Spicy Celeriac Noodle Soup

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~
The first thing I think when I see a celeriac root is… only the love of mother could find beauty such a thing. It is truly the beauty of the beast. Celeriac or root celery is a closely related variety to the common leaf celery, grown for its knobby underground root. Root celery is a popular winter-season root vegetable. It has a coarse, knobby, outer surface with small rootlets. While inside, smooth white flesh with a celery-like flavor.
Today, I decided to use celeriac root as my noodle in this soup recipe. There are many wonderful reasons why… It is very low in calories, 100 g of root contains just 42 calories! For this reason, alone, it can lure a person to try this veggie out. But its smooth flesh also has some health benefiting plant-nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber. As in carrots and other members of Apiaceae family, celeriac too contains many poly-acetylene anti-oxidants such as falcarinol, falcarindiol, panaxydiol, and methyl-falcarindiol.
Several research studies from scientists at the University of Newcastle at Tyne found that these compounds have an anti-cancer function and offer protection from colon cancer and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Celeriac is very a good source of vitamin K which can help increase bone mass by promoting osteotropic activity in the bones. Research studies suggest that it also has established a role in Alzheimer’s disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.
Feeling a little puffy around the edges? Celeriac is a very effective diuretic. The sodium content in celeriac helps in eliminating the excess acids and water from the body. Therefore, it reduces stiffness and loosens the musculoskeletal system.
Ok, so by now, you may be ready to hit the ground running to your nearest grocer to pick one of these gems up! They are common in most stores, so I don’t think you will have any issues finding one. But once you find them, how to select the right one? Buy medium-size tubers measuring about 3-4 inches in diameter. Look for smooth, even surface at roots, indicating that they are easy to peel and have a subtle flavor. Avoid large, over-matured roots and roots with surface cracks. Once at home, store celeriac as you would turnips and carrots. It has very a good shelf life quality and keeps well for 3-4 months if stored between 0°C and 5°C and not allowed to dry out. So keep it in a plastic bag inside the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Do not keep in the deep freezer.
I know many of my readers are not 100% raw. This soup can be eaten raw or slightly cooked. Both my husband and I enjoyed it raw. I had a friend taste test it, and he liked it raw too. I left the pot in the dehydrator overnight set at 95 degrees. It was nice and warm, but the noodles were still crunchy. You can also heat this on the stove to help soften the noodles but keep in mind that it won’t be raw. It’s all up to you.
yields 12 cups
Combine in blender:
- 2 cups water
- 1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes soaked in 1 cup water
- 4 large ripe tomatoes
- 2 large carrots, rough chopped ( 1 1/2 cups)
- 2 Tbsp raw apple cider vinegar
- 1 Tbsp chili powder
- 1 Tbsp lemon juice
- 2 Tbsp Braggs Aminos
- 2 Tbsp olive oil
- 4 Medjool dates, pitted
- 1/2 tsp fresh ground black pepper
- 1/4 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- 20 drops liquid stevia
Hand mix in:
- 1 tomato, diced, deseeded (1/2 cup)
- 1 medium sweet onion, diced
- 2 cups mushrooms, diced
- 1 cup peas
- 1 cup corn
- celeriac noodles (2 cups packed)
- Soak the sun-dried tomatoes in 1 cup of hot water to rehydrate them for 10+ minutes. Don’t drain and discard the soak water; we will add this to the soup for the flavor.
- Peel the outer layer of skin off of the celeriac root. Place it on the spiralizer and make noodles. If you don’t have a spiralizer, you can use your potato peeler and just peel away, making thin noodles. Set aside.
- Before placing them in the soup pot, I gave them a rough chop. I did this only because those noodles can be VERY long and hard to eat, but then that can add a lot of extra fun to the whole experience as well.
- In the blender combine; the sun-dried tomatoes, soak water, tomatoes, carrots, apple cider vinegar, chili powder, Braggs, olive oil, dates, and salt. Blend until creamy.
- Pour into a glass bowl and add the; diced tomato, onion, mushroom, peas, noodles, and corn. Stir together.
- Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place it in the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour then reduce to 115 degrees (F) and continue to warm until the veggies are soft. Serve right away.
- Store leftovers in the fridge.
Sous Chef Substitutes:
- Mushrooms ~ If you don’t have fresh mushrooms you can use dehydrated mushrooms. For 2 cups of fresh, you will need 3 oz (90 g) of dried. Rehydrate in 1 1/2 cup of hot water to soften.
- Braggs Aminos ~ with the same measurement amount you can use Coconut Aminos, gluten-free Tamari, soy sauce, or Nama Shoyu.
- Raw apple cider vinegar ~ you can use 2 Tbsp lemon or lime juice or 1 1/2-2 tsp tamarind concentrate or paste (souring agent).
- Spiralizer ~ see this link for noodles ideas.
Warming Suggestions:
- Allow the soup to warm to room temperature and enjoy.
- Place the serving bowl in hot water, allowing it to heat up before adding the soup. This will help take a little extra chill off of the soup and make it cozy warm to hold in your hands.
- Pour a serving size of soup in a mason jar, place lid on top and tighten… immerse the jar in hot water till it warms the soup to your liking.
- Pour into a small saucepan and heat on the stove.
- Use your fingertip as the temperature gauge; it shouldn’t get too hot for your finger.
- You can also use a thermometer gauge if this concerns you.
- Dehydrator – if you have a “box” shaped dehydrator such as the Excalibur, pour the soup into a wide mouth baking dish and turn the heat to 145 (F) degrees. Warm for 30-60 minutes.
- You can also place the temperature at 115 degrees and heat for 3-4 hours. You will need to gauge this. The more soup that exposed to the air, the quicker it will warm.
Don’t be afraid! It won’t bite. :) I promise. I think that this would be
a fun veggie to introduce to your kids. They often find gnarly looking things such as
this to be cool. Not to mention the whole noodle making thing is fun for them too.
Photo Above ~ Peel the root with a knife and/or potato peeler. I used both.
Ok, so I have a twisted sense of humor… lol I just couldn’t resist. I mean really, would
you reach for this can of soup off of the grocery shelf with a picture like that on the can?!
It looks like some kind of ration up out of a bomb shelter.

© AmieSue.com
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Nut Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, sugar free, Vegan
You are just SO clever! I will be voting for you in the “Best of Raw”!!!
Thank you Christine! I appreciate that. Have a wonderful day, amie sue
What a great post! I love celery root for soup! Fabulous! Definitely LOVE your can! lol
lol Thank you Barbara… Have a blessed week! amie sue
This looks yummy!!! How much does it make?
Hi Chris, the recipes states 12 cups. :)
You are Absolutely Wonderful! I so very much enjoy your recipes & how you present them. The pictures are done so tastefully & with such Excellence. You are a true gem! I have been going raw for about 4 months, (though not completely there yet), due to some Thyroid issues. I have been blessed with a Wonderful life as a wife of 25 years & mother of 5 beautiful children. So the transition to raw has its challenges. You inspire me to press on with such a wide variety of recipes that I never knew existed. Many heart felt Thank’s! P.S. can you please advise me as to what kind of dehydrator you use and where you purchased it from. Also, that wonderful noodle machine, Thank you!
May The Lord continue to inspire you, may He continue to cause your hands to prosper in every thing you put your hands to. You are a Blessing. :) Love In Him, Darlene
Thank you Darlene… you are so sweet. :) don’t struggle to reach 100% raw, just keep in tune with your body and feed it what it needs. I have thyroid issues too so I have to eat some steamed and cooked foods. I had to surrender to my body. Even if you eat cooked foods, just make sure they are of the best quality and enjoy whatever it is.
As far as dehydrators goes… I am a true lover of the Excalibur! I own 2 of the 9 trays and have bought many others for loved ones. I have tested many other ones but always go back to the Excalibur. http://astore.amazon.com/nouraw-20/detail/B004Z915M4
The spiralizer is another staple in my pantry! I never knew noodles could make me smile so much. hehe Here is a post that I did on the techniques that I use and each one has a link to where you can order one. https://nouveauraw.com/raw-recipies/main-dishes/zucchini-pasta-noodles-2/
I hope this helps… Have a blessed day! amie sue
Hallo Amie Sue.
Bow wie gerne würde ich jetzt gleich einen großen Teller Suppe von ihnen essen. Ich habe fast alle Zutaten zu Hause, nur Erbsen und Mais fehlen. Ich werde sie gleich heute Abend für mich zubereiten natürlich in roh.
Für die Einlage werde ich anstelle Mais und Erben, weil ich sie nicht da habe, heute Brokkoli und Blumenkohl verwenden.
Ich werde sie dann aber auch noch mal im Original nachmache weil ich Mais und Erbsen sehr mag.
Das erinnert mich an meiner Kindheit, da habe ich mir immer frisch Baby Mais vom Feld geholt und Erbsen aus dem Garten und so viel davon roh gegessen, bis mir immer schlecht war weil ich nicht aufhören könnte zu essen.
Sorry für die Geschichte.
Viele Grüße,
Google translate… “Hi Amie Sue.
Bow I would love to eat a big bowl of soup right now from them. I’m missing almost all the ingredients at home, only peas and corn. I will prepare myself for the same tonight naturally in raw.
For the mix, I will instead maize and heir, because I do not have because, today use broccoli and cauliflower.
I will but then again the original nachmache because I like corn and peas very.
This reminds me of my childhood, I’ve always got fresh baby corn from the field and peas from the garden, and so much of it eaten raw, until I was always bad because I could not stop eating.
Sorry for the story.
Best regards,
Hi Jesse… I love the story! Thank you for sharing. I love fresh corn and peas. So fresh and crisp! I love that you create dishes with ingredients that is available to you. Great job. :) Blessings, amie sue
Ups, das habe ich noch vergessen. Die Bilder sehen wieder sooo toll aus, mit so viel Liebe und Kreativität, zum da niederknien. Alle Daumen hoch!!!
Viele Grüße,
Google translate…. “Oops, I forgot. The pictures look again sooo great, with so much love and creativity, to kneel there. All thumbs up!
Best regards,
Thank you Jesse! I appreciate your kind words. Have a wonderful weekend. amie sue
Your presentations are so creative, as are your recipes. I can’t wait to try your Celeriac Soup. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Marlys. :) I enjoy being in the kitchen and I have way to much fun for my own good. haha I hope you try it and if you do, please keep me posted. I love to hear how comes out for you. Have a blessed day, amie sue
You convinced me! I want to try this but will have to wait awhile, on the Master Cleanse, right now ten more days to go for a total of 21 day fast and feeling great and energetic.
Wonderful Linda! Great job on your fast so far! Keep me posted. Have a blessed weekend! amie sue
Hallo Amie Sue.
Oh ich habe mich schon gewundert wo meine Nachricht geblieben ist, haha, jetzt ist sie ja da, auch wenn Google nicht so gut überätzt hat.
Ich habe gestern noch mal diese Suppe gemacht, ohne etwas zu verändern, sie ist einfach zu gut! Ich liebe sie, es passt einfach alles zusamen.
Ganz viele Grüße,
Google translate…
“Hi Amie Sue.
Oh I’ve been wondering where my message is still there, haha, now it is there, even if Google does not have that over-etched well.
Yesterday I made this soup again, without changing anything, it’s just too good! I love it, it fits acapulco everything.
Very best regards,
Good evening Jesse… ooh I am so glad that you like the soup!! That made me smile! Thank you for letting me know. :) Have a great evening, amie sue
I am making this soup tomorrow. I don’t have stevia so, how much agave should I use as a substitute?
I am very anxious to taste the noodles made from the root beast!
Hello Christi,
My fingers are crossed that you find a new veggie that you can enjoy. :) x <----- fingers crossed? hehe As far as replacing the stevia. That will be individual. I would start with 1 Tbsp and see how it tastes to you. That is the beauty of these recipes, you can fit them to please your taste buds. Please let me know what you think after you make it. Have a wonderful day, amie sue
Wow! This soup is delicious Amie Sue! I finally got around to making it and I’m so glad I did. It DID remind me a lot of the childhood comfort food Campbell’s vegetable soup. Only it was even better with a much richer broth. This is the kind of recipe that will help me eat more raw.
I added about 4 tablespoons of agave syrup since I’m a sweetaholic. I think the sweet ess makes it better.
The combination of ingredients is wonderful . I will definetly make this again.
Thanks for sharing your talents.
Your faithful groupie,
OH that is just wonderful Christi!! I am thrilled that you like the soup and that it gives you warm memories as well. I am glad that you added the sweetness to match your taste buds. :) Thank you so much for sharing with me, I shall fall asleep with a smile on my face. night! amie sue
We are a group of volunteers and opening a new scheme in our community. Your website offered us with helpful info to work on. You’ve done a formidable activity and our entire group can be thankful to you.
Could you use zucchini noodles instead?
Absolutely Rhonda. Those would taste good too. :)