un-identifiable-objects) were in them. Just like any child, I went through my stage where single foods,… read more »

Maca Cherry and Peach Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Many of you are well aware of the superfood product called Maca, but I thought it would be beneficial to share a little bit of information on the health benefits of it for those who are not aware of this product. There are many ways… read more »

Creamy Cashew Butter

I realize that this recipe seems too simple to post, but I have to ask, “Have you ever made cashew butter?” If not, then this post will teach you a thing or two.  Nut butters are very easy to make, but they like to trick you into thinking that you… read more »

Spicy BBQ Flax Crackers

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I know you heard me say this before but flax crackers are a staple in our household.  I keep them in a large glass container on the kitchen island.  When you remove the lid it makes a sound like, “Ching!” I bet I hear… read more »

Strawberry Mint Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Strawberry Mint Fruit Leather is fresh and vibrant with flavor.  Marrying together some of the best flavors of spring – strawberries and fresh mint – this leather provides the perfect combination of bright flavors to summon you to the kitchen! Whereas fresh strawberries are… read more »

Blueberry Lavender Muffins

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ These muffins won the blue ribbon at the Imaginary State Fair this year. We all know what the star ingredient is when it comes to blueberry muffins… it’s the blueberries!  Plump, juicy, and sweet, with vibrant colors ranging from deep purple-blue to blue-black and highlighted… read more »

Sautéed Mushrooms

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ There are few things in the world lovelier than warm, “buttery” sautéed mushrooms. This is coming from a woman who avoided them like the plague for the first 35 years of her life. It wasn’t till I started dabbling with raw foods that I started… read more »

Apple Cinnamon Spice Sauerkraut

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, cultured ~ After creating this sauerkraut, I ate some every day, right out of the jar, for over a month. I would find myself standing at the fridge, taking just a bite and putting it back on the shelf. Update:  I originally wrote this post seven months ago.  Last… read more »

Sun-Dried Tomato and Basil Breadsticks

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Sun-Dried Tomato and Basil… This combination of flavors is popular in everything from salad dressing to vegetable dip.  How about for a breadstick?!   Through experience, I can safely say… yes!! I found the flavor of these breadsticks to be strong enough to make the ingredients… read more »

Goji Berry Banana Coconut Crackers

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I am about eight recipes in on this cracker formula, which I have to say, has been so much fun.  The variety of ingredients that compliment the coconut base seems to be rather endless… both on the sweet and savory end of things. Currently, I… read more »

Mango Banana Leathers

~ raw, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I love making fruit leathers.  They are so easy and only require very few ingredients.  In this case, I used only two ingredients, mangos and bananas.  BUT the key is to use ripe mangos and bananas. Not only are they sweeter but it will make it… read more »

Reduced Fat Avocado Guacamole

Looking for ways to cut the fats in your diet? Healthy fats are very important for us but at times, it’s ok to reduce them. Learn how.

Crunchy Cauliflower Crust Crumbles

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ This recipe became something that it wasn’t intended to be. :)  Ultimately, I was trying to create a recipe for cauliflower mash.  I thought that I would “warm and soften” the roughly chopped cauliflower by placing it in the dehydrator for a few hours.… read more »

Green Apple Fruit Leather

Gravenstein apples are thin-skinned, super tart and snappy, pleasantly puckery when raw.  The flesh is crisp, tart, and floral with a puckering punch that will leave your mouth-watering! Prior to about one month ago, I had never heard of these apples. With curiosity at its fullest, I snatched up a… read more »

Honey Huckleberry Peach Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I love surprises and life is full of them!  I am new to eating huckleberries, so I really didn’t have a preconceived idea as to what to expect but after pulling this fruit leather out from the dehydrator,  I was shocked to find that… read more »

Antique Apple Blossom Date Butter Tart

I get many emails from fellow readers who ask me how to save time in the kitchen. Especially people wanting to know what food staples I recommend to have one hand. Today, I will share two staples that you can have tucked away in your freezer, just waiting for inspiration to hit you.

Honey Graham Cracker Bran Cereal

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Honey Graham Cracker Bran Cereal is hardy, holds its stature when confronted with nut milk, and has a delicious hint of graham cracker. When you take a bite of this cereal you will find it firm but not crunchy,  chewy but doesn’t stick to your teeth,… read more »

Italian Sun-Dried Tomato Flax Cracker

Gluten Free Vegan Italian Sun Dried Tomato Flax Crackers

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Oh, the simplicity of flax crackers. It doesn’t really take much to turn a simple flax cracker into something pretty amazing. In this recipe, the sun-dried tomato powder is what gives it a nice “tang” on the tongue. Since creating this recipe, I am finding… read more »

Kelp Noodle Paste, Substitute for Irish Moss

Irish moss has been the go-to ingredient to create a fluffy, gelatinous-like consistency in raw recipes.  But it has been put under the microscope, and there is much discussion about whether it is safe to eat or not.   I have read equal amounts of information arguing both sides of… read more »

Drinkable Greek Nogurt

Raw Food Diet

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, cultured ~ Now you can have your Nogurt and drink it too!  I have a feeling that this could become one of my favorite drinks.  Talk about an easy, tasty, and healthy snack to have on hand. You can double the recipe and make up a… read more »

How to Freeze Fresh Produce

With the world’s current events, our members-only Facebook group has been talking about ways to preserve food for long-term storage. Someone asked how to go about preserving fresh produce. So today, I am going to share several techniques. I will start the post off by defining different techniques, followed by… read more »

Peach and Pecan Turkish Delights

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ I love inspiration… it comes in so many different forms. This particular recipe was inspired by agar.  I have made several batches of vegan cheese for Bob this week and one of the ingredients I use in it is agar. So, it got me thinking,… read more »