Dehydrated Persimmons

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Dried Fuyu Persimmons

~ raw, dehydrated ~
I have learned a lot about persimmons through my experimentation with them. For starters did you know that persimmons are classified as a berry?
Also, as I was slicing the persimmons on the mandolin to make thin slices, I noticed that only two out of six of my persimmons had seeds. How is it that only two had seeds? One had two seeds and the other had four, this caused me to explore Google land.
In short, those with seeds have been pollinated, those without… well… haven’t. They can grow without being pollinated but are then considered sterile. To be honest, after slicing 3 of them and never seeing a seed… when I finally did, I sort of jumped. I thought it was a bug that had burrowed down into the fruit. hehe Just goes to show that there is always things to learn!
For this “recipe” I used the Fuyu Persimmon. It is short and firm. They’re crisp and sweet and the skin can be eaten or peeled. If it is soft and mushy feeling, skip using for dehydrating and make a wonderful, Raw Pumpkin Spiced Persimmon Pudding. To learn a bit more about fresh persimmons, click (here). Enjoy!
- Persimmons (ripe but still firm)
- Place the slices on the mesh sheet that comes with the dehydrator in a single layer.
- If possible, use a mandolin for slices the persimmons.
- Even cuts will ensure that they all dehydrate at the same time. I used the 1.5 mm slicing blade.
- Slice down to the pits, flip to other side and slice again down to the pit.
- You will have two chunks on each side left over. Cut off and dehydrate or eat as a snack for all your hard work. :)
- Don’t use mushy or bruised persimmons, those would be best for creating puddings with.
- Thick or thin slices – the thinner the slice, the quicker the dry time will be.
- Humidity – the higher the humidity in the room air, the longer the dry time will be.
- Water content – the higher the water content in the plum, the longer it will take to dry.
- Dehydrate at 145 degrees for 1 hour, then reduce to 115 degrees (F) for about 6 hours or until dry.
- Store in airtight containers at room temperature for up to several months. If there is a lot of moisture left in them, keep them stored in the fridge.
Culinary Explanations:
- Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)? Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
- When working with fresh ingredients it is important to taste test as you build a recipe. Learn why (here).
- Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.

I love how they natural curled during the drying process. Truly beautiful.

what method do you use for astringent persimmon varieties?
Hello Hunterland,
Personally, I don’t eat the astringent persimmon varieties such as the Hachiya. Most likely due to the fact that I don’t see them all that often where I live. I do know that you have to wait until they become syrupy-ripe before eating, otherwise, biting into one will give you that ‘cotton-wool-in-the-mouth’ reaction. There is what I refer to as an art, to drying the astringent persimmons. You can get an idea here:
Great question. So much to learn! Blessings, amie sue
The astringent varieties can be dried whole as a traditional Japanese New Year treat. I learned this from a friend many years ago. You must have a dark dry place to hang them, as in a garage, shed, or barn.
Harvest the fruit with about an inch of stem. Wash and dry the fruit.
Peal the fruit leaving strips of the peal length wise. Tie individually each fruit with string so that they hang in a dark, dry area, such as a garage, barn, or shed.
Do not disturb the fruit for weeks/months. They will form a white, sugary coating. This is normal. When completely dry, the fruit has shrunken, shriveled, and has a white coating of sugar. They are delicious and are typically shared on New Years.
They’re not meant to be eaten raw.. they are a baking variety. It’s like a pumpkin m you wouldn’t eat without spices, cooking / baking and adding sugar.
I do the exact same thing for hachiya as fuyu when dehydrating. In fact, I prefer the result I get with hachiya varieties as the skin is much thinner, so doesn’t get so hard when dehydrated. When the hachiya slices are dehydrated they lose their astringent property even though they weren’t soft when sliced.
That’s great to know Marky, I don’t see persimmons around a whole lot so when I do, I feel blessed. Thanks for sharing this with us! blessings, amie sue
Yes, just what I found too. I like the hachiya the best for dehydrating
Did you find the dried fuyus to be crunchy, or soft and leathery like dried apples? I have a bunch and was debating whether to cook or dry them. Thanks!
More on the chewy side Fae. amie sue
Actually, the fuyu persimmons that get soft before you get to slicing can be peeled, put into your Bullit or blender, and turned into a wonderful slurry. Then spread this onto the sheets that accompany your dryer screens and dry. You’ve just made wonderful fruit leather. Don’t waste!
They make a beautiful pudding! heavenly! Thanks for sharing Lynne. amie sue
Have you tried putting honey or sugar before drying the fruits?
No I haven’t Kathlene. I don’t really see the need for it. blessings, amie sue
I blend the soft fuyus with the skins. Just take the pits out. I usually drizzle with lemon juice, but lime and nutmeg or cinnamon is nice too
Oh yes, they are wonderful that way too. So many lovely options to enjoy. Have a wonderful holiday, amie sue
How do you keep persimmons from turning a darker color when drying in a oven?
Good morning Gary,
I recommend using a dehydrator but you have the option of drying the slices in a conventional oven if you don’t have a dehydrator. Keep in mind, however, that this method may not result in as pleasant a taste or texture due to the more intense heat. If you use an oven you don’t want to go over 150 degrees (F). Low, constant heat will help solidify the sugary juices in the fruit without evaporating them or causing them to burn.
I read in another spot that you can arrange the fruit slices on a cooling rack that has been placed on cookie sheets. Place cheesecloth over the metal racks to prevent darkening. I haven’t tried this method myself.
In all my experience, it is common for natural fruits to darken when dried without any preservatives on them. Most dried fruits that you can buy in the grocery stores have either sodium bisulfite, sodium sulfite or sodium meta-bisulfite on them to prevent darkening.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is also used by mixing it with water to prevent fruit browning. However, its protection does not last as long as sulfuring or
sulfiting. Ascorbic acid is available in the powdered or tablet form, from drugstores or grocery stores.
Here is a post that I did on using a conventional oven for dehydrating foods.
I hope this helps. blessings, amie sue
I’ve been drying my fuyu persimmons for years. But why do some dry nice and flat, while other slices curl up towards the center. Could it be because my fruit is small?
Good morning Sherry,
Hmm, it could be due to the thickness of the slices. One thing that I have done in the past to help apple rings lay flat is to lay another mesh screen on top of them, basically sandwiching them with two mesh screens. Good luck and enjoy! amie sue
I have a stove that has a dehydrator in it. Where can I find the mesh sheets you talk about? Thank you. My name is Maria
Hello Maria,
You can find those mesh trays here:
blessings, amie sue
We have a(Giant) Fuyu Persimmon tree that was already mature when we purchased the house 20+ years ago, we generally get 100-200, 12-16oz. fruit yearly, if left on he tree, they get solf like a water balloon, fall off the stim and splatter. A few years I tried to dehydrate them (traditional Japanese method), hanging with string tied to the stim, the next year tied to stainless screws, as they ripened they all dropped off the stim/screw. Last year I dried about 20 in the dehydrate setting of my toaster oven. I stored them 4 to a Qt size bags in the refrigerator, those left after about 6 months started swelling; those left 12 mo. later are starting to mold. My wife just purchased a dehydrator purposely to try to dry the whole fruit, hopefully like the commercial dried persimmons from Asia, I so not believe we will be successful.
How wonderful, Richard. I love growing our own fruit/food! It sounds like you have done some experimenting on the best technique for yourself. Enjoy! blessings, amie sue
Can previously frozen persimmons be dehydrated?
Hello Kaitlyn,
You can dehydrate frozen fruit. I personally haven’t tried it. I would let them totally thaw first as it will release quite a bit of liquid. best of luck! amie sue
Loved them… mine came out beautifully… the persimmons need to be orange and fully gown, but not soft yet. Only the firm and slightly firm ones don’t turn to mush when sliced. I set my mandolin at 1.5 thick. I sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Now that I discovered how to dehydrate persimmons, they will be a regular in the Fall.
It sounds magical Traci. I think they are so beautiful when dried. Enjoy and happy holidays, amie sue