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Almonds | Soaking and Drying

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Almonds, Soaking and Drying

Soaked almonds are often referred to as; soaked almonds sprouted almonds or activated almonds.   There is an important reason why we go through this process… Nuts have enzyme inhibitors that prevent them from germinating in dry conditions. They also contain phytic acid, which can make it very difficult for our bodies to digest them. Once soaked,  they begin to sprout, which unlocks their nutrients and makes them much better for digesting.

almonds in a black bowl

Soaking almonds not only helps with digestion, but it enhances their flavor tremendously!  They are slightly crispy, have a nice light and airy texture.

Below, I am sharing with you two drying techniques.  The first one uses a dehydrator with the temperature set at 115 degrees (F), which will keep the nuts raw, making it optimal for absorbing all the nutrients that they have to offer.

The second technique is roasting them in the oven, which wouldn’t be my method of choice because the nuts won’t be raw any longer, and some nutrients will be lost, but I realize that not everybody owns a dehydrator.  BUT I would rather you go through the soaking process and roasting them rather than eating them raw or commercially roasted (which haven’t been soaked before roasting).   The measurements below are just for a guideline.

Do they have to be dehydrated?

If you are unable to dry the almonds, only soak an amount that you can be sure to use within two or three days.  For convenience, I like to soak them in mason jars in the fridge. Rinse them every 12 hours, putting fresh water back in each time. You want to use them within a few days because, as with any live food, mold tends to set in within days if you’re not careful.


Why must we go through all this trouble? I find soaking nuts a significant step when it comes to my digestion. When nuts/seeds are soaked and/or sprouted in water, the germination process begins, in which the active and readily available amounts of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and essential fatty acids begin to be activated. 
Nuts and seeds contain phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors, which make it quite hard on the stomach and digestion. This simple process can make all the difference in how you feel after consuming them and how your body assimilates them. The salt helps activate enzymes that de-activate the enzyme inhibitors. To read more about the importance of why our bodies benefit from soaking nuts and seeds, click (here).


  • 4 cups raw almonds, shelled
  • 1 Tbsp Himalayan pink salt
  • 8 cups water


Dehydrator method:

  1. Place the almonds and salt in a large bowl along with 8 cups of water.
    • The almonds will swell during the soaking process, so you want enough water to keep them covered.
    • Salt is necessary to help neutralize the enzymes.
  2. Leave them on the counter for 8-12 hours.  Cover with a clean cloth and lay it over the bowl, this allows the contents of the bowl to breathe.
    • Cover with a clean cloth and lay it over the bowl, this allows the contents of the bowl to breathe.
    • It’s a good idea to change the water every 4-8 hours.
  3. After they are done soaking, drain them in a colander and rinse them thoroughly.
    • Note ~  you can use and eat the soaked almonds as they are without drying them.
    • Some recipes use wet or dry almonds.
  4. Spread the almonds on the mesh sheet that comes with the dehydrator.
    • Keep them in a single layer and dry them at 115 degrees (F) until they are thoroughly dry and crisp.
    • Make sure they are completely dry.  If not, they could mold, plus they won’t have that crunchy, yummy texture you expect from nuts and seeds.
    • The dry time will vary due to the machine you own, the type of climate you live in, and how full your dehydrator is when drying them.   Expect anywhere from 12 + hours.
  5. Allow them to cool to room temperature before storing.  As they cool, they will make a popping sound which can be entertaining for young ones.
  6. Store in airtight containers such as mason jars.
    • If you plan on using them within 3 months, you can store them in the fridge.
    • Anything longer, store in the freezer.
  7. I like to do a lot of nuts and seeds in a big batch to save time and energy when using my dehydrator.  This way, I always have adequately prepared nuts and seeds on hand for snacks, salads, and recipes.

Oven method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees (F).
  2. Spread the almonds on an ungreased cookie sheet in a single layer.
  3. Bake for 10-12 minutes.  Don’t leave them unattended, due to their high oil content; they will continue to roast after you remove them from the oven.  When toasted correctly, they taste toasted, not bitter or burnt.
  4. Cool for about 1 hour.   Make sure that they are cool before storing them.
  5. Note ~  you can also slow roast the almonds by setting your oven to the lowest setting, adjust the roast time accordingly.   You can even attempt to dry the almonds in the oven and keep them raw, but this is tricky.  You will need to set the oven on the lowest setting, keep the door ajar and hang a thermometer in the oven to watch the temperature.  Nothing is impossible.  With this method… good luck and do your best. :)

Want to learn more about using almond in raw dishes? Here are some basics.

Learn how to make Almond flour (made from whole almonds)

Soaking & dehydrating is required

Learn how to make Almond flour (made from almond pulp) This flour is lighter in texture.

Soaking, making nut milk, and dehydration is required.

Never heard of almond pulp?  Click (here) to learn about it.

Soaking & dehydrating required.

wet almond pulp on a piece of parchment paper

Learn how to make pure white almond flour by removing the skins.  Click (here).

Soaking, skin removal & dehydrating is required.

almonds with their skins removed to soak almonds

Want to make your own almond milk?  Easy!  Here is a basic recipe for making nut milk.

Soaking required.

how to make almond milk in pretty glass pitchers


Make almond milk with a cheese press.  (good for those with weakened hand strength)

Soaking required.

how to make cheese with almond milk. new nut milk technique done with a fruit press

Make almond milk that doesn’t separate;  Homogenized Almond Milk

Soaking required.

Want to make your own raw almond butter?

Soaking & dehydrating required.

How to make almond butter, raw

Why are almonds used in raw recipes?  For many reasons, actually.  Nutrient-wise, they are a good source of protein, fiber, and omega 3 & 6’s.  Textually, they act as a filler/flour (as shown above) in many cookie, bar, and cake recipes.  Flavor-wise, they have a light, delicate taste with a hint of sweetness.  This makes for a nice recipe base when you don’t want much-added flavor from it added to all the other flavors going on in a recipe.  To find recipes that use almonds, type the word almonds in the search box located on the left menu bar.


81 thoughts on “Almonds | Soaking and Drying

  1. Amy says:

    Hi there. If I roast them in the oven (for flavor) after soaking and drying them in the dehydrator, will they keep their nutrients?

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Amy,

      There’s not much reliable research available regarding specifics of how the nutritional content of nuts changes when they are roasted. If you do your due diligence in researching this topic, you will quickly find that they answers (opinions) are all over the board.

      Personally, after spending years of using, preparing, and enjoying nuts/seeds… both my husband and I find them easier to digest when we soak and dehydrate them. So my suggestion is to skip the roasting but if you want to enjoy them roasted every now and then, I don’t see an issue with that. But if you do plan to consume roasted nuts, make them yourself. Many roasted nuts on the market start with stale or poor quality nuts and are roasted (and often fried) in bad oils (which is harmful to your body) they then enhance their taste with salt and sugar. The process of roasting with bad oils oxidizes the heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats, creating unstable compounds linked to inflammation.

      Also, roasted, chopped, and ground nuts go rancid more quickly than whole raw ones, so use them up quickly.

      I hope this helps, Blessings, amie sue

  2. Beth says:

    Amie Sue,

    I have been making and enjoying almond milk for years now and yesterday I experienced something I had never seen before. After I rinsed the nuts I happened to see a clear, jelly like substance on the nuts. They seemed to be oozing it, but I suppose it is possible that it had collected?? The jelly wasn’t sticky like sap; however, it reminded me of sap. Do you know what this could be and if it is safe to use the nuts if I find this again.
    Thank you sincerely for the life you live. Your knowledge helps others in the journey to health and your conversations inspire a greater appreciation and love for all we have.


    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Beth,

      Ohhh, hmmm, wow. I can’t say that I have experience that before but I have a few questions for you.

      1. How long did they soak for and at what temp?
      2. Did you use a new brand of almonds?
      3. Were they indeed raw almonds?
      4. Can you send me a picture? ([email protected])
      5. Were the almonds rancid upon using them? Did you taste one to see what their freshness was prior? (good habit to be in)

      Let’s start there and see what we can maybe narrow this down too. amie sue :)

    • Dave says:

      This happened to me this morning. I soaked raw almonds overnight, and left in fridge. When I rinsed them off this morning there was a clear gelatin like goo in chunks on the bottom of the bowl. Trying to figure out if the nuts went bad or what. I typically only soak for 4-6 hours and leave on counter (and then make almond milk). I wonder if the refrigeration had something to do with it? Like if the almonds give off a film normally and the coldness made it coagulate…

    • David says:

      Update: I can’t imagine it’s from the cold of the fridge. The “gelatin”/jelly is still in the bowl, 30+ minutes later. I don’t think the nuts went bad because I had a batch of almond milk from the same bag of nuts last week and it seemed fine, but maybe I just got lucky and should toss this.

      • amie-sue says:

        Good evening David,

        Chunks of goo? Hmm, that does sound very odd indeed. I haven’t experienced that in my 10 years of soaking nuts and seeds. Here is an interesting article… http://thealmonddoctor.com/2017/05/13/almonds-exuding-clear-gum/

        I realize they are referring to the almond still being in the hull…. but?? amie sue

      • Marry says:

        Yes, this just happened to me also! I am using the same raw almonds I always use (not pasteurized). Have soaked for about 8 hours on the counter and there are clear spongy like globules mixed in with the nuts. I just rinsed them and made my milk as usual, minus the weird stuff. Baffling!

        • amie-sue says:

          Goodness… I sort of wish it would happen to me so I could better investigate what the heck would case that.

          • Marry says:

            It happened again tonight and I took a picture that I can send you if you like. Let me know via my email and I will attach a photo. Thanks, Marry

            • amie-sue says:

              You are welcome to email me the photo at [email protected]. I literally just soaked 50 lbs of raw almonds (to dehydrate) and didn’t have this experience. It might be worth it to shoot an email to the manufacturer that you purchased them from to see what they say. blessings, amie sue

        • anne says:

          same thing happened to me, my best guess is that it is tree resign. It is very resilient and gummy-but really don’t know either

  3. Alina says:

    Hi Amie-Sue,
    In this article you advise to store the dehydrated almonds in fridge. Can they ever be stored at room tempereature?
    What about other dehydrated products? Do they all have to be stored in fridge?
    Thank you

    • amie-sue says:

      Good day Alina,

      For me, my rule of thumb is to keep them stored in the fridge or freezer just to reduce any chance of them going rancid (due to their high fat content). If I know they will be eaten with 2-4 weeks I am ok with them being on the counter. It also depends on how warm it is where they are being stored.

      As far as other dehydrated foods, it will depend on the moisture content that is left behind in them, so I can’t give a black and white answer to that. If you have more specific dehydrated recipes that you are referring to, just let me know so I can better guide. you..

      Blessings, amie sue

  4. Isabelle says:

    Hello Amie-Sue,

    could you tell me why should I add salt?
    I always soaked them only with water.

    Do you peel the almonds after soaking, or would it be better?

    Thank you!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Isabelle,

      Salt is necessary to help neutralize the enzymes. The only time I peel almonds is if my digestion is off kilter because the skins can aggravate some people. The other time is when I want to create a creamy white color in a recipe that I may be developing. That way I don’t have brown specs in the batter.

      Have a wonderful weekend, amie sue :)

  5. Laura says:

    Thanks for this article. I have been soaking almonds for a while now since it is important for me to eat easy to digest foods due to health issues. I used to dry them out in the oven, but now I have a dehydrator. My question is, are soaked almonds supposed to taste similar to roasted almonds? Because I have always loved almonds, yet my soaked almonds taste a little weird. It’s hard for me to describe the exact taste. Almost like they are a little bit sour or something. I still eat them, but my kids refuse to eat them, saying they taste bad. Is it possible I’m not drying them out enough? Or that they’ve gone bad? Or do soaked almonds just taste different?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Laura,

      I will jump right into this… no, soaked and dehydrated almonds won’t taste like roasted almonds. Raw almonds are delicious and have the traditional almond taste as opposed to the roasted flavor of roasted nuts. Raw almonds do not have the intense taste of roasted almonds, this has to do with the oils that are released during the cooking. Throughout all these years of preparing and creating raw recipes, I have come to learn that not all almonds are the same. They vary from grower to grower. Some dehydrate nice and crispy while others seem to remain a tad bit softer. They also vary in flavor.

      For example, Marcona almonds are more tender, sweet, and delicate than regular almonds, with a nice buttery flavor that is due to their high oil and moisture content. California almonds have been described as tasting more “woody” in comparison.

      Do you soak them in salt water? When it comes to dehydrating them, throughout the process or when you think they are done… take just one out and let it cool to room temp. Slice it in half, if you see a darker color in the center of the nut, keep drying. They shouldn’t taste sour. Be sure to change the water throughout the soaking process, especially if you are in a hot and humid climate.

      If you want the almonds for snacking (for your kiddos) do you try salting them after soaking them? I like to take sea salt and grind it to a powder, then toss my soaked nuts in it before dehydrating.

      Always make sure that you are taste testing the raw almonds before soaking and drying. IF they taste stale or rancid prior, they won’t get better tasting throughout the process.

      Lastly, try different brands and keep a log of the ones that tasted better. I wish I could say that I exclusively get my nuts from just one supplier. I hope this was helpful, let me know. blessings, amie sue

      • Laura says:

        Thank you for the response! It may be just the almonds I am starting with…they do taste a bit “woody” I guess. I do soak them in salt water. There is no dark colour in the center of the nut. I do not salt them after soaking because they already seem to retain enough salt from the soaking water.

        I have never taste tested an almond prior to soaking, so I will for sure do that next time. Perhaps the almonds I am using aren’t great to begin with. But I will say, that a few times I chopped up some of my weird tasting soaked almonds (after they were already dried), toasted them in the oven just until they browned, and used them as a crispy topping on yogurt, and I thought they tasted way better that way, the way an almond is supposed to taste. Maybe I just don’t like the taste of raw almonds…I hope that’s not what it is.

        • amie-sue says:

          Good afternoon Laura… after all this talking back and forth, I would just suggest trying some different brands and see if it makes a difference for you. You may not like nuts prepared this way… or at least just almonds. Don’t give up! :) Keep me posted as you test other ones and see if things change for your taste buds. blessings, amie sue

  6. Priscilla Paxson says:

    I bought roasted alomonds by mistake . Can I still soak them to get the skins off. I am using them to make almond butter.
    Thank You!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Priscilla,

      I haven’t tried it myself. I would soak a couple and see how the skins are. They might be more difficult to remove. You don’t have to remove the skins to make the almond butter unless that is your preference. Good luck, amie sue :)

    • Laura says:

      Priscilla, the almond butter I normally purchase clearly has the skins still in, so it isn’t necessary to remove them. However, when I soak almonds I always remove the skins to make them easier to digest. I have never soaked already roasted almonds so I’m not sure about that, but when soaking raw almonds the skins are pretty easy to slip off once they’ve been soaking 6 hours or so, you just give each almond a firm squeeze and it slips right out of the skin.

  7. Michael says:

    Hi Amie Sue,

    I enjoyed the article! But, I have a question.

    I eat raw, sliced almonds. I understand that salt must be used when soaking almonds to neutralize the enzymes. But, when soaking sliced almonds should you use less salt because these almonds don’t have a protective shell (as with whole almonds)?

    Thank you1

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Michael,

      I wouldn’t. I would just carry on as normal.Are they balanced almonds? Most almonds that are sold as sliced pieces are. amie sue

  8. Michael says:

    Thank you for the quick response, Amie Sue! I appreciate it. Yes, I do think they’re balanced almonds.

  9. Ayshwarya says:

    1) can we sun dry the soaked almonds?
    2) can we use microwave to dry the soaked almonds?


    • amie-sue says:

      Good day Aysh,

      Yes, you can sun-dry almonds. I have a post on sun-drying fruit but you can use the same basic set up for nuts.

      And no, I wouldn’t advise on drying almonds in the microwave. For starters, they no longer would remain raw. I am not sure if that is a goal of yours or not.

      amie sue

  10. Kari says:

    Hi Amie Sue,
    Is it not necessary to change the water during the soaking process as you don’t recommend it?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Kari,

      Yes, I would recommend changing the water every 4-8 hours. Thank you for pointing that out. It should have been listed in the preparation. I will make the adjustment. blessings, amie sue

  11. Helen says:

    I would like to make some spiced almond/nut mix that is dried in the dehydrator. Do you have any tips and/or recipes for how to do this? Thanks

  12. Harry says:

    Hi, I want to add raw almonds to my anzac biscuit recipe and was wondering after I have soaked the almonds do they require the dehydrating process.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Harry,

      I assume that you are baking them and not trying to make them raw? I had to look them up since I am not familiar with them. If it were me, I would soak and dehydrate them, then add them into the biscuit recipe. Keep me posted how they turn out. :) blessings, amie sue

  13. Piyush Dabriwal says:

    Can i soak then dehydrate and then roast and add natural ingredients to it so that kids like it? I understand that by roasting the nutrients value decreases. But if i do dry roasting with controlled temperature- will that not be fine? If kids does not like the taste then end up having nithing- but by this process at least some nutrients will go inside their body. Can we talk over the phone/linkedin/mail?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good day Piyush,

      There is no point to soak, dehydrate, and then roast. Skip the dehydrating process if you are going to roast the nuts. In order for the nuts to remain raw, you would need to keep your oven below 115 degrees (F)… there are ways to calibrate that process. I have a post on that, https://nouveauraw.com/dehydrating/conventional-oven-food-drying/.

      But I agree, losing some nutrients is better than having your kids avoiding them all together. Go ahead and soak the raw nuts, then roast in the oven.

      You can always connect with me through email at [email protected]. If you need help with particular recipes on the site, keep our communication here so others can learn from your questions as well. :)

      Have a blessed day, amie sue

  14. David Pickup says:

    Hi, Thanks for the article. Do we lose on nutritional value If I dehydrate nuts at 40degree celsius for 12-24hrs after soaking process? I read Vitamin A and C is lost while dehydrating it. On second thought i even read that activated nuts at 40 degree celsius is good as it kills enzyme inhibitor and helps for better digestion.

    • amie-sue says:

      I think you answered your own question. lol

      • David Pickup says:

        hahaha! But does it mean dehydrating is better than roasting? Second if we see overall – is dehydrated nuts better option than eating soaked almonds?

        • amie-sue says:

          Dehydrated RAW nuts and seeds are better than roasted ones… more of the nutrients and living enzymes are available to us with this method. Is dehydrated nuts better than soaked… probably close to the same other than soaked nuts can spoil quicker and they don’t have the same flavor/texture as dehydrated ones. It will depend on what application you are using them in. I will use wet soaked nuts in many recipes but they usually get dehydrated in the end products. Or they get blended in the spread- like recipes. I hope that helps, blessings, amie sue

  15. Elaine says:

    Do you get your almonds bulk and from where? I get them at Costco but they are too expensive to regularly make almond milk out of them.

  16. Bob says:

    Hi there. Thanks for all your info! Very informative. If I want to make almond butter with roasted almonds would it be beneficial to activate the raw almonds first and then roast them? If so for how long and is it okay to skip the dehydrating part if you’re popping them in the oven to roast? Many thanks, Bob

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Bob,

      I sure would, especially if you starting out with raw almonds. To me it’s always better to err on the side of caution. :) Enjoy. amie sue :)

  17. Donna says:

    New to raw, soaked, dehydrated almonds. Have gone through that process one time. Made almond butter in my Blendtec. Umm good. But thinking the heat caused by the blending process killed off the good guys. Just found your site——-thank you. How do I find more about you? Do you post regular reports via subscriber list? Don’t want to lose contact. Many thanks, GramD

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Donna,

      Welcome to my site. I hope you are enjoying it! Just by going to my site Nouveauraw.com… the front landing page will tell you about me and my site. You can either sign up to be a monthly or yearly member or you can just sign up for the newsletters which shows you what recipes, etc. I am releasing at the time.

      I hope this helps, blessings! amie sue

  18. Hi Amie, I have been activating nuts for the last 10 yrs. Health issues have complicated my family differed dietry needs. I stopped making my own activated nut meal due to being on the AIP diet and am wondering if you know if using a shortcut of activating pre blanched almonds would still be effective?
    Cheers, Rosalyn

    • amie-sue says:

      Good day Rosalyn, The blanched almonds won’t have the same nutrient content due to them being cooked (boiled). I am sorry that you have to be on the aIP diet. Bob was on that for 6 months a while back. I wish you the best and pray for a total healing! blessings, amie sue

  19. Pam says:

    Good morning Amie-Sue. I came across your website after searching for “what if your almonds aren’t “crispy” after dehydrating?”

    I recently did my first “dehydrating” of raw almonds and walnuts – in the same batch divided evenly between four trays. I set it for 115 degrees and timed them for 14 hours. After the 14 hours I taste-tested an almond and it was still “soft”. So, I left them to dry for another three hours (I kind of forgot about them – LOL). I didn’t test them after that because I thought I may have dried them too long. However, after letting them cool and putting them in a mason jar in the fridge, I still come back to “soft” almonds after a few weeks. Now I’m afraid to eat them for fear they’re going to mold? Can you help? Note: I did cut a few of them open this morning and looked for the “dark center” you mentioned in another post and they were fine. Just a even-colored almond center.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good day, Pam,

      Sorry for the delay in responding. I have been dealing with a family crisis.

      Let’s see if I can help you. Almonds are the only nut that I find inconsistencies with when drying. Walnuts dry much quicker and I never have issues with them. I have noticed that different types of almonds can give different results on how crispy they get. I have dried some almonds for as long as 24 hours.

      The dry times that I share in my posts are “suggested times” because there are always so many variables that can affect how long things need to dry. Ambient temperature, the amount of nuts (or whatever you are drying at one time), if they are spread out in a single layer or are the trays crowded, the type of dehydrator (some work more efficiently than others), the humidity level in the home, etc. So always keep that in mind when reading anyone’s recipe or suggestions.

      I am not sure the level of softness that you are indicating here. The main things are that they are dry, which it sounds like based on the fact that they are white all the way through when you cut them in half. Storing them in the fridge or freezer will help as well. My guess is that they are fine but I can’t guarantee anything from the distance between us. As long as you don’t see, smell, or taste mold… I would say they are fine. You will have to be the judge of that.

      One thing I would suggest is to try different types of raw almonds. There are Spanish almonds that come from abroad, ones from California (typically not truly raw due to the law). NOt only will you detect a difference in flavor but also how they behave when dried. It’s a fun experiment. I hope this helps., blessings, amie sue

  20. Haley Holden says:

    Hello! So glad I found your site!!! Two questions –

    1) how do I know if my whole almonds are bad?

    2) I bought slivered almonds… what can I do with them since I’m assuming they have not been soaked?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Haley,

      So happy to have you with us. Let’s see if I can help you with your questions.

      Q. – how do I know if my whole almonds are bad?
      A. – Nuts and seeds are prone to going rancid due to their naturally high content of oil. If you purchase nuts from bulk bins, ask the associate if you
      can taste test them. If the store doesn’t sell them quickly enough or rotate their stock, they can be rancid or stale. When you bring nuts and
      seeds home, I always recommend putting them in the fridge or freezer to extend their shelf-life. So, how does one know if they have gone bad? Taste
      and smell… that is going to be your line of defense. Rancid nuts take on a fishy-smell. When you go to taste them, they should be firm and crispy
      when you bite down on them, not soft. If they are bad, you will know it.

      Q. – I bought slivered almonds… what can I do with them since I’m assuming they have not been soaked?
      A. – Silvered almonds are typically blanched, therefore they are not raw anymore. That may not be an issue for you. You can use them in any way that you
      would use whole almonds. You can still soak them to soften them for particular recipes if you want.

      I hope I answered your questions. Let me know if you need further clarification. amie sue

  21. Pam says:

    Thanks so much for still finding time to help answer my post despite the family crisis you’ve been dealing with. I hope life is calmer now. ❤️ I will continue to work on different almond-drying methods using the suggestions you’ve provided. My next batch of almonds are from Italy (organic and raw) and are actually a little larger, but thinner. I’m anxious to see how these turn out. ☺️ Thanks again. Blessings, Pam

    • amie-sue says:

      It’s all good Pam. I working back into a rhythm of life. :) As with any ingredient, quality matters. Before my journey into healthy eating, an almond was an almond, but nowadays I can detect such a difference in the texture and flavor based on where they are grown. Some almonds are so aromatic and have that “almond” taste, whereas others don’t. I am excited to see how your batch from Italy turns out. Please keep me posted. :)

  22. elai96 says:

    Great article. Thanks for sharing! We plan to cook caramelized or sweetened almonds. The 1st batch we did, the almonds were not soaked and they turned out fine and yummy. Now having learned that soaked almonds are healthier, we tried to soak it overnight. But a bit confused how to dry them up and make them crunchy. We only have a microwave at home.

    A) How long do we dry 4 cups of soaked almonds in a microwave oven?

    B) Should we dehydrate the soaked almonds still even if we’re going to cook it in sugar and water afterwards anyway?

    Appreciate the quick response. Again, thank you and more power!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good day Elai,

      Thanks for reaching out. Let’s jump into your questions…

      First off, I can’t comment on how long to microwave the almonds because I have never done that. I only dry my almonds in the dehydrator. You mentioned that you are going to cook them in sugar and water. My guess is that is done in a pot on the stovetop and that you would drain any excess liquid or maybe it all evaporates or clings to the almonds. If this is the case, I would soak the almonds for the reasons listed above, cook them with your sugar water, drain any excess liquid off (if any), and then dehydrate them in the dehydrator. I recommend doing a small batch to start off with to see how the process works for your recipe/technique.

      I hope this helps, blessings, amie sue

  23. Andrea O'Donnell says:

    I soaked my almonds for 12 hours and the rinsed and put them in my brand new nesco dehydrator.. I cooked it at 105 for 28 hours and it still isn’t crispy!! Any ideas what I did wrong?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Andrea,

      It’s hard to know for sure, other than… keep drying them until they are done. The best way to test them is to remove one every now and then, let it cool, then cut it in half, it should be a cream color all the way through. If it isn’t done drying the center of the almond tends to be a shade darker.

      As far as to why it’s taking so long to dry can depend on several things;

      1. The machine itself. Not all dehydrators are equal in their timing and performance. I swear by Excalibur machines. They are worth every penny.
      2. It can also depend on if the almonds are spread out in a single layer, if not, that will delay the time.
      3. Is your house really humid? That can play into it as well.
      4. You are also drying them on the low end of the temperature range, which will increase the dry time. I dry mine, starting at 145 degrees (F) for 1
      hour, then reduce it to 115 degrees.
      5. The age of the almonds might be a factor. Old nuts are chewier and can yield a slightly different texture.

      Why I start dehydrating at 145 degrees – https://nouveauraw.com/reference-library/dehydrator-basics/dehydrating-at-145-degrees-explained/
      Dehydrators and what I recommend (and why) – https://nouveauraw.com/reference-library/dehydrator-basics/dehydrators-why-and-what-i-recommend/

      I hope some of this helps. blessings, amie sue

  24. Andrea O'Donnell says:

    Thank you!!! Your response was INCREDIBLY helpful! I will re-try by increasing the temperature (our home is also incredibly humid right now in summer). I will also look into the other dehydrators.

  25. Linda Carey says:

    I only want to prepare/soak raw almonds in small batches to use for snacking every 7-10 days. Do I need to dry/dehydrate before eating or can be eaten as a snack with a sprinkling of cinnamon?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Linda,

      Great question. You don’t have to dehydrate them in order to consume the almonds… as long as you like the taste and texture of them just being soaked. Many people are put off by that. Personally, I wouldn’t soak them any longer than 7 days and make sure to refresh the soaking water every day if not 2x a day. Keep them in the fridge too so they don’t spoil. If a hazy film forms, toss them. I hope this helps. blessings, amie sue

  26. harry aden says:


    how many grams is 4 cups almonds?


    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Harry,

      I measured it out this morning but keep in mind that my almonds have already been soaked and dehydrated which might affect the weight. I came up with 560 grams. amie sue

  27. harry aden says:

    hi again

    1 tbs unrefined salt or refined?

    i use celtic sea salt but i have coarse and refined?


  28. harry aden says:

    thanks for your quick response

    sorry i meant i have coarse and fine – i dont use refined.
    a tbs of refined wont be the same as a tbs of coarse – but i guess for soaking its not much of a diff.

    thanks again

  29. Suzie says:

    I’m on a low sodium diet. How will salt in soaking to make almond milk affect that. I would rinse after soaking. I also use half a cinnamon stick in soaking liquid.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Suzie,

      Great question. The salt won’t affect your low sodium diet. It doesn’t penetrate into the almond and you also will be rinsing off all the soaking water. May I ask why you add a cinnamon stick? blessings, amie sue

  30. Xenia says:

    I’ve been soaking and drying almost all of my nuts and seeds for about 10-15 years now. I do pecans, walnuts, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. They all come out great, no problems. However, I have never been able to get almonds to work well. Every few years I try again, but no luck. I soak them about 7-8 hours, and then dry the same way I dry all my other nuts and seeds, which usually take about 12 hours. The almonds, however, are still not dry and crunchy after 48 hours, which is usually the point at which I give up on them. Have you ever heard of anyone else having this problem? Any ideas why I can’t get the almonds to work, or what I might do differently?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good day Xenia,

      I have been soaking nuts, seeds, and grains for the same amount of time. I find that almonds take longer to dehydrate than any other nut. Occasionally I have had a batch that seemed to stay a bit softer but it was usually due to the brand or where ever it came from. But, typically I don’t run into that issue. Do you get this result from different brands? I wish I knew a scientific answer for you. blessings, amie sue

      • Xenia says:

        I’ve had this result with different brands, not just one. But maybe I will experiment with some other brands to see if I can find one that I can get to work better. Thanks for replying, and Happy New Year!

  31. Paula says:

    Hi Amy – what’s your take on store-bought blanched almonds? Do they need to be soaked?

  32. DeAnna says:

    Hi! I just found this article and am wondering if I can blanche them before sprouting and dehydrating? Will the heat kill the ability to begin germination?
    I’m new to the world of soaking & sprouting (better late than never!) and there’s much more to learn than I realized :)

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning DeAnna,

      You are correct; blanching them would kill the ability for them to germinate. Life is full of knowledge; there is so much to learn for sure! :) Have a wonderful weekend, amie sue

  33. Bridget says:


    I just soaked a small batch of almonds in warm water and it looks like they have tiny white dots on the tips within 12 hours! Is it possible they can sprout so fast? They are unpasteurized spanish almonds.

    Also – Can I blend them up to make almond butter without dehydrating them? I don’t have a dehydrator and my oven temp. only goes down to a low of 170F.

    Thank you!

  34. norm says:

    It is my understanding that all california almonds have been lightly pasteurized regardless if called raw. So my question is can they be soaked even though not raw technically? Also what kind of almonds do you usually use, thanks.

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