The Ultimate Raw Plant-Based Shopping List (+PDF)

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This list is the ultimate (or pretty darn near) raw, vegan, healthy grocery list. It is your treasure map, guiding you to all the good stuff so that you fill your cart with the building blocks for endless healthy meals. I suggest printing this list and hanging it on your fridge and as you run out of certain ingredients, check them off. Or before heading out to the store, print the grocery list and go through your pantry, fridge, and freezer, marking everything you need.
Why I Recommend Shopping with a List
Saves Money
- When you make a list before going to the grocery store, you’ll likely spend less on impulse purchases and stick to the sections of the store that have the foods you are needing.
Saves Time
- A list prepares you for navigating the aisles and helps to limit the mindless wandering or “what should I buy for dinner tonight?” moments.
Reduces Stress
- There is no reason to be stressed figuring out what you may or may not have in ample supply at home. Follow the list and relax, knowing your approach is organized and on the mark.
Help Prevent Food Waste
- Ever hear that your eyes are usually bigger than your stomach? Well, your grocery cart can also be bigger than your stomach. Buying more than what you and your family needs may lead to food spoiling—especially if you don’t eat it in time!
Meal Planning Tool
- Take some time to reflect on what you need versus what you want, research some new recipes, and think of the staples that you eat daily and what you need for recipe creations.
- This step alone will aid in the prevention of food waste, reduce stress, and save you time and money.
Tags: Ingredient Shopping Basics