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Chocolate Coconut Kale Chips

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delicious crispy raw vegan Chocolate Coconut Kale Chips

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~

Have you ever tried or even thought of combining greens and raw chocolate? You’ll be amazed at how well these flavors pair together in these kale chips.

These Raw Chocolate Coconut Kale Chips are a sweet addition to all my savory kale chips.

All Hail the Kale

Did you know that Kale is now recognized as providing comprehensive support for the body’s detoxification system?  Does that mean that I can eat chocolate and detox at the same time?

Selecting the Best

Look for kale with firm, deeply colored leaves and moist hardy stems. Kale should be stored in a cool environment since warm temperatures will cause it to wilt and will negatively affect its flavor. The leaves should look fresh, be un-wilted, and be free from signs of browning, yellowing, and small holes.

Choose kale with smaller-sized leaves since these will be more tender and have a milder flavor than larger leaves.  Kale is available throughout the year, although it is at its peak, from the middle of winter through the beginning of spring.



Kale Prep:

  1. Selecting Kale:
    • Don’t use wilted / old kale; it can have a bitter undertone.
    • I prefer Curly Kale because all of the folds really hold onto the sauce.
  2. Wash and de-stem your kale.
    • Start by washing the kale and blotting it dry.  You can also use a salad spinner if you own one.
    • Make sure you get as much excess water off of the kale as possible.  If you don’t, it will make your sauce “soupy.”  Set aside.
    • Starting at the bottom strip away the leaf leaving behind only the stem.
    • Tear the remaining leaves into pieces that are a tad larger than bite-size since they tend to shrink.

Sauce Prep:

  1. After soaking the cashews, drain and discard the water.
  2. In a high-powered blender combine the; cashews, coconut crystals, water, coconut, cacao powder and butter, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt. Blend until the sauce is creamy smooth.
    • Due to the volume and the creamy texture that we are going after, it is important to use a high-powered blender.  It could be too taxing on a lower-end model.
    • Create a vortex in the blender; this will help ensure that the sauce is getting fully blended into a creamy texture.
    • What is a vortex?  Look into the container from the top and slowly increase the speed from low to high,  the batter will form a small vortex (or hole) in the center.  High-powered machines have containers that are designed to create a controlled vortex, systematically folding ingredients back to the blades for smoother blends and faster processing… instead of just spinning ingredients around, hoping they find their way to the blades.
    • If your machine isn’t powerful enough or built to do this, you may need to stop the unit often to scrape down the sides.
    • This process can take 1-3 minutes, depending on the strength of the blender.  Keep your hand cupped around the base of the blender carafe to feel for warmth.  If the batter is getting too warm., stop the machine and let it cool, then proceed once cooled.
  3. Add the shredded coconut and pulse 2x, just to get it mixed in but not broken down.


  1. Place the torn kale into a very large bowl.
  2. Pour in the sauce and with your hands gently and evenly coat each piece of kale.
    • This is a “hands-on” job.  Stirring with a spoon just doesn’t do the trick.
    • I would suggest removing any jewelry from your fingers.  I have temporarily lost a ring here and there.

Dehydrator Method:

  1. Have the dehydrator trays ready by lining them with non-stick teflex or parchment paper.
    • Don’t use wax paper because food tends to stick to it.
    • Spread all the trays out in advance because soon your hands will be covered in sauce and you don’t want to get it all over.
    • I used three trays for this batch.
  2. Place the kale on the non-stick sheets.  You can do this 1 of 2 ways:
    • Lay each piece out semi-flat if you want to create individual pieces.  More time-consuming and chips tend to be a little bit more fragile.
    • Or, drop clumps of coated kale on the sheets.  This will create hardy clusters that are loaded with sauce and flavor.  This is my preference.
  3. Dehydrate at 115 degrees (F) for about 6-8 hrs or until dry.
    • I tend to pull mine out before it gets 100% dry because I like it a little chewy.
    • The dry time is just an estimate.  The climate, humidity, dehydrator, and how full the machine is can all affect how long it will take to dry.
  4. Store in an airtight glass container and be ready to nibble non-stop till the last crumb is gone!
  5. If the kale chips start taking on some humidity from the house, you can place them back into the dehydrator for a few hours at 115 degrees (F).

Oven Method:

  1. Please use it as a guide and closely monitor the kale chips as they cook.
  2. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees (F), anything higher, and risk burning the chips.
  3. Line the baking sheet with parchment paper and place the kale chips on the baking sheet in a single layer.
  4. Bake for 10 minutes, rotate the pan, and bake for another 15 minutes.
    • The bake times will vary based on your oven, but it’s a good starting point!
  5. Once you pull the tray from the oven, allow the chips to cool on the baking sheet.
  6. Store in an airtight glass container and be ready to nibble non-stop till the last crumb is gone!

19 thoughts on “Chocolate Coconut Kale Chips

  1. Mary says:

    Amie Sue, I was making some savory kale chips and had bought and prepped so much more kale than I needed, that I decided to give these a try. The exact words that came to me after my first bite was “Holy Mother of God”. Wow!! These are incredible. I’ve had quite a few delicious and gorgeous dishes and desserts from your site, but it’s hard to believe anything has been this good. Eating them warm off the tray they are firm and chewy at the same time and sooo delicous! The jury is in on these and I’m happy to be the first reviewer. They are my new favorite gift for everything! And they’re very easy to make.

    One question…have you ever tried using half the amount of coconut sugar and then using stevia? I’m wondering if that would ruin it. I know coconut sugar is lower on the glycemic index than some others, but I would love it if I could go even lower. Any thoughts…or do you think just is what it is, in terms of having it be so yumalicious?

    Thank you so much, as always,


    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Mary,

      What a wonderful post to read so early in the morning. I am just thrilled that you are love them. We too found them incredible and oooooh so delicious. They aren’t very “pretty” hehe but that’s ok, the taste over takes a person. :)

      I haven’t tested with other sweeteners. You would lose a little dry bulkiness if you removed 1/2 of the dry sweetener. I hope that makes sense. My brain might not be working all full cylinders this morning. hehe I say that anything is a worth a try though. I like stevia myself and would use it more in my recipes but my husband can’t stand that stuff. I can slip it by in small quantities when used to brighten a flavor but not as a bulk sweetener. And since he eats everything I make here… well, I have to think of him. hehe

      If you give a try, keep me posted. Merry Christmas and have a Healthful New Year! amie sue

      • Mary says:

        One more question…I have house guests currently from Australia. They are so crazy about these kale chips that they are considering buying a dehydrator. I kid you not AND these people are not like us, they eat everything! Anyway, they said that kale is super expensive in Australia and asked if this could work with broccoli or any other veggies. Thoughts? I’ve made your yummy broccoli nibblers, but not sure if the chocolate combo would work.

        Thank you,

        • amie-sue says:

          That is so awesome to hear Mary. I love it. lol I would think it would work with the broccoli nibblers, they could even try collard greens. I have tried spinach but it doesn’t hold up to the batter well. I have seen cabbage leaves used in similar recipes that is something that I would have to play with. I would use young, pliable leaves if you try it.

          I hope this gives you some ideas. Thanks for sharing Mary and many blessings to you! amie sue

          • Mary says:

            Thanks Amie-Sue! I’ll pass it along. Btw, a thought for the future…I think I read in one of your posts that you eat very little “sugar” yourself, mostly stevia. I’ve bought lucuma and mesquite powder, as well as yacon, but don’t really know how to use them well. If you ever felt inspired in this direction, I think a low glycemic dessert section would be a big hit. There are so many people on candida diets, etc., or just moving in that direction. In any case, thank you for being the biggest inspiration! Truly.

            • amie-sue says:

              Yes, I so agree Mary. I use those sweeteners that you mentioned in many recipes but more and more I keep trying to create even healthier recipes. It’s been a fun journey going from Mars Candy Bars and McDonalds meals to where I am today.Thank you for suggesting it. I appreciate that. :) amie sue

  2. Keira says:

    Oh my my……..speechless! Can’t keep my hands out of the Jar! Thank you for this delicious slice of heaven.

  3. Mary says:

    Hi Amie Sue, amazingly most of the comments on this recipe are from me, from so many years ago. Wow, at least I’m consistent. I’m wondering how many days in advance I could make these and are they shelf stable. Preparing a birthday party and needing to know some things out early. Thank you.

    • amie-sue says:

      lol I always love hearing from you! ooh now I understand all the questions that you have had this evening on other recipes. :) A birthday party! You could make these several days in advance. They are shelf stable just as long as you completely dry them in the dehydrator. The real question is… can you trust yourself to not eat all of them before the party? hehe hugs, amie sue

      • Mary says:

        haha….Yes, I’m so sorry for all the questions at one time. I literally am still going through the cheesecakes trying to decide. I’ve made the chocolate peanut butter buckeye cake more than once, years ago, and it was sooo good. But I’m thinking about one of the zebra cakes, because they are so beautiful. Any favorites? Or is that like Sophie’s choice?

        Regarding your question about if I can trust myself…um, no way. I think I would have to literally not taste one. Because it would be all over at that point. :). Amie Sue, you’re the best! Thanks so much for replying! I think I was inspired by your party you posted on fb. Luckiest guests ever!

        • amie-sue says:

          Good morning Mary,

          I don’t mind the questions at all. It brings me joy when they come in because it’s a way for me to connect with those who visit the site. :) So never hold them back!

          I am going to encourage you to try the Zebra cheesecake. It’s beautiful and it’s a crowd pleaser. Plus it’s fun to make and let’s not forget… delicious!

          I know just what you mean about the taste testing. There are many recipes where I have to make it and have Bob hide it if I am making it for a gathering. haha I am tickled that my cooking class/party inspired you. Making delicious and nutritious food for others is such a gift, not only for the receiver, but for the hands that created it. Whatever you decide to make will be amazing because it was made from love! hugs. OH, when is the party? amie sue

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