Black Sesame Cauliflower Crackers

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~
Cauliflower? You bet you scratching your head on this one huh? I have used cauliflower as a rice substitute so why is it I never thought of using it in a cracker recipe?! I had to laugh because I ran to the store to pick us some cauliflower and when I arrived I headed straight for the produce department.
I spied the cauliflower, bagged it and put it in my cart, and continued my shopping. Then I realized that I had grabbed a purple cauliflower! lol I was so focused on just getting it that my brain didn’t even think about the color.
Besides the common white variety, cauliflower is occasionally found in green and a vibrant purple color that turns pale purple during cooking. Flavor-wise you would be fine using any color, visually, well it would sure make for an interesting looking cracker now wouldn’t it?! haha
Be sure to choose a firm, compact, heavy head with no signs of brown specks, which form as cauliflower ages. Store in a plastic bag with holes poked in it for up to two days. Wash cauliflower well just before using. Cut into florets by pulling away from the leaves and cutting around the core on the underside. Separate the florets by cutting them apart from the inside of the cauliflower. The green leaves at the base are edible but have a stronger flavor than the florets. Adding a tablespoon of lemon juice will help to retain the color.
Buckwheat, which is commonly found in raw food diet recipes, has a slightly deceptive name that can easily cause confusion. Buckwheat is not wheat, nor is it related to wheat. It is not a grain nor a cereal and is gluten-free. So where does it come from? Buckwheat is derived from the seeds of a flowering plant.
Buckwheat is a good binding agent, and when soaked becomes very gelatinous. Soaking, rinsing, and re-drying produces a crunchy buckwheat treat that can be eaten alone or added to other recipes. Buckwheat can be safely eaten by people who have celiac disease as it does not contain gluten. But be sure to know the source if you indeed have celiac. You want to make sure that the buckwheat isn’t contaminated in the processing plant. (see below) Buckwheat can be a good substitute for wheat, oats, r,ye and barley in a gluten-free diet.
Raw Buckwheat and Kasha – do you know the difference?
Toasted buckwheat is used to make traditional dishes in several different cultures. Generally, toasted buckwheat is referred to as kasha. If you are looking for raw buckwheat groats, you’ll want to avoid kasha. You can always tell by the color and the aroma. Kasha is a much darker reddish-brown color and has a strong nutty, toasted scent to it. Raw buckwheat groats are light brown or green and don’t have much of an aroma at all.
Yields 64 crackers (1 Tbsp cookie scoop)
- 4 cups cauliflower florets, chopped
- 1 cup buckwheat groats, soaked, drained, rinsed (see below) – expands to about 2 cups
- 1 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- 1 cup golden flax meal
- 1 Tbsp cold-pressed olive oil
- 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
- 1/2 cup water
- 3 Tbsp black sesame seeds
- 3 (additional) Tbsp black and white mixed sesame seeds – for topping
- Buckwheat Groats need to be soaked for about 60 minutes, drained, and rinsed. We are not taking them to the level of sprouting them with tails in this recipe.
- I have made this recipe several times and sunflower seeds can work as a substitute for buckwheat. Use the same measurement and soak them first.
- Place the cauliflower, buckwheat, salt, and ground flax in the food processor. Process long enough to break down all of the cauliflower and buckwheat.
- Add the olive oil, lemon, water, and sesame seeds. Process everything together.
- Using a 1 Tbsp cookie scoop, place the batter on the teflex sheet that comes with the dehydrator.
- Flatten each “ball” with an item that has a flat bottom (I used a beaker).
- Have a bowl of water set aside so you can dip your flattening tool in it between each flattening process. This way the cracker won’t stick.
- If the batter cracks a lot on the edges when you are pressing them flat, that is an indicator that the dough is a little too dry. Put it back in the food processor and add 1 Tbsp of water and test the batter again.
- Option: You can also just spread the batter out on the teflex sheet and score it into cracker shapes.
- Sprinkle extra sesame seeds on top and with a light hand, press down on each one just to embed the seeds.
- Transfer the crackers one by one to the mesh sheet.
- Dehydrate at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour then reduce to 115 degrees (F) for two hours; flip and place on mesh screen with a 2nd screen on top to prevent curling; dehydrate for 5-6 more hours until crisp but not brittle.
Culinary Explanations:
- Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)? Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
- When working with fresh ingredients it is important to taste test as you build a recipe. Learn why (here).
- Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.

Side view to understand the thickness of the cracker.
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Nut Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
hi – those look amazing!!!! ….before i make them, can you tell me if they have any “cauliflower” flavor? I love cauliflower, but only when it’s steamed or roasted (i am not 100% raw:) and do not like the “mashed potato” made with raw cauliflower. can you give a hint as to what the crackers taste like? thanks so much, this looks like an awesome recipe! i wonder if it can be made with zucchini also? thanks!!!!!!
To me there is an after lingering flavor of cauliflower. Not strong but it is there. You could use zucchini instead, the texture would be a tad different I would imagine because there is a lot more water in zucchini than cauliflower. If you give it a try, let me know!
They look so yummy Amie-Sue! And I bet they are! :)
Perfect snack with some guacamole! mhhhh
Oh you bet it would Jana.
I can’t wait to try these! This week I’m pulling out my dehydrator and I’ll let you know how it goes.
Please do!
Just decided that I have to make them for this coming saturday. I’m having guests over, and one of them is allergic to nuts, so these are perfect!
I’ll let you know how they’ve turned out. ;)
Wonderful Jana. It gets tricky these days with all the food allergies, likes and dislikes, doesn’t it? :P I hope they are well received. Many blessings to you!
Hi Amie Sue
So they just came out of dehydrator, making the house smell soooo good! I like the mild cauliflower taste, and how they look, the colour, with the black sesam seeds. I think they taste best with some raw cheese, or a dip. I really hope my guests will like them too. I will bring some of these to my aunt. She is a picky eater and most of the time she looks a bit strange at the food I am eating….:( but she loves cauliflower, so maybe she will like them.
I have the same thingy to make the portions, and I used a glass to flaten them, but the dough keept sticking on it… I was in a rush, so I just used my hands. However, they look not as beautiful as yours but still not bad.
Yes, it does get tricky with food allergies, esspecially when it comes to be sensitive to nuts, and preparing raw food treats. But I did found some nice things to make for my guest which are nut free.
Have a nice day,
Hello Jana,
Yes, this is a good cracker to use a vehicle to a tasty spread, which I welcome from time to time. I love a strong flavored cracker but sometimes you don’t want it to steal the show. Know what I mean?
When the dough keeps sticking, I mentioned to dip the vessel or even your fingers in water between flattenings (my word for the day)… that really helps.
I hope your aunt enjoys them. Since she might wrinkle her nose at the mere thought of them, being raw and cauliflower and all, maybe try not presenting them in such a way. Just serve them with dips / spreads and let her try them on her own accord without having time to say “yuk” before she even takes a bite. I am so use to this and have learned a valuable lesson in how I present healthier foods.
Have a great day! amie sue
If one does not have a dehydrator, can the oven be used on a very low temperature instead?
Good evening Bonie,
I am sure that would work, but I personally haven’t tried it. I would recommend putting the oven on the lowest temp possible and then keep the door slightly cracked. AND keep a very watchful eye on it. If you give it a try please keep me posted. :)
WOW! You continue to impress me! These are the best raw crackers I have ever had! Thank you so much for posting!
Dear Carley, thank you for sharing. :) I am thrilled that you have found a new cracker that you enjoy! I think these are pretty too. Have a great evening, amie sue
I don’t like buckwheat. Could I use almond meal instead?
Ben, almond meal should work ok in its place. I haven’t tried it myself. amie sue
Thank you so much Amie Sue for this site!!!
I just discovered it yesterday and I already started some of the recipes (the honey oat bread and the wasabi crackers).
I did not taste these crackers yet but I am SURE they are the best raw crackers I ever tried:). I will have them ready probably tomorrow.
Hello Daniela…
I love that you have a great attitude and love them already before tasting them. hehe But please do keep me posted once they are done as to what you think. :) Have a great day! amie sue
Well, as I expected the cauliflower are the best I tried so far because they don’t have the consistency/fat of the flax cracker (this is what I had before… in different flavours). I have them today with some delicious pate. I LOVE the taste of the bread. I am thinking about a different shape next time so that the slices are bigger so I can use with raw burgers :)
That is terrific Daniela. I am glad that you enjoyed them. :) I appreciate you sharing your experience with me. Have a wonderful day, amie sue
Hello Amie Sue,
I’ve recently started my venture into raw foods, realizing all of the benefits to reap from doing so. This being said, I’m a newbie in knowing what will substitute well in recipes, when I don’t have access to certain ingredients.
Do you have any suggestions for a nice substitute for the buckwheat groats?
I live in Uruguay and it’s a constant task for me to find many ingredients that are norms in raw prepared foods. One that I wish I could find is nutritional yeast. All I’ve found here is “levadura de cerveza, which translates to brewer’s yeast. I really don’t know if it’s just what nutritional yeast is called here or it really is brewer’s yeast, and we know that I really don’t want to use that because it will result in bitter taste and not the ‘cheese” flavor desired from it.
Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful recipes! I’m looking forward to trying many of them. =)
Good morning Laurie,
Welcome to your new adventure. :) We all start somewhere so never hesitate to ask questions, I will do my best to help. So let’s see what we can do here.
There are many things that you can use in place of the buckwheat, just keep in mind that each one will lend a different flavor, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing… gives variety. Using the same measurement you could use:
Oats, soaked & dehydrated first (
Almonds, or cashews, soaked & dehydrated first
Sunflower seeds, soaked & dehydrated first ** this might be my first choice**
Lets start there for a few ideas. Can you get any of these products?
Brewer’s yeast is not the same as nutritional yeast. Substituting out nutritional yeast isn’t easy because it lends a very specific “cheesy” flavor. Are you able to order things on-line?
I hope this helped a little bit. Let me know if you have more thoughts or questions, amie sue
Buenas noches Amie Sue!
I super appreciate you responding back to me, and so quickly!!
I’m looking hard for a supplier of nuts, seeds and grains in bulk. My problem is, of course is a language barrier (language is not a direct word for word translate over and things are not always called the same) and unfortunately I live a 5 hour drive from the capital city, where one has much more luck in getting things. It’s famous for anyone in the city I live in to respond with “Go to Montevideo and find it” when they do not have it or never heard of what I am looking for. Great idea!.. if they would only tell me where to call to inquire. *pfft*
I’m excited because I found wheat berries today. I quick brought them home, gave them a good rinsing, and now they are soaking in water. I’ve got my fingers crossed that they will sprout after following the instructions I’ve looked up online for doing so… I’ve tried lentils with great success and love them.
Until I can find places to get certain items from, well I’m stuck with preparing the easiest of foods. What I wouldn’t do for the ability to get my hands on nutritional yeast!
Ordering things from outside of the country is difficult. To be blunt, the aduana is hit and miss depending upon their mood in if one has to pay taxes and how much. (I’ve heard horror stories of X4 of the value in taxes demanded) Or if your package ever arrives. The only way I know of how to help get around this is having packages sent with the form filled out as a “gift”.
Yes, I figured substitutions would have a different taste, so I thought it best to ask you about what routes you’d advise. I’m far from picky and love all of the natural flavors I’m experiencing, so like you said “gives variety”.
I will be visiting your site a lot, looking at recipes to try and learning more about raw foods. I discovered there is quite a bit to read here. I’ll let you know how some of the things turn out. =)
Chausito! Laurie
Buenas noches Laurie! :)
I am sorry that it is so difficult to find ingredients where you live, but I really understand the frustration. It was like that for me while living in Alaska. Not as bad I am sure but a real challenge. That is where I was living when I decided to go raw 100% over night. Oy-vey *smacks forehead*. haha I couldn’t find a darn thing that I read about in recipes and just couldn’t stomach the shipping charged to order it. So, I just ate simple and started with what I had at hand.
Perhaps, this was best. It really taught me how to not only appreciate raw veggies and fruits in their purist forms but I really started to get creative in blending foods to create flavors. Throughout the years the availability of ingredients has increased but it has been a slow process for me. I am thankful for that journey, I think I really learned a lot.
I hope this encourages you Laurie. Do the best you can with what you have. Your body will honor you. Never hesitate to ask me questions. I do my best to help when I can. In return, I will learn what you have available and together we can create some fun, delicious dishes. :) Have a blessed evening, amie sue
I love you !
And all that you do!!
You make the most fantastic foods, and you’re just as sweet too :) I want to vote for you but my computer has troubles loading that particular site. Has anyone else mentioned this or is it just me ?
I am not raw, I have ulcerative colitis and none of my colon which requires my foods to be easily digestible (and also to be satisfactory for my 3 year old son’s picky taste buds. THAT is the biggest challenge!) I was fairly healthy 4 years ago, but now I don’t dare eat AnYthiNg processed or starchy or with refined sugar. I do fear I am eating copious amounts of nuts and seeds which may not be that great for me .
So I cannot WAIT to eat these today! What I miss most is bread and crackers!! So, how happy am I to try this veggie based cracker to satisfy a 38hr train ride this week. My question is, do these cauli crackers have the crunch I crave ? how do they hold up for a shelf life?
Thank you for taking the time to share your amazing talent * You help many many people along the way
Oh my Amanda, I am sooo sorry to hear about your health situation. Regardless of any health issues, eating nuts in moderation is always recommended. I too look for nut-free recipes to help balance out the daily menu. :) I hope that you enjoy these crackers. They do have a nice crunch and as far as shelf life goes… they ought to keep for several weeks in the pantry. Crackers never last too long in our house. Between Bob and guests, it can hard to keep up. hehe Sometimes, I freeze excess crackers so I can pull them out on a whim. Keep me posted how it goes for you.
I haven’t heard from others about having voting issues with the contest. Have you tried rebooting the search engine that you use or even you computer? I hope that helps. Have a blessed nights sleep. amie sue
So… Mine did not come out as pretty (or white) as yours. I am guessing I should have used golden flax meal for the color in your photos… but now that they are done, I am confused what to put on top… any ideas?
(great site btw!)
Hello Rawmelody,
There are many nut cheeses or spread that you can use on these crackers… or this spread.
Have a great day… amie sue (hope you enjoy the crackers)
Amie -Sue for how long can these crackers keep?
It will always vary Aliona. Roughly 1-2 weeks… But certain factors come into play:
How much moisture was left in them after dehydrating.
How they were stored…
How humid is the climate that you live in..
If any dehydrated crackers start to soften, you can always throw them back in the dehydrator for a bit to crisp them up. :) Does this help? Have a great weekend, amie sue
Hi Amie-Sue. I just love this website. Thanks for all the effort you have put in to making this website an incredible resource. I just love these crackers. I’m just wondering – I want to take these to a potluck; however, I am not allowed to bring anything with citrus due to allergies. Would it be okay to substitute apple cider vinegar for the lemon? Blessings on your day.
You are welcome Helen. Thank you for taking the time to share such kindness with me. :)
To answer your question… yes, apple cider vinegar would be just fine to use instead of the lemon juice. I hope everyone at the potluck enjoys them. Keep me posted! amie sue
Do I take
A. 1 cup of my pre-prepared soaked, drained, rinsed buckwheat or
B. 1 cup buckwheat groats – soaked, drained and rinsed.
You tell us they double in size so A would correspond to 1/2 cup buckwheat groats – half the amount used in B.
Will make this as soon as I’ve got this straight!
Looks lovely.
Hello Helen,
I fixed the recipe to read better. You will start with 1 cup of dried buckwheat groats, then soak them. I always try to give you the “before” amount measurement, otherwise due to expansion, you would know how much would be needed to create 2 cups of soaked. I hope it reads better for you. Blessings, amie sue :)
Oh thank you. I always find it difficult when people give the quantities you need after preparation. I like to know the starting quantities too – how much I should take from the packet!
Yes, it reads a lot better now.
You are so welcome :)
I see from the above comments that there are 2at least 2 Helens on the site!
It’s not me asking all the questions!!
I’m the difficult Helen. The other Helen is clearly more considerate!
I have to say that I am enjoying your website hugely and am so glad I found you!
Don’t go away
Helen (one of them anyway)
lol Helen,
I didn’t have the two of you confused.. I could tell by the questions being asked. :) And YOU are NOT difficult. hehe Have a blessed day, amie sue
You are very kind. I have a problem of reading things so very literally that I often can’t understand what to do if there is even the smallest ambiguity. It must be something to do with all those years as an academic scientist…….
It could be Helen. hehe It’s all good. It gets us communicating regardless. :) Blessings, amie sue
Hi Amie Sue,
i just came across your recipe and it looks amazing! I am loving cauliflower at the moment and how versatile it it is! I am a Type 1 Diabetic so these crackers would be great for my diet, i am trying the paleo thing at the moment and was wondering if you could substitute the buckwheat to lower the carbohydrate content? i would use almond meal as i have seen you have suggested it in other posts however i am allergic to certain nuts. is there a way i could do half the quantity of buckwheat mixed with another substitute (chia seeds, nutritional yeast) or not include it? I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards
I am with you Bianca… cauliflower is so wonderful! You could cut the buckwheat with oat flour, tiger nut flour, or how about sunflower seeds? Are you open to sunflower seeds? That might be my top pick.
I am sorry to hear that you are diabetic… keep eating healthy and pressing forward! Blessings and let me know what you decide on. amie sue
Amie, what purpose does the oil play? Would I need to substitute it with something else or would it be fine to just leave it out? Thanks
Good morning Granny… Healthy Granny that is! :)
I added the oil for healthy fats, moisture, and flavor balance. You can remove it if you don’t want to add it and the crackers ought to be fine. :) Have a wonderful weekend, keep me posted on how the crackers turn out for you. blessings, amie sue
Hello, and thank you for this delicious looking recipe! I’m just wondering: you mention sunflower seeds in the instructions but they’re not on the ingredient list. Are they in the recipe? Thank you!
Good morning Rebecca,
Oh gosh, it was a typo in the instructions. It was supposed to be buckwheat. I amended it. I mention a few lines above it that you can use sunflower seeds instead and I must have had that locked in my head while typing. Thanks for letting me know! blessings, amie sue