Ginger Coconut and Mango Pudding “Jarfait”

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~
This pudding is the perfect compilation of the Tropics with a slight hint of coconut, the gentle sweetness of mangos, and a soft heat from the ginger. It is very filling and will keep you energized for hours to come.
I have really come to enjoy quinoa for multiple reasons. It can be used both in sweet or savory dishes, it has a neutral flavor that compliments just about any ingredients that you through at it, and best of all, it is a complete protein.
Do you ever eat something and forget that it is healthy for you? This recipe is one of those times. Mangos have high levels of fiber, pectin, and vitamin C, stir that in with some ginger which helps to combat inflammation and you have an amazing treat right before your very eyes!
But all of those healthy statistics will fade as you take a bite of this pudding. The creaminess of the coconut quinoa, the sweet blend of mango, and the warmth of ginger will soon fill your belly. You could eat the two components separately, or as shown here as a parfait.
Alternative to Quinoa
I have made this recipe many times over the years, and one particular time, I had unexpectedly run out of quinoa. So, I used chia seeds instead. It too has a neutral flavor and looks and feels similar to quinoa in this recipe. I love having options as it makes my life much easier and when I step into the kitchen I want grace and ease to greet me. :) I do hope you try this recipe and try it. Please comment below. Many blessings, amie sue
Ginger Coconut Quinoa: yields 4 cups
- 4 cups prepared quinoa, cooked or sprouted
- 1 1/2 cups raw coconut milk or canned (BPA free)
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
- 1 tsp ground Ceylon cinnamon
- 1 tsp ground ginger
Mango Pudding: yields 2 cups
- 2 large sweet mangoes, ripe
- Cook or Sprout quinoa:
- Cook ~ Rinse quinoa till water runs clear. Combine 1 cup quinoa and 2 cups of water in a medium-sized saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low; cover and simmer 15 minutes or until most of the liquid is absorbed. Turn off heat and let stand covered for 5 minutes.
- Sprout ~ to make approx. 4 cups finished product, put 2 1/2 cups of quinoa in a large bowl or jar. Add 2-3 times as much cool (60-70 degree) water. Mix quinoa well to assure even water contact throughout. Soak for 20-30 minutes. Then drain off the soak water, rinse well and drain. Place a mesh lid on the jar and set it anywhere out of direct sunlight and at room temperature (70° is optimal). Rinse and Drain again every 8-12 hours until tails are formed. Now it is ready to use.
- After cooking or sprouting the quinoa, combine the quinoa with coconut milk, maple syrup, cinnamon, and ginger in a medium-sized bowl.
- To make the mango pudding, peel the mango with a potato peeler, cut the mango flesh off of the seed and discard the seed.
- Blend the mango in the blender until creamy.
- Alternate the quinoa and mango in a mason jar or dessert dish of your liking.
- Eat right away or chill in the fridge. This should keep for about 5 days in the fridge.
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, sugar free, Vegan
Dear Amie Sue,
Sounds delish :-) however Ive gotten a bit fed up with coconut milk after too many asian coconut/curry dishes in my former dorm supper club…
So im thinking of substituting the coconut milk with extremely smooooth brazil-nut milk…
Ps Love your posts – too many lovely recipes – too little time…
Sincerely Jacob
That would be lovely Jacob… let me know how it turns out. amie sue
Hmmm, this sounds and looks delicious. Can’t wait to try this out! The fact that it’ll keep for a couple of days in the fridge and can be pre-prepared makes it a perfect alternative for afternoon snacks in the office. :o)
I agree, it is nice to have something that will keep a few days so you can enjoy it over time. Plus, it gives the flavors more time to develop. Have a wonderful day, amie sue
Looks divine!!!
Just simply…Yum! :D
Thanks for this recipe,
what do you think of switching out the quinoa with chia ?
You bet Abakash, that would work just fine. :)
Amie, I am sure the recipe is great but the “jarfait” tag really got me. Cute and accurately represented.
Thanks Madeline :) Have a happy day, amie sue
Hi Amie Sue,
We had our baby girl 3 weeks ago, and my mother in law and my husband’s aunt came to visit us for several days. I made this for todays’s lunch for us and they helped making some kale chips and sweet potato chips yesterday and today as my parting gift to them for helping my husband and I to get some sleep and take care of the new born baby. Needless to say, we all enjoyed this jarfait very much! My mother in law can now make her own kale chips and she will make this for herself, and Aunt S. enjoyed looking at some other recipes from the website, so we sent her home with print out of several recipes from here. It was a fun baby & intro to raw food cooking visit for them.
Oh, what happened with the new Bookman’s contractor situation? I have been praying for you about that.
Ohhh Gina! Congratulations! I was so blessed to read through everything that you shared. I would love to see a picture of your sweet little girl if you wouldn’t mind sharing. It is hard to believe that the time has gone by so quickly! I am sure for you, towards the end, that you were more than ready. hehe
The store is scheduled to open June 8th! This has been a long process but now we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. :) Then we head back to Oregon.
It was so wonderful to hear from you… sending you love, hugs and strength! amie sue
I made this yesterday. Simple to make and Delicious!
Thank you.
I made the recipe ,it´s perfect.I love quinoa .Beautiful jars and teaspoon :).Thank you!
I am a jar-o-holic Cerasela. :) I am so happy that you enjoyed the recipe. Thank you so much for letting me know. :) Have a blessed weekend! amie sue