I am often asked about ways to save time in the kitchen. Organizing your pantry is just one way to reduce the amount of time spent finding ingredients and using glass containers that either stack or line up on the shelves will speed things up as well. It allows your eyes to glance at everything, taking inventory of what you have on hand. Below, I will be sharing what containers I use to store foods in my fridge, freezer, and pantry.
Use clear, food-safe containers to streamline the inside of your cabinets. Group together things like sweeteners, flours, dried fruits, etc., then put them into the appropriately-sized containers to avoid them being scattered all over the cabinet.
I typically use glass jars for all my food storage. They can be as simple as mason jars, or you can get creative and select jars that aesthetically compliment your decor. There is something calming about opening the pantry door and being able to quickly identify what you have on hand within minutes, if not seconds.
When storing leftovers in the fridge, try to replace all plastic containers with glass containers. Here’s an interesting self-discovery. Once upon a time, I used plastic food storage containers, and I would stock up when they went on sale. I had a special drawer in the kitchen that held all of these. Soon I had about thirty of these things. I was forever re-organizing this drawer trying to match lids with containers. Then one day, I decided it was time to switch to glass containers. I removed all plastic containers from the house and replaced them with about ten perfectly-sized glass ones. And that’s all that I need. Now I have extra space, and I can quickly match lids to their bases, keeping everything tidy.
Cambros (lids are sold separately)
Lids for Cambros
For Leftovers
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