Cultured Almond Cheese with Rind

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There are abundant nutritional therapies that can help you get to new levels of health. Culturing (fermenting) foods is just one of the many ways that I’ve found to have phenomenal benefits within my own journey.
When culturing foods, a symbiotic relationship between bacteria and yeasts is established. But I personally believe that the symbiotic relationship can go one step further, and that is one created between you and the food.
You can develop a culture that is truly unique to you, your environment, and even your personality. How do I achieve this? I sing to it… I talk to it… I pray over it… I share my health needs with it. That may sound really silly, but is it?
The transformative ingredient used to create this beautiful symbiotic relationship that I am referring to is the use of probiotics. We tend to think of bacteria as something creepy that causes diseases. But did you know that your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad? Probiotics bring in the “good” and “helpful” bacteria, as they work to keep your gut healthy. And I am all about the gut!
Most cheese recipes that use probiotics require anywhere from 1/4 to 1 teaspoon. Just open the capsules and tap the powder out into a measuring spoon.
Please click on the link in the ingredient list to see the one I used. If you don’t have any probiotics, you can substitute 1 Tbsp of lemon juice. You won’t get the same health benefits, but the acidity will create a semi-cheese-like-zing. This particular recipe serves as a wonderful cheese base. You can enjoy it as-is, or you can add your favorite flavors, such as herbs and spices. You can also forgo the rind process and enjoy this cheese with a softer texture.
You might be wondering how I achieved a white-colored cheese when almonds are the foundation of the recipe. The trick is to remove the skins of the almonds after they have been soaked. Not only will this create a white base to the cheese, it will reduce the bitterness which is often detected in the skins, and it also makes it easier to digest them. As a fun taste test, put a few almonds to the side that still have their skins on. After removing the skins from the rest of the almonds, taste one with and one without the skin.
I hope you enjoy this recipe. blessings, amie sue
Yields: 2 cups (6-8 servings)
- First and foremost, make sure all the utensils and pieces of equipment you use for culturing are sterilized, to avoid growing bad bacteria.
- If you see any mold–fuzzy, black, or pink–it will need to be tossed.
- After soaking the almonds, drain, rinse, and remove the skins from the almonds.
- Blend the almonds, water, and probiotic powder in a high- powdered blender, until the almonds become as smooth as possible.
- Depending on your blender, this may take 1-4 minutes.
- If you own a Vitamix blender and it came with a tamper, use it. Otherwise, pause and scrape down the sides of the blender occasionally.
- If it is too thick and is not blending, add 1 tablespoon of water at a time until the mixture blends properly. Use the least amount of water possible.
- Don’t let the cheese mix get too hot during the blending process; this can kill the probiotics.
- Place a strainer inside of a bowl so that it can catch the “whey” that releases during the fermentation process.
- Line the inside of a strainer with cheesecloth (use two layers if the cheesecloth has a large weave), allowing several inches of the cloth to drape down around the sides of the bowl.
- Place the cheese mixture in the center of the cloth.
- Wrap up the sides of the cloth to cover the cheese and place a weight on top just heavy enough to slowly and gently push out the extra liquid.
- Place the cheese in a warm location to ferment for 8-72 hours. If the temperature is too cold, it inhibits incubation.
- Keep in mind there is no hard and fast rule about how long the cheese needs to culture. Your taste buds will have to guide you in determining the right length of time.
- The warmer the house, the faster it will ferment.
- Start taste testing around the 6-hour mark. I did mine for 24 hours with a house temp of 70 degrees.
- Keep in mind that the cheese will continue to ferment once placed in the fridge, but it slows to a crawl.
- Remove the cheese from the cheesecloth and place in a covered container and store in the refrigerator. Or place in a small mold (such as a Springform pan) and place in the fridge to chill and set up.
- If you wish to flavor the cheese with spices or herbs, do this after it has fermented and before placing it in the fridge.
Create a rind (optional):
- To create a rind on the outer surface of the cheese, shape the cheese with a ring mold and dehydrate for 10-24 hours at 115 degrees (F). If you don’t have a ring, you can line a bowl with plastic wrap, pack the cheese in, let it chill to firm up, then pop it out and move on to dehydrating it.
- The dry time will vary depending on how much moisture is left in the fermented cheese.
- Partway through the dry time, once it is holding its shape, remove the ring and continue to dry. This allows more of the surface to be exposed to the air.
- Store the cheese in the fridge for 1-2 weeks.

Tags: Cultured, Dehydrated, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Vegan
Just a quick question. Will any nut (cashew) work? This looks and sounds wonderful, and I just purchased a New Chapter probiotic (love New Chapter!!!) I really want to try this!!!
Hi Connie,
Cashews and macadamia nuts would work great with this as well. I hope you give it a try and keep me posted! amie sue
Can I use Rejuvelac instead of probiotic powder?
Soyaya, you bet you can. Maybe try 1/2 – 3/4 cup of rejuvelac in the recipe instead. Let me know how it turns out if you make it! Have a great day. amie sue
I am curious about the “warm location” requirement. Would this be something like near a sunny window or on top of a fridge? I have a yogurt maker, but I suspect it gets too warm for true “raw” purposes. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Sarah, I just place it on the counter top… room temp being between 68-70 degrees.
what can i use for season besides salt?
Carla, could add some coconut aminos or Braggs aminos… those have a salty flavor.
What brand is the best for the Probiotic capsules? There are so many out there…
Your right Denise, there are tons of brands out there. I have used this one in the past..
Hi Sarah I’ve never tried to make nut cheese before but have been dying to give it a go, I soaked my almonds for 12 hours then realised you only said for 10 min in hot water :-( . Was wondering if that was still alright I have used a probiotic and have it in cheese cloth on the bench but my real question is, is it suppose to have a fermented smell to the cheese is that normal or should I throw it out and try again. I’ve watched utube videos on nut cheese’s and every one says how lovely it smells mine does not lol thanks from sheree
Hi Sheree,
This was a post I did a long time ago, and I have better learned to write recipes out in more detail now so I made a few adjustments in the nut instructions. You were right in soaking the almonds for that period of time. I didn’t indicate in the recipe how long to soak them initially. The 10 minutes was referring to the stage of just removing the skins. The cheese will get a fermented smell to it… to some it might be a lovely smell, to others it might not. hehe Don’t throw it out, it is just fine. Your nose might not enjoy that smell. The main thing is the taste. Continue to ferment for the appropriate time and then taste it. The longer it sits out, the stronger that aged cheese taste will take place. Putting the cheese in the fridge slows that process down. I hope this helps, amie sue
Hey. So the recipe still only says:
“hot soaked in water for 5 minutes”.
This is the only soak that is mentioned.
How can you blend them smooth if you haven’t soaked them longer?
I wan’t to try this <3 :D
Hello Sara,
I provided two links in the ingredient list to help with clarification. This is an old recipe of mine. I will work on making it more clear. I just made this cheese yesterday so the timing is perfect for me to refresh this post. :) Have a great evening, amie sue
Thanks! :)
Sorry I ment to say Amie-sue sorry for the name mix up from sheree
No worries, hehe
Would homemade milk kefir made from the grains work as the probiotic? I always have some so it would be easy. Thanks
Hi Lesley,
I haven’t tried kefir in nut cheeses, but I am guessing it would work just fine. I would need to further research it to know for sure. amie sue :)
Hi Amy! At which point during the fermentation process should I add the flavors? Such as peppers, garlic, seasonings, etc.? Thank you!
Hi Deborah, add them at the very end after the fermenting stage. :) amie sue
Thank you! So, is this a soft cheese? Can I mix in the flavors and will it re-set? Or do the flavors just cover the outside of the cheese? I’m going to try this recipe today, we are all excited to taste it. We haven’t bought real cheese in eight months!
Hi Deborah, this cheese is more on the soft side than firm. You can add the seasonings towards the end, shape and let it set a little longer. The longer it stays on the counter, the stronger the “fermented cheese” taste. Once in the fridge, it slows that process down. I hope you all enjoy it!!! Keep me posted. Have a great day, amie sue
Does this cheese melt or is it a firm cheese
Good question Brandi… never tried it to be honest. It is a semi-firm cheese. :)
I made this yesterday and added fresh rosemary, basil, himalayan salt and granulated garlic. It was AMAZING! Thanks so much for sharing your recipes!
Mmmm that does sound scrumptous Michelle. :) Have a wonderful day, amie sue
Hi Amie-Sue, Thanks for the fantastic website! I have not tried any raw dishes yet (aside from basic things like salsa and salad!), but I am yearning for this raw cheese. I found “The Complete Book of Raw Food” at Goodwill and thought that was a pretty awesome sign to change my diet. Anyway, I am curious about the fermentation process- there is a recipe in the book that does NOT call for propiotics OR rejuvelac- but to let the mixture sit and ferment in a warm place for a day or so. Won’t this allow yeast to feed on the cheese mixture, much like a sourdough bread starter? I have heard not to eat raw yeast as it will continue to grow in your tummy (perhaps more thruthful than the watermelon-growing-in-your-tummy theory!). Does the day or more long fermentation process with probiotics or rejuvelac, as in your recipe, give yeast enough time to enter the cheese mixture to make it dangerous? In any case I am excited to dive in to the raw diet, and you have given me a wonderful place to start! Thanks for any help you can offer about yeast in fermentation!
Hey! Love this site by the way! Quick question: Is there any nutritional value in the almond shells themselves? If so, how can I put them to use? Or should I just chuck them?
Not that I am aware of Robyn… I would chuck them. :)
Also, I just read the “season to taste” comes after the fermenting, but I accidentally put some salt in it when it was all in the blender, is this ok?
Yes Robyn, it will be just fine. After the fermenting process and if you plan to add more seasoning just taste test and see if more salt will be needed. All is good. :) amie sue
Thank you!
I have a need for rice cheese in this clean and healthy eating that I have been on since April. Do you have anything like that? A co-worker just gave me your website and I am sharing it with my support group. Any help would be appreciated.
A rice cheese? Please expand. :)
I have been on the Fast Metabolism Diet for over 4 months, and one of the “cheeses” that are allowed is a brown rice cheese. They sell this in health food stores, but would love to make my own. The one I have in my fridge is a “pepper-jack rice cheese”. I was wondering if you had anything like this up your sleeve to share. I would love to not have the added preservatives in my food any longer. Thank you.
Hi Tracy, I am sorry to report that I don’t have any “cheese” recipes that are rice based. Can you do nuts or seeds? amie sue
Yes, we are allowed nuts and seeds as well as nut and seed cheeses, but only on 3 days of the week. There are 2 days that rice is allowed, as well as rice cheese. I guess because rice needs to be cooked, it wouldn’t be considered “raw”. Duh, didn’t think of that. Thank you for your answers, and I will be trying many of your recipes.
Tracy – Tucson, AZ
Good morning Tracy,
Tucson… how is Tucson doing? Too bad that we didn’t meet while we were living there. :) That information helps me understand a bit more now. Thanks. :) I haven’t made any cheeses with rice, I only actually have a few recipes with rice and I bloom it rather than cook it. I hope though that you find some recipes here on my site that can help through your journey. Blessings and keep in touch. amie sue
Hi there Amie Sue,
If I decide to use Rejuvelac instead of Probiotic powder, would I use the same measurements.
Good evening T. Jones,
I would use about 1/4 cup for this recipe. Have a great evening, amie sue
Amie~Sue, you are on my list of people that “I would most like to meet”. You are right up there with, in no particular order, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Matthew Kenney, Eric Clapton, John Sandford, Alissa Cohen, and Bela Fleck. That’s an incomplete list, but they are all people who make my life better.
Anyway, I made this in order to do the ricotta for the Living Lasagna that I am serving to some friends for a holiday lunch this Friday. It is just in the stage of going into the strainer. In the picture, your cheese looks silky, like mascarpone. Mine doesn’t look like that, but it feels and tastes smooth. I scraped the very last little bits of it out of the blender, and put it on a raw cracker with some shaved red pepper and cucumber, a little sprinkle of Herbamare, and it was scrumptious!! Almost cream cheese-ish. Thank you, AGAIN.
OK, the wretched job of peeling almonds was hard work, so I need a nap now, until it’s time to put a jar on the cheese. :~)
I am honored Jeani… thank you so much for sharing. You made my day. :) Maybe we could go on a tour together… and meet all those amazing people. hehe I actually enjoy popping the almonds out of their skins. That sounds a little demented. haha I find it therapeutic. :) I hope you love the lasagna. Please keep me posted if you would. I always love hearing how the recipes goes for others. Have a blessed holiday. Merry Christmas. amie sue
Hello Amie Sue,
I am in the process of making this cheese using hazelnuts. After an overnight in the nut bag, it does not taste fermented. Maybe the room was not warm enough. So i will let it ferment a bit longer but am worried about it going bad. Any thoughts???
Many thanks, irene
Hello Irene,
Happy to hear that you trying out the cheese recipe. :) Under #2 in the preparation I indicate that the fermenting process can take up to 24, 48 or even 72 hours. If you live in an area that gets cold in the winter and hot in the summer, you will learn that the warmer the weather is the quicker your nut cheeses will ferment. If it has only been overnight… be patient and keep testing it over time. It will get there! Have a blessed weekend, amie sue (keep me posted!)
Hi Amie-Sue, thanks for your reply. Yes, you did write how long it could take, but seems i rushed through. :)
I did not wait so long and so i will be serving fluffed nut mash, which is much nicer than it sounds. It is more like a spreadable, soft cheese
As long as it tastes good Irene! Next time try going a bit longer so you can experience the difference and health benefits of fermented foods. Have a great weekend. amie sue
Hello! Thru a posting on Facebook I have recently been introduced to this new way of preparing food. I have been reading through many of your recipes but don’t know where to start without purchasing a lot of equipment.
Can you direct me to a few easy ideas for a beginner?
Also, a lot of the additives are new too…but I want to add this to our organic lifestyle so thank you for including other webs,etc.
Do your ever include the nutrional values for a fiber content, sugar, carbs, fat?
Excited to get started! Thanks for giving me hope!
Hello Yvonne,
Can you let me know if you have any of the following tools in the kitchen? Food processor? High-speed blender? Dehydrator? This will help me in helping you. :)
For the most part I don’t include the nutritional values. I honestly just don’t have the time. You can plug the ingredients into online calculators though if this is important for you.
I look forward in hearing back from you. Blessings, amie sue
Hi Amie Sue!
Here are a few things I already have in my kitchen:
Food processor-check!
Kitchen aid mixer with lots of attachments-check
I realize a dehydrator is vital so I have been researching on/ off switches, watts, degree ranges, hours it stays on, glass doors vs. solid doors, brands….it’s a bit overwhelming.
But, with what I own…can I get started on something simple?
We eat a variety of foods ….not picky eaters except when it comes to preservatives and sugar in our food.
Thank you for responding so promptly.
I am so excited…a new world I didn’t know existed!
Good day Yvonne,
Oh dear, you are well set so far! :) Awesome. I do recommend a dehydrator for sure. It will allow you explore so many other foods such as crackers, raw breads and other items that benefit from some dehydration. But everything comes in time. :)
If you are new to raw and with not have a dehydrator… I would start with trying out some of the raw breakfast recipes that I have shared. There are many porridge like recipes that would be wonderful to test out. Also, read these following recipes to get some ideas with sauce, etc.
Let me know what you think of some of those and as you begin your new journey, please don’t hesitate to ask any questions along the way. Have a blessed afternoon! amie sue
Is there a way to make it without the probiotic?
Hello Aashna,
You can make it with rejuvelac. For a recipe see this site I don’t make use it myself so I don’t have a recipe on my site for it. I hope this helps. Blessings, amie sue
Any tips on how to keep fruit flies away?
Also – I live in Texas. Our apartment is 80 degrees 24/7. Will this just speed up the process like with kraut or can it be bad?
You bet Sara, read this post I did on fruit flies…
And yes, the warmed the room temp is the quicker foods culture so just check in on it sooner than later. It won’t go bad if you monitor it.
I hope it helps! amie sue
So my cheese base has been sitting since 3 pm yesterday and like I said before our apt is about 80 degrees 24/7. I don’t smell any ferment going on it only smells of fresh almonds – Is this normal? My probiotic powder was only a 15 billion count from GoLive. I bought one dose to “try” and see how it works for my first try…
I did add some nutritional yeast and very little salt to the mix – Would that ruin it?
I’ve also had a light cover of saran wrap on top of the bowl to make it harder for any lingering flies – Would that hinder it?
Sincerely grateful for any answer you can apply.
Hello Sara,
Sounds like it just needs more time to culture. There can always be different variables when fermenting, from batch to batch. A salt-free culture creates the most hospitable environment for culturing and growth, but there are time when a touch of salt can be used to help regulate growth and culturing in warmer environments. BUT too much salt will create an inhospitable environment for culturing nuts and can easily kill the culture. As indicted in my instructions #5… it is best to season after the culturing process is done. I would just allow it to sit longer to culture.
I use P8 probiotics and they are 14 billion and mine works great. The best probiotics require fridgeration, I am not familiar with GoLive but also make sure that it has the strains ofLactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bifidus as they are most effective.
I hope this helps! amie sue
This may be too technical but I am wondering whether it is better to add the probiotic before or after blending the soaked nuts?
This concern is based on the idea that shearing a living bacteria in a high speed blender for an extended period time may kill/denature these microorganisms and prevent/diminish their ability to ferment the nuts effectively.
Good morning Kenneth,
Well I can certainly agree that we need to preserve all the healthy bacterias that are coming from the probiotics. And if we apply to much heat, it will certainly kill them. The key is to make sure that a person doesn’t over-process the cheese base in the blender when trying to achieve a smooth texture. That is why a high-speed blender is such a valuable tool in a raw kitchen. It takes less time to blend bases to a creamy texture which prevents us from over heating the ingredients.
If a person doesn’t have a high-speed blender, then I am with you in thinking that the probiotics should be added after the creaminess of the batter is achieved. Otherwise, I, personally am ok with adding the probiotics to the blender prior… knowing that I must not over heat things. But that is my goal anyway so I can keep my other ingredients raw.
Thanks for brining this up. Great things to think upon! Have a blessed weekend, amie sue
Hi Amie-sue :) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your website!!! I have looked at all of your questions and answers on all of your different cheese recipes but I can’t seem to find an answer to my question so sorry if you have answered this somewhere else… Can u please tell me if it is ok to follow the process and leave out to ferment etc and then when you add herbs and spices etc can u then also add agar agar to then then turn it into a hard cheese….? Thanks for your time :)
Yes you can. I would recommend reading over my recipes that use agar so you can see the process that I do and recommend. :) Have a great weekend, amie sue
Thanks so much for your speedy response :)
I am wondering about two things:
1. I have some Brazil nut flour, hazelnut meal, peanut flour and some cashew nut meal. Can I use either of these for the nuts in cheese recipes?
2. What about nut butter? I have almond and cashew butter on hand.
3. I cannot use probiotics, they upset my stomach something awful. What to sub with?
Thanks for all your great recipes.
Please subscribe me to your newsletter.
Good morning J’Marinde,
I haven’t tried nut flours or nut butters in any of these cheese recipes that I make. Instead of probiotics you can lemon juice to give a recipe that “tang” flavor. Have a great day, amie sue
I made this yesterday. It sat for 26 hrs. It smelled like rotting fish! My husband tried it and said it tasted like it too. What did I do wrong? Our house is between 65 and 67 degrees.
Hard to say for sure Amber without me being there. Were the nuts you used fresh? Did you taste them to make sure they weren’t rancid when you first started the recipe? Nothing worse than the smell of rotting fish! ack! amie sue
Thank you so much for sharing this. I have made this twice now and we all LOVE it! The first time I added garlic and red pepper flakes for a sort of spicy style (mmmmmmm)! My mother and I have been changing our food life style for about 6 months now and I was really worried that I’d never be able to give up dairy. People like you that share these awesome things have made the process so painless! Thanks again,
Oh you are welcome Wendy. I appreciate your comment. This cheese base is indeed wonderful for adding so many different flavors to it. I hope that you continue to find more and more inspiration throughout my site. Many blessings and keep in touch! amie sue
Hi Amie-Sue,
Do you think it would be ok to use some yogurt instead of probiotics? A family friend makes homemade yogurt from a couple dollops of yogurt. I’m wondering because I’m a college gal on a budget. Thanks for answering my many questions! :) Sophie
Good day Sophie,
I know that college can be stressful for I honor you for keeping your eating and health as a priority. :)
I haven’t tried using yogurt as a starter but only because I don’t dairy. It would be worth a try though. Another way people make nut based yogurts is with Rejuvelac, which you can read about here: I don’t have any experience with that either because my husband can’t eat barley. But it can be made with other grains… it just isn’t an area that I have tested out. Yet. hehe
Have a great day! amie sue
Hello Amie sue :)
Firstly just wanted to say I absolutely love your site! I make one of your recipes each week and I can honestly say I’ve learnt so much from all your recipes and instructions on how to bind raw ingredients etc.
I have never made a raw cheese before as the fermenting part makes me nervous. I always over ferment my coconut and cashew yoghurts and they end up tasting yeasty, so I hope making cheese is easier lol
Ive already soaked my almonds overnight but for next time would a combo of cashews and macadamias give a more ‘cheesy’ taste then almonds ? I love that this recipe doesn’t have nutritional yeast in it, I really dislike the taste of it.
Thank you so much for your recipes, have a lovely day x
I forgot to ask, how can i get a rind on the cheese? Should i put it in my excalibur for a few hours after its fermented ? Thanks again
Hello Caitlin,
You you can place it in the dehydrator. Check out this recipe that I did where I created a rind. I hope it helps and inspired you! Blessings, amie sue
Good evening Caitlin,
Thank you so much for the kind words. I am touched that you are making so many of my recipes. Please be sure to comment on the ones that you make. I love hearing from those who try them. It is a great encouragement to me. :)
I understand that fermenting can be scary to dabble in but really once you start it is very easy and fun to do. It sounds like maybe you let the fermenting processes go to long. Every batch can very in how long it will it, depending on the ingredients and the climate. So I recommend tasting throughout the process to catch it in that “sweet spot”
I wouldn’t say that the combo of cashews and macs would give it a more cheesy flavor, the fermenting and you could even add lemon or miso to the recipe to increase that tang. So many options. hehe Have fun with it and feel free to ask questions throughout the process. I will do my best to help. amie sue
Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I got nervous I would stuff up once I peeled my almonds so I made almond milk instead. But after reading your reply its encouraged me to try again.
I have no almonds left but I have a few kilos of cashews so I’m going to try make some cashew cheese using this recipe.
Your right, I ferment my yoghurts for too long. Im going to check my cheese after 8 hours and see how it tastes. Ive just put some cashews in bowl of water, can’t wait to chuck everything into the vitamix in the morning.
I will let you know if i have a success.
Thank you so so much :)
Your so welcome. Together we can get through this and you will have great success with your cheese creations! amie sue :)
Hi Amie sue,
just wanted to report back to tell you I has success with my cashew cheese! It had a tangy taste from the fermentation so i added some lemon juice. Only problem I had with it was that it wasn’t very firm. I blended 200g of soaked cashews with 1/2 cup water. I pop popped it in the dehydrator and made a few small cheese rounds so hopefully it will firm up by morning. Its already developed a thin rind after 6 hours. Thank you so much, i can’t wait to taste it properly. I think ill give it ago again next week, practice makes perfect :)
whats your opinion on using rejuvelac ? Would it give a different taste ?
Enjoy your day
That is wonderful Caitlin and thank you for keeping me posted. :)
Regarding rejuvelac… never have used it. We don’t do gluten but I do know you can make it from other grains…just never felt inclined I guess. :)
How did the taste turn out on the cheese? amie sue
The cheese tasted absolutely amazing, in fact my friends thought i made it from dairy ! Defiantly going to be making this regularly, it makes a lovely addition to salads. Thank you x
Don’t you just love it when that happens Caitlin?! It’s so great to find alternative recipes that can make you feel good and they taste good to boot! Blessings and have a joyous weekend. amie sue
Hi Amie-Sue, I have a quick question, after the almonds/probiotcs fermentation process, when I am ready to add the seasoning, do I place the almond cheese back in the food processor to mix in the herbs? I was thinking parsley, lemon, olive oil, powdered garlic (my intestine doesn’t do well with raw garlic so I was thinking that powdered garlic could be a good substitution?), and Himalayan salt. Do you think this would be good? Or too much/many things? Also, after the above seasoning is mixed in, do I let the cheese drain again? Or is it ready to go? Or do I need to put it in the dehydrator for a bit? Thank you for all the help. My whole family is dairy and gluten intolerant and I am trying to make this cheese for my sister birthday on Sunday. There will be 12 of us. Do you think the recipe as is will be enough as the only cheese in the appetizers spread? Or should I double the recipe? Just found your site the other day. It is truly amazing! Thank you so much for all you do and for giving me the inspiration to finally try and make nut cheese for the first time! God Bless!
Hello Beatrice… let me see if I can answer all these questions.
Q – after the almonds/probiotcs fermentation process, when I am ready to add the seasoning, do I place the almond cheese back in the food processor to mix in the herbs?
A – yes, you can either mix it together in the food processor or by hand.
Q – I was thinking parsley, lemon, olive oil, powdered garlic and Himalayan salt. Do you think this would be good? Or too much/many things? I might suggest adding a little lemon juice or raw apple cider vinegar to add a little acidity to balance out the flavors too. It will add a “brightness” to the end flavor.
A – I think this sounds perfect! Fresh parsley would add a wonder coloring throughout the cheese too.
Q. Also, after the above seasoning is mixed in, do I let the cheese drain again? Or is it ready to go?
A – No need to let it drain, you do this process before adding the flavorings, that way you don’t lose them as the liquid releases. So you are good to go.
Q – do I need to put it in the dehydrator for a bit?
A – You can. This is completely optional. By placing it in the dehydrator you will create a “skin” around it, and dry out the texture a bit, making it possibly sliceable. You can dry it how ever long you want. I have often done this step for about 24 hours at 115 degrees (F). This will also give the spices and herbs time to really meld together, giving it a wonderful flavor. Even if you skip the dehydration process… letting the cheese rest over night will increase the richness of the flavors.
Thank you for all the kind words. I appreciate them. :) For a party of 12, I would double the recipe. IF there are any leftovers… well, you will enjoy it! Please keep me posted how it turns out. Please tell your sister Happy Birthday for me and enjoy your family time together. Blessings, amie sue
Yummy :)
Morbier cheese in my head with a thin layer of ash… What do you think about this?
Share more about it Tarengil… never made a cheese with ash. :)
I’ll try a little experiment. :)
There is first time for everything :))
This recipe is insane. Thank you so much for making cheese possible on a whole food vegan diet.
Do you have any suggestions for making vegan blue cheese with a rind? What spices might one use?
Hello Hannah.
Thank you so much. I do agree, that this recipe is amazing. I love adding the rind. :) I don’t have a recipe for blue cheese. I personally don’t like that flavor so I am not even sure what to recommend. Sorry. Have a blessed day, amie sue
Hey Amie-Sue,
Thank you so much for this incredible one of a kind website. I appreciate your creativity and inspiration.
Love love love this cheese. I’m about to make it with one of your amazing bread recipe.
It seems that handmade vegan raw cheese has short life.
If the cheese wrapped in olive oil, can it help to extend the freshness?, Is this option good only for soft cheese with no rind?
Is the cheese is kept longer if sealed in a jar?
Is there any handmade vegan raw cheese that has long shelf life?
Desperate to find a cheese with a long life. Hope you can help me with this.
Thank you,
Good afternoon Rebecca. Thank you for the encouraging words. I am thrilled that you are enjoying the site. :)
I understand that you want the raw cheeses to have a longer shelf-life. There are ways to “age” it but I haven’t played around with it too much. Basically, because everything gets eaten so quickly here. The aging process will create a firm cheese and takes weeks if not longer to do it. I wish I had something right off to share with you, but I don’t.
To help the shelf-life of the cheese recipes on my site, you can extend it a little longer (hopefully) in the way that you wrap it. I would sit the cheese in a glass storage container and then lay a piece of plastic wrap over it, tucking it down the edges so there isn’t any air in contact with the cheese. Then put an airtight lid on it and place in the fridge. I don’t have any experience with wrapping cheese with oil infused cheesecloth.
And to take a step back… be sure that you are using fresh ingredients and that all the utensils, blender, etc are all well cleaned before starting the process.
Creating aged raw cheeses is an interest of mine and have dabbled a little with it. I plan on researching and experimenting more with it in the future but aging raw cheese takes time and patience, so I won’t have quick answers right away. :) Blessings, amie sue
Thanks for your replay.
As It’s just easier to prepare in advance, once it’s ready to eat, can I store it in the freezer for a few weeks or months and thaw out for a suitable time for eating?
You bet Rebecca. I too like to prepare as much as I can in advance. I have stored the raw cheeses in the freezer and they seem to do just fine. Just be sure to seal and protect it from freezer odors. Enjoy, keep me posted, and have a blessed weekend. amie sue :)
Hello Amie-Sue,
Hope you are well!
Can I use kefir grains as an alternative to probiotic powder?
I don’t see why not Miky. I have tested it in this format. I love kefir! Keep me posted if you give it a try. Blessings, amie sue
Hey Amie ,
What if I don’t use any probiotics??? Would it work?
Love ,
You can still make a spread with a rind… just minus the health benefits of culturing it with the probiotics. blessings, amie sue :)
[…] 2 cups of raw almonds. They have a fermentation time of 8 to 72 hours, depending on the temperature9. After preparation, the cheese should be stored in the fridge for 1-2 […]