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Daterade Chia Energy Sports Drink

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large mug of energizing chia seed drink that is ready to go

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~

This drink is for all you, Chia-Athletics! The Aztecs and Mayans are known to have consumed chia seeds regularly, grinding them into flour, pressing them for oil, and drinking them straight with water.

The Aztec warriors used chia seeds as a source of fuel before going into battle to boost endurance and stamina. Back then, chia seeds were considered to be almost magical because of their ability to increase stamina and sustain energy over long periods of time.

They help prevent dehydration, they are alkalizing to the body, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and provide a healthy dose of dietary fiber.  Chia seeds are also chucked full of anti-oxidants, contains a high-quality complete protein, are low-glycemic, and will also provide you with antioxidants, calcium, omega-6 oil, phosphorous, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Impressive huh?

Chia Seed and Date Powerhouse

But chia seeds are not the only natural energizing, amazing ingredient used in this sports drink… dates!  Medjool dates are high in potassium to help balance your sodium levels and release energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

They also contain copper, magnesium, and manganese. They provide “good carbs,” rating low to low/medium on the Glycemic Index (GI).  A diet rich in low-GI carbs keeps your blood sugar stable, helping maintain a healthy weight and ensuring that you enjoy sustained energy without the crash you can get from snack bars and processed foods.

I had to sit back and marvel my mug of Daterade… there is more than what meets the eye going on in that glass.  So the bottom line is that it will keep you full feeling, give you sustainable energy, and provide tons of nutrients to all the cells in your body.  This recipe makes a large volume. I did this on purpose because I like to make it up ahead of time, pour it into pint-sized jars, and store in the fridge.  That way, they are prepared for my grab-and-go travels. I hope you enjoy this recipe. Blessings, amie sue

pouring this energizing chia seed drink into a mason jar mugIngredients:

Yields 6 cups


  1. In the blender, combine the water, dates, and chia seeds.  Blend until the dates are liquefied.
  2. Pour into a large jar and place the lid on tightly. Shake vigorously.
  3. Place in the fridge to thick for 30+ minutes.  The longer it sits, the more suspended the chia seeds get after shaking.







large mug of energizing chia seed drink in a mason jar mug with cinnamon on top

23 thoughts on “Daterade Chia Energy Sports Drink

  1. Jacob Carstens says:

    Dear Amie Sue, in the receipe you write 1/4 chia seeds – im curious, is that 1/4 cup or ??
    Regards Jacob

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Jacob… 1/4 cup. Thank you for finding that mistake. I added “cup”. Have a great week! amie sue

  2. Ayoka says:

    First of all: Thank you for your lovely yummy posts! Love your pictures!! :-)
    As for dates: I always thought dates were quite high in GI – even higher than honey. Do you have any more information about the GI of alternative sweeteners? Would love to have some sort of list… :-)
    Greetings from Germany!

  3. Lesley says:

    Hi Amie-Sue. I love your recipes. I saw your comment on my e-mail about opening a store in AZ. That’s where I live and was wondering where in AZ.is your store?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Lesley…

      My husband and I own a chain of used (little new) book stores, which also sells electronics, musical instruments, etc. We have 1 in Flagstaff, 1 in Mesa, 1 in Phoenix and 3 in Tucson. Now we added a new store again in Tucson but this time it is a new format.. same concept as the book stores except this new store sells new and used sporting and outdoor equipment. Here is a link to the bookstore http://bookmans.com/. There is a link to see pictures of the sporting store on the right side. Anyway, you can read about our company there. Where do you live in AZ? Have a blessed and wonderful day, amie sue

      • Lesley says:

        I live in Tempe, which is close to Mesa. I will check out your link for Bookman’s and get the address. I do remember seeing a Bookman’s store in Phoenix when I lived over there. I will take a ride over and check out your store.

  4. Ayoka says:

    Hi Amie-Sue!
    Thank you very much for the links – I’ll check them out as soon as I find the time :-)
    I love coconut sugar (not raw but delicious!) and use it in my raw chocolate delicacies. So good! :-)
    Have a great day!

  5. Brittany says:

    Wow! I can’t believe you guys own Bookmans! I just moved from Scottsdale, AZ to Miami, AZ, and my husband and I often frequent Bookmans. I’m really hoping to start a raw food diet and get healthy!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Brittany,

      I hope that your move went smooth. :) We just opened a new store in Tucson that is the same concept as Bookmans but with sporting and outdoor equipment. It is a gorgeous store and we hope the community embraces it as much as the book stores. Good luck on your healthy eating journey! I am here to help if you have questions. I may not always know the answers but I will do my best to support and help you. Have a blessed evening, amie sue

  6. Diana says:

    Yummy stuff and so refreshing. This is a great replacement for any sports drink. We drink it while out golfing at 100+ degrees. Thanks!

  7. Stephanie says:

    Hi Amie-Sue, I am helping a friend of mine in Alberta, Canada who is introducing a 14 day detox for people wanting to restart and give their bodies a fresh start from whatever ails them and helps their body get rid of toxins it may be harbouring. I have come across your website and love many of the recipes you provide. I was wondering if I could use some of your recipes as a compilation of recipes I have been using already to help these people come out of detox and for those wanting to continue raw, or at least have a way to incorporate a cleaner, healthier way of eating into their new lifestyle.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Stephanie,

      Thank you for asking. The answer is yes. I just ask that you link the recipes to Nouveauraw.com, placing credit where it is due. Are you creating a book? I would love to see your completed project. Great job on helping others and many blessings! amie sue

      • Stephanie says:

        Yes, I am creating a book as it will give people something in their hands to bring with them wherever they are. Like a nutrition and wellness bible.

  8. Jacinte says:

    Another one of your recipes that we adopted. Would you have any suggestions to make this daterade a little bit tastier I don`t mind it but my husband thinks it`s not tasty anough ??? Thanks a million, have a grrrreat day.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Jacinte,

      I need a bit more help here… it’s not tasty enough? Is it texture, not sweet enough, doesn’t care for the date flavor? A person could blend a ripe banana in it. Let me know. Blessings, amie sue :)

      • Jacinte says:

        We adopted your daterade we drink it everytime we go cycling wich is 2 to 3 times a week. Since we drink your Daterade we hardly need to eat a bar for more energy, it`s way better than anything energy wise. Thanks a million

  9. Jacinte says:

    First your so sweet to answer our questions, we are use to the commercial gaterade and my husband fears that the daterade when it will be hot during the summer won’t be as thirst quenching as the commercial product for right now he feels it’s OK because it taste a bit like oatmeal. Does it help?

    • amie-sue says:

      That’s why I am here Jacinte… to inspire, encourage, support, share, and answer questions. :)

      So, the daterade tastes like oatmeal to him? Interesting. :) I guess I am still not sure how I can help. He is fearing something that might happen in the future. “my husband fears that the daterade when it will be hot during the summer won’t be as thirst quenching as the commercial product” My suggestion is to wait and see how he feels about when he experiences those moments. From what I remember (only drank the stuff once or twice) is that Gaterade is really sweet (kool-aide comes to mine). If this drink isn’t sweet enough or he wants a different flavor, you can add liquid NuNaturals stevia to bump the sweetness, add lemon, perhaps other fruits…

      Chia seeds are very hydrating so he may experience that great benefit when drinking it.Did this help? :)

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